$35 pedicure/Food stamps and kids mopping floors...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The connection is this...

So I'm in the supermarket and this well dressed lady with a manicure and pedicure that cost a minimum of $35.00 whips out her SNAP (food stamp) debit card and since it's the end of the month and the total is $10.00 her food stamp card only had $8.00.. so she swipes her bank debit card.

Now my frustration with the 40+ million Americans on food stamps is a certain percentage of them have:
Free cell phones..
free Section 8 rent..
get welfare checks,
some have people in household getting unemployment checks
and these same people can afford a $35 manicure/pedicure?

AND yet the MSM get's ALL bent out of shape when Newt says..

At a party fund raising dinner in the Des Moines suburbs, the former House speaker launched into a defense of his proposal to teach the nation's poorest children the connection between "showing up" and earning money — by putting them to work in their schools in the country's poorest neighborhoods.

"I believe the kids could mop the floor and clean up the bathroom and get paid for it, and it would be OK," he said to applause.

Gingrich said, mockingly, that those on the left would oppose his idea because it might prompt the children to earn more money and eventually escape poverty, "and then who would rich liberals worry about?"

Newt Gingrich expands on his support for child labor - latimes.com

AND what is wrong with THAT??
you have no idea how much her nails cost.......

many women have friends who do them for free...

you also have no clue to her financial situation either....... she may have bene making alot of money at one point and now hasnt worked for 2+ years.......

nothing more than assumptions with no evidence.......
Guess this is the update of Reagan's welfare queen driving her Cadillac to the Welfare office.
you have no idea how much her nails cost.......

many women have friends who do them for free...

you also have no clue to her financial situation either....... she may have bene making alot of money at one point and now hasnt worked for 2+ years.......

nothing more than assumptions with no evidence.......

Big fuckin' deal!

We should be thankful we live in a country where even our poorest citizens can afford a lousy 35 bucks for a manicure/pedicure.
Big fuckin' deal!

We should be thankful we live in a country where even our poorest citizens can afford a lousy 35 bucks for a manicure/pedicure.

she can't afford it asswipe. and neither can the American taxpayer.
The connection is this...

So I'm in the supermarket and this well dressed lady with a manicure and pedicure that cost a minimum of $35.00 whips out her SNAP (food stamp) debit card and since it's the end of the month and the total is $10.00 her food stamp card only had $8.00.. so she swipes her bank debit card.

Now my frustration with the 40+ million Americans on food stamps is a certain percentage of them have:
Free cell phones..
free Section 8 rent..
get welfare checks,
some have people in household getting unemployment checks
and these same people can afford a $35 manicure/pedicure?

AND yet the MSM get's ALL bent out of shape when Newt says..

At a party fund raising dinner in the Des Moines suburbs, the former House speaker launched into a defense of his proposal to teach the nation's poorest children the connection between "showing up" and earning money — by putting them to work in their schools in the country's poorest neighborhoods.

"I believe the kids could mop the floor and clean up the bathroom and get paid for it, and it would be OK," he said to applause.

Gingrich said, mockingly, that those on the left would oppose his idea because it might prompt the children to earn more money and eventually escape poverty, "and then who would rich liberals worry about?"

Newt Gingrich expands on his support for child labor - latimes.com

AND what is wrong with THAT??
Not a damned thing wrong with what he said. Too many on the gravy train at the expense of others. The point? It needs to stop. Those of us paying the bills are outnumbered by the moocher class.
It really irritates a lot of people that have worked VERY hard to make a living and pay their taxes to see such displays.

What really grabs people though is the total NONSENSE spending!
Think about this. China is the #1 country the USA owes the most money to.
China, Mainland $1.148.3 trillion..

SO the USA FUNDS with money borrowed from China and interest the USA has to pay:
$2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job
The (NIH) spent nearly $442,340 to study male prostitutes in Vietnam and their
social setting.

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Under current law, individuals often become automatically eligible for food stamps simply by receiving a separate government benefit—regardless of whether they meet specific food stamp eligibility requirements.

