
  1. deanrd

    75% of Americans 17 to 24 are unqualified to join the Military. Only 1% are even interested.

    Here’s why most Americans can’t join the military The U.S. Army's major enlistment requirements include: Ages between 17 and 34 years old Must be U.S. citizen or legal foreign national Must have high school diploma or equivalent Minimum 33 score on Armed Forces Qualification Test No tattoos...
  2. Ridgerunner

    Baseball-God- Guns

    All on a Sunday afternoon... :113: Wish I would have thought of this 30 years ago when my son was involved in Little League/Youth Baseball... With each passing year it was more difficult to field enough boys and girls to put together a competitive league... Soccer, parents were pushing their...
  3. Pop23

    School Shootings and Veteran Suicide rates connected?

    After debating a retired Military individual about Gun Violence I came across some startling information. That was that, returning soldiers had a startling rate of Violent Criminal convictions. I studied this a bit and was shocked at the connection that SSRI Antidepressants had with not only...
  4. Pop23

    Mass Shootings - NRA or Big Pharma at fault

    This article details a common thread for many of the mass shooting events over the past few decades. From Columbine to Parkland, the use of SSRI antidepressants many have played a key role in these outbursts of hate. From the article: From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass...
  5. Dragonlady

    Van Ploughs into Pedestrians at busy Toronto intersection

    A white van drove up onto the sidewalk at the corner of Yonge and Finch in Toronto just minutes ago. 8 to 10 people were struck. The driver is in custody. Watching on TV now. No idea if this a medical situation or a terrorist attack.
  6. deanrd

    Three Kansas militiamen who plotted to bomb Muslims are found guilty on terrorism charges

    Three Kansas militiamen who plotted to bomb Muslims are found guilty on terrorism charges I don't remember hearing about this on the news. The men — at least two of whom had posted pro-Trump messages on social media, according to reports — at times invoked anti-Islam rhetoric expressed by...
  7. TheProgressivePatriot

    Televangelist Rails Against Children Who Marched for Life

    In all fairness, the title of the article that appears below is a bit over the top. I did not read or hear that she said that the students are like “demonic Nazis who rape gun owners” but, even at that, her words are pretty deplorable...
  8. JGalt

    Facebook leading the way in getting guns off the streets

    My wife just showed me a post that one of her Facebook friends posted. :lmao: "This is a PSA. I want you to feel better about our gun culture. Have you had a change of heart about guns? Want them out of your life forever? I'm here to help! If you or your friends have a pistol, shotgun or...
  9. P@triot

    The definitive guide to the 2nd Amendment

    The entire left-wing narrative about firearms is a lie. It’s all built on a political agenda rather than on data. That’s right - 0% of the ATF investigators were able to make an illegal purchase. Not even one. Investigators test how well gun laws work online — and find shocking results that...
  10. Chuz Life

    A Ban on Bump Stocks would have prevented to massacre in Vegas

    Just a simple True or False Poll. Feel free to share your thoughts. Please watch this vide before voting.
  11. midcan5

    CDZ You wanna stop gun violence?

    I thought this powerful enough to have its own thread. Well said but complex. “Mass shootings have become routine in the United States and speak to a society that relies on violence to feed the coffers of the merchants of death. Given the profits made by arms manufacturers, the defense...
  12. DigitalDrifter

    Hillary immediately plays politics with the Las Vegas disaster/tragedy

    Bodies not even cold yet, and the bitch goes after the NRA Twitter
  13. Dan Stubbs

    Fla Sheriff Recomends Carry Guns for you Own Protection, or else.

    The sheriff said that calling 911 means officers are on their way, but said, “Until they arrive, it’s up to you and those with you to neutralize or eliminate the threat.” Ivey encouraged people to take self-defense classes, and urged those with concealed weapons permits to carry their guns with...
  14. Chuz Life

    CDZ Another shot heard round the world.

    Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules I'm posting from my phone so I am sorry for not quoting the text. Let's discuss. This is the kind of decision that can lead to very bad things.
  15. MindWars

    Liberals stockpiling guns, ammo in preparation for Trump aplocalypse

    Liberals Stockpiling Guns, Ammo in Preparation For “Trump Apocalypse” Anti-Trump left joining gun clubs out of fear of Trump! The election of Donald Trump has prompted panicked liberals to stockpile guns and ammunition in anticipation of “societal collapse.” Lara Smith, national spokesperson...
  16. MindWars

    Fast & Furious whistleblower: ATF still broken five years after scandal

    At long last, the first trial based on the events surrounding the violent 2010 murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry by Mexican drug smugglers wielding firearms supplied by the U.S. government began last week in a Tucson, Arizona, courtroom. A political firestorm erupted when it was revealed...
  17. Y

    Eating with your left hand for CCW

    So tonight I was having a lite dinner at a rib and wing bar, watching Florida get crushed by Alabama on the big screens, and in comes 3 local boyz and I could see the imprint of the mouse gun in an inside the belt holster at 6 oclock (small of the back) of one of them as they all sat down 2...
  18. Y

    Gunfighting rules - best practices

    In addition to the usual gun handling safety rules, such as always treating all guns as if they are loaded, here are my additional best practices rules for gunfighting: a - before you put your finger on the trigger to take the shot, observe everything around your target, between you and your...
  19. MindWars

    House Bill Seeks To Make Owning An ‘Assault Weapon’ A Felony

    New legislation introduced by Michigan Democrats seeks to make it a felony to own weapons defined as assault weapons. State Rep. Robert Wittenberg, D-Oak Park, presented the bill Wednesday with support from Rep. Jim Townsend, D – Royal Oak. Neither was available to make a comment. House bill...
  20. P@triot

    Will these be enough to wake up progressives?

