Why no social pressure on blacks to reform?

Why do you insist on talking about 39 million people as if they are a single homogeneous unit?

You want to go though all of them one at a time?

Are you attempting to imply that all 39 million blacks in the U.S. reside in the ghetto, shoot people, belong to gangs, are on welfare, and are low class and uncivilized?
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but a lot of blacks just do not have the intellectual capacity to compete in any meaningful capacity in our technological society. rather than acknowledge their own limitations they prefer to blame 'racism'.
I don't believe that's true, I've numerous black friends and they are quite intelligent AND they are purebreds too.

All problems with most humans can be traced to their parents, be it your genetics or your programming/indoctrination. Most of the time the only damn thing wrong with a human being is their programming.

Think about this for a moment: Suppose you were born to a christian extremist couple but were secretly exchanged with a muslim extremist baby in the hospital, what would be the chances you'd be hollering death to the infidels (your natural parents) today?

What happens when a black child is raised as a white child I wonder, hum?

It's all in our programming, from smarts to motivation. I know this to be true because I use reprogramming to fix all my faulty internal software. :tongue:

You know, it's not that difficult to raise a decent human, I've raised a few myself on my own as a single male parent. You just need to observe a few gridlines such as, never expose a child under 8 years old to domestic violence, never ever tell anyone under 18 that they are stupid or worthless or useless (even if they are), feed them well and insist they exercise EVERY day, and highly encourage them to take up a hobby that they can turn into an honest career as an adult one day. If you fail in any of these, then any misfit produced is the fault of the programmers/parents.

although the vastly expanded opportunities of the last fifty years has been a boon for many blacks (especially the 'talented tenth'), it has been a depressing insult to the large portion of sub IQ80 blacks who have found out that there is no useful position for them in our present society. that is the main reason why 40+% of blacks are on some form of govt assistance.
IQ is simply a score that reflects the effort and dedication put forth by their parents and others during their early development years. Humans are programmable bots, they are only as good as the quality of their programming.
Exposing a child to domestic violence should be just as intolerable and as punishable as exposing a child to pornography!

I repeat (ha): Exposing a child to domestic violence should be just as intolerable and as punishable as exposing a child to pornography!
Exposing a child to domestic violence should be just as intolerable and as punishable as exposing a child to pornography!

I repeat (ha): Exposing a child to domestic violence should be just as intolerable and as punishable as exposing a child to pornography!

Brain research tends to support your position. Repeated exposure to trauma during early development stunts brain development and can cause the IQ to be permanently lowered.

That research provides a likely explanation for IanC, Laughing Reefer, Matthew, William Joyce, and Ariux.
I wonder what kind of "social pressure" the OP would like to put on Blacks to "perform"? the asshole sounds like hes talking about a breed of horses or something.
I wonder what kind of "social pressure" the OP would like to put on Blacks to "perform"? the asshole sounds like hes talking about a breed of horses or something.

I think he's thinking "reprogramming camps" or some other fascist idea borrowed from one of his sig heiling idols.
I asked you a question that you haven't answered. What does your version of the black community look like? Tell me how they present themselves? Do they speak Ebonic's,When they are in the clubs what are they wearing suit and tie? Party dress? C'mon how do the walk, talk,and dress. You tell me.

I love how the vicious circle of your reasoning works...

LR: Black culture emulates the hood.
CM: None of my black friends act "hood."
LR: How do they act, dress, talk?
CM: They act, dress, and talk much like I do.
LR: Oh, they're not really black, then. They're acting white. Black culture emulates the hood.

For the umpteenth millionth time, there IS NO HOMOGENEOUS BLACK CULTURE in the U.S. There are entire neighborhoods around the south composed of black professionals who make in excess of six figures, and whose homes/clothing and behavior is that of other white-collar professionals. The mayor of my predominantly white city is black. I take aerobics classes with his wife, and she is just like me (only better dressed and considerably better at dancing). The police chief of my city is black. He does his job just as well as the last chief, who was white. There is no discernible difference. A lot of the administrators in our school district are black. They do excellent jobs.

In the south, it's not about race anymore, it's about class. Nobody cares about someone's skin color, as long as that person can deliver on the job. That's how a black mayor gets elected in a largely white city.

I work in the hood. My clients are very hood. But, my peers who are black in my field and in related fields (medicine, education, law enforcement, law, etc.) are essentially just like me. They may use different slang from me at times, but they raise their children well, they have lovely homes, they dress well, and they contribute to the community. My neighborhood is 30% black, and it's pretty affluent. My neighbors all have college degrees and work in professional jobs. You cannot drive down the street and point out the homes of my black neighbors, because they look exactly the same as the other homes. They drive the same cars. Their kids have been friends with my kids since kindergarten. They go to work every day, and they come home and mow their lawns.

