"You have humiliated us"

Fucking moron, I pointed out how nothing will lead you cult members to ever feel humiliated for anything trump does and that senile old fool asked me for evidence. If he actually meant evidence for crimes listed by edward37, then he should have replied to that post and not mine with his inquiry.

Comrade Traitor, are you humiliated by supporting Brennan, knowing that Brennan personally stripped the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances?

Are you so much a psychopath that even that level of hypocrisy doesn't phase you?

Of course you are.
Fucking moron, I pointed out how nothing will lead you cult members to ever feel humiliated for anything trump does and that senile old fool asked me for evidence. If he actually meant evidence for crimes listed by edward37, then he should have replied to that post and not mine with his inquiry.

Comrade Traitor, are you humiliated by supporting Brennan, knowing that Brennan personally stripped the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances?

Are you so much a psychopath that even that level of hypocrisy doesn't phase you?

Of course you are.
You're fucking insane, Zippy. :cuckoo:

Quote what I said about Brennan...…...
This lies too bri?
Jobs being created more slowly now and since Trump than any time in the Obama presidency
Truth: GDP has under Trump only had one really good quarter under Obama it did +4% four times
Truth: TRUMPS deficits and debts are the fastest in this century
Truth: Gun violence is up in all red states, not up anywhere as high in blue states
Truth: inflation under Trump is on pace to be the highest in 28 years
Truth: Home foreclosures, lay offs and bankruptcy is at a rate not seen since 08/09
Truth: Quality jobs are now leaving our shores as fast as cheap manufacturing
Truth since Trump took office 233,000 highly trained US born doctors, engineers, and other science, math, medical and design professionals have left the USA the fastest in history


A pile of fucking lies by a shameless fucking liar.

Which one of your blatant lies shall I start with?

Let's go with this fucking lie, you fucking liar:

Truth: Quality jobs are now leaving our shores as fast as cheap manufacturing
Truth since Trump took office 233,000 highly trained US born doctors,}


Now clearly you just made shit up and spewed it, being of low intellect and even lower character.

But what would prompt a lying little fuck like you to think you could get away with shit like this?

Well, you're stupid. I mean, you are ASTOUNDINGLY stupid, so you took a pile of Marxist demagoguery like this;

What Americans Will Lose When They Push Immigrants Away: Doctors

Which claims that tighter IMMIGRATION policies by Trump could BLOCK as much as 100,000 doctors and engineers OVER TEN YEARS.

Now Yahoo are leftists demagogues spewing utter fantasy based on speculation. Normals look at shit like this and dismiss it as the partisan bullshit that it is.

BUT you not only run with it, you turn "foreign" into US Born, and "over ten years" into during his presidency. As I said, you're really a very stupid person.

As to why you think you'll get away with such filthy and blatant lies, well that's simple. You honestly believe that lying against Donald Trump is not only acceptable, but in fact a virtue. You believe this because you watch fucking liars on CNN like Don Lemon and Joe Scarborough lie about the President every day, all day long. You bark and clap your flippers like a trained seal as these vile and vicious demagogues spew their vomitus stream of slander and libel which you greedily lap up.

This is the danger of fake news, deranged sociopaths like you lack the spark of humanity needed to separate the evil fiction of fake news from reality.
This lies too bri?
Jobs being created more slowly now and since Trump than any time in the Obama presidency
Truth: GDP has under Trump only had one really good quarter under Obama it did +4% four times
Truth: TRUMPS deficits and debts are the fastest in this century
Truth: Gun violence is up in all red states, not up anywhere as high in blue states
Truth: inflation under Trump is on pace to be the highest in 28 years
Truth: Home foreclosures, lay offs and bankruptcy is at a rate not seen since 08/09
Truth: Quality jobs are now leaving our shores as fast as cheap manufacturing
Truth since Trump took office 233,000 highly trained US born doctors, engineers, and other science, math, medical and design professionals have left the USA the fastest in history


A pile of fucking lies by a shameless fucking liar.

