
  1. P@triot

    Democrat Mayor Arrested in Meth-For-Sex Sting

    Typical of our politicians on the left. Always mixed up in some disturbing, deviant sex scandal (and usual involving men with men). Just another Harvey Milk here... D.C.-Area Mayor Arrested in Meth-For-Sex Sting
  2. Ridgerunner

    Who elects the President of the United States?

    During my 40+ years of following politics I have always heard that partisan Democrats and Republicans only contribute to the election of their chosen candidate. In reality Independent voters actually elect politicians to office. Jimmy Carter was elected with the votes of Independents after 8...
  3. T

    mass shooting responses solutions

    Could someone please explain to me what republicans are thinking when it comes to the mass shootings? To be clear, I'm looking for a rational discussion or even just an explanation, and I'm trying to understand all the sides to an argument here. What response do republicans want to give to the...
  4. CelloX

    Democrats (and maybe republicans) - What religion are you?

    I am curious, as I wonder how many Christians support the democratic party. I don't vote for the democrats, but I only hesitatingly vote for the republicans. If you are republican, feel free to post your religion and party too, but please don't vote.
  5. American_Jihad

    Fixing Flint with Tough Love

    Oh My, I thought the left were pro environment... Fixing Flint with Tough Love The only people who can save Flint are already living there. May 17, 2016 Daniel Greenfield You’ve probably never heard of Sebring, Ohio. Despite tainted water, which the EPA knew about for months before the...
  6. Peony

    The Fat Lady is Still Warming Up

    As the colloquialism goes, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings. This is true of the 2016 primary race. Most of the chatter and speculation has been about which GOP candidate will run against Hillary Clinton. Indeed, the GOP candidate is not known at this time. What isn’t talked about much...
  7. Never3ndr

    Why Clinton?

    This is a serious question to any supporters of Clinton on this forum (I honestly haven't seen any so I kinda expect this topic to die). The question is simple: Why do you support Hillary Clinton? This isn't asking why you are a Democrat, nor why you hate is why you support...
  8. American_Jihad

    Blacks and the Democratic Dynasty

    One of these days the people of color will figure it out... Bill Whittle: The Most Shameful Injustice Death by Democrats. March 3, 2016 ... Through the 1940’s, 50’s and into the 60’s, Detroit was not the blasted ruin you see today, but the thriving, pulsating center of...
  9. American_Jihad

    The plight of pro-Big Government millennials

    Oh poor dear, she has it sooo bad, lol... Starving on the Prosciutto-and-Brie Poverty Diet The plight of pro-Big Government millennials. February 25, 2016 Michelle Malkin Heed the cry of an entitled young American hipster: Woe is me, me, me, me, me! ... Somehow, Jane was able to...
  10. Slade3200

    Is the GOP racist for Obamablocking the SC nomination?

    Many key congressional republicans have vowed to not even consider a hearing or vote to nominate a new Supreme Court Justice if it is an Obama appointee. There have been accusations from the Left claiming that this is an example of the GOP's racist bigotry against the President. What do you...
  11. American_Jihad

    The Progressives’ Phony Democracy

    One of these days the left will get the revolution they so desperately want... The Progressives’ Phony Democracy The fears of the Founders and the prophecies of Tocqueville are on their way to becoming reality. February 16, 2016 Bruce Thornton The sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia has...
  12. American_Jihad


    America needs a taste of pure socialism/communism, It would be a good learning experience and the end to that liberal/commie utopian dream... THE SOCIALIST FACE OF “IMMIGRANT RIGHTS” Inside the corrosive agendas of Congressman Luis Gutierrez. January 29, 2016 John Perazzo Rep. Luis Gutierrez...
  13. AveryJarhman

    Bernie Sanders: Kendrick Lamar & Police Must Be Held Accountable For Stopping Violent Felons..

    Bernie Sanders: Kendrick Lamar & Police Must Be Held Accountable For Stopping Violent Felons.. Does highly educated and life experienced presidential hopeful Mr. Bernie Sanders have a National plan for holding ACCOUNTABLE the significant population of "living wild" primary child caregivers who...
  14. American_Jihad

    Chicago Democrat Sworn into Office from Jail

    Well now you know why we call democrats criminalcrats... Chicago Democrat Sworn into Office from Jail January 25, 2016 Daniel Greenfield Wouldn't it just be more convenient to move the city government into prison or to just treat government buildings as prisons? It would save commuting time...

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