Why does NPR exist? Public funded!? Good bye

Ahh education you say lol that’s funny

Yikes..anything? What about education? If you actually listened to NPR, what are you afraid of learning? The world beyond your comfortable right wing bubble of "truth"...where people actually suffer..and it's not funny.
You think impeaching the president for no reason is a education? Lol

Abuse of power and several sections of the FEC laws on foreign interference in our elections isn't a reason?? (even if Dems won't cite the laws??).

Yeah..that's not "no reason"....No reason is impeaching a president over lying about a bj..."Yeah..because he lied under oath...and it's because he didn't worship our Sky Pixie and give him the credence he was due...Constitution...we believe...
7 of them omg! Lol well good for trump for watching out for my money

NPR does watch out for your money...all the while asking for it...and you should give it to them. An excellent return on your money as well as a good education. Expand your world beyond the alt-right echo chamber of the Hannity/Levin/Limbaugh world of....progressives and liberals bad...conservatives..just and righteous.
Lefties are the party of failure
Lying like Trump and Tulsi Gabbard are Russian assets? Lies like private servers and smashed blackberries and iPads? Lies like stating you’re Native American when you’re not? Lies like imitating a phone call but changing the verbiage? Lies are par for the course in Washington and we need an unbiased source to report them.

The Democrats gave America a terrible option in 2016 and they for some reason want to repeat themselves in 2020. If Trump wins again they only have themselves to blame. Right now I will definitely vote for him again.

So? Is that some how supposed to justify the extreme and bizarre amount of lying being excused? What Pompeo did? Subjecting a journalist to a filthy tirade and then lying about her afterwards?

WHEN IS IT ENOUGH? At what point do you stop excusing the extreme? That is what I don't get. Not the ordinary political lies we always hear. But the extremes we are beset with now.

When will you move beyond "but but xyz does it!" - cause, as far as I know, xyz did not act like Pompeo did.
Pompeo was a disgrace in the way he acted

So Trump will take it out on NPR
He will? Your ESP says as much? Let’s allow this to play out and then opine.

Nothing to do with ESP, an analysis of Trump's behavior would indicate a high probability that he will try to go after NPR. At least NPR's executives (unlike Pompeo) stand behind their people.
The Left uses Trump as an excuse but they previously demonized Romney who is basically a choir boy and of course Brett Kavanaugh. The Left has lost all credibility and they are the cause of Donald Trump. You reap what you sow.

One can say that of the right.

The thing is, Pompeo's behavior is not and should not be a left vs right thing.

At what point do you decide that wrong is wrong - that bad behavior is bad behavior?

For example - despite the fact I'm a leftist, I would in no way apologize, excuse, OR attack the victims of Weiner's very bad sexting weener behavior!

It's wrong.
2) If the agreement to get the interview was it would only be about one subject and the reporter ambushed him with another, then I say the reporter should be fired (not that I believe his behavior was appropriate).
There's an email chain of her staff OKing it with his. It wasnt an "ambush".
Trump questions why NPR exists after Pompeo clashes with reporter

Why is that crap!? Anyone listen? I hear trump is questioning it’s existence.

1) I listen to public radio pretty much every day since that is where the radio in my car stays.

2) If the agreement to get the interview was it would only be about one subject and the reporter ambushed him with another, then I say the reporter should be fired (not that I believe his behavior was appropriate).

3) Trump can question anything he wants, but he doesn't have much say in it. The P in NPR is not G for Government. It ain't going anywhere. That was the price of the GOP trying to kill them by taking away government funding---they have survived and the government has no leverage on them.
It will be cut off

No they will not. Look at what happened to the last republican who promised to kill Big Bird.

If anyone can do it then it will be Trump. But for now the odds are slim. They are a hugely powerful part of the deep state and are responsible to no one. Power without a check. They are dangerous people as is the media in general.

So? Is that some how supposed to justify the extreme and bizarre amount of lying being excused? What Pompeo did? Subjecting a journalist to a filthy tirade and then lying about her afterwards?

WHEN IS IT ENOUGH? At what point do you stop excusing the extreme? That is what I don't get. Not the ordinary political lies we always hear. But the extremes we are beset with now.

When will you move beyond "but but xyz does it!" - cause, as far as I know, xyz did not act like Pompeo did.
Pompeo was a disgrace in the way he acted

So Trump will take it out on NPR
He will? Your ESP says as much? Let’s allow this to play out and then opine.

Nothing to do with ESP, an analysis of Trump's behavior would indicate a high probability that he will try to go after NPR. At least NPR's executives (unlike Pompeo) stand behind their people.
The Left uses Trump as an excuse but they previously demonized Romney who is basically a choir boy and of course Brett Kavanaugh. The Left has lost all credibility and they are the cause of Donald Trump. You reap what you sow.

One can say that of the right.

The thing is, Pompeo's behavior is not and should not be a left vs right thing.

At what point do you decide that wrong is wrong - that bad behavior is bad behavior?

For example - despite the fact I'm a leftist, I would in no way apologize, excuse, OR attack the victims of Weiner's very bad sexting weener behavior!

It's wrong.
That is because sexting is of course wrong on both fronts but you excuse how Blasey Ford made up a story about Kavanaugh and told me you believe her. Later on it came out that she and her weird attorney just wanted to protect the pro choice law. You’re compromised because you are a Leftist. You’re as bad a LaDairis and Tijn and Jits. Who are Alt Right assholes and downright awful human beings.

