
  1. Dont Taz Me Bro

    Congressman Mike Capuano (D MA-07) Loses Primary

    Joe Crowley Part II: Electric Boogaloo. Another white male Democrat gets eaten by his party's own divisive racial and gender pimping.
  2. DOTR

    Russia did this?

    Take a look at this incredibly granular and zoomable map of the election. (it even has a 3D button) Note that Hillary won The Hamptons, Beverly Hills, Upper East and West Sides, Silicon Valley and most of the other wealthy areas. She overwhelmingly won the areas where ruling elites congregate...
  3. Cellblock2429

    DEMOCRAT Senator Stabenow Struggles To Use An Elevator

    There Are Few Things Funnier Than This Video Of Debbie Stabenow Struggling To Use An Elevator And yet she knows how to manage the economy, secure the borders and fix healthcare. Senator Debbie Stabenow, a Democrat from Michigan, had some struggles using the elevator in a recent video from...
  4. Cellblock2429

    Man (democRAT? ) arrested for threatening to murder Virginia congressman

    So when will the protest marches start, Libtards? Man arrested for threatening to murder Virginia congressman 03/23/2018 02:17 PM EDT A Virginia Beach man was charged Friday with threatening to murder his local congressman, Rep. Scott Taylor (R-Va.), the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern...
  5. Cellblock2429

    Dem Congressman suggests Second Amendment as means of opposing Trump So why no outcry from the Gun Grabbing crowd? A Democratic congressman from Long Island implied that Americans should grab weapons and oppose President Trump by force, if the commander-in-chief...
  6. Cellblock2429

    Rand Paul Has 5 Broken Ribs After He Was Assaulted at His Home by Libtard

    Rand Paul Has 5 Broken Ribs After He Was Assaulted at His Home Details about Rene Boucher, the man who assaulted Rand Paul, reveal possible motive According to the Daily Caller, records with Kentucky State Board of Election show the alleged assailant, Rene Boucher, is a registered Democrat. Fox...
  7. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Democrat/Hollywood mogul, Harvey Weinstein, officially accused of rape by women

    Harvey Weinstein Scandal: Bombshell New Yorker Piece Alleges Mogul Raped Women The New Yorker published a bombshell report on Harvey Weinstein on Tuesday, that alleges the embattled mogul raped three women, including actress Asia Argento. The story, written by Ronan Farrow, claims Weinstein...
  8. American_Jihad

    SPLC ( southern poverty law center) Is A Left-Wing Hate Group

    The only people that recognize this group of hate are the alt left... FREEDOM CENTER CONFRONTS CNN’S BLACKLIST Democracy dies in darkness. August 22, 2017 ... Attached is a recent article entitled, “D.C. Shooter A Fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center.” D.C. Shooter a...
  9. American_Jihad

    Democrat IT Spy Tries To Run To Pakistan

    Oh the horror, leaks, collusion... Democrat IT Spy Tries To Run To Pakistan: We Connect Some Dots For You George Rasley, CHQ Editor | 7/26/17 Imran Awan, the House Democrat’s information technology staffer who was busted for unauthorized access to government computers has been apprehended...
  10. J

    What are you most passionate about politically?

    What are some positions you have that fall outside the norm for your chosen (or chosen for you) affiliation?
  11. HaShev

    Proof Dem Rep. Adam Schiff has to recuse himself for being partisan

    Rep. Adam Schiff has been speaking about the case in false and perhaps overstating his boundries terminology in discussing the case he's part of investigating. He claims there's undeniable proof before the evidence comes in and through false narrative news as his source that twist the actual...
  12. HaShev

    List all the ways DNC Obama & Clinton cheated in the election yet still lost

    Fill in those I'm missing, as there is so many I'm bound to forget a few. 1) destroying her emails obstructing justice which would have prevented her fom running in the first place. 2) getting debate questions in advance. 3) circumvented electorate process through vote swapping campaign that...
  13. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The splintering of the Democrat Party into 2 or more third parties has begun

    California Democrats plunge into 'civil war' LOS ANGELES — Long-standing tensions between the Democratic Party’s moderate and liberal wings have ignited in California, where progressive activists are redirecting their anger over Donald Trump and congressional Republicans toward Democratic...
  14. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Democrat superdelegate to health insurance executives: No single payer; "Not in my lifetime."