Which one of your blatant lies shall I start with?

Let's go with this fucking lie, you fucking liar:

Truth: Quality jobs are now leaving our shores as fast as cheap manufacturing
Truth since Trump took office 233,000 highly trained US born doctors,}


Now clearly you just made shit up and spewed it, being of low intellect and even lower character.

But what would prompt a lying little fuck like you to think you could get away with shit like this?

Well, you're stupid. I mean, you are ASTOUNDINGLY stupid, so you took a pile of Marxist demagoguery like this;

What Americans Will Lose When They Push Immigrants Away: Doctors

Which claims that tighter IMMIGRATION policies by Trump could BLOCK as much as 100,000 doctors and engineers OVER TEN YEARS.

Now Yahoo are leftists demagogues spewing utter fantasy based on speculation. Normals look at shit like this and dismiss it as the partisan bullshit that it is.

BUT you not only run with it, you turn "foreign" into US Born, and "over ten years" into during his presidency. As I said, you're really a very stupid person.

As to why you think you'll get away with such filthy and blatant lies, well that's simple. You honestly believe that lying against Donald Trump is not only acceptable, but in fact a virtue. You believe this because you watch fucking liars on CNN like Don Lemon and Joe Scarborough lie about the President every day, all day long. You bark and clap your flippers like a trained seal as these vile and vicious demagogues spew their vomitus stream of slander and libel which you greedily lap up.

This is the danger of fake news, deranged sociopaths like you lack the spark of humanity needed to separate the evil fiction of fake news from reality.
Speaking of lies …. why am I still waiting for you to quote what I said about Brennan....?
We are getting off topic guys - this is about Trump removing security clearances.

100% true but removing security clearance comes with several tentacles that came from within. Started by Trumpy.

It’s like giving an ugly dirty (Trump ) dog a bath. You have to use high pressure water hose to remove the glue ( dirtyness ), bleach then soap. So his followers hopefully will understand what it means. But STILL they think it’s normal.

Comrade traitor, what law guarantees that Soviet Spy Brennan is provided access to classified and secret intelligence in perpetuity?

Aside from you're peculiar fixation on Soviet sillyness, you do realize that having a security clearance is not the same as having access?

What "need to know" does disgraced Soviet Spy Brennan have? See, you sidestepped the question. What law or reason supports Brennan having a clearance?

Why does his clearance matter? Well, because he sells it to MSNBC, he makes a lot of money off of it. You claim he "doesn't have access" but that is false, whether the fake news that does your thinking for you told you or not.

The hate group MSNBC is in total meltdown over Brennan losing his clearance. If what you said were true, and Brennan has no access, why would it matter?

Simply because as with everything vomited up by the left, what you claim is nowhere near true.

Brennan sells access to MSNBC to leakers in the Deep State, The security clearance allows these leakers to leak to Brennan more easily. That Brennan had a clearance meant that they could TALK about classified and secret topics with him.

Brennan then relayed this classified and secret information on the air as part of the war the Marxist press is waging on the duly elected President of the United States. With Brennan losing his clearance, a major source of the slander that MSNBC and the rest of the treason press are engaged in dries up.

The Deep State hates America and Donald Trump, but mid-level CIA spooks aren't willing to risk the needle just to leak shit to Brennan as part of the soft coup the press is engaged in.

Now Brennan should get the needle, he is an open traitor attempting to overthrow the government of the United States, as he as advocated doing since 1976.
Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Don't care for EITHER of them. That's the 23rd time you've been told that. THis is about my country. The country that I served by working in Intel related areas and following the rules. Not my problem you're not being properly informed. There are now close to 20 TOP FBI folks, fired, demoted, multiply demoted, or transferred as a result of this conspiracy. It is a FACT. It's ongoing. And it will NOT spin up to indictments and hearings and trials until Mueller wraps up his witch hunt. Because if they were indicted NOW -- Mueller would NEVER wrap up.

