Why is Mitt?


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2012
Why is Mitt Romney allowing President Obama to dictate the issues and how Mitt Romney runs his campaign?

I notice this a while back, how everything that Romney does is usually in response to something that the President says or does. He is allowing the President to talk about what the President wants and Romney can't get a word in at all. By the time Romney comes out with a response, President Obama and his people are on to the next thing which knocks Romney back on his heels yet again.

Dear Mitt,

Get your head out of your ass and forget about what the President is doing. Start attacking everything, EVERYTHING that President Obama has done. From his church and Rev. Write to his mentors to his time as Senator to his time as a community organizer to the economy to unemployment to healthcare. Hit one, then two days later hit another then three days later hit another then after a day go back to the first thing but with different facts.

Mitt, you have the money. The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be to get your message across. The President is changing people's minds by telling lies and misleading the people causing them to forget that there are no jobs, the economy sucks, that healthcare is going to cost the American taxpayer trillions upon trillions of $.

Seriously, it's time to start campaigning. Let's get it going! DANM!

Your friend,
Why is Mitt Romney allowing President Obama to dictate the issues and how Mitt Romney runs his campaign?

I notice this a while back, how everything that Romney does is usually in response to something that the President says or does. He is allowing the President to talk about what the President wants and Romney can't get a word in at all. By the time Romney comes out with a response, President Obama and his people are on to the next thing which knocks Romney back on his heels yet again.

Dear Mitt,

Get your head out of your ass and forget about what the President is doing. Start attacking everything, EVERYTHING that President Obama has done. From his church and Rev. Write to his mentors to his time as Senator to his time as a community organizer to the economy to unemployment to healthcare. Hit one, then two days later hit another then three days later hit another then after a day go back to the first thing but with different facts.

Mitt, you have the money. The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be to get your message across. The President is changing people's minds by telling lies and misleading the people causing them to forget that there are no jobs, the economy sucks, that healthcare is going to cost the American taxpayer trillions upon trillions of $.

Seriously, it's time to start campaigning. Let's get it going! DANM!

Your friend,

Because the GOP has clearly once again picked the wrong guy, A weak Campaigner that does not know what the hell to do at the moment.

I sure hope he gets his shit together. Or he is going to become the Republican John Kerry. The guy that could not even beat a Failed president.
Why is Mitt Romney allowing President Obama to dictate the issues and how Mitt Romney runs his campaign?

I notice this a while back, how everything that Romney does is usually in response to something that the President says or does. He is allowing the President to talk about what the President wants and Romney can't get a word in at all. By the time Romney comes out with a response, President Obama and his people are on to the next thing which knocks Romney back on his heels yet again.

Dear Mitt,

Get your head out of your ass and forget about what the President is doing. Start attacking everything, EVERYTHING that President Obama has done. From his church and Rev. Write to his mentors to his time as Senator to his time as a community organizer to the economy to unemployment to healthcare. Hit one, then two days later hit another then three days later hit another then after a day go back to the first thing but with different facts.

Mitt, you have the money. The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be to get your message across. The President is changing people's minds by telling lies and misleading the people causing them to forget that there are no jobs, the economy sucks, that healthcare is going to cost the American taxpayer trillions upon trillions of $.

Seriously, it's time to start campaigning. Let's get it going! DANM!

Your friend,

Aw, that's so sad...:(

(No, actually, it isn't)
Why is Mitt Romney allowing President Obama to dictate the issues and how Mitt Romney runs his campaign?

I notice this a while back, how everything that Romney does is usually in response to something that the President says or does. He is allowing the President to talk about what the President wants and Romney can't get a word in at all. By the time Romney comes out with a response, President Obama and his people are on to the next thing which knocks Romney back on his heels yet again.

Dear Mitt,

Get your head out of your ass and forget about what the President is doing. Start attacking everything, EVERYTHING that President Obama has done. From his church and Rev. Write to his mentors to his time as Senator to his time as a community organizer to the economy to unemployment to healthcare. Hit one, then two days later hit another then three days later hit another then after a day go back to the first thing but with different facts.

Mitt, you have the money. The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be to get your message across. The President is changing people's minds by telling lies and misleading the people causing them to forget that there are no jobs, the economy sucks, that healthcare is going to cost the American taxpayer trillions upon trillions of $.

Seriously, it's time to start campaigning. Let's get it going! DANM!

Your friend,

i posted about this earlier......http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/239525-two-campaign-strategies.html
I've been saying this for months. Most hardcore Romney supporters mock me for being impatient and such but Obama is winning the only battle that matters at the moment.....image.

