2020 prediction!!!

Given the mid terms and the last special election results, I think that the Democrats will have majority in both chambers and Trump will win reelection. Not because he earned it but because it will be handed to him. Call it Russia and Putin effect or the democrats weak candidates. To me it will be a dream scenario, to break his ego and expose his crimes.
How do Democrats win the Senate in your opinion, especially when the Republicans are all but guaranteed to win their Alabama seat back?
What happened in Aalabama can be repeated, especially having more GOP seats for grab.
That was a fluke because of Roy Moore. Now it can be repeated but unlikely. Which seats do you think they can and will lose?
17 is not 2. Don’t be obtuse. Let’s see what the voters say in 2020.

Again, that's the problem here. Trump has made it pretty clear he has no intention of running in a fair election. He's soliciting foreign powers to help him.
He is? What fantasy world do you live in? He is not making stuff up he is asking for the truth to be revealed. Biden is Unlikely to be the nominee anyway.
What happened in Alabama can be repeated, especially having more GOP seats for grab.

Unless the GOP is dumb enough to renominate Roy Moore that is highly unlikely. Jeff Sessions is running for his old seat back so Doug Brown is a dead man walking.
Given the mid terms and the last special election results, I think that the Democrats will have majority in both chambers and Trump will win reelection. Not because he earned it but because it will be handed to him. Call it Russia and Putin effect or the democrats weak candidates. To me it will be a dream scenario, to break his ego and expose his crimes.

I don’t see how you envision a scenario where Trump wins reelection but somehow loses the Senate. That doesn’t really make any sense
Same sense that gave us Trump in 2016?

2016 was a highly partisan election. Basically, the states Trump won Republicans did well up and down the ballot. The states Trump lost Republicans did poorly. None of this shifted the balance of power in Congress, however. In order for the Democrats to take the Senate they would have to win at least four seats and more than likely five because they won't keep Alabama. The vast majority of the seats Republicans have to defend are in safely red states. The only ones that should be competitive are Maine, which leans Democratic, and then Iowa, Arizona, North Carolina, and Colorado which are swing states. The perfect storm it would require to lose all of those is very unlikely. It would take something like a big economic downturn or nearly catastrophic event like that.
Again, that's the problem here. Trump has made it pretty clear he has no intention of running in a fair election. He's soliciting foreign powers to help him.
He is? What fantasy world do you live in? He is not making stuff up he is asking for the truth to be revealed. Biden is Unlikely to be the nominee anyway.

Don't argue with the crazies. You'll only make yourself one
Given the mid terms and the last special election results, I think that the Democrats will have majority in both chambers and Trump will win reelection. Not because he earned it but because it will be handed to him. Call it Russia and Putin effect or the democrats weak candidates. To me it will be a dream scenario, to break his ego and expose his crimes.
The Senate is certain. It will be held by the dog-shit party of do-nothing. But, I am not buying the house forecasts. I think the dems will take a pants-down spanking in the house.

I'm confident that after the 2020 elections, our elected leaders will do the right thing, stop listening to their whacked-out bases, put the country first and start communicating, collaborating and innovating together for the good of America
I find your indefatigable optimism inspiring. However, once the gloves have come off, it's very difficult to get them back on again.
Yeah. I'm not holding my breath, but I sure would like to think that we're better than this.

You are not and never will be better than this as long as you continue your libtard policies.
Yeah. I'm not holding my breath, but I sure would like to think that we're better than this.

We're not.

There was this great line in the Series "I, Claudius", where Claudius remarks that Caligula is "Sick in the Head". His mother Antonia remarks, "No, Rome is sick, sick in her heart. Caligula is just the rash it's broken out into."

Trump is just the rash America has broken out into. A decent country would agree, Trump is mentally unbalanced, he clearly broke laws, and he needs to go.

When America was healthier, this is exactly what they did to Nixon. Not that there weren't massive political divisions... those were worse than they are now, with Vietnam and Domestic Terrorism and Race Riots. But everyone could agree, Nixon's paranoia and corruption made him unfit for office.

Today. We have Republicans who know Trump is unfit for office, but then would have to admit they made a horrible mistake letting him become president to start with. They've spent the last 40 years using homophobia, misogyny, racism to get working class white people to vote against their own economic interest... Trump is just this toxin in concentrated form.
America is healthy ONLY when it agrees with your world view, isn't that right Joe?
Yes, I do. I also know there is no presidential election in 2026. dumbass!

Already being tired of all the divisiveness my post stated nothing about any election and instead noted our nation coming together for a grand party. Certainly an election isn't that sort of grand celebration. And I'm referring to a big one that any true American could easily figure out.
But talk about dumb luck, Impeached on Friday the 13th!

He has not been impeached yet, dumbass!

Don't you ever get tired of exposing yourself as a mental midget?
It bothers you eh you old fuck.

Yes, as a retired teacher, I hate stupidity and you lather yourself up in it!
And a hater besides, aren't you. Everything bothers you.
Pot to kettle. “You’re black”
But talk about dumb luck, Impeached on Friday the 13th!

He has not been impeached yet, dumbass!

Don't you ever get tired of exposing yourself as a mental midget?
It bothers you eh you old fuck.

Yes, as a retired teacher, I hate stupidity and you lather yourself up in it!
And a hater besides, aren't you. Everything bothers you.
Pot to kettle. “You’re black”
Have you ever made any sense why you exist? Go blow the phony admiral.
I'm confident that after the 2020 elections, our elected leaders will do the right thing, stop listening to their whacked-out bases, put the country first and start communicating, collaborating and innovating together for the good of America
I find your indefatigable optimism inspiring. However, once the gloves have come off, it's very difficult to get them back on again.
Yeah. I'm not holding my breath, but I sure would like to think that we're better than this.
Politics is an ugly business ... it doesn't attract those who are inclined to the good.
What really concerns me is that I think the ugliness is metastasizing. It's obviously happening in our culture and everyday life (from sports to freakin' restaurants), but anecdotally I'm seeing it more and more just as I talk to people. This angry, rabid way they'll just launch into what seems like a pre-planned diatribe. I started noticing that two or three years ago and it only seems to be getting worse.

Or, I'm just losing my marbles and imagining it. One of the two.

in my neighborhood....

7 years ago everyone got along great!

no problems at all

then 6 years ago 3 families of conservatives moved in

Now the neighborhood is split, divided. BECAUSE the conservatives started making trouble....
He has not been impeached yet, dumbass!

Don't you ever get tired of exposing yourself as a mental midget?
It bothers you eh you old fuck.

Yes, as a retired teacher, I hate stupidity and you lather yourself up in it!
And a hater besides, aren't you. Everything bothers you.
Pot to kettle. “You’re black”
Have you ever made any sense why you exist? Go blow the phony admiral.
So easily triggered. Poke successful

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