3.7 GDP Growth

It is pretty funny that Hussein's sycophants used to cheer and boast about his paltry 1.2%. Now all of a sudden, 3.7% is absolutely 'appalling' to them. It says it all about them. Nuff said.
There is no Tramp 3.7%
There is a Tramp 2.3%
Obama's last term averaged 2.2%
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It is pretty funny that Hussein's sycophants used to cheer and boast about his paltry 1.2%. Now all of a sudden, 3.7% is absolutely 'appalling' to them. It says it all about them. Nuff said.
There is no Tramp 3.7%
There is a Tramp 2.3%
Obama's last term averaged 2.2%

Uh huh, your Hussein's 1.2% was bleepin 'awesome.' But Trump's 3.7% is 'very very bad.' Y'all are so disingenuous. Shame on ya.
It is pretty funny that Hussein's sycophants used to cheer and boast about his paltry 1.2%. Now all of a sudden, 3.7% is absolutely 'appalling' to them. It says it all about them. Nuff said.
There is no Tramp 3.7%
There is a Tramp 2.3%
Obama's last term averaged 2.2%

Uh huh, your Hussein's 1.2% was bleepin 'awesome.' But Trump's 3.7% is 'very very bad.' Y'all are so disingenuous. Shame on ya.
When caught lying, the lying scum Right just keep on lying.
Thank you.
Economy growing........Under TRUMP.....

Poor Liberals.............now go and say your daddy Obama did it. LOL

New evidence emerged last week showing how tariffs and the vast uncertainty surrounding the US-China trade war are hurting the economy.
The manufacturing sector suffered its worst month since June 2009. Services, the larger portion of the modern economy, grew at its weakest pace in three years.

And although the unemployment rate tumbled to a 50-year low, a remarkable feat, private payroll growth continues to slow

The outlook for the economy is dimming. The New York Federal Reserve's GDP growth forecasting model was downgraded on Friday to 1.3% for the fourth quarter, compared with an earlier forecast of 1.8%.

Trump has to go!!!
Economy growing........Under TRUMP.....

Poor Liberals.............now go and say your daddy Obama did it. LOL

New evidence emerged last week showing how tariffs and the vast uncertainty surrounding the US-China trade war are hurting the economy.
The manufacturing sector suffered its worst month since June 2009. Services, the larger portion of the modern economy, grew at its weakest pace in three years.

And although the unemployment rate tumbled to a 50-year low, a remarkable feat, private payroll growth continues to slow

The outlook for the economy is dimming. The New York Federal Reserve's GDP growth forecasting model was downgraded on Friday to 1.3% for the fourth quarter, compared with an earlier forecast of 1.8%.

Trump has to go!!!
/---/ And what are the democRAT candidates saying they will do about the trade imbalance? Maybe Squaw Warren has a better solution.
Elizabeth Warren could be 'even tougher than Trump' on China, says analyst
  • “The Chinese, they would like to wait out President Trump ... they may be miscalculating because if they get a President Elizabeth Warren, she’s probably going to be even tougher than Trump,” said Wayne Kaufman, chief market analyst at Phoenix Financial Services.
  • Warren could bring up more issues — such as climate change — while negotiating with China, said Kaufman.
  • That would add to the many sticking points currently which include China’s lack of intellectual property rights protection, making it harder for the U.S. and China to seal a deal.
/---/ And what are the democRAT candidates saying they will do about the trade imbalance?
Well, Trump has made our trade deficit with China the biggest it's ever been, so you have that going for you.

All a Democrat has to do is undo what Trump has done. Easy peasy!
/---/ And what are the democRAT candidates saying they will do about the trade imbalance?
Well, Trump has made our trade deficit with China the biggest it's ever been, so you have that going for you.

All a Democrat has to do is undo what Trump has done. Easy peasy!
/---/ Oh so your solution is to roll over a play dead and let China continue to rape us. Let them continue to steal our IP. Yeah sounds like a real defeatist plan. Why do you hate America so much? Oh, and Squaw Warren will be even tougher.
OK :asshole: here is the same annual graph showing columns instead of a line.


As you can clearly see the year ending in Q3 of 2010 was over 3% growth, the year ending in Q3 of 2014 was over 3% growth, the year ending in Q1 of 2015 was over 3% growth, and the year ending in Q2 of 2015 was over 3% growth.

Thank you.

As you can easily see, none of the calendar years top 3%. It was already obvious from the line chart once looking at it close enough. I referred to yearly growth, not annual quarterly growth, which is why I used the term "year".

The chart is a disaster when contrasting to times when America was great. This will continue, even if Trump is certainly a positive influence. The west is in decline.
Now you are just being stubborn, a "year" is 4 consecutive quarters, and my chart clearly shows 4 consecutive quarters of 3% growth.