The Red Army committed atrocities in 1945 Berlin yet no one blamed them because they were pushed to the brink. You Leftists and the Alt Right have pushed moderates to the brink and now civility is gone. I am having a tough time being civil with you right now for example.
Trump and pompao are your daddies! And your getting spanked
Yikes..anything? What about education? If you actually listened to NPR, what are you afraid of learning? The world beyond your comfortable right wing bubble of "truth"...where people actually suffer..and it's not funny.
You think impeaching the president for no reason is a education? Lol

Abuse of power and several sections of the FEC laws on foreign interference in our elections isn't a reason?? (even if Dems won't cite the laws??).

Yeah..that's not "no reason"....No reason is impeaching a president over lying about a bj..."Yeah..because he lied under oath...and it's because he didn't worship our Sky Pixie and give him the credence he was due...Constitution...we believe...
7 of them omg! Lol well good for trump for watching out for my money

NPR does watch out for your money...all the while asking for it...and you should give it to them. An excellent return on your money as well as a good education. Expand your world beyond the alt-right echo chamber of the Hannity/Levin/Limbaugh world of....progressives and liberals bad...conservatives..just and righteous.
Lefties are the party of failure

I shudder to ask this, but what "failures" are you speaking of??..Trickle down?...#letthemdie??..Pollute our air and water??
Well, It 's not like I didn't know what this thread was going to be before I checked. I'll keep supporting NPR.
For the record, I liked Jits' plumbing thread better. He could be a contributing member of society if he followed through, getting that training, so he could really get down with the $h$t.
Trump and pompao are your daddies! And your getting spanked

You mean “you’re”? My goodness. As much as I despise people like Coyote you are equally bad if not worse. STFU and let the adults talk.
Lol grammar police haha. Your in my thread take a hike. Yes your lol
Your thread? You need to take your meds.
Yes I started it , keep derailing your get booted, get back on topic I won’t ask again
You think impeaching the president for no reason is a education? Lol

Abuse of power and several sections of the FEC laws on foreign interference in our elections isn't a reason?? (even if Dems won't cite the laws??).

Yeah..that's not "no reason"....No reason is impeaching a president over lying about a bj..."Yeah..because he lied under oath...and it's because he didn't worship our Sky Pixie and give him the credence he was due...Constitution...we believe...
7 of them omg! Lol well good for trump for watching out for my money

NPR does watch out for your money...all the while asking for it...and you should give it to them. An excellent return on your money as well as a good education. Expand your world beyond the alt-right echo chamber of the Hannity/Levin/Limbaugh world of....progressives and liberals bad...conservatives..just and righteous.
Lefties are the party of failure

I shudder to ask this, but what "failures" are you speaking of??..Trickle down?...#letthemdie??..Pollute our air and water??
Every shit hole in America is run by democrats..
Well, It 's not like I didn't know what this thread was going to be before I checked. I'll keep supporting NPR.
For the record, I liked Jits' plumbing thread better. He could be a contributing member of society if he followed through, getting that training, so he could really get down with the $h$t.
No point in schools if democrats are in charge of Boston
Trump and pompao are your daddies! And your getting spanked

You mean “you’re”? My goodness. As much as I despise people like Coyote you are equally bad if not worse. STFU and let the adults talk.
Lol grammar police haha. Your in my thread take a hike. Yes your lol
Your thread? You need to take your meds.
Yes I started it , keep derailing your get booted, get back on topic I won’t ask again
You ll boot me? I d love to see it.
Is this HRC? Hyperbole is not the same as lying. I pay my taxes, I am not a criminal and I chose to exercise my right to vote as a citizen for Trump over HRC. So does that make me a “member of the cult and a liar”? This is the issue with this country. People deal in absolutes. I look Forward to hearing your answer.

You are welcome to hearing my answer. I was responding to the remarks of another. Not you.

I'm not talking about hyperbole.

I'm talking about flat out lying.

Like Pompeo just did.

And I'm tired of people defending stuff like this.
Lying like Trump and Tulsi Gabbard are Russian assets? Lies like private servers and smashed blackberries and iPads? Lies like stating you’re Native American when you’re not? Lies like imitating a phone call but changing the verbiage? Lies are par for the course in Washington and we need an unbiased source to report them.

The Democrats gave America a terrible option in 2016 and they for some reason want to repeat themselves in 2020. If Trump wins again they only have themselves to blame. Right now I will definitely vote for him again.

So? Is that some how supposed to justify the extreme and bizarre amount of lying being excused? What Pompeo did? Subjecting a journalist to a filthy tirade and then lying about her afterwards?

WHEN IS IT ENOUGH? At what point do you stop excusing the extreme? That is what I don't get. Not the ordinary political lies we always hear. But the extremes we are beset with now.

When will you move beyond "but but xyz does it!" - cause, as far as I know, xyz did not act like Pompeo did.
Pompeo was a disgrace in the way he acted

So Trump will take it out on NPR
He will? Your ESP says as much? Let’s allow this to play out and then opine.
Not my OP
Trump and pompao are your daddies! And your getting spanked

You mean “you’re”? My goodness. As much as I despise people like Coyote you are equally bad if not worse. STFU and let the adults talk.
Lol grammar police haha. Your in my thread take a hike. Yes your lol
Your thread? You need to take your meds.
Yes I started it , keep derailing your get booted, get back on topic I won’t ask again
You ll boot me? I d love to see it.
Stop derailing
Well, It 's not like I didn't know what this thread was going to be before I checked. I'll keep supporting NPR.
For the record, I liked Jits' plumbing thread better. He could be a contributing member of society if he followed through, getting that training, so he could really get down with the $h$t.
No point in schools if democrats are in charge of Boston
You've always said democrats were full of crap. I pointed out the free (actually paid) training mentioned at that plumbers union website, and you could be serving humanity, fixing clogged democratic $h%tholes right in you on city, and being paid for it. Would have been human interest story worthy of 2 minutes on NPR.

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