Why Is Cost of Illegal Immigration Ignored In Debt Ceiling Debate?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
While the debt ceiling debate rages and Congress is busy haggling over who should be taxed and what programs should be slashed, they’ve promised to consider all options except…ONE.

Lawmakers have chosen to forget that immigration is a discretionary social policy that by definition is designed to be adjusted to serve the nation’s broad national interest, particularly during difficult economic times. This discretionary policy is a powerful economic tool, but only if it is brought out and used.

No comprehensive financial fix can be complete without Congress demanding increased enforcement against illegal immigration and reducing legal immigration to sustainable levels.

Reforming immigration would tighten the labor market, open up jobs for legal U.S. residents, and reduce the overall fiscal strain that immigration imposes on health care, education and other social services.

Doing so is an urgent mandate and a legitimate, justified use of policy.

4 Ways For Congress To Do So:

1. Increase Enforcement and Reduce Costs

'American taxpayers spend $113 billion annually subsidizing illegal immigration and padding the pockets of businesses addicted to cheap labor. Taxpayers at the state and local levels bear the brunt, providing $84 billion in services annually while the federal government spends $29 billion.'

The debt continues to grow uncontrollably because the government must borrow to keep up with, among other things, the growing cost of illegal immigration.

How would reducing the fiscal burden of illegal immigration impact some states?

- California’s budget deficit is now $9.6 billion yet the state spends $21.8 billion subsidizing illegal immigration, more than double their deficit.

- Massachusetts could almost clear their books by ending illegal alien subsidies; the state’s deficit is $2 billion while their annual cost of illegal immigration is $1.86 billion.

- Maryland and New York would enjoy much needed surpluses; those state’s expenditures on illegal immigration actually exceed their deficits!

2. Pass E-Verify and Create Jobs for Americans

Unemployment is at its highest level in 27 years, yet illegal aliens continue to stream in seeking jobs. While 25 million Americans are either looking for work, underemployed or have become discouraged and given up, 7 million jobs are occupied by illegal aliens.

Passing H.R. 2164 would make E-Verify mandatory in all 50 states and would ensure that future workers are legal workers. Passing the Senate version (S.1196) would require that existing employees are also checked for legal status, thereby opening up many of the 7 million jobs held by illegal aliens.

3. Reduce Legal Immigration – Time Out

After more than 40 years of sustained high levels of immigration, America needs a time out on legal immigration while we formulate new policies that reflect the realities of the 21st century.

Fewer than 6 percent of legal immigrants were admitted because they possessed skills deemed essential to the U.S. economy. Most are admitted because of family ties to earlier immigrants, many of whom are living in poverty or near poverty.

Illegal Immigration bloats the already over-saturated market with unskilled labor causing wages to go down. America do NOT need the Democrats setting a HIGHER MINIMUM WAGE - They need Democrats to ENFORCE EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS AND STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!

4. Immigration Policy Is Economic Policy

'What once was can no longer be. While the U.S. is exporting jobs overseas it continues to import millions of low-skilled and government-subsidized legal immigrants. Laws are not being enforced against the estimated 13 million illegal immigrants already here.

In addition, hundreds of thousands of additional foreign guest workers are admitted each year to accommodate the demands of business interests that simply prefer to hire foreign workers over local legal U.S. residents.

If lawmakers are sincere about putting all options on the table to fix our mounting fiscal crisis, they must acknowledge the need to reform immigration.'

'IMMIGRATION REFORM" must be about physically stopping them from coming into the us, but it also...


- End the moronic policy of letting millions of poor, uneducated, unskilled labor into the US instead of making skilled people a higher priority.

- Ending or reducing foreign guest worker programs....

Doing these things open up jobs for Americans, increase wages, and reduce taxpayer burdens by the billions...

Why Is Cost of Illegal Immigration Ignored In Debt Ceiling Debate?


What IS the cost of illegals ? And what is the cost of just deporting everyone ? The cost of a wall.?

Cons pretend that a wall will actually stop illegal immigration and that every illegal deported saves money .

Neither is true .
What IS the cost of illegals ? And what is the cost of just deporting everyone ? The cost of a wall.?

Cons pretend that a wall will actually stop illegal immigration and that every illegal deported saves money .

Neither is true .
Just the cost per student to schools along the border averages $10-$11 thousand dollars. How many students do you think are illegal-

There are an estimated 1.5 million school-aged illegal immigrants in the United States and the government spends an estimated $12 billion annually to educate them. The biggest chunks are spent by California ($7.7 billion) and Texas ($3.9 billion), where the situation has become a public education crisis with no end in sight.

