2-year-old finds unsecured gun, shoots himself in the head, now in critical condition

A former business partner had his gun stolen from his car a few years back and I looked at him and told him if anyone is killed with his gun he is responsible for that death and why?

You never leave your firearm unsecured ever!

My nephew was discharged from the Navy for that and live with it daily!

Was his gun in a locked vehicle and covered from outside view? Did he immediately report it stolen? Many questions that you did not answer.
if this story doesn't cause major gun reform, nothing will!

Any gun grabber needs shot and buried. GUN REFORM I'll tell you what take that idiot that left that gun where a child got a hold of it and jail the fool. But don't stop therer, then round up you clowns and charge you disobeying federal laws for not being part of the militia or having the gear you are suppose to have ya woss!
I find it funny that when the skier, Bode Miller, and his wife let their toddler drown in their pool everyone was soooooo sympathetic and were fawning all over them.

If that toddler had shot himself we all know they would have been vilified.

There are 3900 accidental drownings a year and less than 500 accidental shooting fatalities a year

It seems you people should be whining about pools at least 8 times more than you do about guns.
Was his gun in a locked vehicle and covered from outside view? Did he immediately report it stolen? Many questions that you did not answer.
Who the fuck are you?

No one!

1. You do not leave your firearm unattended in a vehicle or at home where it can be stolen or used improperly!

2. If you were in the fucking military and were issued a sidearm you know you are responsible for that piece and if stolen and used in a crime your ass is grass by the military.

3. Irresponsible people like you trying to excuse the negligence of idiots like you is not amazing and why the left want to revoke your right to own any form of firearm!

4. Responsible adults know you carry your piece with you no matter what when it is in your vehicle and you and I mean those like you are responsible for the damage it does if stolen because you know very well you never leave that firearm unattended you stupid fucking Hick!

Now tell me how wrong I am while demanding that I apologize for telling you to be responsible!

Only a fucking idiot leave their firearm unattended where it can be stolen!

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