14 Wacky "Facts" Kids Will Learn in Louisiana's Voucher Schools

Students and school systems, generally, succeed or fail on the involvement or not of parents.

The teachers are always stunned to see my wife AND me at meetings.

they suffer for it, since I don't tolerate bullshit.

I'm a teacher and I would like to know what your idea of "bullshit" is

so that next time I speak with a parent maybe I can dispense with the bullshit and tell them straightforward that their kid is doing poorly because he is stupid and lazy just like them.

thanks for your help
I hope you are sharing your opinions in appropriate manner, dutiful and respectful.

We had one parent say she would "kill a teacher" if said teacher ever restrained her child if he physically acted out.

As school board president, I and the board approved the superintendent's directive that she be arrested and led out in handcuffs in front of the other parents.

She was placed under bond for good behavior, and she did behave herself.

Students and school systems, generally, succeed or fail on the involvement or not of parents.

The teachers are always stunned to see my wife AND me at meetings.

they suffer for it, since I don't tolerate bullshit.
I hope you are sharing your opinions in appropriate manner, dutiful and respectful.We had one parent say she would "kill a teacher" if said teacher ever restrained her child if he physically acted out.

As school board president, I and the board approved the superintendent's directive that she be arrested and led out in handcuffs in front of the other parents.

She was placed under bond for good behavior, and she did behave herself.

Students and school systems, generally, succeed or fail on the involvement or not of parents.

The teachers are always stunned to see my wife AND me at meetings.

they suffer for it, since I don't tolerate bullshit.

he is probablly not

I have had some parents that are quite nice. I would do anything they asked.

but there have been others that think that since they are a tax payer and you are working with their child they can treat you like dirt and demand special treatment.
We instructed our teachers to always try to work with parents, but if they instead on playing the fool we would have them escorted off campus with a warning that when they came back they would come back to help not hinder the educational process.

Some of them tried the TPM shout out process in board meetings until they found themselves in jail for the night.

Some parents don't get they are not in charge of the day to day school process.

I hope you are sharing your opinions in appropriate manner, dutiful and respectful.We had one parent say she would "kill a teacher" if said teacher ever restrained her child if he physically acted out.

As school board president, I and the board approved the superintendent's directive that she be arrested and led out in handcuffs in front of the other parents.

She was placed under bond for good behavior, and she did behave herself.

The teachers are always stunned to see my wife AND me at meetings.

they suffer for it, since I don't tolerate bullshit.

he is probablly not

I have had some parents that are quite nice. I would do anything they asked.

but there have been others that think that since they are a tax payer and you are working with their child they can treat you like dirt and demand special treatment.
The parents I needed to talk to never showed up, even after calls to remind them of the open house or conferences.
The ones that showed up, I didn't really need to see them. Their kids were doing fine.

I wonder if there is a message in this.....
Students and school systems, generally, succeed or fail on the involvement or not of parents.

The teachers are always stunned to see my wife AND me at meetings.

they suffer for it, since I don't tolerate bullshit.

I'm a teacher and I would like to know what your idea of "bullshit" is

so that next time I speak with a parent maybe I can dispense with the bullshit and tell them straightforward that their kid is doing poorly because he is stupid and lazy just like them.

thanks for your help

It's your job as a teacher to provide and set forth a curriculum that both engages and inspires students to learn. School counselors are paid a salary because "supposedly" they have the ability to offset anything that might be deterring a child from learning.

Clearly wasted salaries and tax payers dollars on both accounts. As well, grammar as a teacher is second nature, and a peeve when not performed properly. You are no teacher, but troll?
nah, brutaltroll, you are not in charge here

you walk into our schools with a chip on your shoulder, you will leave with it knocked off

support your schools and teachers, and do you children a favor, hmmm?
nah, brutaltroll, you are not in charge here

you walk into our schools with a chip on your shoulder, you will leave with it knocked off

support your schools and teachers, and do you children a favor, hmmm?

Lol, I had one teacher, such as yourself, terminated from employment just last year. Fact is, the "our schools" quite frankly just isn't how it works. Perhaps some study into the rapid increase of children being home schooled would be in order for you, and some preparations made into a more "stable" field of employment wouldn't hurt either. :clap2:
Brutal Troll, you are talking nonsense, and you know it. If you walked into our schools, you would have toed the line. period. I was the school board president, not a teacher, and I backed the superintendent and his policies. His first policy was to back the teachers, particularly against parents, like you, who had not a clue about education. Our students went to LSU, A&M, USC, Stanford, and Duke. I am not in the least concerned that you have any idea about what good educational administration or good pedagogy requires. You don't.

My family members and I own a chain of businesses across the lower south, we are very successful, and we all recognize trolls like you in a heartbeat. We discharge them immediately when they act out.

So beat your mouth off all you want here. For you, it is enjoyable, like masturbation, but also is just as sterile.

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nah, brutaltroll, you are not in charge here

you walk into our schools with a chip on your shoulder, you will leave with it knocked off

support your schools and teachers, and do you children a favor, hmmm?

Lol, I had one teacher, such as yourself, terminated from employment just last year. Fact is, the "our schools" quite frankly just isn't how it works. Perhaps some study into the rapid increase of children being home schooled would be in order for you, and some preparations made into a more "stable" field of employment wouldn't hurt either. :clap2:

you had a teacher terminated?
Lol, I had one teacher, such as yourself, terminated from employment just last year. Fact is, the "our schools" quite frankly just isn't how it works. Perhaps some study into the rapid increase of children being home schooled would be in order for you, and some preparations made into a more "stable" field of employment wouldn't hurt either. :clap2:
From what I understand, the recent increase in home schooling is due to religious objections, not educational reasons. This is due, in part, to the rise of fundamentalism in the US objecting to things like evolution.

