Democrat may have leaked the internal DNC documents


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Oh My, just a rumor or not, time will tell if more people don't get murdered...

The late Seth Rich, not Russia, may have leaked the internal DNC documents.
May 17, 2017

Matthew Vadum

The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have leaked DNC documents to WikiLeaks and who was murdered in the nation’s capital last year was, just as previously claimed, in touch with Julian Assange’s document-dumping hacktivist group, media reports confirm.

This raises the possibility that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the DNC’s computer servers – assuming those actually took place. And if Russia didn’t hack the DNC, then the left-wing conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched cyber-attacks on the DNC to help Donald Trump win the election – and that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians in those attacks – is undermined.

Despite the mass media hysteria, there is still no publicly available evidence the Trump campaign somehow worked with Russia to affect the election result. Sources in newspaper articles are never identified. There is not a scintilla of proof of improper conduct. All we have is the alleged say-so of faceless CIA spooks like Evan McMullin whose motives are questionable.

Retired Washington homicide detective Rod Wheeler made the explosive claim that the late DNC staffer Seth C. Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks yesterday to Fox News.


Slain DNC Official Contacted WikiLeaks?
Well, he must have done something wrong to have the Clinoton lynch mob after him.
Oh My, just a rumor or not, time will tell if more people don't get murdered...

The late Seth Rich, not Russia, may have leaked the internal DNC documents.
May 17, 2017

Matthew Vadum

The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have leaked DNC documents to WikiLeaks and who was murdered in the nation’s capital last year was, just as previously claimed, in touch with Julian Assange’s document-dumping hacktivist group, media reports confirm.

This raises the possibility that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the DNC’s computer servers – assuming those actually took place. And if Russia didn’t hack the DNC, then the left-wing conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched cyber-attacks on the DNC to help Donald Trump win the election – and that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians in those attacks – is undermined.

Despite the mass media hysteria, there is still no publicly available evidence the Trump campaign somehow worked with Russia to affect the election result. Sources in newspaper articles are never identified. There is not a scintilla of proof of improper conduct. All we have is the alleged say-so of faceless CIA spooks like Evan McMullin whose motives are questionable.

Retired Washington homicide detective Rod Wheeler made the explosive claim that the late DNC staffer Seth C. Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks yesterday to Fox News.


Slain DNC Official Contacted WikiLeaks?
Far right shit, like yourself.

Family of slain DNC staffer demands retraction and apology from Fox News, local TV station
Oh My, just a rumor or not, time will tell if more people don't get murdered...

The late Seth Rich, not Russia, may have leaked the internal DNC documents.
May 17, 2017

Matthew Vadum

The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have leaked DNC documents to WikiLeaks and who was murdered in the nation’s capital last year was, just as previously claimed, in touch with Julian Assange’s document-dumping hacktivist group, media reports confirm.

This raises the possibility that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the DNC’s computer servers – assuming those actually took place. And if Russia didn’t hack the DNC, then the left-wing conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched cyber-attacks on the DNC to help Donald Trump win the election – and that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians in those attacks – is undermined.

Despite the mass media hysteria, there is still no publicly available evidence the Trump campaign somehow worked with Russia to affect the election result. Sources in newspaper articles are never identified. There is not a scintilla of proof of improper conduct. All we have is the alleged say-so of faceless CIA spooks like Evan McMullin whose motives are questionable.

Retired Washington homicide detective Rod Wheeler made the explosive claim that the late DNC staffer Seth C. Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks yesterday to Fox News.


Slain DNC Official Contacted WikiLeaks?
Far right shit, like yourself.

Family of slain DNC staffer demands retraction and apology from Fox News, local TV station

The family has no way of knowing if he did or did not send the emails, so their opinion is mute.

The FBI also does not need the laptop to find out if he did.

I find it funny they are threatening the media for running a story, yet if Trump says media releasing classified material should be held accountable, that is an "attack on first amendment rights".
Oh My, just a rumor or not, time will tell if more people don't get murdered...

The late Seth Rich, not Russia, may have leaked the internal DNC documents.
May 17, 2017

Matthew Vadum

The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have leaked DNC documents to WikiLeaks and who was murdered in the nation’s capital last year was, just as previously claimed, in touch with Julian Assange’s document-dumping hacktivist group, media reports confirm.

This raises the possibility that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the DNC’s computer servers – assuming those actually took place. And if Russia didn’t hack the DNC, then the left-wing conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched cyber-attacks on the DNC to help Donald Trump win the election – and that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians in those attacks – is undermined.

Despite the mass media hysteria, there is still no publicly available evidence the Trump campaign somehow worked with Russia to affect the election result. Sources in newspaper articles are never identified. There is not a scintilla of proof of improper conduct. All we have is the alleged say-so of faceless CIA spooks like Evan McMullin whose motives are questionable.

