10 worst Americans of all time (says this site). I think they're all politicians, not surprisingly

I agree w/ some of these but... I didn't know valarie jarrett was a hardcore communist..

just goes to show you that even if you don't watch fake news, you can somehow get misled or lied to just the same...

The list is spot on.
There are lots of bad Americans. There are lots of good Americans.

No one on those lists, nor anyone you might want to add or subtract to them, is the worst (or best) American.

If a politician, or an entertainer, or a business mogul does bad things well, it's up to us to perpetuate them. No one person can do substantial harm to our society unless we are there to enable them

We can unelect politicians with whom we disagree. We can not pay to watch entertainers who do bad things. We can refuse to buy the services of businesses or business people with whose actions we find disagreeable.

All the freedom, and all the blame. on what widespread damage (or good) someone influential does in our society is on US.
My ten worst Americans are
Bill Clinton
Al Gore
Harry Reid
Stephen Colbert

Walter Cronkite??
Anyway, here's mine
10. Ed Gein
9. John Wayne Gacy
8. Gertrude Baniszewski
7. David Duke
6. Robert E. Lee
5. Charles Manson
4. Gary Leon Ridgway
3. Timothy McVeigh
2. Donald Trump
1. Andrew Jackson
Your list is better. I was wondering why the author of the article had such little regard for the mass killers, for inclusion on this list, of course, I realized it may have been written by some right-wing fanatic.
Your list is better. I was wondering why the author of the article had such little regard for the mass killers, for inclusion on this list, of course, I realized it may have been written by some right-wing fanatic.
Thanks. I have no doubt it was written by some right wing nut job, but Walter Cronkite?? Seriously? I can't figure that one out. I think Gertrude Baniszewski should have been higher on my list.

I agree w/ some of these but... I didn't know valarie jarrett was a hardcore communist..

just goes to show you that even if you don't watch fake news, you can somehow get misled or lied to just the same...

I agree w/ some of these but... I didn't know valarie jarrett was a hardcore communist..

just goes to show you that even if you don't watch fake news, you can somehow get misled or lied to just the same...

Frank Hawkins? What worthless piece of shit.

In the last 80 years, the top 10 would easily be

John Birch
William Randolph Hearst
Joseph McCarthy
Robert Welch
J Edgar Hoover
Henry Anslinger
Jerry Falwell
Richard Nixon
Rush Limbaugh
Donald Trump

I agree w/ some of these but... I didn't know valarie jarrett was a hardcore communist..

just goes to show you that even if you don't watch fake news, you can somehow get misled or lied to just the same...

Gee….Not a Conservative on the list

Whoda thunk?
Looks like I will have to make my own list of worst Americans of All Time

1. Donald Trump
2. Charles Manson
3. Lee Harvey Oswald
4. Ted Bundy
5. Rush Limbaugh
6. Sean Hannity
7. The Unabomber
8. Oklahoma City Bomber
9. Uvalde Killer
10. Sandy Hook Killer

I win!
Frank Hawkins? What worthless piece of shit.

In the last 80 years, the top 10 would easily be

John Birch
William Randolph Hearst
Joseph McCarthy
Robert Welch
J Edgar Hoover
Henry Anslinger
Jerry Falwell
Richard Nixon
Rush Limbaugh
Donald Trump
John Birch? an OSS agent killed by a Chinese spy?

I agree w/ some of these but... I didn't know valarie jarrett was a hardcore communist..

just goes to show you that even if you don't watch fake news, you can somehow get misled or lied to just the same...
Lol what a lunatic. Jimi Hendrix as an honorable mention!

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