25 Famous Scientists Who Believed In God

Interesting comment section.....

"And given that people are still executed for denying the existence of a god, any claim that ANY of the above believed in a god is without foundation, and is based on an “ad baculum” logical fallacy.

Some of those may well have believed in a god – but thanks to the intolerance of religion in executing and torturing those who denied a god, we shall never know."
Maybe they believed in God but I'm pretty sure none of them were too keen on getting the Galileo treatment from zealots bent on making science conform to religious dogma.
No. He said he believed in the God of SpinozA
Again, no. Einstein said he believed in the pantheistic God of Baruch Spinoza. Pantheistic means he doesn't believe in a personal God. Einstein's view on religion is often understood, he even "said himself" that he's agnostic.

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