This means every one of the 47 million people on Social security can get free food!!!

Senate Democrats propose an additional $9 billion in funding over last year’s level, which would amount to a quadrupling ($20 billion to $80 billion) since 2001. The number of people using food stamps has increased seven-fold since the program’s national expansion in the 1970s—with nearly 1 in 7 Americans now receiving benefits. Meanwhile, food stamp funds have been wasted, mishandled, and misused.
Sessions Unveils Amendments Combat Billions In Waste, Gimmicks As He Challenges President To Do The Same - Press Releases - Media - U.S. Senate Budget Committee
It is interesting how all the Wal-Marts have become Super Wal-Marts that have groceries so they become qualified to accept "Food Stamps" EBT & SNAP. This has also happened at K-Mart, Target, Costco Wholesale, Sams & Dollar Stores. Most retailers are twisting & contorting their business model to get a piece of the action. Check out this snip from the article:

Family Dollar Stores Inc, which sells most of its merchandise for below $10, began realigning its business even before the downturn. It installed refrigerators and coolers in its stores, enabling it to sell perishable food like milk and luncheon meat, and upgraded its checkout system to accept EBT as payment.

To accept food stamps, retailers must sell food in each of four staple food groups: bread and grains; dairy, fruit and vegetables; and meat, poultry and fish. Or, at least 50 percent of the total sales in a store must be from the sale of eligible staple food, like flour, bread or beef.

Dorlisa Flur, Family Dollar's chief merchandising officer, says the store's core shoppers have been "under pressure" for years. She describes that core shopper as a woman who earns less than $40,000 a year and lives paycheck to paycheck. This shopper was hit hard in 2005 when gasoline prices spiked in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Then came a surge in food prices, a housing bust and recession.

"When the whole housing market fell apart too, that really drove her to lean on food stamps," Flur said. "By accepting EBT, we were opening up a portion of the wallet we were not able to touch before."
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The connection is this...

So I'm in the supermarket and this well dressed lady with a manicure and pedicure that cost a minimum of $35.00 whips out her SNAP (food stamp) debit card and since it's the end of the month and the total is $10.00 her food stamp card only had $8.00.. so she swipes her bank debit card.

Now my frustration with the 40+ million Americans on food stamps is a certain percentage of them have:
Free cell phones..
free Section 8 rent..
get welfare checks,
some have people in household getting unemployment checks
and these same people can afford a $35 manicure/pedicure?

AND yet the MSM get's ALL bent out of shape when Newt says..

At a party fund raising dinner in the Des Moines suburbs, the former House speaker launched into a defense of his proposal to teach the nation's poorest children the connection between "showing up" and earning money — by putting them to work in their schools in the country's poorest neighborhoods.

"I believe the kids could mop the floor and clean up the bathroom and get paid for it, and it would be OK," he said to applause.

Gingrich said, mockingly, that those on the left would oppose his idea because it might prompt the children to earn more money and eventually escape poverty, "and then who would rich liberals worry about?"

Newt Gingrich expands on his support for child labor - latimes.com

AND what is wrong with THAT??

I dont have any problem with kids taking care of there own schools, provided it is applied broadly to all of the public schools. disburse janitor salary amongst teachers. Use it as a punishment for troublemakers or students that dont want to learn.
That is considered slave labor here in NJ. Our idea of discipline is scheduling a detention at the student's earliest convenience. :cuckoo:

Our school hires a few kids on the work program who cannot find jobs. They pay them minimum wage to do landscaping and whatnot around the campus. There are many people who believe that those jobs should be available to the general public, many of whom have families to support.

I disagree. I think the experience is invaluable, and is certainly in line with the purpose of education. And I have been accused of being a liberal for saying so. :eek:

Newt makes a very good point.
The connection is this...

So I'm in the supermarket and this well dressed lady with a manicure and pedicure that cost a minimum of $35.00 whips out her SNAP (food stamp) debit card and since it's the end of the month and the total is $10.00 her food stamp card only had $8.00.. so she swipes her bank debit card.