"Fact is, the 'our schools' quite frankly just isn't how it works." If you're a product of public schools, I agree. Your grammar is atrocious. :D Just kidding!

You have to remember that public schools do more than just educate. They culturalize and socialize, turning individuals into citizens and members of our communities, both local and national. That's extremely valuable.

And as a former teacher and principal of private schools, I can tell you first-hand that they can be better AND worse than public schools. It more depends on funding, local culture, quality of parenting, and quality of instruction. Private schools do not have a lock on any of that.
The far religious right gets pissy that public schools teach critical thinking, which, in fact, undermines church and parental teachings. So the private school or home school their children. The children, who write well to the 2nd level of analysis, freak when they get to college and encounter critical thinking. Once they get through that heart break, they do fairly well.
The teachers are always stunned to see my wife AND me at meetings.

they suffer for it, since I don't tolerate bullshit.

I'm a teacher and I would like to know what your idea of "bullshit" is

so that next time I speak with a parent maybe I can dispense with the bullshit and tell them straightforward that their kid is doing poorly because he is stupid and lazy just like them.

thanks for your help

It's your job as a teacher to provide and set forth a curriculum that both engages and inspires students to learn. School counselors are paid a salary because "supposedly" they have the ability to offset anything that might be deterring a child from learning.

Clearly wasted salaries and tax payers dollars on both accounts. As well, grammar as a teacher is second nature, and a peeve when not performed properly. You are no teacher, but troll?

how the hell old are you anyway?

you sound like a spoiled teenager. Should I get in front of the class and do a song and dance about fractions?

Stand on my head and recite the Kama Sutra?

What are the guidance counselors going to do, inject 50 IQ points into their brains or do a song and dance to that will get them to magicallly give a shit?

BTW, why isn't your post in APA format?
Just so, sb. Birthcontrol Troll is just being a pill and a good HS teacher will jack him up this fall.

I'm a teacher and I would like to know what your idea of "bullshit" is

so that next time I speak with a parent maybe I can dispense with the bullshit and tell them straightforward that their kid is doing poorly because he is stupid and lazy just like them.

thanks for your help

It's your job as a teacher to provide and set forth a curriculum that both engages and inspires students to learn. School counselors are paid a salary because "supposedly" they have the ability to offset anything that might be deterring a child from learning.

Clearly wasted salaries and tax payers dollars on both accounts. As well, grammar as a teacher is second nature, and a peeve when not performed properly. You are no teacher, but troll?

how the hell old are you anyway?

you sound like a spoiled teenager. Should I get in front of the class and do a song and dance about fractions?

Stand on my head and recite the Kama Sutra?

What are the guidance counselors going to do, inject 50 IQ points into their brains or do a song and dance to that will get them to magicallly give a shit?

BTW, why isn't your post in APA format?
The parents I needed to talk to never showed up, even after calls to remind them of the open house or conferences.
The ones that showed up, I didn't really need to see them. Their kids were doing fine.

I wonder if there is a message in this.....

Of course. Those parents who are involved have better students.
Students and school systems, generally, succeed or fail on the involvement or not of parents.

The teachers are always stunned to see my wife AND me at meetings.

they suffer for it, since I don't tolerate bullshit.

I'm a teacher and I would like to know what your idea of "bullshit" is

so that next time I speak with a parent maybe I can dispense with the bullshit and tell them straightforward that their kid is doing poorly because he is stupid and lazy just like them.

thanks for your help
You may do this. But just be diplomatic about it.
That's a problem many teachers have with meeting with parents. They do not want to say things to parents that the parents do not want to hear.
However, there are teachers who will try to blow sunshine up your ass. That to me is "bullshit".
I hope you are sharing your opinions in appropriate manner, dutiful and respectful.We had one parent say she would "kill a teacher" if said teacher ever restrained her child if he physically acted out.

As school board president, I and the board approved the superintendent's directive that she be arrested and led out in handcuffs in front of the other parents.

She was placed under bond for good behavior, and she did behave herself.

The teachers are always stunned to see my wife AND me at meetings.

they suffer for it, since I don't tolerate bullshit.

he is probablly not

I have had some parents that are quite nice. I would do anything they asked.

but there have been others that think that since they are a tax payer and you are working with their child they can treat you like dirt and demand special treatment.
When I met with teachers I would use the "tis easier to attract bees with honey than with vinegar" approach.
People wish to treat others with respect. Therefore I go on that premise.
It worked miracles getting extra help and mentoring for my son. He was not the best student on the planet for sure. Once the teachers he had go to know me, it resulted in smooth sailing, for the most part.
We instructed our teachers to always try to work with parents, but if they instead on playing the fool we would have them escorted off campus with a warning that when they came back they would come back to help not hinder the educational process.

Some of them tried the TPM shout out process in board meetings until they found themselves in jail for the night.

Some parents don't get they are not in charge of the day to day school process.

I hope you are sharing your opinions in appropriate manner, dutiful and respectful.We had one parent say she would "kill a teacher" if said teacher ever restrained her child if he physically acted out.

As school board president, I and the board approved the superintendent's directive that she be arrested and led out in handcuffs in front of the other parents.

She was placed under bond for good behavior, and she did behave herself.

he is probablly not

I have had some parents that are quite nice. I would do anything they asked.

but there have been others that think that since they are a tax payer and you are working with their child they can treat you like dirt and demand special treatment.
Well, that's true but not accurate. Parents get the final say when they vote on school budgets, use their voices to pressure administrators and of course involve themselves in the overall process.

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