Why does USMB support pedophilic language?

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and you do not recognize the innate difference between a child's inner experiences and an adult's encouragement of a child's sexuality?
I understand it enough to know that (sex) is something for parents to discuss with children. I consider what is going on as a recruitment drive.

The narrative says this will improve society. Anyone see that happening?
Absolutely ... nothing can be consensual if anyone involved hasn't reached an age of consent.
Yet, here we have a post involving children well, WELL below the age of consent being discussed in terms of their awakening sexuality and USMB is punishing a post that merely points out that such justification represents the language employed by pedophiles.

If you had a prepubescent child in school and had somebody wanting to talk to them about their awakening sexuality, would you be down with it or not?

Please answer honestly.
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Yet, here we have a post involving children well, WELL below the age of consent being discussed in terms of their awakening sexuality and USMB is punishing a post that merely points out that such justification represents the language employed by pedophiles.

If you had a prepubescent child in school and had somebody wanting to talk to them about their awakening sexuality, would you be down with it or not?

Please answer honestly.

Honestly, if it were my child, I would be furious and I would take steps to take them out of that environment. My daughter has never attended a public school in her life, unless you count state university.

In a previous (not so long ago ) era, such behavior by teachers or school administration would be subject not just dismissal, but criminal charges as well,

Now, here come the bad part. We no longer live in a society where such things are discouraged. We live in a society where this behavior is actively encouraged. Not only that, to call out this behavior as wrong or immoral brings chastisement in itself. You can be fired for speaking out against it ... and criminal charges aren't far behind.

At the risk of going Godwin, there was a time when German children were subject to propaganda at school without consent of parents. They were forced to join Nazi organizations as young as 10-years-old. Parents who disagreed with this state imposed grooming lost their jobs, or much worse.

Society was well and truly supportive of Nazi ideology and the individuals who disagreed lost their voice. That society had to change, be destroyed, to eliminate the state-sanctioned grooming of children.

Grooming in the form of sexualizing children is currently condoned, if not actively sponsored by the state. You can get mad about it. You can move to a society where such things are not yet tolerated, but you can't really change it until society itself changes.

When society has no objective measure as to what is moral or immoral, these kinds of swings are inevitable.
Here is the post:

You decide.

Did I call him a pedo, or did I say he used classic pedo langage?

It's catch-22, mainly because of the dumbass 'logic' used by faux 'libertarian' credulousness. Michelle Malkin and other journalists have had several articles censored by complaints from faggots when they covered such beloved faggot events such as the 'Folsom Street Fair' and 'Up Your Alley' S&M street festivals in SF documenting 'married' faggots taking young children with them to these sicko shitstain conventions, including 5 years olds wearing dog collars and other leather gear, by claiming Malkin and the other journalists were ' disseminating child pornography', ironically.

"NAMBLA" logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained."-Stirling S. Newberry

It's okay to sexualize 5 year olds and toddlers with S&M fashions and take them to faggot leather events, cuz 'freedum n stuff', just don't let anybody alert the public to what these sickos are doing cuz it might offend the sociopaths by having these scum outed to the general public.
They are talking about it, not talking about DOING it.
Now if one of them was actually stating they were a groomer or had some kids set up for it, then yeah.......

But just talking about it. Well, thats what we want, so we can tell the deranged from the rational and reasonable.
Let Me correct this for you.

They can talk about it "" TO ADULTS "". Never to children.
Yep. Weaponize without thought. Do you understand why the rest of us consider your ilk...Ridikolous?
What's with you alt-righters fascination with pedo's lately? Who gave you those talking points?

You monsters use kids for political and sexual reasons. Look what you and that GD Fauci did to them.......shameless weirdos
Here is the post that references the "sexual awakening" of very young children.

It is evidently supported by the leftists that have responded, here, as well as USMB, itself.
What's wrong with what he said? (And in your OP, you misrepresented what he said....was that intentional or are you having reading comprehension problems?)
View attachment 629059

You monsters use kids for political and sexual reasons. Look what you and that GD Fauci did to them.......shameless weirdos
I wonder if he also talked about her "sexual awakening".

There are certain words and terms in the vernacular of pedophiles used to create the impression that the desire for sex is actually originating with the children. "Sexual awakening" is one such. It is a very telltale term.

There is a difference, though, between pointing out how this term is used by pedophiles and accusing a person of being one.
What's wrong with what he said? (And in your OP, you misrepresented what he said....was that intentional or are you having reading comprehension problems?)
I certainly do hope you are not a parent.

If you do have children, and had an adult male approach you and your 7 year old, would you welcome them telling you that they were awakening sexually?
View attachment 629059

You monsters use kids for political and sexual reasons. Look what you and that GD Fauci did to them.......shameless weirdos
You and the rest of your ilk need help. Your brains just aren't right. You're soft, weak, and your minds are malleable.

How does it feel to be a parrot? :auiqs.jpg:
Wanna cracker? :)
Pedos need to be called out for being pedos... period.
It seems to me that if this forum has a rule against pedo accusations it should A) --make sure it is an actual accusation and B) determine if it is accurate.

It has always seemed odd to me that when people here justify sex with children, the only ones punished are those who object.
I certainly do hope you are not a parent.

If you do have children, and had an adult male approach you and your 7 year old, would you welcome them telling you that they were awakening sexually?
And if you call someone out as being a "groomer," Your post will be removed and you will be accused of making an accusation of pedophilia.
And if you call someone out as being a "groomer," Your post will be removed and you will be accused of making an accusation of pedophilia.
Many posters here want the state to groom very young children into seeing themselves as sexual beings as soon as the state gets their hands on them.

Others among us understand how destructive that is to the psychological development of the children and do not wish to see them groomed in this way.

Very few of those who want to see children groomed to be sexual actually want to have sex with children. They simply value their agenda more than they do children and have been conditioned, by a particularly odious form of group think, themselves.
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It has always seemed odd to me that when people here justify sex with children, the only ones punished are those who object.

Coyote... anything to say?

I am curious as to why this forum is so gung-ho about supporting those who talk openly about the "sexual awakening" of young children, especially when those doing so brag about being in a position of authority over children?

Do you people have NO decency?
The staff's reactions in general forums are a big part of this problem and they are so easily used because they want to tamp down the passion regarding issues and so one or two maudes can control the flow, this way.

USMB is censoring the replies of protest.


They want moderate issues, they say. . . in general... but they do the jerb for the left.

allowing someone to do something mean you support that "something"
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