Why Donald Trump is so STUPID!, from a Jewish Rabi


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This guy does have a few valid points, I'll admit.

“Everyone Is Smart, Except Donald Trump:” Rabbi Dov Fischer

By Rabbi Dov Fischer

It really is quite simple. Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump. That’s why they all are billionaires, and all got elected President. Only Trump does not know what he is doing. Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.

They could not stand up to Matt Lauer at NBC. They could not stand up to Charlie Rose at CBS. They could not stand up to Mark Halperin at NBC Nor up to Leon Wieseltier at the New Republic, nor Jann Wenner at Rolling Stone, nor Michael Oreskes at NPR, at the New York Times, or at the Associated Press. But — oh, wow! — Can they ever stand up to Putin! Only Trump is incapable of negotiating with the Russian tyrant.

Remember the four years when Anderson Cooper was President of the United States? And before that — when the entire Washington Post editorial staff jointly were elected to be President? Remember? Neither do I.

The Seedier Media have never negotiated life and death, not corporate life and death, and not human life and death. They think they know how to negotiate, but they do not know how. They go to a college, are told by peers that they are smart, get some good grades, proceed to a graduate degree in journalism, and get hired as analysts. Now they are experts, ready to take on Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs at age 30.

That is not the road to expertise in tough dealing. The alternate path is that, along the way, maybe you get forced into some street fights. Sometimes the other guy wins, and sometimes you beat the intestines out of him. Then you deal with grown-ups as you mature, and you learn that people can be nasty, often after they smile and speak softly. You get cheated a few times, played. And you learn. Maybe you become an attorney litigating multi-million-dollar case matters. Say what you will about attorneys, but those years — not the years in law school, not the years drafting legal memoranda, but the years of meeting face-to-face and confronting opposing counsel — those years can teach a great deal. They can explain how to transition from sweet, gentle, diplomatic negotiating to tough negotiating. At some point, with enough tough-nosed experience, you figure out Trump’s “The Art of the Deal” yourself.

Trump’s voters get him because not only is he we, but we are he. We were not snowed flaked-for-life by effete professors who themselves had never negotiated tough life-or-death serious deals. Instead, we live in the real world, and we know how that works. Not based on social science theories, not based on “conceptual negotiating models.” But based on the people we have met over life and always will hate. That worst boss we ever had. The coworker who tried to sabotage us. We know the sons of bums whom we survived, the dastardly types who are out there, and we learned from those experiences how to deal with them. We won’t have John Kerry soothe us by having James Taylor sing “You’ve Got a Friend” carols.

The Bushes got us into all kinds of messes. The first one killed the economic miracle that Reagan had fashioned. The second one screwed up the Middle East, where Iraq and Iran beautifully were engaged in killing each other for years, and he got us mired into the middle of the muddle. Clinton was too busy with Monica Lewinsky to protect us from Osama bin Laden when we had him in our sights. Hillary gave us Benghazi and more. And Obama and Kerry gave us the Iran Deal, ISIS run amok, America in retreat. All to the daily praise of a media who now attack Trump every minute of every day.
People are starting to get it; better to be lead by a crude rude boss who gets things done and fixes problems than a mountebank who promises us everything for free or shake the Money Tree to get it.
Exactly. You may not like Trump's rugged management style, but he does get things done. The whiners in the MSM have no clue how to run a lemonade stand. The 2020 election is the perfect setup, the ultimate capitalist against the ultimate socialist. Prior to 2016 the voters would pick Trump in a landslide. Does the MSM have any sway over voters? We'll see in 2020.
Donald Trump is telling Jewish people the only hope they have us to vote for him.

After Republicans were marching through Charlottesville while chanting at the top of their lungs “Jews will not replace us “why would any Jewish person wanna vote Republican?
Donald Trump is telling Jewish people the only hope they have us to vote for him.

After Republicans were marching through Charlottesville while chanting at the top of their lungs “Jews will not replace us “why would any Jewish person wanna vote Republican?