The Lone Star State’s public schools have seen a huge increase in illegal immigrant Hispanic students with dismal Mexican and Central American education histories that are contributing to an overall lowering of academic standards across the board.

Case in point: The Irving School District, located mostly in Dallas. It has suffered one of the nation’s largest increases—63%–of illegal immigrant students in the last year compared to a 33% increase in 1995. Irving’s superintendent says it’s tough to bring so many students with such poor schooling up to state and federal standards.

This was from 2008. And the costs have risen as well as numbers. Just spent by schools.
What IS the cost of illegals ? And what is the cost of just deporting everyone ? The cost of a wall.?

Cons pretend that a wall will actually stop illegal immigration and that every illegal deported saves money .

Neither is true .
Just the cost per student to schools along the border averages $10-$11 thousand dollars. How many students do you think are illegal-

There are an estimated 1.5 million school-aged illegal immigrants in the United States and the government spends an estimated $12 billion annually to educate them. The biggest chunks are spent by California ($7.7 billion) and Texas ($3.9 billion), where the situation has become a public education crisis with no end in sight.

The Lone Star State’s public schools have seen a huge increase in illegal immigrant Hispanic students with dismal Mexican and Central American education histories that are contributing to an overall lowering of academic standards across the board.

Case in point: The Irving School District, located mostly in Dallas. It has suffered one of the nation’s largest increases—63%–of illegal immigrant students in the last year compared to a 33% increase in 1995. Irving’s superintendent says it’s tough to bring so many students with such poor schooling up to state and federal standards.

This was from 2008. And the costs have risen as well as numbers. Just spent by schools.

These illegals cost us billions every year and those kids don't speak English so you need interpreters.

No way should they be educated at tax payer expense.

Build the damned wall so no more can get in and we can boot these assholes the hell out.
What IS the cost of illegals ? And what is the cost of just deporting everyone ? The cost of a wall.?

Cons pretend that a wall will actually stop illegal immigration and that every illegal deported saves money .

Neither is true .
Just the cost per student to schools along the border averages $10-$11 thousand dollars. How many students do you think are illegal-

There are an estimated 1.5 million school-aged illegal immigrants in the United States and the government spends an estimated $12 billion annually to educate them. The biggest chunks are spent by California ($7.7 billion) and Texas ($3.9 billion), where the situation has become a public education crisis with no end in sight.

The Lone Star State’s public schools have seen a huge increase in illegal immigrant Hispanic students with dismal Mexican and Central American education histories that are contributing to an overall lowering of academic standards across the board.

Case in point: The Irving School District, located mostly in Dallas. It has suffered one of the nation’s largest increases—63%–of illegal immigrant students in the last year compared to a 33% increase in 1995. Irving’s superintendent says it’s tough to bring so many students with such poor schooling up to state and federal standards.

This was from 2008. And the costs have risen as well as numbers. Just spent by schools.

Per pupil costs don’t me shit. If you remove 5 kids from the school doesn’t save $50,000.

And it’s cheaper for society to have those kids in school rather than run the streets all day.
Really, You think not? Schools have to hire extra teachers, create more classrooms, hire interpreters, esl teachers, supplies, more aides, more administrative support.
What IS the cost of illegals ? And what is the cost of just deporting everyone ? The cost of a wall.?

Cons pretend that a wall will actually stop illegal immigration and that every illegal deported saves money .

Neither is true .
Just the cost per student to schools along the border averages $10-$11 thousand dollars. How many students do you think are illegal-

There are an estimated 1.5 million school-aged illegal immigrants in the United States and the government spends an estimated $12 billion annually to educate them. The biggest chunks are spent by California ($7.7 billion) and Texas ($3.9 billion), where the situation has become a public education crisis with no end in sight.

The Lone Star State’s public schools have seen a huge increase in illegal immigrant Hispanic students with dismal Mexican and Central American education histories that are contributing to an overall lowering of academic standards across the board.

Case in point: The Irving School District, located mostly in Dallas. It has suffered one of the nation’s largest increases—63%–of illegal immigrant students in the last year compared to a 33% increase in 1995. Irving’s superintendent says it’s tough to bring so many students with such poor schooling up to state and federal standards.

This was from 2008. And the costs have risen as well as numbers. Just spent by schools.

Per pupil costs don’t me shit. If you remove 5 kids from the school doesn’t save $50,000.

And it’s cheaper for society to have those kids in school rather than run the streets all day.

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