Wow, Benny Netanyahu puts it to Barry

The U.S. should stop all aid and diplomatic relations with both Isreal and the Palestinians.

Neither are our allies or our friends. Let them slaughter each other.

....that makes sense.




One-limb-at-a-time, right?
I said Jews, not Zionists you retard, not all Jews or even most Jews are Zionists, so much for your pathetic strawman argument attempt

Oh, you are backtracking now. Try to stay focused on my question here: why do you believe that Jews have some conspiracy-theory type control over American foreign policy. Why are you supportive of Islamic countries that receive more of your tax dollars - well tax dollars I find it hard you pay any taxes - than Israel. Why aren't you on here ranting about the unconstitutionality of foreign aid to Islamic countries who permit public stonings?

No, you have shown your true colors and ignorance. Jews, Zionists, whatever your comments are on here for everyone to read, you sir are an ill-informed moron that subscribes to the same conspiracy theories that the KKK supports.
"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 20% of American Adults think the United States should continue providing foreign aid to Arab countries in the Middle East. Fifty-eight percent (58%) say that aid should come to an end. Twenty-one percent (21%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans, on the other hand, favor continued foreign aid to Israel. One-in-three adults (32%) oppose further aid for Israel, while another 17% are undecided about it." (Most Americans Favor End To U.S. Foreign Aid To Middle East, Except Israel - Rasmussen Reports™)
After reading much of this thread, it appears to me that many American conservatives have a greater loyalty to Israel than they have to America. Maybe they should move there and await Armeggedon (which they seem to long for) in the holy land.

You do have to account for the percentage of the Right's sentiment that is reflexively fer it because Obama is agin it.

We're not talking about deep thinkers here.
A random observation... many of you ever noticed that almost all the Neocons who got us into the mess in Iraq were either

a. Pro-Israel Jews, or,

b. Oil men.

?? Amazing coincidence eh?
After reading much of this thread, it appears to me that many American conservatives have a greater loyalty to Israel than they have to America. Maybe they should move there and await Armeggedon (which they seem to long for) in the holy land.

Appearances can be deceiving.
Why wouldn't America support Israel, it's the most civilized area in the middle east
After reading much of this thread, it appears to me that many American conservatives have a greater loyalty to Israel than they have to America. Maybe they should move there and await Armeggedon (which they seem to long for) in the holy land.

You do have to account for the percentage of the Right's sentiment that is reflexively fer it because Obama is agin it.

We're not talking about deep thinkers here.

I would settle for some plain ol' thinking on the part of conservatives.

The Israeli/Palestinian problem has been going on for longer than most people on this forum have been alive. Who isn't sick of it?

Under Bush 43, Israel was permitted to do whatever it pleased, and the US gov't just acted as if it was an extension of the Likud Party. It pretty much destroyed our reputation as honest brokers in the area.

If our gov't doesn't TRY to break the log jam, the I/P problem is just going to fester and worsen, and Palestinians and other Arab contries will only become MORE militant and MORE resentful of America. Does that sound like it's good for either Israel or America?

Kudos to Obama for at least TRYING to get things moving again by reasserting America as an honest broker at a time when the Arab Spring might actually work in our favor by changing the status quo while also undercutting Islamic militancy.

Naturally, conservatives are against that since all they seem to really understand is shock and awe.
So no aid to Arabs? No aid to Africans? You agree?

No aid to no one that is of no interest to the country and definitely no aid to support a country based solely on their official religion.

Again, why this point is so difficult for some on this thread is beyond me,ISLAMIC CONTROLLED COUNTRIES IN THE MIDDLE EAST RECEIVE MORE AMERICAN AID THAN ISRAEL. Every damned Arab country is based on their official religion, PALESTINE WOULD BE BASED SOLELY ON THEIR OFFICIAL RELIGION.

These idiots in here ranting on about Israeli - Israel being smaller than the size of Rhode Island - actions taken to secure the safety of her people, just ignore the sickening human rights abuses committed by these Islamic countries. Israel is the only country in the Middle East that shares any of America's values. Jews in ANY COUNTRY IN THE MIDDLE EAST is prevented for attaining citizenship, or worshiping openly.

1. This is just stupid, Google. Bass is basically saying that there should be no foreign aid to anyone. What the hell is so hard to understand about that?

2. Israel is over 7 times the size of Rhode Island.

3. Your claim about aid to Israel vs. Islamic countries is meaningless. Your assumption here is that every Islamic country is the exact same (part of a monolith with the exact same interests, needs, and ideas - an entirely false assumption), and that somehow the Aid spent on Israel is "fair" because it's less than what's given to Islamic countries, conveniently omitting that there's Israel is ONE state with 7 million people while these "Islamic countries" are around 20 states with 1.5 BILLION people. In either which case, the amount of Middle Eastern countries being given significant aid (of the top 25 aid receipients), and which are not currently occupied by the US numbers a grand total of 3: Jordan, Egypt, and West Bank/Gaza, whose 2009 figures amounted to around 3.6 billion compared to 2.4 billion to Israel alone (despite the fact that there's around 100 million people in the first group to 7 million in the second group).