I bumped one of my old threads tonight for this very reason. I truly believe Romney would be a better leader and far better for the economy. Sadly my influence doesn't go beyond my small group of family and employees.

If Romney doesn't get his grove on, and soon, he's done. Only a further crashing economy will save him at that point and that is bad news for all of us. All these libs that say we or I root for bad numbers on the economy are as dumb as the blind followers of Romney.

Get with the program Romney!
Oh he will be after the convention. That's when people are paying attention the most and he's got alot of money to spend while Obama's been wasting his before.
Oh he will be after the convention. That's when people are paying attention the most and he's got alot of money to spend while Obama's been wasting his before.

I hope you are correct. Sadly, I fear the net has changed everything and the gop is behind the 8 ball. We mastered am radio but the dems are mastering the new information highway.
The palace guards in the Obama friendly media are helping to protect their failure....They print all the lies that Pelosi, Reid, and Obama produce.....

Anyway, Mitt is a strong finisher. I have confidence that he'll close the deal. We'll get a huge boost of momentum from the Convention and the 6 weeks leading up to Election day will decide the deal.....
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The only possible strategy he could be taking is letting Obama blow his load early.
Really until the debates no one cares. Get all the tax crap and smear out of the way.
Why is Mitt Romney allowing President Obama to dictate the issues and how Mitt Romney runs his campaign?

I notice this a while back, how everything that Romney does is usually in response to something that the President says or does. He is allowing the President to talk about what the President wants and Romney can't get a word in at all. By the time Romney comes out with a response, President Obama and his people are on to the next thing which knocks Romney back on his heels yet again.

Dear Mitt,

Get your head out of your ass and forget about what the President is doing. Start attacking everything, EVERYTHING that President Obama has done. From his church and Rev. Write to his mentors to his time as Senator to his time as a community organizer to the economy to unemployment to healthcare. Hit one, then two days later hit another then three days later hit another then after a day go back to the first thing but with different facts.

Mitt, you have the money. The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be to get your message across. The President is changing people's minds by telling lies and misleading the people causing them to forget that there are no jobs, the economy sucks, that healthcare is going to cost the American taxpayer trillions upon trillions of $.

Seriously, it's time to start campaigning. Let's get it going! DANM!

Your friend,

Think of it as betting on a football game.

The home team(Obama) is favored for the most part so we give them +3 points
The home team has the media on it's side so another +1 point
The home team has the referees on their side so another +1 point.
The home team has Axelrod and a bunch of people who will say and
do anything to get this guy elected ...so another +3 points.

Then we have Romney who has had a whole lot of time to get this thing set up and it seems like his people have no idea what the hell they are doing.

The Democrats this early have lobbed a few limited nuclear weapons into Romneys camp
and he is caught flat footed and inept...
The only thing that will let Romney save face after the Democrats accused him of murder
is the UN mercy rule that tells the Obama campaign to let up.

I waited 4 years for this BS... :eusa_hand:
The palace guards in the Obama friendly media are helping to protect their failure....They print all the lies that Pelosi, Reid, and Obama produce.....

Anyway, Mitt is a strong finisher. I have confidence that he'll close the deal. We'll get a huge boost of momentum from the Convention and the 6 weeks leading up to Election day will decide the deal.....

What tells you Romney is a closer?

Serious question cause I haven't seen it.
All I know is that Romney better start hitting hard and fast and not let up until the day after the election. Every day that President Obama is out there telling his lies, the more money he will collect and the harder it will be for Romney to even get close to winning the Presidency.

This country can not afford four more years of President Obama. Mitt Romney has to win as does the GOP needs to hold the house and take the Senate. All the damage the left has done needs to be fixed and quick.
The ONLY things that matter is:

A. Romney does well in the debates
B. Romney has a lot of cash to spend in the last six weeks.
All I know is that Romney better start hitting hard and fast and not let up until the day after the election. Every day that President Obama is out there telling his lies, the more money he will collect and the harder it will be for Romney to even get close to winning the Presidency.

This country can not afford four more years of President Obama. Mitt Romney has to win as does the GOP needs to hold the house and take the Senate. All the damage the left has done needs to be fixed and quick.

Willard is a punk bitch that his own party doesn't even like. Obama is going to swiftboat Willard's ass all the way till' election day on him not showing his papers, which will give Obama the win.
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I personally think the Romney campaign is waiting to get the VP pick and convention under their belt before they really start spending the $. And it will take all they can get to beat the man that uses his office as a bully pulpit.

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