Apparently, in your world, the only real blacks reside in the ghetto. That's just ignorance, and it's the same sort of ignorance displayed by ghetto blacks who mock their peers for getting an education and making something out of their lives.

You're low class trash, and you display it every time you post here.

But putzmeow where did I say that they were "Oh, they're not really black, then. They're acting white. Black culture emulates the hood."

Where did I say that there was a "HOMOGENEOUS BLACK CULTURE " I didn't. I didn't say ALL blacks emulate hood culture, YOU said that I said it. I said a majority emulate hood culture, this means there is a percentage of at least 49% that don't. The rest of your rant Blah Blah blah. What is your crush CG not down in flame zone these days that you are despondently looking for attention anywhere you can get it?
I said a majority emulate hood culture, this means there is a percentage of at least 49% that don't. The rest of your rant Blah Blah blah. What is your crush CG not down in flame zone these days that you are despondently looking for attention anywhere you can get it?

You didn't even use the term "hood culture." You made a blanket reference to "black culture," and now that your idiocy has been clearly illustrated, you're backpedaling.

You're a racist moron. Thanks for illustrating it more clearly than I could.
I said a majority emulate hood culture, this means there is a percentage of at least 49% that don't. The rest of your rant Blah Blah blah. What is your crush CG not down in flame zone these days that you are despondently looking for attention anywhere you can get it?

You didn't even use the term "hood culture." You made a blanket reference to "black culture," and now that your idiocy has been clearly illustrated, you're backpedaling.

You're a racist moron. Thanks for illustrating it more clearly than I could.

****************UH yes I did

Quote: Originally Posted by laughinReaper

Hood culture IS black culture. It's what most blacks use as a model for what they want to be. They dress like they live in the hood,talk like they live in the hood,walk like they live in the hood because black culture says it's cool to live in the hood. White people lookin like they grew up in the hood are called "Posers" which indicates that blacks consider hood culture their own. But please tell me what your version of black culture looks like? How do they dress? Like Bill Cosby in a nice sweater? How do they talk? Is "Ebonic's"(note there is a name for it) their first language or English? I suppose you see mostly white suburban people walking down the street with their pants around thier ankles and their underwear showing? No it's black people and hood culture and it's the culture Blacks choose to follow the most. Yes there are exceptions, but for the most part Hood culture is the most prevalent.

All white people don't shop at Walmart

**********Note that I said Majority and not all. YOU read the blanket statement into the conversation. Now that your idiocy has been clearly illustrated, you're grasping at straws.

You're a racist moron. Thanks for illustrating it more clearly than I could
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I don't believe that's true, I've numerous black friends and they are quite intelligent AND they are purebreds too.

You don't have IQ test scores to back up that incredible claim.

What happens when a black child is raised as a white child I wonder, hum?

It's been done a million times, because so many whites adopt black babies. All goes fairly well, until the teenage years, then the black takes over.

IQ is simply a score that reflects the effort and dedication put forth by their parents and others during their early development years. Humans are programmable bots, they are only as good as the quality of their programming.

You are not all familiar with IQ research and your own observation is very clouded.

Why isn't the consensus in the media not that Trayvon shouldn't have attacked Zimmerman, if he did attack Zimmerman? Why no criticism of how Trayvon might have handled the situation, if not for Trayvon's sake, then for the sake of other young black men who'll get themselves killed assaulting others?
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It's been done a million times, because so many whites adopt black babies. All goes fairly well, until the teenage years, then the black takes over.

So, could we postulate that you were raised by nice black parents, and then you hit your teenage years, and the stupid took over?
It's been done a million times, because so many whites adopt black babies. All goes fairly well, until the teenage years, then the black takes over.

So, could we postulate that you were raised by nice black parents, and then you hit your teenage years, and the stupid took over?

I'm sure you think that's an informed and logical reply.
It's been done a million times, because so many whites adopt black babies. All goes fairly well, until the teenage years, then the black takes over.

So, could we postulate that you were raised by nice black parents, and then you hit your teenage years, and the stupid took over?

I'm sure you think that's an informed and logical reply.

Better than anything you have posted in this thread bitch.
But putzmeow where did I say that they were "Oh, they're not really black, then. They're acting white. Black culture emulates the hood."

You said it here.
Hood culture IS black culture.

Wow. You are completely inept, aren't you?

Carry on. You make an admirable cautionary tale about FAS.

Wow you're thick. Where did I say "Oh, they're not really black, then. They're acting white. Black culture emulates the hood."

That was the question dumbass. I didn't say any of it because it was you who said it. Hmmm makes you kinda racist doesn't it. You read into it and created that babble and blamed it on me. It's in black and white, you said it and can't refute it.

Black culture does emulate Hood culture because black culture created hood culture or are you going to deny that too? I'd tell you to go back to flame zone where trolls belong but I'm having Way to much fun. :lol:
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