Why the Right Hates O? "80% because he's black...."

Libs don't have a propaganda machine, dupe. They have this thing called journalism- cowardly corporate as it is...
Now you are being either blind and stupid or are outright lying.
You have a bs propaganda machine run by greedy idiot billionaires, brainwashed ignoramus. You think Murdoch, Adelson, the Kochs, Scaife, the Moonies are just small gov't, family values businessmen? LOL. They run all the media you agree with. Librul media is long gone and they were just intelligent people.

What happened to documentaries about corruption, poverty etc? Now we have murder documentaries 100%. RW a-hole media and cowardly corporate news allow fools like you to exist. Luckily, enough peole are smart enough here to know RW propaganda is drivel. Too bad the UK wasn't ready for UKIP bs/hate. Stupid people won. Here they lose, finally. No more New BS GOP presidents.
The Republican playbook only has one setting

If you are not in office ...hate, obstruct, call them unAmerican, a commie, weak, spendthrift

Same game will be played with Hillary as Obama

So, you state that we have treated Obama just like we have and will treat white democratic presidents.

And yet, you believe that we treat him like we do because he is black.

WTF is wrong with you?

I am already saying Obama would get the "treatment" from Republicans whether he was black or white

Which means that the "treatment" is NOT racist.

Can you say that explicitly, or would your hands fall off if you tried to type it?

Republicans were able to get the racists into their camp though with things like......Damn negro can't speak without a TelePrompTer

Calling your partisan enemy stupid is hardly grounds for accusations of racism.

YOu guys called GWBush stupid, Dan Quayle stupid. Ronald Reagan stupid.

And we call Obama stupid and suddenly it's racism?

Why are you so afraid to admit that there is a deep and valid ideological divide between the parties?

You hold on to this myth of racism like a baby with a comfort object
Republicans responded to the characterization that Obama was a great orator with claims the negro can only read what others write for him

Racists loved it......that's why Republicans keep repeating it

What republican made that statement? Some random guy on the internet?

I note that you did NOT explicitly state that the treatment is not racist.

Even though you have implicitly admitted it.

Are you under some type of magic geas?

Or are they holding hostages?
Of course the GOP uses code about lazy leeches and stupid urban Dems when attacking blacks. Racists are the undereducated base Trump won and is stuck with...Now with Clinton they go back to repeat ad nuseum the old discredited bs hate.gossip/phony scandals and new swift boat bs. Have a charity? Attack all the donors and make up bribery bs with no evidence. ALL RW idiocy. Well, smart, educated people and non brainwashed and non- bigots aren't falling for it.

Try looking at the policies the parties want and stop falling for the same old crap, dupes and hater dupes.
You have a bs propaganda machine run by greedy idiot billionaires, brainwashed ignoramus. You think Murdoch, Adelson, the Kochs, Scaife, the Moonies are just small gov't, family values businessmen? LOL.....
I do? What party do you think I belong to?

You're a low-down, dirty liar for the "You think Murdoch, Adelson, the Kochs, Scaife, the Moonies are just small gov't, family values businessmen" accusation. That is completely untrue. You are a dishonest person and cannot be trusted. Typical of people like you.
You have a bs propaganda machine run by greedy idiot billionaires, brainwashed ignoramus. You think Murdoch, Adelson, the Kochs, Scaife, the Moonies are just small gov't, family values businessmen? LOL.....
I do? What party do you think I belong to?

You're a low-down, dirty liar for the "You think Murdoch, Adelson, the Kochs, Scaife, the Moonies are just small gov't, family values businessmen" accusation. That is completely untrue. You are a dishonest person and cannot be trusted. Typical of people like you.
You certainly believe lots of the New BS GOP bs lol. Who owns the Washington Times? BTW, it was a question, not an accusation, hater dupe. Stupid.
The Right hates Obama because he is pro-choice.

The Right hates Obama because he is pro big government.

The Right hates Obama because he wants to raise taxes.

The Right hates Obama because of ObamaCare.

The Right hates Obama because his answer to every problem is the government, more government, and always the government.

In short, the Right hates Obama because he is a liberal Democrat.

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
The same hatred will be automatically transferred to Hillary

There is no middle ground with republicans

If you had an once of intellectual honesty, OR any desire to NOT tear this nation apart, you would realize AND ADMIT, that that means the opposition to Obama was partisan and ideological, and not racist.

