2020 Election a massive sting operation by DHS to catch democrats committing voter fraud???


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Before I go into what I am about to say, I am going to reiterate what the writer of the article stated, in that this is rumor and has yet to be authenticated. In my own opinion, I am hoping this is true, but I am not sold on this. However there are a few key issues brought up in the article that can get you thinking:

  • Every legitimate ballot across America was watermarked with QFS blockchain encryption codes.
And this:

Supporting the possibility of all this is a November, 2019 story from TheHill.com entitled, “DHS cyber agency invests in election auditing tool to secure 2020 elections.”

I really hope this is true. The Democrat party has a long history of voter fraud, voter suppression and voter intimidation. President Trump is well aware of mass democrat voter fraud. He knew it was coming for this election. Did he work with DHS long ago to set this sting up? Trump has been relatively quiet, accept a few brief appearances. Is he letting everything play out for DHS to have every piece of evidence they need to expose the biggest scandal of the century? Is Trump's lawyering up just a smokescreen to buy the needed time for DHS to have a complete investigation? Remember what Rudolph Giuliani said, something to effect of: "We are not going to stop until we have completely exposed democrat voter fraud." Does Giuliani already know about this operation, and that is the reason behind this statement; or was it just a coincidental statement? I have no idea, but regardless of your politics, or how you voted, this article will definitely get you thinking! Here is the article:

Before I go into what I am about to say, I am going to reiterate what the writer of the article stated, in that this is rumor and has yet to be authenticated. In my own opinion, I am hoping this is true, but I am not sold on this. However there are a few key issues brought up in the article that can get you thinking:

  • Every legitimate ballot across America was watermarked with QFS blockchain encryption codes.
And this:

Supporting the possibility of all this is a November, 2019 story from TheHill.com entitled, “DHS cyber agency invests in election auditing tool to secure 2020 elections.”

I really hope this is true. The Democrat party has a long history of voter fraud, voter suppression and voter intimidation. President Trump is well aware of mass democrat voter fraud. He knew it was coming for this election. Did he work with DHS long ago to set this sting up? Trump has been relatively quiet, accept a few brief appearances. Is he letting everything play out for DHS to have every piece of evidence they need to expose the biggest scandal of the century? Is Trump's lawyering up just a smokescreen to buy the needed time for DHS to have a complete investigation? Remember what Rudolph Giuliani said, something to effect of: "We are not going to stop until we have completely exposed democrat voter fraud." Does Giuliani already know about this operation, and that is the reason behind this statement; or was it just a coincidental statement? I have no idea, but regardless of your politics, or how you voted, this article will definitely get you thinking! Here is the article:

Yeah, I've seen this on FB from multipole sources and in Googled lists of sites.

It would be easy enough to do, and I cant imagine that Trump did nothing to let the Dims hang themselves for public execution.
I tend to doubt this. In Arizona they print custom ballots for each voter at the polling place. So unless the watermark was on the paper it wouldn’t work
I tend to doubt this. In Arizona they print custom ballots for each voter at the polling place. So unless the watermark was on the paper it wouldn’t work
Yes, it would be on the paper, and there are not that many sources for official ballot stock, which DHS could lasso into working on a sting operation.

In almost every state they already put a watermark ont he balloot and use standardized paper stock.

While this is plausible I dont think Trump is going this route.

I think he is playing for time, to run out the clock and have the state legislatures vote for their slate of delegates without reference to the election results at all.
I believe President Trump was appointed by God to lead this nation, and he will not be removed unless God has determined that he needs to walk away from America and let The Globalist Barbarians crash through the gates.

I believe God is testing true believers to see if they will pray for our Republic, and I know quite a few who are taking up the challenge.

Watch God Work a Miracle that you cannot explain despite all the corruption and fraud.
Trump IS your president for 4 more years!


I tend to doubt this. In Arizona they print custom ballots for each voter at the polling place. So unless the watermark was on the paper it wouldn’t work
Well, maybe Arizona is breaking the friggen law when they print custom ballots.
Course they have to use official paper.....so it probably would have the watermark on it.
I just wonder why so many of the battleground states are still using paper ballots.
We've been using electronic voting in my state since I moved here 28 years ago and we've never had a problem.
Another indication the watermark theory could be true is an Executive Order President Trump signed in 2018 that allowed DHS to work with election officials in all 50 states and over 1,000 local jurisdictions to secure election systems.

