Winning the white vote


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Obama and the Working Class By Michael D. Yates

"What exactly does Obama have to say to them? Is he going to fight for their lost pensions? Make sure that the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation has adequate funds? Is he going to do battle for their health care? Is he going to get the unemployment insurance system fixed? Is it possible to believe that he will go afer all those anti-worker trade agreements? Will he ensure that social security is never privatized? That it be made more generous, as it easily could be? Is he going to reverse the Bush administration’s draconian labor policies? Put people on the National Labor Relations Board who take the purpose of the labor laws—to promote collective bargaining—seriously?

Will he make the Occupational Safety and Health Act a real law and not the dead letter it is now? Will he engineer a public works program that rebuilds the infrastructures of these forgotten towns and puts their citizens to work? Will he look for creative ways to bring these places back to life? Will he do something about public education and get rid of the corporate-inspired and ultra authoritarian No Child Left Behind legislation? Will he fight for college grants for those with little income? Will he bring home the working class wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters from Iraq and Afghanistan? Stop wasting billions of dollars on these criminal wars? Demand that unions be made legal in Iraq?"

Michael D. Yates: Obama and the Working Class
Well maybe he would get my vote if he actually had anything in common with me but he doesn't. He doesn't go to Iraq tour after tour, he doesn't understand what is happening in Iraq and what will happen if we leave right now, he doesn't struggle to get by, he doesn't truly understand how much of an impact $4/gal is on the average American, he doesn't get we are sick about hearing race this and race that, and most of all he doesn't get what we the average American is feeling because he isn't the average American! None of these "elected officals" are! The elite are ruling our country. If you watched the DNC you should have realized that! Do you really live like they do or even act like they do?
He doesn't believe in America, he doesn't think it's a good place, he doesn't think it's worth defending as is, he wants to change it into something other than what it is and what it should be...why the hell should I vote for him? He's a socialist.
It seems that the white working class voters of western Pennsylvania are divided between their economic interests and their prejudice.

But they're probably right to go with their "prejudice." A vote for Obama is a vote for the affirmative action that drives whites further into the ground. A vote for Obama is a vote for billions more in welfare for illegal alien Hispanics, blacks, etc. A vote for Obama says "hey, white man, you're now a fourth class citizen in this country, and we've got the black president to rub your face in it."

None of this helps whites, especially working-class whites.
Obama and the Working Class By Michael D. Yates

"What exactly does Obama have to say to them? Is he going to fight for their lost pensions? Make sure that the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation has adequate funds? Is he going to do battle for their health care? Is he going to get the unemployment insurance system fixed? Is it possible to believe that he will go afer all those anti-worker trade agreements? Will he ensure that social security is never privatized? That it be made more generous, as it easily could be? Is he going to reverse the Bush administration’s draconian labor policies? Put people on the National Labor Relations Board who take the purpose of the labor laws—to promote collective bargaining—seriously?

Will he make the Occupational Safety and Health Act a real law and not the dead letter it is now? Will he engineer a public works program that rebuilds the infrastructures of these forgotten towns and puts their citizens to work? Will he look for creative ways to bring these places back to life? Will he do something about public education and get rid of the corporate-inspired and ultra authoritarian No Child Left Behind legislation? Will he fight for college grants for those with little income? Will he bring home the working class wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters from Iraq and Afghanistan? Stop wasting billions of dollars on these criminal wars? Demand that unions be made legal in Iraq?"

Michael D. Yates: Obama and the Working Class

I don't know, but if you find the guy willing to do all that, let me know.

He or she, White or Black, (Christ I don't care if it's a Martian) gets my vote.
I don't know, but if you find the guy willing to do all that, let me know.

He or she, White or Black, (Christ I don't care if it's a Martian) gets my vote.

LOL - yes true, it seems we have moved away from the old American ideal that we can do anything.
Obama and the Working Class By Michael D. Yates

"What exactly does Obama have to say to them? Is he going to fight for their lost pensions? Make sure that the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation has adequate funds? Is he going to do battle for their health care? Is he going to get the unemployment insurance system fixed? Is it possible to believe that he will go afer all those anti-worker trade agreements? Will he ensure that social security is never privatized? That it be made more generous, as it easily could be? Is he going to reverse the Bush administration’s draconian labor policies? Put people on the National Labor Relations Board who take the purpose of the labor laws—to promote collective bargaining—seriously?

Will he make the Occupational Safety and Health Act a real law and not the dead letter it is now? Will he engineer a public works program that rebuilds the infrastructures of these forgotten towns and puts their citizens to work? Will he look for creative ways to bring these places back to life? Will he do something about public education and get rid of the corporate-inspired and ultra authoritarian No Child Left Behind legislation? Will he fight for college grants for those with little income? Will he bring home the working class wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters from Iraq and Afghanistan? Stop wasting billions of dollars on these criminal wars? Demand that unions be made legal in Iraq?"

Michael D. Yates: Obama and the Working Class

There's no such thing as the "white vote." Are you and 52ndStreet bunkies, or what?
As I've already pointed out, it's the lefties who want this to be about color instead of ideas. Because they want to minimalize the ideas of the right, and use race to divert people from what they're doing....which is encouraging racial hatred.
As I've already pointed out, it's the lefties who want this to be about color instead of ideas. Because they want to minimalize the ideas of the right, and use race to divert people from what they're doing....which is encouraging racial hatred.

Define "lefties." Of course there are people on the left who use racism attempting to minimalize the ideas of the right. The threads on this board throughout the Democratic primary are proof of that.

BUT, the Obama supporters accused the Clinton supporters of the same thing. Now that they've all made up a confession is unlikely, but it was happening.

It's a game. Southern Democrats aligned themselves with the GOP. The racist ones came with the rest. They voted GOP. The left/Dems equate that to the GOP supporting racism, and I've seen some of the dumbest arguments on the topic ever.

What it boils down to is the minority vote and "GOP has racist voters so I'll vote against them" vote must be a higher percentage than the racist vote, or the Dems would never have let them go anywhere.

DOn't kid yourself. It isn't about doing what's right. It's about votes.
Prove him wrong William. Find an actual group of White voters that vote on the issues that based on the effect upon the White Race that actually has enough numbers as to effect the issue and be marketed to by one of the Major Parties? There hasn't been a White Vote since the 60s.
Prove him wrong William. Find an actual group of White voters that vote on the issues that based on the effect upon the White Race that actually has enough numbers as to effect the issue and be marketed to by one of the Major Parties?

Put this way, it's a big fat zero. Not counting the meetings I attend, of course!


If you appeal to "intrinsic" whiteness as opposed to "extrinsic" whiteness, the numbers change. Gun rights is a great example. Whites aren't allowed to vote based on, as you say, "the effect upon the White Race," so, they look for covers like gun rights. So, in that sense, there's still a white vote.
Gun Rights, Traditional Marriage, Fair Tax, Religious Right, Immigration Enforcement, War on Drugs, and Welfare Reform are all legitimate movements in their own which can (and have) been lumped into that subconcious effect you describe.

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