CDZ Why Dont We Save the ACA and Give People a Choice in Medical Health Care?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have been reading up on this and I think this might work, but would like to hear some reasonable responses from folks here.

Problem: Not all Americans have health insurance, some because they choose not to and some because they cannot afford it.

Solution: A reform of existing programs to allow for affordable choices and mandate an affordable minimum health care option.

Justification for minimal insurance; to cover financial obligations due to humane medical care and compensating the Hospital/emergency care giver.

How to implement said solution:
1) Reform Medicaid:
a. ... to be fully welfare and not obligate recipients with any cost obligations or loans.
b. … remove state obligations to Medicaid (violation of 10th Amendment anyway, IMO)
c, ...allow people to pay a premium to get Medicaid as though it were a publicly funded insurance program, with premiums prorated to income level.

2) End state medical pools and replace them with one national level medical health insurance pool that allows cross state insurance. The average of comparable coverage premiums in this pool would be used to set Medicaid rates at a 20% discount.

3) Maintain Medicare at current condition and do not touch it or divert it from its role as primary care for the Elderly.

4) minimum Medical health insurance would be Catastrophic care policies with a $3000 deductible.

5) Medical savings accounts would be revived allowing savings of up to $3000 from pretax earnings. This could be used for private health care insurance or public health care.

So, what do you think? Did I miss anything?
Why don't we abolish Ocommiecre, then Medicare/Medicaid?
The federal bureaucracy could fuck up a one car parade.
Because in the modern urban age, the central government has the role of supporting the population with a safety net that no one else can afford to.

Had the states pitched in and set all this up themselves prior to Roosevelt, none of this wouldn't have happened, so the principle of Subsidiarity kicks in and it hast to be addressed at the Federali level instead.
You can't polish turds....Piling another million pages of rules, regulations, taxes, payouts, bureaucrats, and good old payola is going to make an already shitty situation worse.

Let's do the same thing over and over again, and expect a better result!
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We need to start with bringing down the cost of health care. That’s what Trump is working on.
2) End state medical pools and replace them with one national level medical health insurance pool that allows cross state insurance. The average of comparable coverage premiums in this pool would be used to set Medicaid rates at a 20% discount.

3) Maintain Medicare at current condition and do not touch it or divert it from its role as primary care for the Elderly.

4) minimum Medical health insurance would be Catastrophic care policies with a $3000 deductible.

5) Medical savings accounts would be revived allowing savings of up to $3000 from pretax earnings. This could be used for private health care insurance or public health care.

I like these notions, but agree with oddball; sans a drastic reduction of bureaucratic power, we'll get nowhere.
I have been reading up on this and I think this might work, but would like to hear some reasonable responses from folks here.

Problem: Not all Americans have health insurance, some because they choose not to and some because they cannot afford it.

Solution: A reform of existing programs to allow for affordable choices and mandate an affordable minimum health care option.

Justification for minimal insurance; to cover financial obligations due to humane medical care and compensating the Hospital/emergency care giver.

How to implement said solution:
1) Reform Medicaid:
a. ... to be fully welfare and not obligate recipients with any cost obligations or loans.
b. … remove state obligations to Medicaid (violation of 10th Amendment anyway, IMO)
c, ...allow people to pay a premium to get Medicaid as though it were a publicly funded insurance program, with premiums prorated to income level.

2) End state medical pools and replace them with one national level medical health insurance pool that allows cross state insurance. The average of comparable coverage premiums in this pool would be used to set Medicaid rates at a 20% discount.

3) Maintain Medicare at current condition and do not touch it or divert it from its role as primary care for the Elderly.

4) minimum Medical health insurance would be Catastrophic care policies with a $3000 deductible.

5) Medical savings accounts would be revived allowing savings of up to $3000 from pretax earnings. This could be used for private health care insurance or public health care.

So, what do you think? Did I miss anything?

A: Fully welfare paid by what? Higher taxes on everyone?
B: Fully paid for by what? Higher taxes on everyone?
C: I would refuse to pay. Why would I pay a higher premium, when I can just go to the hospital, and make you pay for my care, without me paying a dime?

2: The only reason Hospitals can afford to pay Medicaid rates now, is because they charge private patients a higher price, to cover the money they lose on Medicaid patients. If you eliminate private patients, then every hospital in the country would close.... or you will have to drastically increase the payout by Medicaid. There would be no discount, that's for sure.


3: Medicare is already on track to go bankrupt as we speak. It is not possible to leave it as it is.

Social Security & Medicare are slowly dying, but no one in Washington will lift a finger

Last week, the trustees for Medicare and Social Security issued their annual report on the programs’ finances. They conclude that Medicare will be insolvent by 2026, three years sooner than last projected.​

4: We have that now. How about you just get out of the market, and let us choose what we want?

5: That's fine.
We need to start with bringing down the cost of health care. That’s what Trump is working on.
Nothing will bring costs down better and faster than getting the army of federal bureaucrats who're gumming up the works out of it.
I love Trumps uncanny way of improving our economy and creating jobs. I also love seeing democrats bitching and complaining about his accomplishments.

Democrats don’t have a chance of beating Trump in 2020. That’s a fact they’re starting to realize. :)
You have people that would rather go out to eat or have the latest iPhone then have health insurance.

We are already increasing the debt to pay for ACA. Do you plan to increase the national debt or do you really think that the American public will vote to increase the amount of taxes they are already paying? Myself I don't want the debt increased I would prefer it drop. I doubt you could convince a few hundred people to increase their federal taxes.
I have been reading up on this and I think this might work, but would like to hear some reasonable responses from folks here.

Problem: Not all Americans have health insurance, some because they choose not to and some because they cannot afford it.

Solution: A reform of existing programs to allow for affordable choices and mandate an affordable minimum health care option.