As for Bruce Ohr and the shagging couple of Strzok/Page and many others --- THEY have been demoted and chastized by their OWN internal affairs people. The AGENCY has already punished them. Ohr has been found to have had 100s of convos with C. Steele AFTER the FBI told Steele to take a hike and after THEY HAD PAID HIM THEMSELVES for continuing dirt he might have on Trump. His wife Nellie was an EMPLOYEE of Fusion GPS during all this time. Do you not know any of this? Have you READ the Strzok emails? The Ohr/Steele emails? If not --- why not? I need your answers here...

None of those folks FIRED or sanctioned should STILL have their clearances. Period. I wouldn't have them.

I've also told you MULTIPLE times when discussing Hillary's obscene and purposeful neglect of security protocols that "security violations" are USUALLY HANDLED ---- not in court -- but in the agencies themselves. To avoid having to have a secret proceedings and special prosecutors/defense/judges with adequate clearances to HEAR the evidence. The RESULT of those hearings are sanctions that BEGIN WITH -- stripping their clearances. Like Hillary's clearances should have been stripped at the time Comey wrote his non-indictment indictment. Then there are DEMOTIONS, seizure of benefits, stripping back pay, transfers to a lesser post, etc.

ALL of these conspirators are BEYOND agency sanctions now. There are much larger implications of the ways they COLLUDED to influence an election and depose a sitting US President. That case WILL BE made. But after Mueller is done. Trump ain't gonna let it slide. Book that bet. Most PATRIOTS are not gonna ignore it either. If I had done HALF of what these conspirators had done, I'd be sitting in Club Fed awaiting trial for High Crimes...

So everyone is part of some huge ever growing conspiracy against Trump seriously? Even thiugh Comeys actions clearly harmed Clinton? I think you have the wrong conspiracy. The only potential conspiracy is with the Trump campaign who you seen to think is so innocent. Keep in mind the Republicans control the legislature, the presidency, the DoJ. And Trump controls the party. For all their efforts...no indictments, no actual evidence of major wrong doing, nothing. It is BS to try to halt the Mueller investigation.
Brennan and Clap Trap are Liars and Leakers.........wah..........

They are now mouth pieces for the Clinton News Network......

Under Obama they took away the clearance of one of the survivors at Benghazi.......who fought for 13 hours.

The number 2 to Ambassodor Stevens refused to lie..........demoted to a desk job and threatened.........

poor Brennan.........the Leaker..........Caught lying under oath.........many times...........careful Senate..........he will spy on you.
We are getting off topic guys - this is about Trump removing security clearances.

100% true but removing security clearance comes with several tentacles that came from within. Started by Trumpy.

It’s like giving an ugly dirty (Trump ) dog a bath. You have to use high pressure water hose to remove the glue ( dirtyness ), bleach then soap. So his followers hopefully will understand what it means. But STILL they think it’s normal.

Comrade traitor, what law guarantees that Soviet Spy Brennan is provided access to classified and secret intelligence in perpetuity?

Aside from you're peculiar fixation on Soviet sillyness, you do realize that having a security clearance is not the same as having access?

What "need to know" does disgraced Soviet Spy Brennan have? See, you sidestepped the question. What law or reason supports Brennan having a clearance?

Why does his clearance matter? Well, because he sells it to MSNBC, he makes a lot of money off of it. You claim he "doesn't have access" but that is false, whether the fake news that does your thinking for you told you or not.

The hate group MSNBC is in total meltdown over Brennan losing his clearance. If what you said were true, and Brennan has no access, why would it matter?

Simply because as with everything vomited up by the left, what you claim is nowhere near true.

Brennan sells access to MSNBC to leakers in the Deep State, The security clearance allows these leakers to leak to Brennan more easily. That Brennan had a clearance meant that they could TALK about classified and secret topics with him.

Brennan then relayed this classified and secret information on the air as part of the war the Marxist press is waging on the duly elected President of the United States. With Brennan losing his clearance, a major source of the slander that MSNBC and the rest of the treason press are engaged in dries up.

