3 young women trying to join ISIS

And that's bad because? Can't kill em when they're here or in Europe, can kill them once they're there. Do we really then wanna prevent wannabe-jihadis from going there keeping them local when you know they're gonna say "Well the Crusaders wont let us wage holy jihad there, so guess we'll wage it here."

Don't stop em, pay for their tickets. :)
It's bad because of their ages. Two are 15 and one is 16. They don't know what they are getting into I'm sure. If they were adults I'd agree with you but their brains aren't even fully developed yet so they may not realize the seriousness of what they are doing. They should be found and brought home for their own good. To them I'm sure this is some great adventure but in reality it's a matter of life and death.

3 London girls believed to be on way to join ISIS police - NY Daily News
I don't think these girls are also radicalized at home. I don't trust the Muslims, not one bit. They are a shady bunch. Where are the parents? How could the parents not know? Do they not talk to their children at all? Nope, something is just not right with this. At 15, you STILL know right from wrong in the most basic sense. Someone is brainwashing these girls, and it isn't just happening online. The parents are playing a role or are at least negligent.

Oh, dear. You need to stop your rabid racism: it is based in ignorance. Where are the parents? The parents are the ones who reported the girls to the police. The parents are the ones who wanted the police to stop these girls from leaving the country. Why do any teenagers get sucked into some idea, like neo-Nazis or skin heads here in the States? Like white supremacists? Are you going to blame all their parents too, or do you only irrationally blame Muslim parents. I'm so disappointed in you.
500 people attended the Danish terrorists funeral....... all "moderates" no doubt

Moderateness is relative. A moderate Muslim is still a lot more hardcore than a moderate Jew or Christian. If you're running around in Syria fighting, you might be described as a moderate Muslim but everywhere else you're an extremist. If a Christian's doing that, they're an extremist Christian, not a moderate Christian.
You are speculating based on total ignorance of the situation. You know nothing about moderate Muslims. Nothing.
Pull their citizenship papers and refuse them reentry into their country. Arrest and try them for treason
500 people attended the Danish terrorists funeral....... all "moderates" no doubt

Moderateness is relative. A moderate Muslim is still a lot more hardcore than a moderate Jew or Christian. If you're running around in Syria fighting, you might be described as a moderate Muslim but everywhere else you're an extremist. If a Christian's doing that, they're an extremist Christian, not a moderate Christian.
You are speculating based on total ignorance of the situation. You know nothing about moderate Muslims. Nothing.
I agree with Delta that a moderate Muslim is still more hardcore than a moderate Jew or Christian. The problem is that Islam lends itself to brutality because Islam is the creation of a war lord and is inherently violent.

Nut Job Christians like Westboro and those idiots who blow up abortion clinics, have no excuse and should go back and read the words of Jesus. There is nowhere in the NT where it says that everyone would have to follow Christianity until you get to the second coming at which point Jesus himself would put things in order. There is no place in the NT where Jesus held up hateful signs against gays and soldiers or blew buildings up.

The Jews seem to understand that what was appropriate 5000 years ago may not be appropriate today. They also understand that not everyone has to follow Jewish law,only Jews.

Muslims seem to think that everyone should follow Islam, Sharia law and should convert or die whether they want to or not.
500 people attended the Danish terrorists funeral....... all "moderates" no doubt

Moderateness is relative. A moderate Muslim is still a lot more hardcore than a moderate Jew or Christian. If you're running around in Syria fighting, you might be described as a moderate Muslim but everywhere else you're an extremist. If a Christian's doing that, they're an extremist Christian, not a moderate Christian.
You are speculating based on total ignorance of the situation. You know nothing about moderate Muslims. Nothing.
I agree with Delta that a moderate Muslim is still more hardcore than a moderate Jew or Christian. The problem is that Islam lends itself to brutality because Islam is the creation of a war lord and is inherently violent.

Nut Job Christians like Westboro and those idiots who blow up abortion clinics, have no excuse and should go back and read the words of Jesus. There is nowhere in the NT where it says that everyone would have to follow Christianity until you get to the second coming at which point Jesus himself would put things in order. There is no place in the NT where Jesus held up hateful signs against gays and soldiers or blew buildings up.

The Jews seem to understand that what was appropriate 5000 years ago may not be appropriate today. They also understand that not everyone has to follow Jewish law,only Jews.