A year is a year, and a quarter is a quarter. What you are showing is a quarter., which is why you have to specify "Q3 2015", and not "2015". Yes there were quarters with higher than 3% growth.
The Graph clearly says ANNUAL growth, and that is why I said the YEAR ending in Q3. You are using the same lying technique as protectionist.

Here is the quarterly graph for the same period and you can clearly see it is not the same as the annual graph with a quarter as high as 5.2%.


There are two types (or more) of quarterly graphs, neither of which is a yearly graph.

Yearly graph is of the form:


Again this is what I am referring to and what is generally referred to as well. Yes you could define year the way you did, but I do not use that definition as don't most people. What you are showing is quarterly growth the way economists would define it.

According to the St Louis Fed Fred, real GDP growth was 4.0% in 2014.

Screen Shot 2019-10-08 at 5.49.11 PM.png

You can download the data and calculate it yourself.

Real Gross Domestic Product
/---/ And what are the democRAT candidates saying they will do about the trade imbalance?
Well, Trump has made our trade deficit with China the biggest it's ever been, so you have that going for you.

All a Democrat has to do is undo what Trump has done. Easy peasy!
/---/ Oh so your solution is to roll over a play dead and let China continue to rape us. Let them continue to steal our IP. Yeah sounds like a real defeatist plan. Why do you hate America so much? Oh, and Squaw Warren will be even tougher.

You - and Trump - fundamentally do not understand what causes trade deficits.

Simply put, if we have a savings deficit, i.e. we don't save enough to fund our spending, the only way we can do that is to import savings from elsewhere. And the only way we can import savings from elsewhere is to run trade deficits. Since Trump blew the federal deficit up to $1 trillion, our trade deficit widened.

Macroeconomics 101. Simple as that.
Trump knows our economy. Nobama clearly didn't.
Obama apparently understood the value and importance of the financial industry to keep credit moving and flowing.

A whole bunch of conservatives in Congress did not understand this, including Pence who all argued it was best to just let he financial industry die and let the buzzards pick its bones.

I think we should have had the SEC intervene, or somedamnedbody within the Treasury to organize a fast replacement set of regional banks to fill in for the collapsed banks like Leeman Brothers, etc.

Obama understood that you have to have credit available or the economy would crash to a hault.
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Since Trump blew the federal deficit up to $1 trillion, our trade deficit widened.
Macroeconomics 101. Simple as that.

Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?
Fiscal Deficit Debt Deficit/GDP Events
Year ($billions)
2000 ($236) $18 .... (2.3%) Surplus
2001 ($128) $133 .. (1.2%) 9/11 attacks, EGTRRA
2002 $158 .. $421 ... 1.4% War on Terror
2003 $378 .. $555 ... 3.3% JGTRRA
2004 $413 .. $596 ... 3.4% Iraq War
2005 $318 .. $554 ... 2.4% Katrina, Bankruptcy Act
2006 $248 .. $574 ... 1.8% Bernanke chairs Fed
2007 $161 .. $501 ... 1.1% Bank crisis
2008 $459 .. $1,017 . 3.1% Bank bailout, QE
2009 $1,413 $1,632 9.8% Stimulus Act. Bank bailout cost $250B, ARRA added $241.9B
2010 $1,294 $1,905 8.6% Obama tax cuts, ACA, Simpson-Bowles
2011 $1,300 $1,229 8.3% Debt crisis, recession and tax cuts reduced revenue
2012 $1,087 $1,276 6.7% Fiscal cliff

2013 $679 .. $672 ... 4.0% Sequester, government shutdown
2014 $485 .. $1,086 2.7% Debt ceiling
2015 $438 .. $327 ... 2.4% Defense = $736.4B
2016 $585 . $1,423 3.1% Defense = $767.6B
2017 $665 .. $672 ... 3.4% Defense = $817.9B
2018 $779 .. $1,217 4.0% Defense = $890.8B. Trump tax cuts

The red years are the years with over a trillion USD in Federal budget deficits.

This is clearly not due to Trump.

We take in record revenues every year, but manage to spend it all like drunken sailors, apologies to drunken sailors everywhere.

The root problem is the Tammany Hall patronage network that FDR brought to DC from New York. It has reached its saturation point and needs to be torn from the ground by the roots, but vested interests in the Deep State are fighting Trump every step of the way.
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Trump knows our economy. Nobama clearly didn't.
Obama apparently understoo the value and importance of the finacial industry to keep credit moving and flowing.

A whole bunch of conservatives in Congress did not understand this, including Pence who all argued it was best to just let he financial industry die and let the buzzards pick its bones.

I think we should have had the SEC intervene, or somedamnedbody within the Treasury to organize a fast replacement set of regional banks to fill in for the collapsed banks like Leeman Brothers, etc.

Obama understood that you have to have credit available or the economy would crash to a hault.