In June, POTUS was already wary of a Democrat election-theft scheme, tweeting out in all caps, “RIGGED 2020 ELECTION: MILLIONS OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS WILL BE PRINTED BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES, AND OTHERS. IT WILL BE THE SCANDAL OF OUR TIMES.”

I just wonder why so many of the battleground states are still using paper ballots.
We've been using electronic voting in my state since I moved here 28 years ago and we've never had a problem.
For the same reason they count their mail-in votes AFTER the in-person vote.
Another indication the watermark theory could be true is an Executive Order President Trump signed in 2018 that allowed DHS to work with election officials in all 50 states and over 1,000 local jurisdictions to secure election systems.

In June, POTUS was already wary of a Democrat election-theft scheme, tweeting out in all caps, “RIGGED 2020 ELECTION: MILLIONS OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS WILL BE PRINTED BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES, AND OTHERS. IT WILL BE THE SCANDAL OF OUR TIMES.”

PROTECTING OUR ELECTIONS: President Donald J. Trump is issuing an Executive Order that will work to respond to and deter foreign attempts to interfere in our elections.

  • President Trump’s Executive Order “Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election” shows his commitment to protecting our elections.
  • President Trump is directing the Administration to develop a process, in coordination with State and local officials, for assessing and determining if interference in a United States election occurred.
  • The Executive Order authorizes action against those determined to have interfered in a United States election, including through:
    • Sanctions against those determined to have participated in foreign interference in our elections.
    • Additional measures that would have wide-ranging impact on foreign governments, entities, and individuals who interfere in our elections.
  • President Trump’s Executive Order mandates interagency reporting of potential foreign interference following each Federal election.
  • This Executive Order builds on the Administration’s robust efforts to expose, disrupt, and impose costs on those responsible for election interference.

WORKING ACROSS ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT: The Trump Administration is working across all levels of government to help protect America’s elections from foreign interference.

  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is working with State and local election officials and the private sector to coordinate a response to attempts at election interference.
  • DHS and election officials across 50 States and 1,100 local jurisdictions formed the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center to share security information.
  • The Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is providing DHS with actionable intelligence so State and local officials can strengthen election security.
  • These efforts build on the Administration’s support to States during past elections and the ongoing 2018 elections.
    • During 2017, the Administration provided on-site cybersecurity support to States.
    • A pilot program was launched to help officials at all levels of government share information and rapidly respond to security issues.

STRENGTHENING ELECTION SECURITY EFFORTS: The President and his Administration are working vigilantly to improve and strengthen the security of our elections.

  • President Trump recently held meetings with the National Security Council in May and July 2018 discussing the Administration’s whole-of-government approach to election security.
  • In August 2018, DHS hosted the first-ever National Election Cybersecurity Table Top Exercise, focused on improving information sharing and the integration of election security efforts.
  • The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are working to investigate and disrupt threats to our election systems and alert potential victims and targets.
  • DOJ and FBI will host a live Election Day Watch at the FBI’s Strategic Information and Operations Center to monitor and coordinate election-related activities.
Before I go into what I am about to say, I am going to reiterate what the writer of the article stated, in that this is rumor and has yet to be authenticated. In my own opinion, I am hoping this is true, but I am not sold on this. However there are a few key issues brought up in the article that can get you thinking:

  • Every legitimate ballot across America was watermarked with QFS blockchain encryption codes.
And this:

Supporting the possibility of all this is a November, 2019 story from TheHill.com entitled, “DHS cyber agency invests in election auditing tool to secure 2020 elections.”

I really hope this is true. The Democrat party has a long history of voter fraud, voter suppression and voter intimidation. President Trump is well aware of mass democrat voter fraud. He knew it was coming for this election. Did he work with DHS long ago to set this sting up? Trump has been relatively quiet, accept a few brief appearances. Is he letting everything play out for DHS to have every piece of evidence they need to expose the biggest scandal of the century? Is Trump's lawyering up just a smokescreen to buy the needed time for DHS to have a complete investigation? Remember what Rudolph Giuliani said, something to effect of: "We are not going to stop until we have completely exposed democrat voter fraud." Does Giuliani already know about this operation, and that is the reason behind this statement; or was it just a coincidental statement? I have no idea, but regardless of your politics, or how you voted, this article will definitely get you thinking! Here is the article:

Yeah, I've seen this on FB from multipole sources and in Googled lists of sites.