Retired Washington homicide detective Rod Wheeler made the explosive claim that the late DNC staffer Seth C. Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks yesterday to Fox News.


Slain DNC Official Contacted WikiLeaks?
Far right shit, like yourself.

Family of slain DNC staffer demands retraction and apology from Fox News, local TV station

The family has no way of knowing if he did or did not send the emails, so their opinion is mute.

The FBI also does not need the laptop to find out if he did.

I find it funny they are threatening the media for running a story, yet if Trump says media releasing classified material should be held accountable, that is an "attack on first amendment rights".
The family is pissed off at you far right assholes trying to use their son's tragic death for political gain in some fucked up far right conspiracy theory.
Here is the problem with that theory. False information was released with legitimate information. There was no reason for Rich to put out false information. He certainly did not give WikiLeaks hacked CIA documents in which again false information was mixed with legitimate information.
Oh My, just a rumor or not, time will tell if more people don't get murdered...

The late Seth Rich, not Russia, may have leaked the internal DNC documents.
May 17, 2017

Matthew Vadum

The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have leaked DNC documents to WikiLeaks and who was murdered in the nation’s capital last year was, just as previously claimed, in touch with Julian Assange’s document-dumping hacktivist group, media reports confirm.

This raises the possibility that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the DNC’s computer servers – assuming those actually took place. And if Russia didn’t hack the DNC, then the left-wing conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched cyber-attacks on the DNC to help Donald Trump win the election – and that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians in those attacks – is undermined.

Despite the mass media hysteria, there is still no publicly available evidence the Trump campaign somehow worked with Russia to affect the election result. Sources in newspaper articles are never identified. There is not a scintilla of proof of improper conduct. All we have is the alleged say-so of faceless CIA spooks like Evan McMullin whose motives are questionable.

Retired Washington homicide detective Rod Wheeler made the explosive claim that the late DNC staffer Seth C. Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks yesterday to Fox News.


Slain DNC Official Contacted WikiLeaks?
Far right shit, like yourself.

Family of slain DNC staffer demands retraction and apology from Fox News, local TV station

The family has no way of knowing if he did or did not send the emails, so their opinion is mute.

The FBI also does not need the laptop to find out if he did.

I find it funny they are threatening the media for running a story, yet if Trump says media releasing classified material should be held accountable, that is an "attack on first amendment rights".
The family is pissed off at you far right assholes trying to use their son's tragic death for political gain in some fucked up far right conspiracy theory.

So exposing the Clinton Crime Syndicate for their crimes to cover their own asses is "using" someone's death for political gain? Well, I suppose it is if my "political gain" is bringing an end to corruption and politicians getting away with murder.
Oh My, just a rumor or not, time will tell if more people don't get murdered...

The late Seth Rich, not Russia, may have leaked the internal DNC documents.
May 17, 2017

Matthew Vadum

The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have leaked DNC documents to WikiLeaks and who was murdered in the nation’s capital last year was, just as previously claimed, in touch with Julian Assange’s document-dumping hacktivist group, media reports confirm.

This raises the possibility that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the DNC’s computer servers – assuming those actually took place. And if Russia didn’t hack the DNC, then the left-wing conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched cyber-attacks on the DNC to help Donald Trump win the election – and that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians in those attacks – is undermined.

Despite the mass media hysteria, there is still no publicly available evidence the Trump campaign somehow worked with Russia to affect the election result. Sources in newspaper articles are never identified. There is not a scintilla of proof of improper conduct. All we have is the alleged say-so of faceless CIA spooks like Evan McMullin whose motives are questionable.

Retired Washington homicide detective Rod Wheeler made the explosive claim that the late DNC staffer Seth C. Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks yesterday to Fox News.


Slain DNC Official Contacted WikiLeaks?
Far right shit, like yourself.

Family of slain DNC staffer demands retraction and apology from Fox News, local TV station

Why the case is still open you little fucking troll

Oh My, just a rumor or not, time will tell if more people don't get murdered...

The late Seth Rich, not Russia, may have leaked the internal DNC documents.
May 17, 2017

Matthew Vadum

The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have leaked DNC documents to WikiLeaks and who was murdered in the nation’s capital last year was, just as previously claimed, in touch with Julian Assange’s document-dumping hacktivist group, media reports confirm.

This raises the possibility that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the DNC’s computer servers – assuming those actually took place. And if Russia didn’t hack the DNC, then the left-wing conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched cyber-attacks on the DNC to help Donald Trump win the election – and that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians in those attacks – is undermined.

