CDZ Doomsday Predictions


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Here are seven doomsday predictions that haven't panned out:

7 Big Failed Environmentalist Predictions

What will be next? I would have guessed Disease, but that term may be too closely associated with immigration to be of political value. Instead, I'm going with Pestilence, since that can include "super bugs" which can be blamed on pharmaceutical companies.

What say you?
Could be a pandemic, currency collapse, supper volcano, nuclear EMP or carrington event (1859), asteroid, or many other things.

When it comes to surviving any of always need...
I think it will be a disaster within a disaster.

An earthquake hits the LA basin in the middle of a big wildfire.

The New Madrid fault has The Big One during a big Mississippi flood.

Something along those lines could strain insurers to the point of bankruptcy, creating an economic catastrophe to pile on.
Slightly off topic but I thought I would throw it out there...

Last winter when the temp reached 30 degrees below zero, I began wondering how I would stay warm if the power went out.

I came up with the INDOOR DEBRIS SHELTER.

Start by pushing 2 couches together...if you don't have 2 couches you could place chairs against one side of the couch, or place chairs around your bed on both sides...if you don't have enough chairs, push your bed against a wall and place chairs on the other side of the bed.

Next start throwing everything that can keep you warm onto the bed or couches (cloths, jackets, pillows, couch cushions, blankets, socks) pile it all up, the chairs or backs of the couches will hold it all together in a pile. Cover the whole pile with a blanket, tarp, plastic sheet, or shower curtain (it will act as a roof to help hold the heat in).

Worm your way into the bottom of the pile & that should be enough to keep you warm. Keep in mind you need an opening for your head so you can breathe.
Slightly off topic but I thought I would throw it out there...

Last winter when the temp reached 30 degrees below zero, I began wondering how I would stay warm if the power went out.

I came up with the INDOOR DEBRIS SHELTER.

Start by pushing 2 couches together...if you don't have 2 couches you could place chairs against one side of the couch, or place chairs around your bed on both sides...if you don't have enough chairs, push your bed against a wall and place chairs on the other side of the bed.

Next start throwing everything that can keep you warm onto the bed or couches (cloths, jackets, pillows, couch cushions, blankets, socks) pile it all up, the chairs or backs of the couches will hold it all together in a pile. Cover the whole pile with a blanket, tarp, plastic sheet, or shower curtain (it will act as a roof to help hold the heat in).

Worm your way into the bottom of the pile & that should be enough to keep you warm. Keep in mind you need an opening for your head so you can breathe.
---------------------------------------------- I like the way that you think Thunk and I think that you thoughts make sense . Plus throw any living thing , pet , wife , kids into the shelter pile as they generate heat . Only mistake might be plastic sheeting as it allow moisture to build up in the pile . And get a wood stove and a pile of hardwood Thunk .
Slightly off topic but I thought I would throw it out there...

Last winter when the temp reached 30 degrees below zero, I began wondering how I would stay warm if the power went out.

I came up with the INDOOR DEBRIS SHELTER.

Start by pushing 2 couches together...if you don't have 2 couches you could place chairs against one side of the couch, or place chairs around your bed on both sides...if you don't have enough chairs, push your bed against a wall and place chairs on the other side of the bed.

Next start throwing everything that can keep you warm onto the bed or couches (cloths, jackets, pillows, couch cushions, blankets, socks) pile it all up, the chairs or backs of the couches will hold it all together in a pile. Cover the whole pile with a blanket, tarp, plastic sheet, or shower curtain (it will act as a roof to help hold the heat in).

Worm your way into the bottom of the pile & that should be enough to keep you warm. Keep in mind you need an opening for your head so you can breathe.

Or you could just hop on a plane and go to Florida.

I think it will be a disaster within a disaster.

An earthquake hits the LA basin in the middle of a big wildfire.

The New Madrid fault has The Big One during a big Mississippi flood.

Something along those lines could strain insurers to the point of bankruptcy, creating an economic catastrophe to pile on.

Your post reminds me of my biggest fear,, surviving a plane crash in the Pacific Ocean and then end up being eaten by a Shark.

Here are seven doomsday predictions that haven't panned out:

7 Big Failed Environmentalist Predictions

What will be next? I would have guessed Disease, but that term may be too closely associated with immigration to be of political value. Instead, I'm going with Pestilence, since that can include "super bugs" which can be blamed on pharmaceutical companies.

What say you?

Logically, since doomsday has not happened yet, every prediction over the last 10,000 years has been wrong.
And get a wood stove and a pile of hardwood Thunk

I have a fire place...but I was on another site when it was 30 below zero & an apartment building in chicago lost it's heat (not power...just heat). None of them had a fire place or a wood stove & a guy sent out a cry for help with ideas.

That's what I came up with.

That or shut yourself in the bathroom & fill the tub with hot water...don't get in the tub...just use the tub as your heat source.
Every one of my doomsday predictions involves a first date.

Your post reminds me of my biggest fear,, surviving a plane crash in the Pacific Ocean and then end up being eaten by a Shark.

Old story...a little old 95 year old lady rolls her car into the ditch. It takes her an hour to get herself out of the overturned car...another hour to climb up the embankment...Finally makes it to the side of the road, gets hit by a truck & dies. :abgg2q.jpg:
I am believer in history repeating itself. Another Big ol asteroid with our name on it slams into one of the oceans and that's all she wrote. I guess at least some fish and birds would survive at initially.
Your post reminds me of my biggest fear,, surviving a plane crash in the Pacific Ocean and then end up being eaten by a Shark.

Old story...a little old 95 year old lady rolls her car into the ditch. It takes her an hour to get herself out of the overturned car...another hour to climb up the embankment...Finally makes it to the side of the road, gets hit by a truck & dies. :abgg2q.jpg:

And get a wood stove and a pile of hardwood Thunk

I have a fire place...but I was on another site when it was 30 below zero & an apartment building in chicago lost it's heat (not power...just heat). None of them had a fire place or a wood stove & a guy sent out a cry for help with ideas.

That's what I came up with.

That or shut yourself in the bathroom & fill the tub with hot water...don't get in the tub...just use the tub as your heat source.

In Chicago?

Just go to the corner bar then, go take the "L" for a few hours .

Pretty sure you have to have a little over $3,000 of those Federal Reserve Notes to equal a real hundred dollars in 2019.

That is all.
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