13 Charts to Put America's Gun Violence in Perspective


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Let's not talk about the thousands upon thousands killed throughout the world by terrorism or criminal activity. Let's make a big deal about cops killing civilians. But, check this out:

1. Firearms Ownership Increasing While Gun Homicides Plummeting

2. No Strong Connection Between Gun Homicides and Firearms Ownership

3. Find the United States in This Chart


4. America Has High Homicide Rate versus Other “Developed” Nations

5. Other “Developed” Nations Have Issues with Homicide Rates

6. U.S. Firearms Ownership Dwarfs Other Nations

7. America Not the Only ‘Developed’ Nation with Mass Shooting Problem

8. Mass Homicide Not on Rise, Victims are Down

9. U.S. Homicide Rates in Global Context

10. ‘Murder Capitals’ of America


11. U.S. Cities Have Gun Homicide Rates Similar to the Worst of the Worst Worldwide

12. Gun Sales Under President Obama

13. Zero Correlation Between State Gun Laws and Firearms Homicides

Obama ought to go to work for a gun manufacturer when he leaves office as he's such a great gun salesman. Read the full story @ 13 Charts Put America's Gun Violence in Perspective

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