The Deep State hates America and Donald Trump, but mid-level CIA spooks aren't willing to risk the needle just to leak shit to Brennan as part of the soft coup the press is engaged in.

Now Brennan should get the needle, he is an open traitor attempting to overthrow the government of the United States, as he as advocated doing since 1976.
ytoyou sure have a good conspiracy theory going with the deep state bs. I orefer to stick to facts.
Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Don't care for EITHER of them. That's the 23rd time you've been told that. THis is about my country. The country that I served by working in Intel related areas and following the rules. Not my problem you're not being properly informed. There are now close to 20 TOP FBI folks, fired, demoted, multiply demoted, or transferred as a result of this conspiracy. It is a FACT. It's ongoing. And it will NOT spin up to indictments and hearings and trials until Mueller wraps up his witch hunt. Because if they were indicted NOW -- Mueller would NEVER wrap up.

As for Bruce Ohr and the shagging couple of Strzok/Page and many others --- THEY have been demoted and chastized by their OWN internal affairs people. The AGENCY has already punished them. Ohr has been found to have had 100s of convos with C. Steele AFTER the FBI told Steele to take a hike and after THEY HAD PAID HIM THEMSELVES for continuing dirt he might have on Trump. His wife Nellie was an EMPLOYEE of Fusion GPS during all this time. Do you not know any of this? Have you READ the Strzok emails? The Ohr/Steele emails? If not --- why not? I need your answers here...

None of those folks FIRED or sanctioned should STILL have their clearances. Period. I wouldn't have them.

I've also told you MULTIPLE times when discussing Hillary's obscene and purposeful neglect of security protocols that "security violations" are USUALLY HANDLED ---- not in court -- but in the agencies themselves. To avoid having to have a secret proceedings and special prosecutors/defense/judges with adequate clearances to HEAR the evidence. The RESULT of those hearings are sanctions that BEGIN WITH -- stripping their clearances. Like Hillary's clearances should have been stripped at the time Comey wrote his non-indictment indictment. Then there are DEMOTIONS, seizure of benefits, stripping back pay, transfers to a lesser post, etc.

ALL of these conspirators are BEYOND agency sanctions now. There are much larger implications of the ways they COLLUDED to influence an election and depose a sitting US President. That case WILL BE made. But after Mueller is done. Trump ain't gonna let it slide. Book that bet. Most PATRIOTS are not gonna ignore it either. If I had done HALF of what these conspirators had done, I'd be sitting in Club Fed awaiting trial for High Crimes...

So everyone is part of some huge ever growing conspiracy against Trump seriously? Even thiugh Comeys actions clearly harmed Clinton? I think you have the wrong conspiracy. The only potential conspiracy is with the Trump campaign who you seen to think is so innocent. Keep in mind the Republicans control the legislature, the presidency, the DoJ. And Trump controls the party. For all their efforts...no indictments, no actual evidence of major wrong doing, nothing. It is BS to try to halt the Mueller investigation.
Covrerup for their crimes more like it.
John Brennan, CIA ‘Kool-Aid drinkers’ blasted by Benghazi terror survivor Kris Paronto

Special Op Benghazi Hero Soldier Had Security Clearance Lifted By Brennan - David Harris Jr

Kris “Tanto” Paronto has spoken out about the lifting of John Brennan’s security clearance. Paronto knows full well what it feels like to lose you security clearance. In Paronto’s case, John Brennan made the final decision. Kris Paronto is one of the heroes of Benghazi, when he and some others picked up arms against the terrorists. When they returned to the States, they were told to follow the Obama line on the attack. But, they refused and they spoke up about what happened in Benghazi. That was their undoing. For telling the truth about the terrorist attack, they were driven out of the military.
There are two types of military, political and patriotic. Trump seperates the two.
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.
Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH

"Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH"

Anybody else remember when the orders were given to the Secret Service to stand down moments before Kennedy's car entered Dealey Plaza in Dallas?

Jump to 1:00 in the original video:

Trump needs to make nice with the people whose job it is to protect him. Or else they just might let something slip.