WTF did white supremacists in Charlottesville have to do with Trump? NOTHING.
What did Trump do for Israel? How about moving the capital to Jerusalem?
WTF did white supremacists in Charlottesville have to do with Trump? NOTHING.
What did Trump do for Israel? How about moving the capital to Jerusalem?

Well, what Trump has to do with White Supremacists is that, see, he is the secret leader of the White Nationalists who are kissing cousins to White Supremacists which are as bad as full blown Nazis and worship Hitler because he is still alive and secretly living in Brazil as a clone.

There, did that help you any? I realize it is ridiculous, but is no worse than any Woketard theories about Trump and White Supremacists, lol.
Donald Trump is telling Jewish people the only hope they have us to vote for him.

After Republicans were marching through Charlottesville while chanting at the top of their lungs “Jews will not replace us “why would any Jewish person wanna vote Republican?

Well Democrats were marching through New York saying they want dead cops, and were led by a guy who instigated riots against Jews.

(hey if you can play the label everyone bad, the other side game, then so can I).

It's not like you have 4 jew-haters in congress right now, that are open and vocal about it. So that must be your view as well..... right? Jew hating left-winger.

We don't actually have leaders ... unless you count Jewish mothers.

Donald Trump is telling Jewish people the only hope they have us to vote for him.

After Republicans were marching through Charlottesville while chanting at the top of their lungs “Jews will not replace us “why would any Jewish person wanna vote Republican?
Did you see Trump marching in Charlottesville? Then he wasn't one of them.
This guy does have a few valid points, I'll admit.

“Everyone Is Smart, Except Donald Trump:” Rabbi Dov Fischer

By Rabbi Dov Fischer

It really is quite simple. Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump. That’s why they all are billionaires, and all got elected President. Only Trump does not know what he is doing. Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.

They could not stand up to Matt Lauer at NBC. They could not stand up to Charlie Rose at CBS. They could not stand up to Mark Halperin at NBC Nor up to Leon Wieseltier at the New Republic, nor Jann Wenner at Rolling Stone, nor Michael Oreskes at NPR, at the New York Times, or at the Associated Press. But — oh, wow! — Can they ever stand up to Putin! Only Trump is incapable of negotiating with the Russian tyrant.

Remember the four years when Anderson Cooper was President of the United States? And before that — when the entire Washington Post editorial staff jointly were elected to be President? Remember? Neither do I.

The Seedier Media have never negotiated life and death, not corporate life and death, and not human life and death. They think they know how to negotiate, but they do not know how. They go to a college, are told by peers that they are smart, get some good grades, proceed to a graduate degree in journalism, and get hired as analysts. Now they are experts, ready to take on Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs at age 30.

That is not the road to expertise in tough dealing. The alternate path is that, along the way, maybe you get forced into some street fights. Sometimes the other guy wins, and sometimes you beat the intestines out of him. Then you deal with grown-ups as you mature, and you learn that people can be nasty, often after they smile and speak softly. You get cheated a few times, played. And you learn. Maybe you become an attorney litigating multi-million-dollar case matters. Say what you will about attorneys, but those years — not the years in law school, not the years drafting legal memoranda, but the years of meeting face-to-face and confronting opposing counsel — those years can teach a great deal. They can explain how to transition from sweet, gentle, diplomatic negotiating to tough negotiating. At some point, with enough tough-nosed experience, you figure out Trump’s “The Art of the Deal” yourself.

Trump’s voters get him because not only is he we, but we are he. We were not snowed flaked-for-life by effete professors who themselves had never negotiated tough life-or-death serious deals. Instead, we live in the real world, and we know how that works. Not based on social science theories, not based on “conceptual negotiating models.” But based on the people we have met over life and always will hate. That worst boss we ever had. The coworker who tried to sabotage us. We know the sons of bums whom we survived, the dastardly types who are out there, and we learned from those experiences how to deal with them. We won’t have John Kerry soothe us by having James Taylor sing “You’ve Got a Friend” carols.