Despite the mass media hysteria, there is still no publicly available evidence the Trump campaign somehow worked with Russia to affect the election result. Sources in newspaper articles are never identified. There is not a scintilla of proof of improper conduct. All we have is the alleged say-so of faceless CIA spooks like Evan McMullin whose motives are questionable.

Retired Washington homicide detective Rod Wheeler made the explosive claim that the late DNC staffer Seth C. Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks yesterday to Fox News.


Slain DNC Official Contacted WikiLeaks?
Far right shit, like yourself.

Family of slain DNC staffer demands retraction and apology from Fox News, local TV station

The family has no way of knowing if he did or did not send the emails, so their opinion is mute.

The FBI also does not need the laptop to find out if he did.

I find it funny they are threatening the media for running a story, yet if Trump says media releasing classified material should be held accountable, that is an "attack on first amendment rights".
The family is pissed off at you far right assholes trying to use their son's tragic death for political gain in some fucked up far right conspiracy theory.

What political gain troll?

Oh My, just a rumor or not, time will tell if more people don't get murdered...

The late Seth Rich, not Russia, may have leaked the internal DNC documents.
May 17, 2017

Matthew Vadum

The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have leaked DNC documents to WikiLeaks and who was murdered in the nation’s capital last year was, just as previously claimed, in touch with Julian Assange’s document-dumping hacktivist group, media reports confirm.

This raises the possibility that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the DNC’s computer servers – assuming those actually took place. And if Russia didn’t hack the DNC, then the left-wing conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched cyber-attacks on the DNC to help Donald Trump win the election – and that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians in those attacks – is undermined.

Despite the mass media hysteria, there is still no publicly available evidence the Trump campaign somehow worked with Russia to affect the election result. Sources in newspaper articles are never identified. There is not a scintilla of proof of improper conduct. All we have is the alleged say-so of faceless CIA spooks like Evan McMullin whose motives are questionable.

Retired Washington homicide detective Rod Wheeler made the explosive claim that the late DNC staffer Seth C. Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks yesterday to Fox News.


Slain DNC Official Contacted WikiLeaks?
Far right shit, like yourself.

Family of slain DNC staffer demands retraction and apology from Fox News, local TV station

The family has no way of knowing if he did or did not send the emails, so their opinion is mute.

The FBI also does not need the laptop to find out if he did.

I find it funny they are threatening the media for running a story, yet if Trump says media releasing classified material should be held accountable, that is an "attack on first amendment rights".
The family is pissed off at you far right assholes trying to use their son's tragic death for political gain in some fucked up far right conspiracy theory.

What political gain troll?

The trolls are you assholes trying to use this death for political gain with your insane conspiracy theories with no respect for the dead or his parents.

You assholes should be ashamed of yourselves.
Oh My, just a rumor or not, time will tell if more people don't get murdered...

The late Seth Rich, not Russia, may have leaked the internal DNC documents.
May 17, 2017

Matthew Vadum

The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have leaked DNC documents to WikiLeaks and who was murdered in the nation’s capital last year was, just as previously claimed, in touch with Julian Assange’s document-dumping hacktivist group, media reports confirm.

This raises the possibility that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the DNC’s computer servers – assuming those actually took place. And if Russia didn’t hack the DNC, then the left-wing conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched cyber-attacks on the DNC to help Donald Trump win the election – and that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians in those attacks – is undermined.

Despite the mass media hysteria, there is still no publicly available evidence the Trump campaign somehow worked with Russia to affect the election result. Sources in newspaper articles are never identified. There is not a scintilla of proof of improper conduct. All we have is the alleged say-so of faceless CIA spooks like Evan McMullin whose motives are questionable.

Retired Washington homicide detective Rod Wheeler made the explosive claim that the late DNC staffer Seth C. Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks yesterday to Fox News.


Slain DNC Official Contacted WikiLeaks?
Far right shit, like yourself.

Family of slain DNC staffer demands retraction and apology from Fox News, local TV station

The family has no way of knowing if he did or did not send the emails, so their opinion is mute.

The FBI also does not need the laptop to find out if he did.

I find it funny they are threatening the media for running a story, yet if Trump says media releasing classified material should be held accountable, that is an "attack on first amendment rights".
The family is pissed off at you far right assholes trying to use their son's tragic death for political gain in some fucked up far right conspiracy theory.

What political gain troll?

The trolls are you assholes trying to use this death for political gain with your insane conspiracy theories with no respect for the dead or his parents.

You assholes should be ashamed of yourselves.

What political gain? Trying to figure out if those e mails were from him? And if someone really did put out a hit on him?