    Yet another bombing. Yet another mass stabbing. Proving yet again that guns are not the problem. If someone wants to kill - they will find anything at their disposal to kill with. A knife. A baseball bat. A bomb. An automobile. A rope. A hammer. The list goes on and on. Guns are the ultimate...
  21. midcan5

    Australia for Contrast

    I was going to comment on these pieces but thought let the reader come to their own conclusion. The top piece is by Charles Bowden and talks about immigration, the second piece is on China's business involvement in Australia. The third article is on gun policy, and the forth piece on whales and...
  22. Y

    History of gun control in the USA

    This is the best summary of all gun laws in the USA including the subsequent gun control legislation. Loaded: A Brief History of Gun Control in America [Interactive Timeline]
  23. Stayfly

    Hey! Over Here! Look at this!

    I am a postgrad student who is currently undertaking a researching how corruption affects African-Americans in the criminal justice system. During the course of my undergraduate degree i became intrested in social injustice directed at ethnic minorities and studying human rights has further...
  24. Owsi68

    Want A Big Dick?

    Just had to post this .. I was looking for an old advertisement for the Thompson Machine Gun and stumbled upon this nugget of American history. "Get Big Dick and be envied by every boy in town"
  25. T

    mass shooting responses solutions

    Could someone please explain to me what republicans are thinking when it comes to the mass shootings? To be clear, I'm looking for a rational discussion or even just an explanation, and I'm trying to understand all the sides to an argument here. What response do republicans want to give to the...
  26. P@triot

    Government employees are first to resist and reject new government proposal

    I think it speaks volumes that law enforcement at all levels (federal, state, and local) are adamant that they do not want to be the first to move to the "smart guns" because they know that it is unreliable and will end with their death. Well, leadership is by example. If it's not good enough...
  27. Compost

    Automatic Nerf Gun

    Scary assault weapon! Eek! Nerf just made every kid's (this one included) dreams come true in announcing its first fully automatic foam ball shooter! The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 will hit stores this fall. It shoots 40 rounds per magazine, with each round capable of reaching speeds near...
  28. Compost

    Cool Guns made from Hot Rocks

    Cabot Guns, which has obtained a 4.5 billion-year-old meteorite that landed in Africa in 1838, has announced their most exclusive project to date. They're gonna turn that space rock into a matching set of pistols that some speculate to be valued at upward of a million dollars. more here These...
  29. AveryJarhman

    How Making and Not Making Drug Arrests Threatened My Police Career

    How Making and Not Making Drug Arrests Threatened My Police Career Originally published: January 7, 2015 Immediately after completing NYPD academy training I was assigned to a lower Manhattan precinct training unit. My first encounter with a public-stoner occurred when I was assigned to a...
  30. couch protester

    Kids shooting guns at this ok? for 2nd Amendment?

    Kids right to bear arms? They shoot better than they drive. But they can't own a gun until 18th birthday. It doesn't look like their trying to do mass shootings except maybe the Columbine Massacre , but more teens kill with cars than guns. Take the keys away?
  31. O

    Buying my first Rifle

    I am looking to purchase my first long gun/rifle. The main reason is for large game hunting(ie deer), with a secondary reason of "home defense". I know, a long gun is not the most practical for home defense, therefore it is the secondary reason. What I am looking for is some advice as to what to...
  32. AveryJarhman

    Video - Lil Herb on Violence in Chicago: Anyone Can Get a Gun For $20

    Listening to Herb I hear a young man who was deprived of a safe, fairly happy childhood by an immature teen girl or young woman who in all likelihood also deprived him of growing up alongside a responsible dad he could look up to and admire. I just read some of Herb's raps, thinking how sad it...
  33. W

    School shootings map since 2013

    Mapping Each US School Shooting Since 2013... Map Shows Every US School Shooting Since 2013 October 13th, 2015 - There have been at least 150 school shootings in the United States since 2013, an average of nearly one per week, according to the group, Everytown for Gun Safety.
  34. TheProgressivePatriot

    Time for a Jeb Bush Thread

    I thought that it is interesting and telling that there was no Jeb Bush thread in the politics forum. It’s seems that Trump, Carson and even Fiorina are getting all of the play. I realize that Bush is a “ho hum” candidate who is down in the polls but we should pay attention because all that can...
  35. P

    American Shootout Caught on Tape

    Brave shopkeeper caught on Tape dominating his would-be thief, grabbing his gun and shoot the thief several times Andrew Hepburn, the owner of CAD Auto Parts store, was sitting in his office when two men armed suspects entered. When one of them was distracted by a witness, he saw his chance...

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