Muslims seem to think that everyone should follow Islam, Sharia law and should convert or die whether they want to or not.
This is completely untrue, especially of moderate Muslims. Completely untrue. You people are totally immersed in ignorance.
I wouldnt go to a funeral of relative guilty of such a crime much less an aquaintance...... .... the ignorance is all yours
500 people attended the Danish terrorists funeral....... all "moderates" no doubt

Moderateness is relative. A moderate Muslim is still a lot more hardcore than a moderate Jew or Christian. If you're running around in Syria fighting, you might be described as a moderate Muslim but everywhere else you're an extremist. If a Christian's doing that, they're an extremist Christian, not a moderate Christian.
You are speculating based on total ignorance of the situation. You know nothing about moderate Muslims. Nothing.
I agree with Delta that a moderate Muslim is still more hardcore than a moderate Jew or Christian. The problem is that Islam lends itself to brutality because Islam is the creation of a war lord and is inherently violent.

Nut Job Christians like Westboro and those idiots who blow up abortion clinics, have no excuse and should go back and read the words of Jesus. There is nowhere in the NT where it says that everyone would have to follow Christianity until you get to the second coming at which point Jesus himself would put things in order. There is no place in the NT where Jesus held up hateful signs against gays and soldiers or blew buildings up.

The Jews seem to understand that what was appropriate 5000 years ago may not be appropriate today. They also understand that not everyone has to follow Jewish law,only Jews.

Muslims seem to think that everyone should follow Islam, Sharia law and should convert or die whether they want to or not.
I spent nearly 8 years of my life living in Muslim countries, working closely with Muslim people, having them as friends, neighbors, colleagues and clients. Not one person EVER suggested I live by Sharia law or thought I should 'convert or die.' In fact, all of those countries had Christian churches for Christians to attend. Not one person in the nearly 8 years I lived & worked in Muslim countries, and I dealt with hundreds of people, thought I needed to follow Islam. You are, plain and simple, very, very ignorant.
500 people attended the Danish terrorists funeral....... all "moderates" no doubt

Moderateness is relative. A moderate Muslim is still a lot more hardcore than a moderate Jew or Christian. If you're running around in Syria fighting, you might be described as a moderate Muslim but everywhere else you're an extremist. If a Christian's doing that, they're an extremist Christian, not a moderate Christian.
You are speculating based on total ignorance of the situation. You know nothing about moderate Muslims. Nothing.
I agree with Delta that a moderate Muslim is still more hardcore than a moderate Jew or Christian. The problem is that Islam lends itself to brutality because Islam is the creation of a war lord and is inherently violent.

Nut Job Christians like Westboro and those idiots who blow up abortion clinics, have no excuse and should go back and read the words of Jesus. There is nowhere in the NT where it says that everyone would have to follow Christianity until you get to the second coming at which point Jesus himself would put things in order. There is no place in the NT where Jesus held up hateful signs against gays and soldiers or blew buildings up.

The Jews seem to understand that what was appropriate 5000 years ago may not be appropriate today. They also understand that not everyone has to follow Jewish law,only Jews.

Muslims seem to think that everyone should follow Islam, Sharia law and should convert or die whether they want to or not.
I spent nearly 8 years of my life living in Muslim countries, working closely with Muslim people, having them as friends, neighbors, colleagues and clients. Not one person EVER suggested I live by Sharia law or thought I should 'convert or die.' In fact, all of those countries had Christian churches for Christians to attend. Not one person in the nearly 8 years I lived & worked in Muslim countries, and I dealt with hundreds of people, thought I needed to follow Islam. You are, plain and simple, very, very ignorant.

Your experience is utterly meaningless-----AND you are a liar besides. I am curious----can you name some of those "muslim" countries? or tell us in what capacity (vaguely and approximately) that you lived there? I am sure no one accosts HILLIARY CLINTON when she visits a muslim country either----your comments are dung like-----smelly and worthless-----you expectorate and defecate upon hundreds of thousands who have been persecuted by your "clients"----right now they are slicing Christian children apart for your ENTERTAINMENT. In fact you remind me of a specific bitch who was
interviewed long ago------she commented upon her excellent social interactions
with your hero Adolf Hitler and how her many children (five) adored "uncle adolf".
Well---she was at the time of the interview---the widow of Richard Wagner Jr------
Richard Wagner Jr had been music director for your third Reich. She even
claimed that the genocides that still delight you were not "really", uncle Adolf's
idea.....in fact she trivialized them ----stuff she doubted----unimportant..
Did you enjoy the Hebdo entertainment?
And that's bad because? Can't kill em when they're here or in Europe, can kill them once they're there. Do we really then wanna prevent wannabe-jihadis from going there keeping them local when you know they're gonna say "Well the Crusaders wont let us wage holy jihad there, so guess we'll wage it here."

