Will Obama Ignore the War Powers Act?

Will Obama Ignore the War Powers Act?

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Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Lawmakers largely silent on war powers authority in Libya - TheHill.com
U.S. operations in Libya hit the 60-day mark Friday, but Congress has grown largely silent on the administration’s unilateral intervention into the war-torn North African nation.

The 1973 War Powers Act (WPA) — the statute President Obama invoked when he launched forces in March — requires presidents to secure congressional approval for military operations within 60 days, or withdraw forces within the next 30.

So I guess the question is will he ignore the War Powers Act and prove to us once again that he is above the law and the constitution be damned or will he beg congress for approval?
it would appear he is, The Deadline to get approval is today, I hear no mention of it at all. Maybe he is planning on it being over with in 30 days.

I think so, who would've guessed we were gonna warmonger in Libya that came outta nowhere.

So I'm sure no protocol for anything will be followed here.
it would appear he is, The Deadline to get approval is today, I hear no mention of it at all. Maybe he is planning on it being over with in 30 days.


Oh if it were Bush you would hear the media demanding his impeachment! But then again he ignored implementation and execution of a law upheld in the supreme court (the defense of marrage act), he ignored the judge and was held in contempt for the oil moritorium, and he ignored the florida judge after the plainly worded descision of the healthcare law. Of course, they finally gave him a very limited time to appeal but that was after his harvard educated ass played ignorant to the english language as to not be held in contempt again. Nevertheless the precedents being made by this president and his contempt for the rule of law, the judiciary branch of government, and the constitution are amazing.
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I doubt he cares about it. He will probably pretend we arent doing anything in Libya.
I doubt he cares about it. He will probably pretend we arent doing anything in Libya.

Currently he is thinking about stoping operations all togather for a couple of days and then reinstating the War powers act after breif caese fire as if it resets the 60 day perioud. His other option is to claim that he isnt acting within the war powers act but in a humanitarian/survaleiance mission. Either way it only shows this presidents contempt for the rule of law. This man is a king in his own mind.
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You happen to have hit upon one of the subjects of my expertise - The War Powers Act. The short version of an answer is that every president since 1973 has ignored it, so why would Obama be any different.

I'm going to lose even more respect for him (I've already lost a lot) if he does though.
He can't "ignore" the War Powers Act. I suppose he could let our troops sit over there with no fuel or ammo, or hazard duty pay well after the 90 day limit of his funding; but he can't just say "fuck the War Powers Act, keep funding our war in Libya." He doesn't have the authority to do so. There will be NO money to run any war though if Congress doesn't vote to extend the funding. They will of course vote to extend the funding.
Sure he can. Every single president so far has questioned the constitutionality of the damn thing. When you realize that sending troops that don't turn on a dime means sending them for longer than 60 days if you even send them for one (wrap your head around that for a second) then yes, that amounts to ignoring it.

In my law review article for the H ILJ, I compared the Russian and American Executive War Powers, with the conclusion that both amount to king-like usurpation of power.

Pretty much sucks.
It is not a 'War'.

It is an 'Overseas Contingent Military Kenetic Police Action'.

By re-defining stuff, laws no longer apply.

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