200 mayors

What's the hurry? The Senate is pledged to consider proposals when they return next month.

Good legislation takes time to work on, I'm sure the committees will want to hold a lot of hearings, hear from a lot of citizens, get different ideas.

If the Turtle rushes this, its likely not to be that great of a bill
"Considering" ain't voting. What Mitch has said so far doesn't mean a hill of beans. Only if the people put unbelievable pressure on these Congresscritters will any vote take place. If Trump makes good on his threat to tie immigration reform to the bill, it will die.

I have hope, still, that people will actually convince their representatives that they'd better DO SOMETHING or they can kiss their cushy office on Capitol Hill goodbye. We'll see.
Gun laws protect no one but the criminals.
Just saying, mayors can do whatever they like to protect their cities.

I would say, it is time to put a nail into the Democrats coffin. They incite the violence. They divide this nation. It the Democrat's rhetoric that is problem.

Time to end the Democrat party. Until then there will always be hate.

Democrats aren't the people calling refugees an "invasion", or who call decry conditions that "no human" could live in, in Baltimore. Trump frequently implies that non-whites are not human - an "infestation" of illegals. This is the very essence of racism and hate. And yet here you are, blaming Democrats for the violence that the SHOOTERS say is inspired by Trump and the policies of the Republican Party.

It's not the Democrats who started a campaign to delegitimize President Obama, that started fomenting racism in America. That was Republican Donald Trump. It isn't the Democrats trying to supress the minority vote. It isn't the Democrats who are accused of multiple instances of cheating minority voters out of their voting rights.
You can not prove your accusations. I can prove mine.

The El Paso shooter references a book written by an openly gay socialist writer as being the reason he shot hispanics.

How is a gay socialist conservative? They are not period.

Who fought against border walls exabjurating the problem? Democrats.

Who allows illegal aliens to vote, Democrats.

Obama, we can address after you respond to these facts.

Wayback Machine
Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement.

What's the hurry? The Senate is pledged to consider proposals when they return next month.

Good legislation takes time to work on, I'm sure the committees will want to hold a lot of hearings, hear from a lot of citizens, get different ideas.

If the Turtle rushes this, its likely not to be that great of a bill
"Considering" ain't voting. What Mitch has said so far doesn't mean a hill of beans. Only if the people put unbelievable pressure on these Congresscritters will any vote take place. If Trump makes good on his threat to tie immigration reform to the bill, it will die.

I have hope, still, that people will actually convince their representatives that they'd better DO SOMETHING or they can kiss their cushy office on Capitol Hill goodbye. We'll see.
The problem is we don't trust you anymore. Progs give nothing back in legislation. Watch what happens if you win in 2020. People will move from the blue areas. They may make more blue areas but they can only tax so much now. Florida which has a hefty percentage of people with some religion may actually vote for casinos and other taxes as a parasite almost won last election cycle for governor and another in Georgia. There are still some low tax states to emigrate to if the taxes get out of hand.
Gun laws protect no one but the criminals.
Just saying, mayors can do whatever they like to protect their cities.

I would say, it is time to put a nail into the Democrats coffin. They incite the violence. They divide this nation. It the Democrat's rhetoric that is problem.

Time to end the Democrat party. Until then there will always be hate.

Democrats aren't the people calling refugees an "invasion", or who call decry conditions that "no human" could live in, in Baltimore. Trump frequently implies that non-whites are not human - an "infestation" of illegals. This is the very essence of racism and hate. And yet here you are, blaming Democrats for the violence that the SHOOTERS say is inspired by Trump and the policies of the Republican Party.

It's not the Democrats who started a campaign to delegitimize President Obama, that started fomenting racism in America. That was Republican Donald Trump. It isn't the Democrats trying to supress the minority vote. It isn't the Democrats who are accused of multiple instances of cheating minority voters out of their voting rights.
Can you link where the shooters stated that they were inspired by Trump and the republicans? Thank you in advance
What is your point?