It would be easy enough to do, and I cant imagine that Trump did nothing to let the Dims hang themselves for public execution.
I was thinking this when he came out Wednesday morning and halfway declared victory....He doesn't do things like this, especially after having professional council, without being very sure of what he's saying....The tweet about Obama's goons spying on him comes to mind.
Another indication the watermark theory could be true is an Executive Order President Trump signed in 2018 that allowed DHS to work with election officials in all 50 states and over 1,000 local jurisdictions to secure election systems.

In June, POTUS was already wary of a Democrat election-theft scheme, tweeting out in all caps, “RIGGED 2020 ELECTION: MILLIONS OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS WILL BE PRINTED BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES, AND OTHERS. IT WILL BE THE SCANDAL OF OUR TIMES.”

DHS plans largest operation to secure U.S. election against hacking
A 24/7 war room will operate from Election Day until local officials are confident in the results. It shows just how far DHS’s cybersecurity agency has come since 2016.

The Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity division is mounting the largest operation to secure a U.S. election, aiming to prevent a repeat of Russia’s 2016 interference and to ward off new threats posed by Iran and China.
Follow the latest on Election 2020
On Election Day, DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will launch a 24/7 virtual war room, to which election officials across the nation can dial in at any time to share notes about suspicious activity and work together to respond. The agency will also pass along classified information from intelligence agencies about efforts they detect from adversaries seeking to undermine the election and advise states on how to protect against such attacks.
“I anticipate possibly thousands of local election officials coming in to share information in real time, to coordinate, to track down what’s real and what’s not, separate fact from fiction on the ground,” said Matt Masterson, CISA’s senior cybersecurity adviser, who has helped lead election preparations. “We’ll be able to sort through what’s happening and identify: Is this a typical election event or is this something larger?”

The operation will run for days or weeks until winners are clear in most races — and potentially until the election is formally certified in December. “We’ll remain stood up until the [election] community tells us, ‘Okay, we’re good, you can stand down,’ ” Masterson said.
The wide-ranging operation is the culmination of four years during which CISA has grown from a backwater agency that was largely unknown outside Washington to the main federal government liaison to a nationwide ecosystem of officials running the elections.
CISA’s growth is especially notable because it has happened despite an abiding lack of interest in election security from President Trump. He has held only one Cabinet-level meeting on the topic during his presidency and generally views discussion about Russian interference as threatening the legitimacy of his 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton, even though there’s no evidence actual votes were changed.
I was thinking this when he came out Wednesday morning and halfway declared victory....He doesn't do things like this, especially after having professional council, without being very sure of what he's saying....The tweet about Obama's goons spying on him comes to mind.
The stupid jack asses keep walking right into Trump's traps like the dumb-fuck mules they are.

When he springs this trap it will be hilarious and will embolden the GOP controlled legislatures to do the right thing and ignore the corrupted vote count.
The rumors continue...

Joel Olander
I'm in Minneapolis. Military planes arriving today. Source claims they are needed to prevent a potential riot tomorrow when possible fraudulent ballots will be confiscated by feds. This is going to be big.


ITS REAL!!!!Post Office filed patent for QFS blockchain verification in Aug

This was filed in August which could explain why they waited and have been accused of mailing the ballots later than expected, would also explain why trump replaced the postmaster general earlier this year specifically for this operation. Pure genius if true!!

The rumors continue...

Joel Olander
I'm in Minneapolis. Military planes arriving today. Source claims they are needed to prevent a potential riot tomorrow when possible fraudulent ballots will be confiscated by feds. This is going to be big.


ITS REAL!!!!Post Office filed patent for QFS blockchain verification in Aug

This was filed in August which could explain why they waited and have been accused of mailing the ballots later than expected, would also explain why trump replaced the postmaster general earlier this year specifically for this operation. Pure genius if true!!

Yeah, Trump saw this three years out and has prepped for it.

The stupid Dems will try to riot, but that will only aid in prosecuting the ring leaders under RICO later.

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