Don't stop em, pay for their tickets. :)
It's bad because of their ages. Two are 15 and one is 16. They don't know what they are getting into I'm sure. If they were adults I'd agree with you but their brains aren't even fully developed yet so they may not realize the seriousness of what they are doing. They should be found and brought home for their own good. To them I'm sure this is some great adventure but in reality it's a matter of life and death.

3 London girls believed to be on way to join ISIS police - NY Daily News

Human brain doesn't stop developing until your mid-20s. Seem ok letting "children with retard brains" enlist in the US military though at 17.
And that's bad because? Can't kill em when they're here or in Europe, can kill them once they're there. Do we really then wanna prevent wannabe-jihadis from going there keeping them local when you know they're gonna say "Well the Crusaders wont let us wage holy jihad there, so guess we'll wage it here."

Don't stop em, pay for their tickets. :)
It's bad because of their ages. Two are 15 and one is 16. They don't know what they are getting into I'm sure. If they were adults I'd agree with you but their brains aren't even fully developed yet so they may not realize the seriousness of what they are doing. They should be found and brought home for their own good. To them I'm sure this is some great adventure but in reality it's a matter of life and death.

3 London girls believed to be on way to join ISIS police - NY Daily News

Human brain doesn't stop developing until your mid-20s. Seem ok letting "children with retard brains" enlist in the US military though at 17.
Hypothetically, the military 'builds' men and women. Some kids just aren't meant to be in that environment, but for some it works wonders. Many young people need authority and guidance from that authority. I don't like the idea of any of them dying in war time, but I do believe that for the right kid, the military is an effective place for them to learn self respect, respect for authority, and self control, as well as basic, employable skills or get funding for higher education. I just don't want them in combat. :(
And that's bad because? Can't kill em when they're here or in Europe, can kill them once they're there. Do we really then wanna prevent wannabe-jihadis from going there keeping them local when you know they're gonna say "Well the Crusaders wont let us wage holy jihad there, so guess we'll wage it here."

Don't stop em, pay for their tickets. :)
It's bad because of their ages. Two are 15 and one is 16. They don't know what they are getting into I'm sure. If they were adults I'd agree with you but their brains aren't even fully developed yet so they may not realize the seriousness of what they are doing. They should be found and brought home for their own good. To them I'm sure this is some great adventure but in reality it's a matter of life and death.

3 London girls believed to be on way to join ISIS police - NY Daily News

Human brain doesn't stop developing until your mid-20s. Seem ok letting "children with retard brains" enlist in the US military though at 17.
Hypothetically, the military 'builds' men and women. Some kids just aren't meant to be in that environment, but for some it works wonders. Many young people need authority and guidance from that authority. I don't like the idea of any of them dying in war time, but I do believe that for the right kid, the military is an effective place for them to learn self respect, respect for authority, and self control, as well as basic, employable skills or get funding for higher education. I just don't want them in combat. :(

Having been in the US Navy I can tell you the whole point of basic training is to condition people to follow orders without hesitation so when the bullets start flying they kill a few before they themselves are killed. Anything beyond this simple truth is propaganda.

The US military used to be a noble and honorable institution, but has become the armed wing of corporations doing their bidding. Corporations control everything and supply everything our military uses from uniforms to aircraft carriers. And lest they not make obscene profits, tell our "leaders" when to go to war so we deplete existing supplies and have to buy more.

So long as war is profitable, we'll keep having them.
Does anyone know? are the USA girls going to Iraq mostly or all muslims?----
by birth or by conversion? Ie---who, THE HELL, are these idiot girls?
And that's bad because? Can't kill em when they're here or in Europe, can kill them once they're there. Do we really then wanna prevent wannabe-jihadis from going there keeping them local when you know they're gonna say "Well the Crusaders wont let us wage holy jihad there, so guess we'll wage it here."