    Democratic Superdelegate, in Room Full of Health Insurance Executives, Laughs Off Prospect of Single Payer Activists across the country have provided real momentum to the idea of a single-payer health care system, pressing the issue in California and among leading figures in the Democratic...
  15. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The Fall of Chicago (due to liberal policies)

    Chicago will become Detroit soon.
  16. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Why Pelosi should go — and take the ’60s generation with her

    Why Pelosi should go — and take the ’60s generation with her There’s nothing quite so thankless as being the nominal leader of a leaderless party, especially if that party is bereft of power and doesn’t have much to offer by way of an agenda, except for maybe keeping the other party from...
  17. Divine Wind

    Memo to Democrats: Find better candidates

    Good advice to Democrats....and not just for special elections, but for all elections. Less corruption and cronyism would be good too. Memo to Democrats after special-election losses: Find better candidates Memo to Democrats after special-election losses: Find better candidates Fault-finding...
  18. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Democrat Mayor Convicted Of Voter Fraud And He Gets Probation

    Eatonville mayor convicted of voter fraud sentenced to 4 years of probation ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. - The former mayor of Eatonville convicted of tampering with the city’s 2015 elections was sentenced to four years of probation on Friday. Anthony Grant was also sentenced to 25 days, but it...
  19. P@triot

    Democrat Rep Ramon Perez distributes porn

    Rhode Island state representative Ramon Perez (D) took a screen shot of a Wikipedia article he needed for some legislation he was working on and distributed it. Unfortunately for him, he failed to close his browsers other open tabs which included stuff such as "Teen Porn" and "MILF Porn" among...
  20. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Democrat NY Judge arrested for failing to appear at court for her DUI arrest

    New York judge arrested, led from courthouse in handcuffs ROCHESTER, N.Y. — An embattled City Court judge was escorted Monday from judicial chambers in handcuffs. Rochester court deputies and city police officers executed a bench warrant issued for Judge Leticia Astacio's arrest last week...
  21. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Liberals examining ballots cast in California Democrat Party leader election for voter fraud

    Examination of ballots cast in race for California Democratic Party leader begins in Sacramento Supporters of Kimberly Ellis, who lost her bid to lead the California Democratic Party by a razor-thin margin last weekend, started sifting through boxes of ballots at the state party headquarters in...
  22. AsianTrumpSupporter

    If muh Russians hacked the DNC, why didn't the DNC let the FBI inspect their servers?

    Excellent video that shows the DNC murdered Seth Rich for leaking DNC information to Wikileaks, but the specific info about muh Russians starts at 19:31 in the Molyneux video.
  23. toobfreak

    Be Wary The New Opinions Of The Entrenched Political Troll

    Rather new to this social media, I came on here to exchange ideas, opinions and information. Lots of great people! I don't always agree with everything they say but I respect their differences in views. But I've noticed that there is a certain cadre of people that no matter what they talk...
  24. American_Jihad

    Democrat may have leaked the internal DNC documents

    Oh My, just a rumor or not, time will tell if more people don't get murdered... SLAIN DNC OFFICIAL CONTACTED WIKILEAKS? The late Seth Rich, not Russia, may have leaked the internal DNC documents. May 17, 2017 Matthew Vadum The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have...
  25. Billy_Bob

    Obama's Weaponized surveillance of your elected Senators

    Obama's Weaponized surveillance of your elected Senators Not only did Obama spy on the Trump campaign, unmask and leak confidential information but there is evidence surfacing that Obama and his crew did this to your elected senators too. To date evidence of illegal wire taps and surveillance...
  26. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The Democratic Party is Simply Not "Cool" Anymore

    Excellent video that sums up why I refuse to vote Democrat. For Democrats, if you're not black, a rich, white celebrity, an illegal immigrant rapist/murder/drug dealer, one of the 300 genders other than straight male, or a Muslim terrorist, you may as well as not exist since your issues don't...
  27. dcbl

    Leftist reporter arrested for making threats against Jewish Centers - SHOCKER

    Just kidding - it's not a shocker. Just like the attacks by "Trump supporters" after the election all turned out to be hoaxes; this newest development is par for the course. Leftists will stop at nothing to destroy America I expect we will see more stories like this in the coming days, and...
  28. Cellblock2429

    Democrat giving response to Trump speech calls himself a Republican BWHAHAHAHAHA

    The Democrat giving the response to President Trump’s congressional address Tuesday seemed to have forgotten what party he was representing — when he inexplicably called himself a Republican during his address. “I’m a proud Democrat, but first and foremost, I’m a proud Republican, and Democrat...
  29. Divine Wind

    Chicago: 27 shootings, 7 deaths over Christmas weekend

    Chicago, Illinois, a bastion of Democrat gun-control laws had 27 shootings and 7 deaths over the Christmas weekend. If gun-control works, why so much violence in a city under Democrat control? IMO, it's because gun-control is as effective as controlling violence as banning 36 oz soda drinks is...
  30. P@triot


    Here they are ladies & gentlemen. In all of their horrifically ugly "glory". Like all Democrats - this bitch can't even handle a sign. It causes her to lose her mind. And it's ironic how she feels flipping someone off is her "free speech, 1st Amendment right" when so is the Trump sign that she...

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