Now my frustration with the 40+ million Americans on food stamps is a certain percentage of them have:
Free cell phones..
free Section 8 rent..
get welfare checks,
some have people in household getting unemployment checks
and these same people can afford a $35 manicure/pedicure?

This was an actual letter printed three or four years ago by an ER doctor in Mississippi:
Jackson, Mississippi Clarion Ledger
Why Pay for the Care of the Careless?
During my last shift in the ER, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient with a shiny new gold tooth, multiple elaborate tattoos, and a new cellular telephone equipped with her favorite R&B tune for a ring tone. Glancing over the chart, one could not help noticing her payer status: Medicaid.

She smokes a costly pack of cigarettes every day and, somehow, still has money to buy beer.

And our president expects me to pay for this woman's health care?
Our nation's health care crisis is not a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. It is a crisis of culture - a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance.

Life is really not that hard. Most of us reap what we sow.
Starner Jones, MD
After reading this, I had a very clear picture in my mind of this woman; I’ll bet many of you do as well. Now let’s assume that the picture is painted somewhat differently:
During my last shift in the ER, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient with recently capped white teeth, an expensive designer dress, and a new laptop computer with wireless internet service. Glancing over the chart, one could not help noticing her payer status: Medicaid.

She smokes a costly pack of cigarettes every day and, somehow, still has money to buy wine.
Upon further inquiry, she explained that due to the shattered economy, her company had declared bankruptcy and she had lost her health care coverage, which she had continuously paid for but barely used from the time she started working at 18, a period of 35 years. She had started smoking at a very young age when it was still considered “cool” and due to her high stress job had never been able to quit, and had also acquired the habit of drinking wine for stress relief. Since she needed to continue her job search in a highly professional field, she needed to continue to have internet access and acceptable dress, or her unemployment would continue indefinitely, so she had spent the last of her 401K money on these items.
Do you feel the same way about this woman? Perhaps the first woman also had a similar story; perhaps not. Times are hard and many are falling through the cracks. It might be best not to judge too harshly without first knowing the background of the individual. Consider whether you imagined these two women in your mind as different races, and if that perhaps colored your opinion.
you have no idea how much her nails cost.......

many women have friends who do them for free...

you also have no clue to her financial situation either....... she may have bene making alot of money at one point and now hasnt worked for 2+ years.......
A few weeks ago I helped a non profit Social Service agency deliver food to supposedly needy people in the "Hood"

As we drove down the streets to distribute the packages I started looking at the types of businesses in this neighborhood.

I kid you not.

Every 4th business was a Hair and Nails Saloon. :doubt:
you have no idea how much her nails cost.......

many women have friends who do them for free...

you also have no clue to her financial situation either....... she may have bene making alot of money at one point and now hasnt worked for 2+ years.......
A few weeks ago I helped a non profit Social Service agency deliver food to supposedly needy people in the "Hood"

As we drove down the streets to distribute the packages I started looking at the types of businesses in this neighborhood.

I kid you not.

Every 4th business was a Hair and Nails Saloon. :doubt:

Do go on.

I'm sure every third business was a barber shop... and mixed in between all of those were a bunch of liquor stores, huh?
Failing to see the connection between the OP's story and child labor.
you have no idea how much her nails cost.......

many women have friends who do them for free...

you also have no clue to her financial situation either....... she may have bene making alot of money at one point and now hasnt worked for 2+ years.......
A few weeks ago I helped a non profit Social Service agency deliver food to supposedly needy people in the "Hood"

As we drove down the streets to distribute the packages I started looking at the types of businesses in this neighborhood.

I kid you not.

Every 4th business was a Hair and Nails Saloon. :doubt:

Do go on.

I'm sure every third business was a barber shop... and mixed in between all of those were a bunch of liquor stores, huh?
Not so much on the men's barber shops.

But the liquor stores were definitely the largest store on the block.

And had the most customer traffic going in and out. :cool:

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