Oh, did the Space Aliens order the CIA not to protect JFK, Cleetus?

I'm sure you impress all your ANTIFA buddies with your secret knowledge....

Asking for names of jurors is not jury tampering.


Lie some more, Commie.

The ONLY reason to seek the home address of jurors is to harass them and threaten their families.

It's Mafia level jury tampering.

You defend it simply because you have no integrity and support threatening jurors to further the aims of your party.

That is what you democrats have become.
Fucking moron, I pointed out how nothing will lead you cult members to ever feel humiliated for anything trump does and that senile old fool asked me for evidence. If he actually meant evidence for crimes listed by edward37, then he should have replied to that post and not mine with his inquiry.

Comrade Traitor, are you humiliated by supporting Brennan, knowing that Brennan personally stripped the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances?

Are you so much a psychopath that even that level of hypocrisy doesn't phase you?

Of course you are.
You're fucking insane, Zippy. :cuckoo:

Quote what I said about Brennan...…...

Comrade Traitor, are you humiliated by supporting Brennan, knowing that Brennan personally stripped the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances?

Are you so much a psychopath that even that level of hypocrisy doesn't phase you?
This lies too bri?
Jobs being created more slowly now and since Trump than any time in the Obama presidency
Truth: GDP has under Trump only had one really good quarter under Obama it did +4% four times
Truth: TRUMPS deficits and debts are the fastest in this century
Truth: Gun violence is up in all red states, not up anywhere as high in blue states
Truth: inflation under Trump is on pace to be the highest in 28 years
Truth: Home foreclosures, lay offs and bankruptcy is at a rate not seen since 08/09
Truth: Quality jobs are now leaving our shores as fast as cheap manufacturing
Truth since Trump took office 233,000 highly trained US born doctors, engineers, and other science, math, medical and design professionals have left the USA the fastest in history


A pile of fucking lies by a shameless fucking liar.

Which one of your blatant lies shall I start with?

Let's go with this fucking lie, you fucking liar:

Truth: Quality jobs are now leaving our shores as fast as cheap manufacturing
Truth since Trump took office 233,000 highly trained US born doctors,}


Now clearly you just made shit up and spewed it, being of low intellect and even lower character.

But what would prompt a lying little fuck like you to think you could get away with shit like this?

Well, you're stupid. I mean, you are ASTOUNDINGLY stupid, so you took a pile of Marxist demagoguery like this;

What Americans Will Lose When They Push Immigrants Away: Doctors

Which claims that tighter IMMIGRATION policies by Trump could BLOCK as much as 100,000 doctors and engineers OVER TEN YEARS.

Now Yahoo are leftists demagogues spewing utter fantasy based on speculation. Normals look at shit like this and dismiss it as the partisan bullshit that it is.

BUT you not only run with it, you turn "foreign" into US Born, and "over ten years" into during his presidency. As I said, you're really a very stupid person.

As to why you think you'll get away with such filthy and blatant lies, well that's simple. You honestly believe that lying against Donald Trump is not only acceptable, but in fact a virtue. You believe this because you watch fucking liars on CNN like Don Lemon and Joe Scarborough lie about the President every day, all day long. You bark and clap your flippers like a trained seal as these vile and vicious demagogues spew their vomitus stream of slander and libel which you greedily lap up.

This is the danger of fake news, deranged sociopaths like you lack the spark of humanity needed to separate the evil fiction of fake news from reality.
Speaking of lies …. why am I still waiting for you to quote what I said about Brennan....?

No one cares what you said to praise Brennan.

Comrade Traitor, are you humiliated by supporting Brennan, knowing that Brennan personally stripped the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances?

Are you so much a psychopath that even that level of hypocrisy doesn't phase you?
We are getting off topic guys - this is about Trump removing security clearances.

100% true but removing security clearance comes with several tentacles that came from within. Started by Trumpy.

It’s like giving an ugly dirty (Trump ) dog a bath. You have to use high pressure water hose to remove the glue ( dirtyness ), bleach then soap. So his followers hopefully will understand what it means. But STILL they think it’s normal.

