28 Republican Men Threaten Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

Why are republicans always blamed for government shutdown? It takes both sides to shut down the government. If democrats just agreed not to fund the nazis who sell human body parts there would be no problem.
The GOP sucks at optics.

They should find a women's health services organization that does mammograms and prenatal care and all the actual health care services women need (which PP does not do). Find one that does not do abortions.

Then simply transfer the money they have been sending to PP and start sending it to the real women's health services organization.

It's win/win. The Dems would be unable to oppose it.
Why are republicans always blamed for government shutdown?
Because it is their fault.

When a terrorist takes a planeload of people hostage and the police refuse to negotiate, who is to blame if the hostages get killed?

Every Muslim on earth is to blame, amiright?

"Goose, meet gander."
They won't vote to fund the federal government if the bill includes any money for the family planning provider.

WASHINGTON -- A group of 28 House Republican lawmakers, all men, are pledging to do everything in their power to defund Planned Parenthood this fall, even it means shutting down the federal government in protest.

In a letter circulated this summer by Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), the congressmen pledged to vote against any bill that funds the federal government if it includes money for Planned Parenthood. Congress must fund the government by Sept. 30 to avoid a shutdown.

"We must act to fully defund Planned Parenthood," the letter says. "Please know that we cannot and will not support any funding resolution – an appropriations bill, an omnibus package, a continuing resolution, or otherwise – that contains any funding for Planned Parenthood, including mandatory funding streams."

The lawmakers cited a series of heavily edited undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood doctors discussing the donation of fetal tissue for medical research after abortions. The anti-abortion group that circulated the videos claims that the family planning provider is selling fetal parts for profit, although multiple state investigations into that claim have come up with nothing.

Planned Parenthood receives about $500 million in government funding, mostly through Medicaid and a federal family planning program. The money is used to subsidize birth control, cancer screenings and other women's health services. The longstanding Hyde Amendment prevents any federal funds from being used to pay for abortions, but Republicans have been trying to defund Planned Parenthood over its abortion services since 2011.

More: 28 Republican Men Threaten Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

ACORN was defunded based on lies. Now they're trying to do the same thing to Planned Parenthood. Oh, and why is it all men doing this?

Defund every illegal activity the Democrats support...

Yeah, the hell with women who need and use Planned Parenthood's services.

They can go to non subsidized providers, after all they have their subsidized maobamacare. No need for other subsidies.
Why are republicans always blamed for government shutdown?
Because it is their fault.

When a terrorist takes a planeload of people hostage and the police refuse to negotiate, who is to blame if the hostages get killed?

Every Muslim on earth is to blame, amiright?

"Goose, meet gander."

I don't know, maybe you should ask your dear leader, he's threatening a shutdown for more deficit spending, want to renege on his budget deal.
White House threatens veto of defense spending bill

Obama has said he wants Congress to increase both defense and non-defense spending, and will veto any bills that keep the sequestration framework in place.

White House threatens veto of defense spending bill
I honestly don't know how congressional Republicans honestly think that America is going to get behind them on this, people are never going to support legislative terrorism. GOP loses another round and at $26 Billion a pop, maybe someone should lose their job this time.
Why are republicans always blamed for government shutdown?
Because it is their fault.

When a terrorist takes a planeload of people hostage and the police refuse to negotiate, who is to blame if the hostages get killed?

Every Muslim on earth is to blame, amiright?

"Goose, meet gander."

I don't know, maybe you should ask your dear leader, he's threatening a shutdown for more deficit spending, want to renege on his budget deal.
White House threatens veto of defense spending bill

Obama has said he wants Congress to increase both defense and non-defense spending, and will veto any bills that keep the sequestration framework in place.

White House threatens veto of defense spending bill
I love your naiveté. The GOP has you completely snookered into bleeving they aren't big spenders, too. Despite their ten mile high track record. :laugh:

The fight over the deficit ceiling is theater for rubes like you.
Seriously are you THAT MUCH of an idiot that you feel only women can have an opinion or vote on woman's issues, and only men can vote on or have an opinion on men's issues? that's what your thread title seems to say.
Fusion GPS forensic analysis proved that those videos were severely manipulated - both audio and video.

That's a damn lie, they admitted the audio was not manipulated. You lying POS

No, you LIE. It's what you do best on these boards. As I've proven before - here's the actual report:

Analysis of Center for Medical Progress Videos

While these analysts found no evidence that CMP inserted dialogue not spoken by Planned Parenthood staff,
their review did conclude that CMP edited content out of the alleged “full footage” videos, and heavily
edited the short videos so as to misrepresent statements made by Planned Parenthood representatives.
In addition, the CMP transcript for the “full footage” video shot at Planned Parenthood’s Gulf Coast
facility in Texas differs substantially from the content of the tape.
Fusion GPS forensic analysis proved that those videos were severely manipulated - both audio and video.

