20,000 Small Business Survival Loans Go Unprocessed After Pelosi/ Dems Block Funding For US Workers


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......


HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......

As usual, you have it backwards, Evgeny. Nancy Pelosi and company are the ones who got the American people the checks that Trumpy is putting his name on. Remember when you were whining about her blocking that bill? Well it had NOTHING in it for American workers at all? Nancy insisted that the money go directly to the American workers.

She's doing it again. Making sure that the money's don't go to hotels and resorts, but rather to the American people in line at the food banks. They're the ones who need the money. Not the corporations who got a 12% tax cut last year.

The Democrats are also making sure that the bailout moneys have oversight. Trump dismantled the oversight the moment it was set up after the last bill. Trump is too dishonest to be given unsupervised access to billions of dollars.
As usual, you have it backwards, Evgeny.

ᐈ Laughing stock images, Royalty Free laughing pictures ...

Right on que, you once again push the Democrat-abandoned false 'Russian' narrative, which immediately makes you a laughing stock and makes anything you say after completely ignored.....

Nancy Pelosi and company are the ones who got the American people the checks that Trumpy is putting his name on.

Riiiiiiiiiight! :p

In the last 4 hours, over 20,000 #PPPloans went unprocessed because @SpeakerPelosi & @SenSchumer are blocking more funding. We are fighting to save jobs & small businesses. What have they fought for?
… Prohibiting states from requiring an ID to vote. https://t.co/jWyJCpqry0
— Rep. Mike Johnson (@RepMikeJohnson) April 16, 2020

Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) announced that Democrats are considering coronavirus legislation that would give money to states that let criminals out of prison.
— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) April 16, 2020

Democrats are letting small business die.
‼‼‼ https://t.co/fgEWxh4gcT
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) April 16, 2020


That have to do with COVID-19 HOW?


HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......

As usual, you have it backwards, Evgeny. Nancy Pelosi and company are the ones who got the American people the checks that Trumpy is putting his name on. Remember when you were whining about her blocking that bill? Well it had NOTHING in it for American workers at all? Nancy insisted that the money go directly to the American workers.

She's doing it again. Making sure that the money's don't go to hotels and resorts, but rather to the American people in line at the food banks. They're the ones who need the money. Not the corporations who got a 12% tax cut last year.

The Democrats are also making sure that the bailout moneys have oversight. Trump dismantled the oversight the moment it was set up after the last bill. Trump is too dishonest to be given unsupervised access to billions of dollars.

No they're not. This is so asinine its ludicrous. Libs are doing nothing to help the people.
No they're not. This is so asinine its ludicrous. Libs are doing nothing to help the people.

But they are CLAIMING they are, their surrogate Fake News warriors are reporting they are, and the same snowflakes the Russians got to march for them in 2016 by using Social media are parroting the lies....so to the Trump-hating sheep it's 'fact'.

HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......

As usual, you have it backwards, Evgeny. Nancy Pelosi and company are the ones who got the American people the checks that Trumpy is putting his name on. Remember when you were whining about her blocking that bill? Well it had NOTHING in it for American workers at all? Nancy insisted that the money go directly to the American workers.

She's doing it again. Making sure that the money's don't go to hotels and resorts, but rather to the American people in line at the food banks. They're the ones who need the money. Not the corporations who got a 12% tax cut last year.

The Democrats are also making sure that the bailout moneys have oversight. Trump dismantled the oversight the moment it was set up after the last bill. Trump is too dishonest to be given unsupervised access to billions of dollars.
As I understand it companies can get the loan and if it goes to worker paychecks the loan will be forgiven

if they dont pass it along to the workers then they will be liable
The people of Michigan are one State. Pelosi is pushing for FEDERAL forced vote by mail in the 2020 election in the next round of coronavirus aid.

Can you possibly break that down a little more....put it in simpler terms? I think it went tight over snowflakes' heads. :p

HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......

As usual, you have it backwards, Evgeny. Nancy Pelosi and company are the ones who got the American people the checks that Trumpy is putting his name on. Remember when you were whining about her blocking that bill? Well it had NOTHING in it for American workers at all? Nancy insisted that the money go directly to the American workers.

She's doing it again. Making sure that the money's don't go to hotels and resorts, but rather to the American people in line at the food banks. They're the ones who need the money. Not the corporations who got a 12% tax cut last year.

The Democrats are also making sure that the bailout moneys have oversight. Trump dismantled the oversight the moment it was set up after the last bill. Trump is too dishonest to be given unsupervised access to billions of dollars.
As I understand it companies can get the loan and if it goes to worker paychecks the loan will be forgiven

if they dont pass it along to the workers then they will be liable

Yes, if they're still in business. But if they're not still in business, it gets added to their bankruptcy, and the workers are still out of pocket. The big issue is there is NO OVERSIGHT, to ensure that they actually do give the money to their workers. Trump promised workers that every worker in America would get a $4000 raise from the corporate tax cuts, too, and we all saw how that worked out for American workers.