10's of millions of people got together and vote -- VOTED -- to change the Consitution of California so that marriage was defined.

If you think I, or anyone, is impressed by numbers, think again.

We do not allow the majority to be bullies.
That's what we Dems think of your electoral college victory

What's the hurry? The Senate is pledged to consider proposals when they return next month.

Good legislation takes time to work on, I'm sure the committees will want to hold a lot of hearings, hear from a lot of citizens, get different ideas.

If the Turtle rushes this, its likely not to be that great of a bill
"Considering" ain't voting. What Mitch has said so far doesn't mean a hill of beans. Only if the people put unbelievable pressure on these Congresscritters will any vote take place. If Trump makes good on his threat to tie immigration reform to the bill, it will die.

I have hope, still, that people will actually convince their representatives that they'd better DO SOMETHING or they can kiss their cushy office on Capitol Hill goodbye. We'll see.

You so funny Old Lady!

Fact is most of these shooting would still occur even with background and mental health checks, so can you tell me how a background check would have prevented Sandy Hook?

What's the hurry? The Senate is pledged to consider proposals when they return next month.

Good legislation takes time to work on, I'm sure the committees will want to hold a lot of hearings, hear from a lot of citizens, get different ideas.

If the Turtle rushes this, its likely not to be that great of a bill
"Considering" ain't voting. What Mitch has said so far doesn't mean a hill of beans. Only if the people put unbelievable pressure on these Congresscritters will any vote take place. If Trump makes good on his threat to tie immigration reform to the bill, it will die.

I have hope, still, that people will actually convince their representatives that they'd better DO SOMETHING or they can kiss their cushy office on Capitol Hill goodbye. We'll see.

you're dealing with 35% er's ...

the 35% of RW's that refuse to pry their lips off Trumps fat ass regardless what he does or says - Trump could have given the shooter a ride to El Paso on Air Force 1, and these miserable pukes would swear he didnt.

What's the hurry? The Senate is pledged to consider proposals when they return next month.

Good legislation takes time to work on, I'm sure the committees will want to hold a lot of hearings, hear from a lot of citizens, get different ideas.

If the Turtle rushes this, its likely not to be that great of a bill
"Considering" ain't voting. What Mitch has said so far doesn't mean a hill of beans. Only if the people put unbelievable pressure on these Congresscritters will any vote take place. If Trump makes good on his threat to tie immigration reform to the bill, it will die.

I have hope, still, that people will actually convince their representatives that they'd better DO SOMETHING or they can kiss their cushy office on Capitol Hill goodbye. We'll see.

you're dealing with 35% er's ...

the 35% of RW's that refuse to pry their lips off Trumps fat ass regardless what he does or says - Trump could have given the shooter a ride to El Paso on Air Force 1, and these miserable pukes would swear he didnt.
You’re probably right. Funny thing is when O was POTUS, the percentage was probably the same with his supporters.

What's the hurry? The Senate is pledged to consider proposals when they return next month.

Good legislation takes time to work on, I'm sure the committees will want to hold a lot of hearings, hear from a lot of citizens, get different ideas.

If the Turtle rushes this, its likely not to be that great of a bill
"Considering" ain't voting. What Mitch has said so far doesn't mean a hill of beans. Only if the people put unbelievable pressure on these Congresscritters will any vote take place. If Trump makes good on his threat to tie immigration reform to the bill, it will die.

I have hope, still, that people will actually convince their representatives that they'd better DO SOMETHING or they can kiss their cushy office on Capitol Hill goodbye. We'll see.

you're dealing with 35% er's ...

the 35% of RW's that refuse to pry their lips off Trumps fat ass regardless what he does or says - Trump could have given the shooter a ride to El Paso on Air Force 1, and these miserable pukes would swear he didnt.

But he did not.

So by your way of thinking then Obama was the cause of the Boston Bombing, Fort Hood Shooting, San Bernadino shooting and the Orlando shooting...

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