This has been considered for a while and is not conspiratorial otherwise Leftists would be claiming their Russian rants were conspiracy ranting as they do so based on having enough smoke for investigation.
If either Seth Rich or the 3 Pakistani IT personel were involved then the Russia collusion charges become evidence of false charges for political and criminal diversion, obstruction, wasting tax payers money and then opening up probes into murder to cover up the crimes, as was the Russian rants intention.
This woild accidentally being Obama into a conspiring role as he was the one who set up Sessions meeting with the Russian Ambassador which in an act of obstruction as they conveniently propagated him to be recused from the investigations by Democrat tactics to obstruct the case from leading back to Obama's criminal activities.
When posters like American Jihad use words like 'may' or their BS article does you know you have entered right wing fantasyland. What is it with righties, do they ever think? Or read? Or ask mom? Everything becomes a conspiracy to the brain that cannot think on its own. Interesting article and short book on the times we live in quoted below, times when the so called conservative side of America has lost their sense completely. Years of corporate agitprop has created a puppet class of followers.

"Trump’s campaign rhetoric pumped out endless streams of comedy and melodrama, apocalypse and deliverance, bitterness and bullshit. To some, it was enthrallingly frank. To others, Trump’s victory did not merely subvert America’s core values, it shattered their worldview. The codes more than half the nation devised to interpret the world, the channels they carved to divert the flow of incompatible ideas, collapsed. For these Americans, reality itself seemed threatened."

Why Trump Lies

"The rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious." Joseph Goebbels
When posters like American Jihad use words like 'may' or their BS article does you know you have entered right wing fantasyland. What is it with righties, do they ever think? Or read? Or ask mom? Everything becomes a conspiracy to the brain that cannot think on its own. Interesting article and short book on the times we live in quoted below, times when the so called conservative side of America has lost their sense completely. Years of corporate agitprop has created a puppet class of followers.

"Trump’s campaign rhetoric pumped out endless streams of comedy and melodrama, apocalypse and deliverance, bitterness and bullshit. To some, it was enthrallingly frank. To others, Trump’s victory did not merely subvert America’s core values, it shattered their worldview. The codes more than half the nation devised to interpret the world, the channels they carved to divert the flow of incompatible ideas, collapsed. For these Americans, reality itself seemed threatened."

Why Trump Lies

"The rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious." Joseph Goebbels

You just Busted your party. In fact everything you wrote read it back reflected upon your party, notice it reads about them and is being deflected?
There's enough smoke in this story and proof to warrant further investigation, yet your party created the smoke and mirrors to call for Russian investigations that has zero evidence and in fact there is more evidence it was a ruse created to divert Seths case.
In Essence, your standard inadvertantly admits rhe Dems are ranting conspiracy theories, but worse doing so in
criminal acts.
If Seth Rich was not the whistle blower then why did Clinton have him murdered?
Oh My, just a rumor or not, time will tell if more people don't get murdered...

The late Seth Rich, not Russia, may have leaked the internal DNC documents.
May 17, 2017

Matthew Vadum

The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have leaked DNC documents to WikiLeaks and who was murdered in the nation’s capital last year was, just as previously claimed, in touch with Julian Assange’s document-dumping hacktivist group, media reports confirm.

This raises the possibility that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the DNC’s computer servers – assuming those actually took place. And if Russia didn’t hack the DNC, then the left-wing conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched cyber-attacks on the DNC to help Donald Trump win the election – and that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians in those attacks – is undermined.

Despite the mass media hysteria, there is still no publicly available evidence the Trump campaign somehow worked with Russia to affect the election result. Sources in newspaper articles are never identified. There is not a scintilla of proof of improper conduct. All we have is the alleged say-so of faceless CIA spooks like Evan McMullin whose motives are questionable.

Retired Washington homicide detective Rod Wheeler made the explosive claim that the late DNC staffer Seth C. Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks yesterday to Fox News.


Slain DNC Official Contacted WikiLeaks?
Far right shit, like yourself.

Family of slain DNC staffer demands retraction and apology from Fox News, local TV station

The family has no way of knowing if he did or did not send the emails, so their opinion is mute.

The FBI also does not need the laptop to find out if he did.

I find it funny they are threatening the media for running a story, yet if Trump says media releasing classified material should be held accountable, that is an "attack on first amendment rights".
The family is pissed off at you far right assholes trying to use their son's tragic death for political gain in some fucked up far right conspiracy theory.

So exposing the Clinton Crime Syndicate for their crimes to cover their own asses is "using" someone's death for political gain? Well, I suppose it is if my "political gain" is bringing an end to corruption and politicians getting away with murder.

Considering the whole report was lies, the family can most definitely sue. Wheeler (the PI interviewed by Fox) was NOT hired by the family and was not authorized to speak for them.

Both the FBI and the Washington Police Department have categorically denied that there was any cover up or that that they were told to "stand down" from the investigation. Police are offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.

Added to which, no one could find any investigator's license for Wheeler, but they did find he was hired by the Fox reporter who interviewed him.

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