Don't stop em, pay for their tickets. :)
It's bad because of their ages. Two are 15 and one is 16. They don't know what they are getting into I'm sure. If they were adults I'd agree with you but their brains aren't even fully developed yet so they may not realize the seriousness of what they are doing. They should be found and brought home for their own good. To them I'm sure this is some great adventure but in reality it's a matter of life and death.

3 London girls believed to be on way to join ISIS police - NY Daily News

Human brain doesn't stop developing until your mid-20s. Seem ok letting "children with retard brains" enlist in the US military though at 17.
Hypothetically, the military 'builds' men and women. Some kids just aren't meant to be in that environment, but for some it works wonders. Many young people need authority and guidance from that authority. I don't like the idea of any of them dying in war time, but I do believe that for the right kid, the military is an effective place for them to learn self respect, respect for authority, and self control, as well as basic, employable skills or get funding for higher education. I just don't want them in combat. :(

Having been in the US Navy I can tell you the whole point of basic training is to condition people to follow orders without hesitation so when the bullets start flying they kill a few before they themselves are killed. Anything beyond this simple truth is propaganda.

The US military used to be a noble and honorable institution, but has become the armed wing of corporations doing their bidding. Corporations control everything and supply everything our military uses from uniforms to aircraft carriers. And lest they not make obscene profits, tell our "leaders" when to go to war so we deplete existing supplies and have to buy more.

So long as war is profitable, we'll keep having them.

How is war profitable? Please explain. As far as I'm aware, it spends lives and money for us Americans. Where is the profit?
Does anyone know? are the USA girls going to Iraq mostly or all muslims?----
by birth or by conversion? Ie---who, THE HELL, are these idiot girls?

Of course, I don't know for sure, but I would definitely say that these are Muslims. I would also assume that the radicalization began at home with the parents. No way would an attentive parent NOT KNOW that their child was sympathizing with terrorists. Attentive parents discuss news stories and current events with their teenaged children. They know exactly how they feel and where they stand on the current hot topics. Something is not right in these girls' home life to say the very least.
Does anyone know? are the USA girls going to Iraq mostly or all muslims?----
by birth or by conversion? Ie---who, THE HELL, are these idiot girls?

Of course, I don't know for sure, but I would definitely say that these are Muslims. I would also assume that the radicalization began at home with the parents. No way would an attentive parent NOT KNOW that their child was sympathizing with terrorists. Attentive parents discuss news stories and current events with their teenaged children. They know exactly how they feel and where they stand on the current hot topics. Something is not right in these girls' home life to say the very least.

I am not sure. Some parents are clueless or prefer to be
Does anyone know? are the USA girls going to Iraq mostly or all muslims?----
by birth or by conversion? Ie---who, THE HELL, are these idiot girls?

Of course, I don't know for sure, but I would definitely say that these are Muslims. I would also assume that the radicalization began at home with the parents. No way would an attentive parent NOT KNOW that their child was sympathizing with terrorists. Attentive parents discuss news stories and current events with their teenaged children. They know exactly how they feel and where they stand on the current hot topics. Something is not right in these girls' home life to say the very least.

I am not sure. Some parents are clueless or prefer to be

Well, I think the only way a parent could not know is if they were completely neglectful parents who don't talk to their children at all.
Does anyone know? are the USA girls going to Iraq mostly or all muslims?----
by birth or by conversion? Ie---who, THE HELL, are these idiot girls?

Of course, I don't know for sure, but I would definitely say that these are Muslims. I would also assume that the radicalization began at home with the parents. No way would an attentive parent NOT KNOW that their child was sympathizing with terrorists. Attentive parents discuss news stories and current events with their teenaged children. They know exactly how they feel and where they stand on the current hot topics. Something is not right in these girls' home life to say the very least.

I am not sure. Some parents are clueless or prefer to be

Well, I think the only way a parent could not know is if they were completely neglectful parents who don't talk to their children at all.

some parents are like that----BUT I completely agree that teens who go to
ISIS were definitely poisoned by their own parents
Not always the fault of the parents, read a story a while back about a Tunisian family that had a son that joined ISIS. They were middle class, and were well-educated, and despite all attempts he just got more radicalized.

We should stop treating it as just as 'religion' or 'terrorism' issue, and treat it as a mental health issue, as radicals like that shouldn't be out and about with a risk of harming themselves or others.

How governments tolerate radical Islamists out and about on ' religious freedom ' grounds is absurd. If a person walked through the street saying he would kill people (without a religious connotation), they would be given mental health treatment, not just jail.

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