But, as a liberal, you won't, because you don't.
RW hate on Hillary is based on 25 years of bs hate propaganda. You can see the racism on this board every day.I'm guessing 50%+ of the GOP think blacks are inferior. I'm surrounded with them out here. Guess what.

YOu see racism, because you want to see it.
And so do all the surveys and polls and the victims of racism, oblivious brainwashed twit. Change the channel and see the world.

So, you state that we have treated Obama just like we have and will treat white democratic presidents.

And yet, you believe that we treat him like we do because he is black.

WTF is wrong with you?

I am already saying Obama would get the "treatment" from Republicans whether he was black or white

Which means that the "treatment" is NOT racist.

Can you say that explicitly, or would your hands fall off if you tried to type it?

Republicans were able to get the racists into their camp though with things like......Damn negro can't speak without a TelePrompTer

Calling your partisan enemy stupid is hardly grounds for accusations of racism.

YOu guys called GWBush stupid, Dan Quayle stupid. Ronald Reagan stupid.

And we call Obama stupid and suddenly it's racism?

Why are you so afraid to admit that there is a deep and valid ideological divide between the parties?

You hold on to this myth of racism like a baby with a comfort object
Republicans responded to the characterization that Obama was a great orator with claims the negro can only read what others write for him

Racists loved it......that's why Republicans keep repeating it

What republican made that statement? Some random guy on the internet?

I note that you did NOT explicitly state that the treatment is not racist.

Even though you have implicitly admitted it.

Are you under some type of magic geas?

Or are they holding hostages?
Of course the GOP uses code about lazy leeches and stupid urban Dems when attacking blacks. Racists are the undereducated base Trump won and is stuck with...Now with Clinton they go back to repeat ad nuseum the old discredited bs hate.gossip/phony scandals and new swift boat bs. Have a charity? Attack all the donors and make up bribery bs with no evidence. ALL RW idiocy. Well, smart, educated people and non brainwashed and non- bigots aren't falling for it.

Try looking at the policies the parties want and stop falling for the same old crap, dupes and hater dupes.

You certainly believe lots of the New BS GOP bs lol. Who owns the Washington Times? BTW, it was a question, not an accusation, hater dupe. Stupid.
Another lie. Just because I'm not as far Left as you, you falsely claim I "believe lots of the New BS GOP bs lol."

I support gay marriage as a 14th Amendment issue. I support a woman's right to choice what to do with her own body up to the 24 week limit. I support eliminating all drug laws only excepting doing or selling them to minors or, like alcohol laws, endangering others on the job or on the road. Yet you falsely label me a fucking political extremist like yourself simply because I also support the Constitution, specifically the Second Amendment in this case. Sir, you're a fucking liar.
I don't lie. You appear to, as well as all the GOP bs you parrot.
I've proven you're a liar several times. The fact you don't apologize or admit your lies makes you an unrepentant liar. A person who is not to be trusted nor respected.
You certainly believe lots of the New BS GOP bs lol. Who owns the Washington Times? BTW, it was a question, not an accusation, hater dupe. Stupid.
Another lie. Just because I'm not as far Left as you, you falsely claim I "believe lots of the New BS GOP bs lol."

I support gay marriage as a 14th Amendment issue. I support a woman's right to choice what to do with her own body up to the 24 week limit. I support eliminating all drug laws only excepting doing or selling them to minors or, like alcohol laws, endangering others on the job or on the road. Yet you falsely label me a fucking political extremist like yourself simply because I also support the Constitution, specifically the Second Amendment in this case. Sir, you're a fucking liar.

I can see the difference.

I'm not calling you names.

Just something to think about come November...
I don't lie. You appear to, as well as all the GOP bs you parrot.
I've proven you're a liar several times. The fact you don't apologize or admit your lies makes you an unrepentant liar. A person who is not to be trusted nor respected.
I could be mistaken, but I'm not lying. A lie is when you know you're dishonest. Another way you appear RW- they don't even know what a lie is anymore. Glad to see you are pro gay rights etc.
What republican made that statement? Some random guy on the internet?

I note that you did NOT explicitly state that the treatment is not racist.

Even though you have implicitly admitted it.

Are you under some type of magic geas?

Or are they holding hostages?
You're talking to a chronic liar who masquerades as a "right winger" then lied about the origin of his user name. I don't trust anything he says.

