19.5% of America is on Welfare?

Republicans, I will agree with you that this is unacceptable.

Overall: In 2019, 19.5 percent of the total population received or lived with a family member who received a benefit in any amount from TANF, SNAP, or SSI at any point during the year.

Glad to read this

With some exceptions, non-citizens entering the United States after August 22, 1996, the date of enactment of the welfare reform legislation, are not eligible for most welfare benefits, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), SSI, Medicaid, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), ...
Aren’t you one of em?

Aren’t you one of em?


Nope. I'm actually upper middle class. Inflation didn't hurt me much. I hardly noticed. Well, I guess my savings noticed but other than that I still maxed out my 401K. And I still saved an additional $20K last year just like I do every year. So while I did notice chicken was a lot more expensive, I just didn't eat as much chicken as I used to.

I used to eat 2 or 3 chicken breast at one time. Now I take one chicken breast and I cut it thin into 3 slabs of chicken. Put a little sauce and mozzarella cheese on it and make chicken parm
Nope. I'm actually upper middle class. Inflation didn't hurt me much. I hardly noticed. Well, I guess my savings noticed but other than that I still maxed out my 401K. And I still saved an additional $20K last year just like I do every year. So while I did notice chicken was a lot more expensive, I just didn't eat as much chicken as I used to.

I used to eat 2 or 3 chicken breast at one time. Now I take one chicken breast and I cut it thin into 3 slabs of chicken. Put a little sauce and mozzarella cheese on it and make chicken parm
Meanwhile welfare folks are eating steak on your dime. Keep voting blue.
I'd go for working hours at $20 versus no hours for $0.
Also, $20 an hour is $40,000 a year. Share an apartment with someone in a similar situation, and the “household” is bringing in $80,000.

Also, I note that the poster cries that $40,000 a year doesn’t put food on the table, but has no problem suggesting wages be increased - which will inflate the food prices even more - knowing that retirees average about $24,000 from SS.

So….he wants to increase food costs on the elderly with incomes of $24,000 because……waaaaa……workers with incomes of $40,000 can’t afford food.

Socialist thinking. They have no use for people who hav finished their 40-year working career.

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