Comrade traitor, what law guarantees that Soviet Spy Brennan is provided access to classified and secret intelligence in perpetuity?

Aside from you're peculiar fixation on Soviet sillyness, you do realize that having a security clearance is not the same as having access?

What "need to know" does disgraced Soviet Spy Brennan have? See, you sidestepped the question. What law or reason supports Brennan having a clearance?

Why does his clearance matter? Well, because he sells it to MSNBC, he makes a lot of money off of it. You claim he "doesn't have access" but that is false, whether the fake news that does your thinking for you told you or not.

The hate group MSNBC is in total meltdown over Brennan losing his clearance. If what you said were true, and Brennan has no access, why would it matter?

Simply because as with everything vomited up by the left, what you claim is nowhere near true.

Brennan sells access to MSNBC to leakers in the Deep State, The security clearance allows these leakers to leak to Brennan more easily. That Brennan had a clearance meant that they could TALK about classified and secret topics with him.

Brennan then relayed this classified and secret information on the air as part of the war the Marxist press is waging on the duly elected President of the United States. With Brennan losing his clearance, a major source of the slander that MSNBC and the rest of the treason press are engaged in dries up.

The Deep State hates America and Donald Trump, but mid-level CIA spooks aren't willing to risk the needle just to leak shit to Brennan as part of the soft coup the press is engaged in.

Now Brennan should get the needle, he is an open traitor attempting to overthrow the government of the United States, as he as advocated doing since 1976.
ytoyou sure have a good conspiracy theory going with the deep state bs. I orefer to stick to facts.

What "conspiracy?"

This is all blatant, "in your face" on the front page of the Marxist NY Times and blaring from the rage filled hysteria of CNN.

I get that you can't address the facts I post. You are about slander and libel, when called on you lies, you just slink off to other lies.

There is no reasoning with you Marxists. This is a war. America wins or you win, there is no middle ground.
Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Don't care for EITHER of them. That's the 23rd time you've been told that. THis is about my country. The country that I served by working in Intel related areas and following the rules. Not my problem you're not being properly informed. There are now close to 20 TOP FBI folks, fired, demoted, multiply demoted, or transferred as a result of this conspiracy. It is a FACT. It's ongoing. And it will NOT spin up to indictments and hearings and trials until Mueller wraps up his witch hunt. Because if they were indicted NOW -- Mueller would NEVER wrap up.

As for Bruce Ohr and the shagging couple of Strzok/Page and many others --- THEY have been demoted and chastized by their OWN internal affairs people. The AGENCY has already punished them. Ohr has been found to have had 100s of convos with C. Steele AFTER the FBI told Steele to take a hike and after THEY HAD PAID HIM THEMSELVES for continuing dirt he might have on Trump. His wife Nellie was an EMPLOYEE of Fusion GPS during all this time. Do you not know any of this? Have you READ the Strzok emails? The Ohr/Steele emails? If not --- why not? I need your answers here...

None of those folks FIRED or sanctioned should STILL have their clearances. Period. I wouldn't have them.

I've also told you MULTIPLE times when discussing Hillary's obscene and purposeful neglect of security protocols that "security violations" are USUALLY HANDLED ---- not in court -- but in the agencies themselves. To avoid having to have a secret proceedings and special prosecutors/defense/judges with adequate clearances to HEAR the evidence. The RESULT of those hearings are sanctions that BEGIN WITH -- stripping their clearances. Like Hillary's clearances should have been stripped at the time Comey wrote his non-indictment indictment. Then there are DEMOTIONS, seizure of benefits, stripping back pay, transfers to a lesser post, etc.

ALL of these conspirators are BEYOND agency sanctions now. There are much larger implications of the ways they COLLUDED to influence an election and depose a sitting US President. That case WILL BE made. But after Mueller is done. Trump ain't gonna let it slide. Book that bet. Most PATRIOTS are not gonna ignore it either. If I had done HALF of what these conspirators had done, I'd be sitting in Club Fed awaiting trial for High Crimes...