You really have a problem with calling people liars...His name is an obvious joke.
RW hate on Hillary is based on 25 years of bs hate propaganda. You can see the racism on this board every day.I'm guessing 50%+ of the GOP think blacks are inferior. I'm surrounded with them out here. Guess what.
Conversely, LW hate is based on 25 years of bullshit hate propaganda which blew into office January 1993 with lies, corruption and a profound hatred of the military not seen since Vietnam. Small wonder since the new President was a draft-dodger.

Yes, you can see the racism on this forum every day, but only a fucking moron thinks it's one-sided. Only a fucking racist believes they can hate or demean another race, but claim it isn't racism if they don't claim one race is superior to another.
Yup, not anti-Dems at all. What corruption, what hatred of the military. GOP BS Propaganda, dupe.
I could be mistaken, but I'm not lying. A lie is when you know you're dishonest. Another way you appear RW- they don't even know what a lie is anymore. Glad to see you are pro gay rights etc.
Dude, you're an unrentant liar. You made a false, unsubstantiated accusation against me and refuse to apologize for your mistake in the face of contrary evidence.

You're a fucking liar
. Apologize or go fuck yourself, liar.
You certainly believe lots of the New BS GOP bs lol. Who owns the Washington Times? BTW, it was a question, not an accusation, hater dupe. Stupid.
Another lie. Just because I'm not as far Left as you, you falsely claim I "believe lots of the New BS GOP bs lol."

I support gay marriage as a 14th Amendment issue. I support a woman's right to choice what to do with her own body up to the 24 week limit. I support eliminating all drug laws only excepting doing or selling them to minors or, like alcohol laws, endangering others on the job or on the road. Yet you falsely label me a fucking political extremist like yourself simply because I also support the Constitution, specifically the Second Amendment in this case. Sir, you're a fucking liar.

I can see the difference.

I'm not calling you names.

Just something to think about come November...
Not to worry, he votes GOP anyway.
I could be mistaken, but I'm not lying. A lie is when you know you're dishonest. Another way you appear RW- they don't even know what a lie is anymore. Glad to see you are pro gay rights etc.
Dude, you're an unrentant liar. You made a false, unsubstantiated accusation against me and refuse to apologize for your mistake in the face of contrary evidence.

You're a fucking liar
. Apologize or go fuck yourself, liar.
You're a gd idiot. What accusation- the WHOLE comment, or stfu. The last one you said was a question. Right off the wall. lol
You certainly believe lots of the New BS GOP bs lol. Who owns the Washington Times? BTW, it was a question, not an accusation, hater dupe. Stupid.
Another lie. Just because I'm not as far Left as you, you falsely claim I "believe lots of the New BS GOP bs lol."

I support gay marriage as a 14th Amendment issue. I support a woman's right to choice what to do with her own body up to the 24 week limit. I support eliminating all drug laws only excepting doing or selling them to minors or, like alcohol laws, endangering others on the job or on the road. Yet you falsely label me a fucking political extremist like yourself simply because I also support the Constitution, specifically the Second Amendment in this case. Sir, you're a fucking liar.

I can see the difference.

I'm not calling you names.

Just something to think about come November...
Not to worry, he votes GOP anyway.

I'm seeing a lot of moderates and establishment republicans, being moved towards Trump by your troll lefties.

Thanks a bunch.

I want you to know, that if we win, it will be at least partially because of people like you, doing our work for us.

You're a gd idiot. What accusation- the WHOLE comment, or stfu. The last one you said was a question. Right off the wall. lol
You're refusal to admit your lie coupled with your counter-accusations further labels you a low down, fucking liar. True scum of the earth. No doubt you lie and cheat others every day in your job just as you have casually done here.

You have a bs propaganda machine run by greedy idiot billionaires, brainwashed ignoramus. You think Murdoch, Adelson, the Kochs, Scaife, the Moonies are just small gov't, family values businessmen? LOL. They run all the media you agree with. Librul media is long gone and they were just intelligent people.

What happened to documentaries about corruption, poverty etc? Now we have murder documentaries 100%. RW a-hole media and cowardly corporate news allow fools like you to exist. Luckily, enough peole are smart enough here to know RW propaganda is drivel. Too bad the UK wasn't ready for UKIP bs/hate. Stupid people won. Here they lose, finally. No more New BS GOP presidents.

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