The Bushes got us into all kinds of messes. The first one killed the economic miracle that Reagan had fashioned. The second one screwed up the Middle East, where Iraq and Iran beautifully were engaged in killing each other for years, and he got us mired into the middle of the muddle. Clinton was too busy with Monica Lewinsky to protect us from Osama bin Laden when we had him in our sights. Hillary gave us Benghazi and more. And Obama and Kerry gave us the Iran Deal, ISIS run amok, America in retreat. All to the daily praise of a media who now attack Trump every minute of every day.
People are starting to get it; better to be lead by a crude rude boss who gets things done and fixes problems than a mountebank who promises us everything for free or shake the Money Tree to get it.

Dang, that doesn't sound like a Jewish joke.
There is nothing in Rabbi Dov's bio that indicates inside knowledge of the U.S. President's relationship with the Russian Premier. Rabbi Dov seems like a caring humanitarian though so why doesn't he have any opinion about the estimated 10,000 homeless people he has to trip over every day in Orange County, Ca. getting to his (no doubt) well furnished office? Is it possible that Rabbi Dov is a political tool manipulated by left wing domestic and foreign agents?
There is nothing in Rabbi Dov's bio that indicates inside knowledge of the U.S. President's relationship with the Russian Premier. Rabbi Dov seems like a caring humanitarian though so why doesn't he have any opinion about the estimated 10,000 homeless people he has to trip over every day in Orange County, Ca. getting to his (no doubt) well furnished office? Is it possible that Rabbi Dov is a political tool manipulated by left wing domestic and foreign agents?
Jews are manipulated by the Democrats.
Jews should take Trump's recent advice and vote Republican.
Donald Trump is telling Jewish people the only hope they have us to vote for him.

After Republicans were marching through Charlottesville while chanting at the top of their lungs “Jews will not replace us “why would any Jewish person wanna vote Republican?
The 500 million white supremacists of the United States and then add the 300 million white supremacists of Canada and then add the 250 million white supremacists of Mexico and the 2 billion white supremacists of Central and South America then as we leave the earth with the Lunar, Mars and Europa colonies we add anothe 500 million white supremacists and we finally add the galaxy colonies at Alpha Centauri and the Rigel system with its 400 million white supremacists and you better kow tow to us....because we rule!...p.s... the two brown ladies that clean all of the toilets at all of these places as we pay for transporting them are whining. Did left wing jewish secular men and women support Hispanic men and women burning the American Flag while raising the flags of their home country here in the United States under Obama? But their hatred for their own homeland is mind boggling in that scenario. Before that I was always wary of AIPAC and still think about it. AIPAC had/has many left wing Jewish people in it which makes it even more puzzling. Anyway the white supremacists are throwing a tuna fish on white bread with mayo shindig and uummmm does that sound good.
There is nothing in Rabbi Dov's bio that indicates inside knowledge of the U.S. President's relationship with the Russian Premier. Rabbi Dov seems like a caring humanitarian though so why doesn't he have any opinion about the estimated 10,000 homeless people he has to trip over every day in Orange County, Ca. getting to his (no doubt) well furnished office? Is it possible that Rabbi Dov is a political tool manipulated by left wing domestic and foreign agents?
Jews are manipulated by the Democrats.
Jews should take Trump's recent advice and vote Republican.
Bigots often lump the Jewish people into a political entity because it is convenient and you don't have to think about issues. Rabbi Dov might be a tool of foreign agents but when ignorant posters think it's important to say "Jews are manipulated by the democrats. It makes you think about more home schooling.
Donald Trump is telling Jewish people the only hope they have us to vote for him.

After Republicans were marching through Charlottesville while chanting at the top of their lungs “Jews will not replace us “why would any Jewish person wanna vote Republican?

You ignore the other side - Democrats - who appease Muslim and Arab extremists who want Jews wiped from the face of the earth. At a minimum, American Jews should be looking to start a third political party.

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