So everyone is part of some huge ever growing conspiracy against Trump seriously? Even thiugh Comeys actions clearly harmed Clinton? I think you have the wrong conspiracy. The only potential conspiracy is with the Trump campaign who you seen to think is so innocent. Keep in mind the Republicans control the legislature, the presidency, the DoJ. And Trump controls the party. For all their efforts...no indictments, no actual evidence of major wrong doing, nothing. It is BS to try to halt the Mueller investigation.

Now you're just being silly. And you didn't answer my questions. I can TELL you haven't followed the biggest political scandal of our lifetime yet because of your response.

It's NOT about Hillary. And it's not really about Comey as any "central figures" in what you're missing here. I truly hate to see all my lefty buds get crushed on the boards because they refuse to go to sources that are covering this. But if you think the election was gut-crushing for your tribe, if you're not reading the Congressional transcripts, watching CSPAN or even a couple hours of Fox news --- you're gonna be BLINDSIDED by something looking a LOT like this within the next year.


If you're not gonna answer questions or show any interest in the REAL story of "conspiring to influence an election" ---- then I'm not gonna respond to your reductio ad absurdum (read that "what? Me Worry?) responses ---- you got no idea why Brennan is NOT your hero...

Biggest political scandal of our lives. No doubt. And you're not interested.
This lies too bri?
Jobs being created more slowly now and since Trump than any time in the Obama presidency
Truth: GDP has under Trump only had one really good quarter under Obama it did +4% four times
Truth: TRUMPS deficits and debts are the fastest in this century
Truth: Gun violence is up in all red states, not up anywhere as high in blue states
Truth: inflation under Trump is on pace to be the highest in 28 years
Truth: Home foreclosures, lay offs and bankruptcy is at a rate not seen since 08/09
Truth: Quality jobs are now leaving our shores as fast as cheap manufacturing
Truth since Trump took office 233,000 highly trained US born doctors, engineers, and other science, math, medical and design professionals have left the USA the fastest in history


A pile of fucking lies by a shameless fucking liar.

Which one of your blatant lies shall I start with?

Let's go with this fucking lie, you fucking liar:

Truth: Quality jobs are now leaving our shores as fast as cheap manufacturing
Truth since Trump took office 233,000 highly trained US born doctors,}


Now clearly you just made shit up and spewed it, being of low intellect and even lower character.

But what would prompt a lying little fuck like you to think you could get away with shit like this?

Well, you're stupid. I mean, you are ASTOUNDINGLY stupid, so you took a pile of Marxist demagoguery like this;

What Americans Will Lose When They Push Immigrants Away: Doctors

Which claims that tighter IMMIGRATION policies by Trump could BLOCK as much as 100,000 doctors and engineers OVER TEN YEARS.

Now Yahoo are leftists demagogues spewing utter fantasy based on speculation. Normals look at shit like this and dismiss it as the partisan bullshit that it is.

BUT you not only run with it, you turn "foreign" into US Born, and "over ten years" into during his presidency. As I said, you're really a very stupid person.

As to why you think you'll get away with such filthy and blatant lies, well that's simple. You honestly believe that lying against Donald Trump is not only acceptable, but in fact a virtue. You believe this because you watch fucking liars on CNN like Don Lemon and Joe Scarborough lie about the President every day, all day long. You bark and clap your flippers like a trained seal as these vile and vicious demagogues spew their vomitus stream of slander and libel which you greedily lap up.

This is the danger of fake news, deranged sociopaths like you lack the spark of humanity needed to separate the evil fiction of fake news from reality.
Speaking of lies …. why am I still waiting for you to quote what I said about Brennan....?

No one cares what you said to praise Brennan.

Comrade Traitor, are you humiliated by supporting Brennan, knowing that Brennan personally stripped the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances?

Are you so much a psychopath that even that level of hypocrisy doesn't phase you?
Your derangement worsens. That you couldn’t quote me saying anything about Brennan proves you’re hallucinating again.


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