I particularly don't care one way or another. I can't quite comprehend why the American tax-payer accepts giving foreign aid to a wealthy and highly developed economy such as Israel, but that's for them to decide. I also don't particularly think it a good idea to have given $1.7 billion a year to a brutal dictatorship like Egypt's. I don't believe the US or any other country should participate in the distribution of military aid of any kind anywhere. Foreign aid should be economic assistance to the poorest of countries, be them Jewish, Arab, Latino, White, Black or Orange.

3. The treatment of Jews in other Muslim countries vary widely. Some places the policies are indeed hateful and abhorrent. The problem is that this is entirely besides the point. The treatment of Copts in Egypt has been shameful, Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia are treated like dogs, and in Iraq they used to be. Each and every regime that oppresses a minority is disgusting, and if you want to go ahead and make a thread about Saudi Arabia's or Syria's treatment of it's minorities, I'll be the first to post in denounciation of those regimes. But to claim that "they are worse" as a defense for the behavior of any state be is equally as shameful. It's as though Roosevelt had told the world that the US's treatment of blacks in the 40s was fine because they were not being treated like Jews in Germany. Rights cannot be relative, a state that claims to follow the rule of law can't excuse itself from abuses by pointing to others' behavior, lest it admits to being just as bad.
After reading much of this thread, it appears to me that many American conservatives have a greater loyalty to Israel than they have to America. Maybe they should move there and await Armeggedon (which they seem to long for) in the holy land.

The motherfuckers would love to create a theocratic republic here in these USA .

If Obama is so Fucking worried about Borders and Securing them he really should start with Our USA southern border.

I hope that it Now Very Clear to All that this man sitting in Our WH with his feet on Our historic desk of the oval office is most certainly a liar and fraud.

FUCK Obama ~ and his commie marxist friends too.

Shut your disgusting trap and get a life.

Aahahaha ~ Who put you in charge??
As far as getting a life, just looking at the number of your posts here at USMB I'd say it's You that needs to get a Life ~ Hahahahaha :lol:

Now......lets face it. Obama has come through with quite a few Disney idea's in the last couple of years, but this latest one really defines k00k!!! Even far left guys like Weiner are laughing their balls off.
When one listens to Obama speak, and then listens to Netanyahu speak, one has to realize that their is but one leader amongst them, and it is not Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

Obama has to go.....The man is a disaster.

When are the Jews on the left in this country going to realize that BHO is not their friend in any capacity?
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After reading much of this thread, it appears to me that many American conservatives have a greater loyalty to Israel than they have to America. Maybe they should move there and await Armeggedon (which they seem to long for) in the holy land.

You do have to account for the percentage of the Right's sentiment that is reflexively fer it because Obama is agin it.

We're not talking about deep thinkers here.

I would settle for some plain ol' thinking on the part of conservatives.

The Israeli/Palestinian problem has been going on for longer than most people on this forum have been alive. Who isn't sick of it?

Under Bush 43, Israel was permitted to do whatever it pleased, and the US gov't just acted as if it was an extension of the Likud Party. It pretty much destroyed our reputation as honest brokers in the area.

If our gov't doesn't TRY to break the log jam, the I/P problem is just going to fester and worsen, and Palestinians and other Arab contries will only become MORE militant and MORE resentful of America. Does that sound like it's good for either Israel or America?

Kudos to Obama for at least TRYING to get things moving again by reasserting America as an honest broker at a time when the Arab Spring might actually work in our favor by changing the status quo while also undercutting Islamic militancy.

Naturally, conservatives are against that since all they seem to really understand is shock and awe.
After reading much of this thread, it appears to me that many American conservatives have a greater loyalty to Israel than they have to America. Maybe they should move there and await Armeggedon (which they seem to long for) in the holy land.

People can't just MOVE to Israel Asswipe. you must be Jewish to reside in Israel.
If Obama is so Fucking worried about Borders and Securing them he really should start with Our USA southern border.

I hope that it Now Very Clear to All that this man sitting in Our WH with his feet on Our historic desk of the oval office is most certainly a liar and fraud.

FUCK Obama ~ and his commie marxist friends too.

Shut your disgusting trap and get a life.

Aahahaha ~ Who put you in charge??
As far as getting a life, just looking at the number of your posts here at USMB I'd say it's You that needs to get a Life ~ Hahahahaha :lol:

He's not in charge. he just be the biggest basshole on the forum. :lol:

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