1.1 trillion

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
Since we don't have 1.1 trillion, and our government wants to spend another 1.1trillion, does any righty OR lefty care where we are going to get it?
Shouldn't the question to Congress be, "Where are we going to get the latest 1.1 trillion you want to spend"?

Whether we borrow another trillion from our "good friends", China, or whether we depreciate our dollar by just printing up more, or whether we allow enough taxation to try to keep up with our governments spending habits keep this in mind:

A million seconds is 12 days.
A billion seconds is 31 years.
A trillion seconds is 31,688 years.

Change the seconds to dollars to figure out how long China will own the United States of America.........

We are no longer Democrats or Republicans. We are beggars.
The more we borrow, the more there is to pay interest on, so is there a limit to our government expecting us to pick up the tab for everything? Do you get to choose a penny over 1/4 of your paycheck, or is their spending your money out of your hands?
Do you want to pony up 27 Billion for Iran or take the money from our military to cover it?
The White House can close it's doors to Americans, but Americans can't stop the government parties and "vacations"?
Are there enough people in this country that would like this death spiral to stop regardless of political affiliation, or are we done?
We can't even teach our kids how to write. How pathetic we are.
So why isn't oversight our agenda? Do we just not give a shit anymore? Do we think that this is all pretend, and our kids and their kids will be just fine a little further down the road?

You're asking the wrong question regarding oversight. The question is, "When has there ever been any oversight?"

Oversight should have always been in place with our taxes. Politicians view it as not from their pockets, so it's free money.
So why isn't oversight our agenda? Do we just not give a shit anymore? Do we think that this is all pretend, and our kids and their kids will be just fine a little further down the road?

You're asking the wrong question regarding oversight. The question is, "When has there ever been any oversight?"

Oversight should have always been in place with our taxes. Politicians view it as not from their pockets, so it's free money.

Oversight ended on Dec 23, 1913 with the Federal Reserve. Just how stupid does a country have to be to hand over all of their money policies to a group of bankers with express conditions of never being able to audit them or supervise their activities.
Cycle of Civilization:

Spiritual Faith>

And, necessarily, in that order.
650 billion on defense of the 1.1 trillion. Maybe we should get the fuck out of the middle east and cut that to around 500 billion???

Maybe we should stop cutting the shit out education, science, infrastructure and r@d. Or maybe will have this big fucking dick stroking military that is second rate. Your choice.
Hey, what's another trillion here and another trillion there?

I mean not when you plan to just repudiate the debt and announce a new currency.....

Oh yeah,

Let's cut the guts out of this nation that what makes this nation special. infrastructure, r@d and education(that's going to shit).

See how big and powerful your dick stroking military is when you do.

Why the fuck is the American people the ones that have to give up our lead in science?Just for you to spend trillions in some sand hole or pay off your billionaires.
We can all bow down to the memory of our great Ronnie Ray-Gun for making us a debtor nation.


Edited to add link-

Education? We aren't even teaching our children how to write anymore. What were we, 36th among the nations as far as education? We aren't building better anything. Top priority for a new elementary school being built here wasn't curriculum, it was it's PHARMACY. Morning after pills for elementary children in case they start using the sex training they were taught in kindergarten. And the non gender specific restrooms are a nice touch...... That's our agenda now. Not education, not training.

NASA has been turned into a teaching facility for foreigners who want to bypass our space program.
Our steel mills have turned to rust. The car manufacturers that used that steel are owned by Italy now. We still make paper clips though. Thank you Clinton for NAFTA.
You see Nuddley, this isn't a liberal or conservative issue. This is an American politician problem. It is a global initiative at our expense problem. We are redistributing wealth we don't have, to bankroll countries that want to kill us. Do you think that 27 Billion for the assembly line production of bombs will make Iran like us more?

It's our children's and this country's legacy that we are giving away, and we seem so unconcerned. What would happen if we told Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakistan, Turkey and all the others with their hands out, to handle their own problems? Why are we willing to go under just so we can support every nation with a gripe against their neighbor? Are we nuts?

I'd like to see a candidate with John Wayne's patriotism and the guts of those that raised that flag at Iwo Jima and the common sense of a mathematician. Or at least a ground swell of Americans that are willing to scream, "Enough!"

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