The first government intervention during the GFC was TARP, which was signed by Bush in October 2008.
The first government intervention during the GFC was TARP, which was signed by Bush in October 2008.
But TARP did not go anywhere far enough.

No one seemed to realize how much the CDS were magnifying the destruction of capital.
Since Trump blew the federal deficit up to $1 trillion, our trade deficit widened.
Macroeconomics 101. Simple as that.

Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?
Fiscal Deficit Debt Deficit/GDP Events
Year ($billions)
2000 ($236) $18 .... (2.3%) Surplus
2001 ($128) $133 .. (1.2%) 9/11 attacks, EGTRRA
2002 $158 .. $421 ... 1.4% War on Terror
2003 $378 .. $555 ... 3.3% JGTRRA
2004 $413 .. $596 ... 3.4% Iraq War
2005 $318 .. $554 ... 2.4% Katrina, Bankruptcy Act
2006 $248 .. $574 ... 1.8% Bernanke chairs Fed
2007 $161 .. $501 ... 1.1% Bank crisis
2008 $459 .. $1,017 . 3.1% Bank bailout, QE
2009 $1,413 $1,632 9.8% Stimulus Act. Bank bailout cost $250B, ARRA added $241.9B
2010 $1,294 $1,905 8.6% Obama tax cuts, ACA, Simpson-Bowles
2011 $1,300 $1,229 8.3% Debt crisis, recession and tax cuts reduced revenue
2012 $1,087 $1,276 6.7% Fiscal cliff

2013 $679 .. $672 ... 4.0% Sequester, government shutdown
2014 $485 .. $1,086 2.7% Debt ceiling
2015 $438 .. $327 ... 2.4% Defense = $736.4B
2016 $585 . $1,423 3.1% Defense = $767.6B
2017 $665 .. $672 ... 3.4% Defense = $817.9B
2018 $779 .. $1,217 4.0% Defense = $890.8B. Trump tax cuts

The red years are the years with over a trillion USD in Federal budget deficits.

This is clearly not due to Trump.

We take in record revenues every year, but manage to spend it all like drunken sailors, apologies to drunken sailors everywhere.

The root problem is the Tammany Hall patronage network that FDR brought to DC from New York. It has reached its saturation point and needs to be torn from the ground by the roots, but vested interests in the Deep State are fighting Trump every step of the way.

Wow. You're in deep.
The first government intervention during the GFC was TARP, which was signed by Bush in October 2008.
But TARP did not go anywhere far enough.

No one seemed to realize how much the CDS were magnifying the destruction of capital.

It didn't go far enough. But it was a big first step.
QE was the brilliant solution. Bank assets were in trouble because there was no system for evaluating MBS and CDOs after the subprime mortgages blew up.

So the Federal Reserve bought them (at face value which was too much) and has drawn revenue from them since, and allowed banks to start putting equity in the markets again.

My only bitch is that they paid too much for these derivatives and there should have been more effort to refinance these bad mortgages that people stupidly bought.

Was curious what was "Real" about the gross domestic product figures in the chart you referenced. Per the linked article it is defined as the GDP value adjusted for inflation. I'll buy that as representing a more accurate picture separating production growth from the loss of the dollar's value. I compare the methodology to the calculation one would do in their head upon getting a 3% raise in a time when inflation is at 2.75%.
Economy growing........Under TRUMP.....

Poor Liberals.............now go and say your daddy Obama did it. LOL

New evidence emerged last week showing how tariffs and the vast uncertainty surrounding the US-China trade war are hurting the economy.
The manufacturing sector suffered its worst month since June 2009. Services, the larger portion of the modern economy, grew at its weakest pace in three years.

And although the unemployment rate tumbled to a 50-year low, a remarkable feat, private payroll growth continues to slow

The outlook for the economy is dimming. The New York Federal Reserve's GDP growth forecasting model was downgraded on Friday to 1.3% for the fourth quarter, compared with an earlier forecast of 1.8%.

Trump has to go!!!

The unemployment rate is 3.5%, so I think we can live with it.
/---/ And what are the democRAT candidates saying they will do about the trade imbalance?
Well, Trump has made our trade deficit with China the biggest it's ever been, so you have that going for you.

All a Democrat has to do is undo what Trump has done. Easy peasy!
/---/ Oh so your solution is to roll over a play dead and let China continue to rape us. Let them continue to steal our IP. Yeah sounds like a real defeatist plan. Why do you hate America so much? Oh, and Squaw Warren will be even tougher.

You - and Trump - fundamentally do not understand what causes trade deficits.

Simply put, if we have a savings deficit, i.e. we don't save enough to fund our spending, the only way we can do that is to import savings from elsewhere. And the only way we can import savings from elsewhere is to run trade deficits. Since Trump blew the federal deficit up to $1 trillion, our trade deficit widened.

Macroeconomics 101. Simple as that.
/—-/ Trump hasn’t spent one dime you nimrod. Only Congress can.

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