Justification for minimal insurance; to cover financial obligations due to humane medical care and compensating the Hospital/emergency care giver.

How to implement said solution:
1) Reform Medicaid:
a. ... to be fully welfare and not obligate recipients with any cost obligations or loans.
b. … remove state obligations to Medicaid (violation of 10th Amendment anyway, IMO)
c, ...allow people to pay a premium to get Medicaid as though it were a publicly funded insurance program, with premiums prorated to income level.

2) End state medical pools and replace them with one national level medical health insurance pool that allows cross state insurance. The average of comparable coverage premiums in this pool would be used to set Medicaid rates at a 20% discount.

3) Maintain Medicare at current condition and do not touch it or divert it from its role as primary care for the Elderly.

4) minimum Medical health insurance would be Catastrophic care policies with a $3000 deductible.

5) Medical savings accounts would be revived allowing savings of up to $3000 from pretax earnings. This could be used for private health care insurance or public health care.

So, what do you think? Did I miss anything?
Agreed, we should give them a choice: private insurance, or the public option.
I have been reading up on this and I think this might work, but would like to hear some reasonable responses from folks here.

Problem: Not all Americans have health insurance, some because they choose not to and some because they cannot afford it.

Solution: A reform of existing programs to allow for affordable choices and mandate an affordable minimum health care option.

Justification for minimal insurance; to cover financial obligations due to humane medical care and compensating the Hospital/emergency care giver.

How to implement said solution:
1) Reform Medicaid:
a. ... to be fully welfare and not obligate recipients with any cost obligations or loans.
b. … remove state obligations to Medicaid (violation of 10th Amendment anyway, IMO)
c, ...allow people to pay a premium to get Medicaid as though it were a publicly funded insurance program, with premiums prorated to income level.

2) End state medical pools and replace them with one national level medical health insurance pool that allows cross state insurance. The average of comparable coverage premiums in this pool would be used to set Medicaid rates at a 20% discount.

3) Maintain Medicare at current condition and do not touch it or divert it from its role as primary care for the Elderly.

4) minimum Medical health insurance would be Catastrophic care policies with a $3000 deductible.

5) Medical savings accounts would be revived allowing savings of up to $3000 from pretax earnings. This could be used for private health care insurance or public health care.

So, what do you think? Did I miss anything?
Agreed, we should give them a choice: private insurance, or the public option.
If all my "choices" are dictated to me by politicians and bureaucrats, I in fact have no choice.
I have been reading up on this and I think this might work, but would like to hear some reasonable responses from folks here.

Problem: Not all Americans have health insurance, some because they choose not to and some because they cannot afford it.

Solution: A reform of existing programs to allow for affordable choices and mandate an affordable minimum health care option.

Justification for minimal insurance; to cover financial obligations due to humane medical care and compensating the Hospital/emergency care giver.

How to implement said solution:
1) Reform Medicaid:
a. ... to be fully welfare and not obligate recipients with any cost obligations or loans.
b. … remove state obligations to Medicaid (violation of 10th Amendment anyway, IMO)
c, ...allow people to pay a premium to get Medicaid as though it were a publicly funded insurance program, with premiums prorated to income level.

2) End state medical pools and replace them with one national level medical health insurance pool that allows cross state insurance. The average of comparable coverage premiums in this pool would be used to set Medicaid rates at a 20% discount.

3) Maintain Medicare at current condition and do not touch it or divert it from its role as primary care for the Elderly.

4) minimum Medical health insurance would be Catastrophic care policies with a $3000 deductible.

5) Medical savings accounts would be revived allowing savings of up to $3000 from pretax earnings. This could be used for private health care insurance or public health care.

So, what do you think? Did I miss anything?
Agreed, we should give them a choice: private insurance, or the public option.
If all my "choices" are dictated to me by politicians and bureaucrats, I in fact have no choice.
Neat! But you can choose any private insurance you like. Feel free to overpay for anything you like.
I have been reading up on this and I think this might work, but would like to hear some reasonable responses from folks here.

Problem: Not all Americans have health insurance, some because they choose not to and some because they cannot afford it.

Solution: A reform of existing programs to allow for affordable choices and mandate an affordable minimum health care option.

Your solution is untenable and UnConstitutional when it forces people who don’t want coverage to get coverage and/or when it forces people to pay for other people’s coverage.

Health care is NOT a Right. It’s a Privilege.
I have been reading up on this and I think this might work, but would like to hear some reasonable responses from folks here.

Problem: Not all Americans have health insurance, some because they choose not to and some because they cannot afford it.

Solution: A reform of existing programs to allow for affordable choices and mandate an affordable minimum health care option.

Justification for minimal insurance; to cover financial obligations due to humane medical care and compensating the Hospital/emergency care giver.

How to implement said solution:
1) Reform Medicaid:
a. ... to be fully welfare and not obligate recipients with any cost obligations or loans.
b. … remove state obligations to Medicaid (violation of 10th Amendment anyway, IMO)
c, ...allow people to pay a premium to get Medicaid as though it were a publicly funded insurance program, with premiums prorated to income level.

2) End state medical pools and replace them with one national level medical health insurance pool that allows cross state insurance. The average of comparable coverage premiums in this pool would be used to set Medicaid rates at a 20% discount.

3) Maintain Medicare at current condition and do not touch it or divert it from its role as primary care for the Elderly.

4) minimum Medical health insurance would be Catastrophic care policies with a $3000 deductible.

5) Medical savings accounts would be revived allowing savings of up to $3000 from pretax earnings. This could be used for private health care insurance or public health care.

So, what do you think? Did I miss anything?
because the ACA doesnt give people choice over healthcare,,
it forces them to take what the government allows them to have,,,

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