That's a damn lie, they admitted the audio was not manipulated. You lying POS

No, you LIE. It's what you do best on these boards. As I've proven before - here's the actual report:

Analysis of Center for Medical Progress Videos

You're too fucking stupid to even read your own link. Fusion openly admitted the audio was not manipulated, go drink some more firewater, moron
Fusion GPS forensic analysis proved that those videos were severely manipulated - both audio and video.

That's a damn lie, they admitted the audio was not manipulated. You lying POS

No, you LIE. It's what you do best on these boards. As I've proven before - here's the actual report:

Analysis of Center for Medical Progress Videos
A Planned Parenthood press release??

Wow, let's see if the Mafia will roll over and plead guilty, too!!!
Why are republicans always blamed for government shutdown?
Because it is their fault.

When a terrorist takes a planeload of people hostage and the police refuse to negotiate, who is to blame if the hostages get killed?

Every Muslim on earth is to blame, amiright?

"Goose, meet gander."

I don't know, maybe you should ask your dear leader, he's threatening a shutdown for more deficit spending, want to renege on his budget deal.
White House threatens veto of defense spending bill

Obama has said he wants Congress to increase both defense and non-defense spending, and will veto any bills that keep the sequestration framework in place.

White House threatens veto of defense spending bill
I love your naiveté. The GOP has you completely snookered into bleeving they aren't big spenders, too. Despite their ten mile high track record. :laugh:

The fight over the deficit ceiling is theater for rubes like you.

we have people in the GOP who ARE opposed TO ALL THAT SPENDING; but left-wing loser rubes hate them too., in fact you said the Tea Party "took over" the GOP. you idiots need to get your talking points in order

every day..................................
Fusion GPS forensic analysis proved that those videos were severely manipulated - both audio and video.

That's a damn lie, they admitted the audio was not manipulated. You lying POS

No, you LIE. It's what you do best on these boards. As I've proven before - here's the actual report:

Analysis of Center for Medical Progress Videos
A Planned Parenthood press release??

Wow, let's see if the Mafia will roll over and plead guilty, too!!!

Fusion has a long history of left loonery. Spewing Squaw should do a better job researching
Why are republicans always blamed for government shutdown?
Because it is their fault.

When a terrorist takes a planeload of people hostage and the police refuse to negotiate, who is to blame if the hostages get killed?

Every Muslim on earth is to blame, amiright?

"Goose, meet gander."

I don't know, maybe you should ask your dear leader, he's threatening a shutdown for more deficit spending, want to renege on his budget deal.
White House threatens veto of defense spending bill

Obama has said he wants Congress to increase both defense and non-defense spending, and will veto any bills that keep the sequestration framework in place.

White House threatens veto of defense spending bill
I love your naiveté. The GOP has you completely snookered into bleeving they aren't big spenders, too. Despite their ten mile high track record. :laugh:

The fight over the deficit ceiling is theater for rubes like you.

Your dear leader, just like wild willie, has been dragged kicking and screaming to lower deficits by republican congresses and now both try to claim credit for them, and rubes like you by into their BS.
Why are republicans always blamed for government shutdown?
Because it is their fault.

When a terrorist takes a planeload of people hostage and the police refuse to negotiate, who is to blame if the hostages get killed?

Every Muslim on earth is to blame, amiright?

"Goose, meet gander."

I don't know, maybe you should ask your dear leader, he's threatening a shutdown for more deficit spending, want to renege on his budget deal.
White House threatens veto of defense spending bill

Obama has said he wants Congress to increase both defense and non-defense spending, and will veto any bills that keep the sequestration framework in place.

White House threatens veto of defense spending bill
I love your naiveté. The GOP has you completely snookered into bleeving they aren't big spenders, too. Despite their ten mile high track record. :laugh:

The fight over the deficit ceiling is theater for rubes like you.

Your dear leader, just like wild willie, has been dragged kicking and screaming to lower deficits by republican congresses and now both try to claim credit for them, and rubes like you by into their BS.

Our Messiah pledged to cut the deficit in half. Republicans mocked him for it

He has cut the deficit by two thirds

All praise be unto Obama
Why are republicans always blamed for government shutdown?
Because it is their fault.

When a terrorist takes a planeload of people hostage and the police refuse to negotiate, who is to blame if the hostages get killed?

