100 lawmakers descend upon Mt. Vernon


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
be nice, but they can only count on 26 votes, 32 if they can really press the issue.

but you know how liberals can whine and whine and whine.

lack of dignity for being a pol
Gaining Steam? Nearly 100 Lawmakers Descend on Mount Vernon to Talk Convention of States | TheBlaze.com

Nearly 100 lawmakers descended upon Mt. Vernon to discuss the possibility of a state convention to amend the Constitution. For the first time in US history, states are seeking to impose their will upon the federal government.

With a poll showing that 74% of Americans favor a balanced budget and 75% of Americans favor term limits, the time is now!!

a good time to push against what is happening. Nothing scares liberals more than a vote on ending their BS. If this goes through it will pass.
be nice, but they can only count on 26 votes, 32 if they can really press the issue.

but you know how liberals can whine and whine and whine.

lack of dignity for being a pol

The opposition is daunting. Here you have a federal government that uses the printing press of the Fed to coerce and bribe and threaten state power. There is no limit to the amount of money that they can throw at people to do their bidding. Such power has not been seen since the dawn of time when the universe was first formed.

However, with an approval rating of only 5%, the US Congress is arguably at its weakest point in US history.

I say it is now or never. We fight while we still have the freedom to express opposition.
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Gaining Steam? Nearly 100 Lawmakers Descend on Mount Vernon to Talk Convention of States | TheBlaze.com

Nearly 100 lawmakers descended upon Mt. Vernon to discuss the possibility of a state convention to amend the Constitution. For the first time in US history, states are seeking to impose their will upon the federal government.

With a poll showing that 74% of Americans favor a balanced budget and 75% of Americans favor term limits, the time is now!!

a good time to push against what is happening. Nothing scares liberals more than a vote on ending their BS. If this goes through it will pass.

All I want to see are those in Congress pee their pants. However, by the looks of them they are already doing that with regularity anyway.

I believe, from what I have read from other sources, that this meeting is to get lawmakers from many states to come up with the process and procedure for what would be a constitutional convention.. as the constitution itself is not detailed on the requirements
I believe, from what I have read from other sources, that this meeting is to get lawmakers from many states to come up with the process and procedure for what would be a constitutional convention.. as the constitution itself is not detailed on the requirements

It may not be much hope, but at least it's hope.

Although we are outgunned at every side, although the fight appears futile, it certainly is exhilarating!!


Progressives, bring on your Benadict Arnolds. Bring on your trillions of Fed dollars to oppose us. Bring on your slander through state run media for I smell the blood of battle!!
The fact that the states are even talking about a Constitutional Convention, much less doing the legwork, means there are serious problems in this country. The states know the funding for everything they do comes from DC, so this is not far from biting the hand that feeds them, but really what else can they do? DC doesn't really seem to care what the states want or need. The feds are the agent of the states, not the master.

Hopefully, if nothing else is accomplished, the 17th Amendment gets repealed.
There never has been a constitutional convention under Article V, and probably never will be.

But, hey, if a few guys can get someone to pay for a junket to Virginia to play act like the Founders, let them enjoy themselves, I say.
There never has been a constitutional convention under Article V, and probably never will be.

But, hey, if a few guys can get someone to pay for a junket to Virginia to play act like the Founders, let them enjoy themselves, I say.

yep. same as the impeachment and secession threads they have every other day/hour.
There never has been a constitutional convention under Article V, and probably never will be.

But, hey, if a few guys can get someone to pay for a junket to Virginia to play act like the Founders, let them enjoy themselves, I say.

That would be incorrect!
There never has been a constitutional convention under Article V, and probably never will be.

But, hey, if a few guys can get someone to pay for a junket to Virginia to play act like the Founders, let them enjoy themselves, I say.

I concede that the odds are against us. We have corporate America, the media, academia, and the left to contend with at the same time, not to mention Uncle Ben's printing press in the basement of the Fed.

I say just because a fight may seem unwinnable, it may still be worth fighting. I find that the righteous often stand in the wake of insurmountable odds. Just look at Ghandi, Jesus, Winston Churchill etc. They may kill us, but in the end the righteousness of the cause will eventually win out at some point.
There never has been a constitutional convention under Article V, and probably never will be.

But, hey, if a few guys can get someone to pay for a junket to Virginia to play act like the Founders, let them enjoy themselves, I say.

I concede that the odds are against us. We have corporate America, the media, academia, and the left to contend with at the same time, not to mention Uncle Ben's printing press in the basement of the Fed.

I say just because a fight may seem unwinnable, it may still be worth fighting. I find that the righteous often stand in the wake of insurmountable odds. Just look at Ghandi, Jesus, Winston Churchill etc. They may kill us, but in the end the righteousness of the cause will eventually win out at some point.

They may kill you? :lol:

Someone is listening to Alex Jones...
First of all, this is not a "Constitutional Convention"... So let's stop that lie right now.

All they can do is agree on Amendments to put before the State's Legislatures, by-passing the Congress and President.

As far as "never been done before"?

Look at all the stuff this President has done that had never been done before.. So much stuff that even Liberal law professors are questioning if they are not destroying the Constitution.
First of all, this is not a "Constitutional Convention"... So let's stop that lie right now.

I was pointing out they are asking for something that has never been done before, and probably never will be done.

Look at all the stuff this President has done that had never been done before.. So much stuff that even Liberal law professors are questioning if they are not destroying the Constitution.

This amuses me. Obama is not doing anything his predecessors have not done. In fact, Bush handed off to Obama all these tools he is using. You were perfectly fine when Bush did it, but on January 20, 2009 you suddenly discovered the Constitution! :lol:

There are words for this tomfoolery: Too little, too late. You did all the damage when you turned a blind eye to Bush.

More words: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." The psychos foaming at the mouth today did NOTHING for eight years previously.
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