The critical issues are ones of oversight, and ensuring that the PEOPLE get money to eat. Trump seems to be putting corporations and the economy ahead of PEOPLE throughout this pandemic. We're now seeing a lot of "What would be an 'acceptable rate of death' to get the economy open again?" questions from conservatives. These are the same people who are still trying to ban abortion, but they're prepared to sacrifice certain portions of the population to the great god, Money.

The economy will go on as long as there are people. People will always have needs and will be willing to barter their skills and talents with others to meet those needs. What may not go on is behemouth corporations who suck up the wealth of the nation at the expense of the health and well being of the PEOPLE.

Americans are being forced to face the reality that a nation that is run solely for the benefit of its corporations and doesn't meet the needs of all of its PEOPLE, will never survive. The Roman Republic lasted for 1000 years because even the most corrupt of its rulers understood that they governed only so long as the PEOPLE, who they called the "Headcount" had their needs tended to. The guys in the taverns with nothing to do but complain about their lives could easily revolt, and the ruling elites could end up with their heads on pikes. It happened early on in the Republic and the elites never forgot it.

The workers need the money, before ANYBODY else. 22,000,000 PEOPLE are unemployed. They've already been dropped from the payrolls, and they need the money FIRST. Businesses can get moratoriums on payments and obligations, PEOPLE need to eat. TODAY.

The preamble of the Constitution begins "WE THE PEOPLE".
But if they're not still in business, it gets added to their bankruptcy, and the workers are still out of pocket.
Thats a fair point

but at the same time if the workers are getting helicopter money directly they do not have to go back to work and the small business goes under anyway
But if they're not still in business, it gets added to their bankruptcy, and the workers are still out of pocket.
Thats a fair point

but at the same time if the workers are getting helicopter money directly they do not have to go back to work and the small business goes under anyway

There are a LOT of other issues with the program Mac, not the least of which is it's already being abused. Hedge fund managers with few employees are leveraging applications as "small businesses" to build cash reserves. Large franchises negotiated a loophole, so that their independent owned stores are classed as small businesses. This enables franchise fees to continue to flow to the head office coffers as monthly "franchise fees" which form part of their store operators fixed expenses.

The program is supposed to be helping small businesses stay afloat, not enhancing the profits of some of the most profitable companies in America. That's why money which flows directly to the PEOPLE is the most necessary use of funds right now.

Here is a difference scenario: My 28 year old son-in-law owns a small roofing business with 5 full time employees. He started this business 4 years ago, with nothing, not even a truck, and profits to date have been poured back into buying two trucks, and three work trailers, including a portable machine and metal shop in a covered trailer. The virus hit just as his work season was starting, and his cash resources from last season were all but exhausted. His expenses run $16,000 per week during the season, of which approximately $6000 is payroll, and $6000 is materials. This amount is always in his bank account.

My son-in-law laid off his employees. They will immediately receive $500 per week in unemployment insurance benefits from the government. This frees my SIL to use his $16,000 "float" to pay his equipment loans, his insurance, his rent, and other expenses for two months. When he gets work (emergency work for now), he has purchased face shields, masks and gloves for his workers. If they return to work part time, because it's slow, he will pay them for the weeks they work, but they will continue to receive EI for the weeks they don't work.

My SIL is not getting direct help from the government for now, but he is because his guys are being paid, and he doesn't have to worry about them not being there. Where else are they going to go? He'll continue to get help in that his guys will get help if business is slow and he doesn't have enough to keep them busy full time. Trudeau hasn't come out with a lot of specific programs for businesses yet, but he says that he will be doing that but the people come first.

It's a different approach, but less prone to abuse and it gets the money to the people first.
There are a LOT of other issues with the program Mac, not the least of which is it's already being abused.
I dont doubt it

no massive federal government spending program fashioned in a panic can escape waste, fraud and abuse

the answer it to stop spending money we dont have by reopening the economy

nothing else will fix this problem
Trump promised workers that every worker in America would get a $4000 raise from the corporate tax cuts, too, and we all saw how that worked out for American workers.

trump did not make that promise


The $4000 is not only from a cut of the corporate tax rate but also lower taxes for the workers too

and a stronger economy for all

and it was doing good until china attacked us with the wuhan virus

HUGE! 20,000 Small Business Survival Loans
Go Unprocessed on Thursday After Pelosi and
Democrats BLOCK FUNDING to American Workers

Winning hearts, minds, and elections...one disastrous step (for them) and one heart-breaking (for Americans / business owners) at a time......

I told yas last friggin week ..thier was already reports of people crying "no loan for me they're frozen stand still right now ...I'm waiting I'm frigging screwed ......wah "
It's like they almost wanna hurt yas on purpose.... humm funny taint it

No not Nancy...she fights for like important like issues n like stuff n like...we're like all like in this like together...brrrp drumphf nazi

Dear leader piles on

Donald J. Trump




Today people started losing their jobs because of Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, who should immediately come back to Washington and approve legislation to help families in America. End your ENDLESS VACATION!

Lol the hardest workin man in D.C.

Bonus ...Heads up prepared ones ...he ain't off on us ....what am I sayin your heads have been for years


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