Every Muslim on earth is to blame, amiright?

"Goose, meet gander."

I don't know, maybe you should ask your dear leader, he's threatening a shutdown for more deficit spending, want to renege on his budget deal.
White House threatens veto of defense spending bill

Obama has said he wants Congress to increase both defense and non-defense spending, and will veto any bills that keep the sequestration framework in place.

White House threatens veto of defense spending bill
I love your naiveté. The GOP has you completely snookered into bleeving they aren't big spenders, too. Despite their ten mile high track record. :laugh:

The fight over the deficit ceiling is theater for rubes like you.

Your dear leader, just like wild willie, has been dragged kicking and screaming to lower deficits by republican congresses and now both try to claim credit for them, and rubes like you by into their BS.

Our Messiah pledged to cut the deficit in half. Republicans mocked him for it

He has cut the deficit by two thirds

All praise be unto Obama

Obama’s Numbers (April 2014 Update)
The deficit — the yearly difference between federal spending and revenue — was $1.4 trillion in fiscal year 2009, was down to $680 billion in the fiscal year that ended last Sept. 30, and is projected to be $514 billion when the current fiscal year ends several months from now, according to figures released Feb. 4 by the CBO. But that’s still high by historical standards — equal to 3 percent of the nation’s projected economic output. It’s nearly double the 1.6 percent average deficit between World War II and fiscal 2009.

As a result of all this deficit spending, the total debt that the federal government owes to the public has gone up 99.8 percent since the day Obama entered office, rising to $12.6 trillion.

The total debt — counting money the government owes to itself through the Social Security and other trust funds — has now reached $17.6 trillion, an increase of 65 percent. But it’s the debt owed to the public that economists consider more relevant.

The debt figures alarm budget experts. The CBO’s most recent budget outlook estimated the debt owed to the public would equal 74 percent of GDP by the end of the current fiscal year, and will rise to 79 percent in 2024 under current spending and tax laws. “Such large and growing federal debt could have serious negative consequences,” CBO stated. The continuing deficits and high interest payments could slow down economic growth and even increase the risk of another economic crisis, CBO said.
Why are republicans always blamed for government shutdown?
Because it is their fault.

When a terrorist takes a planeload of people hostage and the police refuse to negotiate, who is to blame if the hostages get killed?

Every Muslim on earth is to blame, amiright?

"Goose, meet gander."

I don't know, maybe you should ask your dear leader, he's threatening a shutdown for more deficit spending, want to renege on his budget deal.
White House threatens veto of defense spending bill

Obama has said he wants Congress to increase both defense and non-defense spending, and will veto any bills that keep the sequestration framework in place.

White House threatens veto of defense spending bill
I love your naiveté. The GOP has you completely snookered into bleeving they aren't big spenders, too. Despite their ten mile high track record. :laugh:

The fight over the deficit ceiling is theater for rubes like you.

Your dear leader, just like wild willie, has been dragged kicking and screaming to lower deficits by republican congresses and now both try to claim credit for them, and rubes like you by into their BS.

Our Messiah pledged to cut the deficit in half. Republicans mocked him for it

He has cut the deficit by two thirds

All praise be unto Obama

Right, all the while your dear leader is on pace to increase our debt 150%. A real saver, LMAO.
Because it is their fault.

When a terrorist takes a planeload of people hostage and the police refuse to negotiate, who is to blame if the hostages get killed?

Every Muslim on earth is to blame, amiright?

"Goose, meet gander."

I don't know, maybe you should ask your dear leader, he's threatening a shutdown for more deficit spending, want to renege on his budget deal.
White House threatens veto of defense spending bill

Obama has said he wants Congress to increase both defense and non-defense spending, and will veto any bills that keep the sequestration framework in place.

White House threatens veto of defense spending bill
I love your naiveté. The GOP has you completely snookered into bleeving they aren't big spenders, too. Despite their ten mile high track record. :laugh:

The fight over the deficit ceiling is theater for rubes like you.

Your dear leader, just like wild willie, has been dragged kicking and screaming to lower deficits by republican congresses and now both try to claim credit for them, and rubes like you by into their BS.

Our Messiah pledged to cut the deficit in half. Republicans mocked him for it

He has cut the deficit by two thirds

All praise be unto Obama

Right, all the while your dear leader is on pace to increase our debt 150% of what is was when he took office, A real saver, LMAO.

Oh....You want to talk about "debt" now?
Everyone knows you have to raise taxes to tackle debt

By the way, your 150% claim is totally bogus....please post the real number

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