208 Republicans just voted to block immigrants who served in the US military from becoming Americans

No, it didn’t change. This entire bill had nothing to do with them in reality. It was a way to get millions of illegals citizenship while maintains an open border for more. The one thing you can count on is democrats will make a big deal over nothing in order to get a massive travesty passed.
Did you read it ? Many of the ideas would help reduce undocumented immigration. But that doesn't mean anything if you don't want to solve the current situation. My God, you'd have less to complain about .
Fuck them. How about reinstating all those military members who were forced out by the vaccine mandates first?

It's always "America last" with these Biden cocksuckers.

They served.
When I was in the Air Force I got put on an emergency deployment unit which had to go anywhere in the world within 24 hours. I got my shots for everything in the world. Eight shots in each arm for two or three days. I think there was about 40 all together. And these people are complaining about one shot. Totally ridiculous.

Yeah, one shot that has been proven to cause sudden death.

Just put guard towers on the border and be done with it. You cross the border and you might get lead poisoning.
No, we are not. We are talking about Illegal Aliens serving. They should be purged and sent back to their countries of origin.
Why if they have honorably served in the military fighting for our interests? This is one category I would have thought both sides would agree on.
Actually, they wouldn't be screaming about it. They would be trying to keep it quiet for reasons of national security.

Additionally, the vaccines were given to everyone who wanted them who receives medical care from the VA. IF the vaccine was as bad as you seem to think (but can't provide any credible links for), there are many veterans who would be screaming from the rooftops if they thought that the vaccine was dangerous. Try again.
Fuck them. How about reinstating all those military members who were forced out by the vaccine mandates first?

It's always "America last" with these Biden cocksuckers.
The last thing the military needs are non-compliant serviceman. Military is better off without those selfish, non-patriotic men.
Green-card holders are another matter.

But each-and-every one should be re-vetted.

It's a good bet that you'll find a third or more actually don't have one.

The Military should not be courting Illegals & Gangbangers ( eMe / MS13 ...

Kondor, you are showing that you know zip point squat about how people enlist in the military. There is documentation required for EVERYONE, (at a minimum, proof of education and a birth certificate), with more required depending on the situation. The chances of even a handful of people being in the military who are illegal aliens is slim to none.

Failzero, you failed again, you zero. Military recruiters DO NOT "court illegals and gangbangers" as you stated. Why? Simple..........every recruiter has a quota of people they have to enlist every month, and the paperwork for waivers alone is enough to make a recruiter pass on them. They would rather spend a week looking for just one qualified candidate than spend 3 on several "illegals and gangbangers" who have a very slim chance of enlisting.
Actually, you should know the definition is, anyone who has committed a crime.
Actually you're not a criminal until you've been convicted of a crime; you are an alleged criminal before your court date. And when I got my parking ticket the officer never said I was a criminal he said it was simply a violation I looked up violation and it is not a synonym for crime or criminal. If misdemeanors make you a criminal then practically everybody in America is a criminal.
One guy in line fainted while he was getting the shots and it slit open his arm as he went down. I made sure I didn't even flinch after I saw that.
That happened in our outfit too in Fort Benning Georgia. We were cautioned not to flinch. The guy in front of me flinched and had one cut on each shoulder bleeding. We walked outside the old frame building and he stood at the top of about three wooden steps and just froze, holding each arm with the other hand. TIMBER! Like a log, he fell face first, out like a light. Broken nose, more blood so what did we do? Laugh of course which did not go over well with Sgt. Taiam.

Life was grand! Well, for a while!
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The last thing the military needs are non-compliant serviceman. Military is better off without those selfish, non-patriotic men.
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