Why Did Hallie Biden, An American School Counselor, Receive $35K From A CCP Energy Company?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Democrats, Liberals, Fake News MSM, and, for the most part, snowflakes have refused to talk about the recent evidence proving the Biden Family received $3 MILLION from the CCP, over a 3-5 month period via 15 seperate wire transfers.

All the MSM wants to talk about / cover is the desperate distraction, a liberal local DA attempting to prosecute an almost non-existent FEDERAL campaign finance violation case they don't have the jurisdiction to touch, a case even the DOJ / feds refused to persue because there was nothing to prosecute.

The REASON none of them want to even mention this criminal revelation is because it absolutely EXPOSES and BURIES the Biden Family Crime Syndicate, all the way from the top - from 'The Big Guy', Joe Biden, all the way down to a SCHOOL COUNSELOR, Hallie Biden.


Hallie Biden is the widow of Joe Biden's deceased son Beau Biden, a school counselor, and, upon her husband's death, became the chairwoman of the board of directors for the Beau Biden Foundation For the Protection of Children.

(How ironic - a foundation created in the name of Joe Biden's son, Beau Biden, to PROTECT children from, among other things, perverts and pedos like Joe Biden ... who inappropriately showered with his daughter, gropes and sniffs kids, who trafficks illegal kids, and was just exposed recently as having 'lost' TWENTY THOUSAND illegal migrant children...'and no one's even looking for them', according to news reports.)

Being a widow, or a school counselor, or running a chariry foundation doesn't get money wired to you from the CCP, though.

So, snowflakes...Democrat / Biden-apologists...or anyone else with a legitimate, believable answer....WHY DID HALLIE BIDDEN RECEIVE MONEY FROM THE CCP?

If it wasn't because she is a school counselor or is running a family charity perhaps its because she F*ED her dead brother's crackhead brother,who was running the family business of influence peddling, classified info peddling, money laundering, etc...

...maybe it was because she F*ED the crackhead brother if her dead husband, Hunter Biden, who was running the family business of influence peddling, classified info peddling, money laundering, etc... the only person she knew connected to the CCP & an CCP energy company.

"The records show Hallie Biden received $35,000 over two transfers in 2017 from Biden family associate Rob Walker, who got $3 million on March 1, 2017, from State Energy HK Limited, a firm affiliated with CEFC China Energy."

The $3 million from the CCP was wired directly to 4 Biden's bank accounts, one which was Hallie's.

When the House Oversight Committee requested the Biden's financial records D-Raskin attempted to obstruct, attempting to stall and deny the Committee the records:

Democrats described our subpoena as providing nothing more than records for Papa John’s and Starbucks, but they failed to mention the records we’ve received documenting the Biden family’s business schemes,” Comer told The Post, referring to committee ranking member Rep. Jamie Raskin’s disclosure of the subpoenas this week."

Oh yeah...THOSE financial records,the ones that show our compromised President and his family have been paid very well by Xi & the CCP.

Hallie Biden, a school counselor, receiving $35,000 from the CCP is just one of the things the WH, Bidens, Democrats, DOJ / Garland, & MSM can't explain when the onion is peeled back to expose all these criminal 'layers'.

So they just refuse to talk about it ...

...and instead they get a local Soros-Connected Democrat DA to attempt to prosecute a FEDERAL case involving Trump, a federal case the DOJ / Garland would not even touch, as a DISTRACTION from the news / evidenceproving Joe Biden was just exposed as a compromised criminal traitor and head of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate.

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Democrats, Liberals, Fake News MSM, and, for the most part, snowflakes have refused to talk about the recent evidence proving the Biden Family received $3 MILLION from the CCP, over a 3-5 month period via 15 seperate wire transfers.

All the MSM wants to talk about / cover is the desperate distraction, a liberal local DA attempting to prosecute an almost non-existent FEDERAL campaign finance violation case they don't have the jurisdiction to touch, a case even the DOJ / feds refused to persue because there was nothing to prosecute.

The REASON none of them want to even mention this criminal revelation is because it absolutely EXPOSES and BURIES the Biden Family Crime Syndicate, all the way from the top - from 'The Big Guy', Joe Biden, all the way down to a SCHOOL COUNSELOR, Hallie Biden.


Hallie Biden is the widow of Joe Biden's deceased son Beau Biden, a school counselor, and, upon her husband's death, became the chairwoman of the board of directors for the Beau Biden Foundation For the Protection of Children.

(How ironic - a foundation created in the name of Joe Biden's son, Beau Biden, to PROTECT children from, among other things, perverts and pedos like Joe Biden ... who inappropriately showered with his daughter, gropes and sniffs kids, who trafficks illegal kids, and was just exposed recently as having 'lost' TWENTY THOUSAND illegal migrant children...'and no one's even looking for them', according to news reports.)

Being a widow, or a school counselor, or running a chariry foundation doesn't get money wired to you from the CCP, though.

So, snowflakes...Democrat / Biden-apologists...or anyone else with a legitimate, believable answer....WHY DID HALLIE BIDDEN RECEIVE MONEY FROM THE CCP?

If it wasn't because she is a school counselor or is running a family charity perhaps its because she F*ED her dead brother's crackhead brother,who was running the family business of influence peddling, classified info peddling, money laundering, etc...

...maybe it was because she F*ED the crackhead brother if her dead husband, Hunter Biden, who was running the family business of influence peddling, classified info peddling, money laundering, etc... the only person she knew connected to the CCP & an CCP energy company.

"The records show Hallie Biden received $35,000 over two transfers in 2017 from Biden family associate Rob Walker, who got $3 million on March 1, 2017, from State Energy HK Limited, a firm affiliated with CEFC China Energy."

The $3 million from the CCP was wired directly to 4 Biden's bank accounts, one which was Hallie's.

When the House Oversight Committee requested the Biden's financial records D-Raskin attempted to obstruct, attempting to stall and deny the Committee the records:

Democrats described our subpoena as providing nothing more than records for Papa John’s and Starbucks, but they failed to mention the records we’ve received documenting the Biden family’s business schemes,” Comer told The Post, referring to committee ranking member Rep. Jamie Raskin’s disclosure of the subpoenas this week."

Oh yeah...THOSE financial records,the ones that show our compromised President and his family have been paid very well by Xi & the CCP.

Hallie Biden, a school counselor, receiving $35,000 from the CCP is just one of the things the WH, Bidens, Democrats, DOJ / Garland, & MSM can't explain when the onion is peeled back to expose all these criminal 'layers'.

So they just refuse to talk about it ...

...and instead they get a local Soros-Connected Democrat DA to attempt to prosecute a FEDERAL case involving Trump, a federal case the DOJ / Garland would not even touch, as a DISTRACTION from the news / evidenceproving Joe Biden was just exposed as a compromised criminal traitor and head of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate.

She should sue the family for women’s lower pay
I think it was a total of 70,000 with two $35,000 checks... this is how it works... she gets a huge bundle of money under the table and to satisfy the IRS and explain her ability to pay her bills they give her a couple of checks above the table... she may have gotten millions we do not know.... same for the BIG GUY... we will never know how many millions that dude collected in his dirty career....

Democrats, Liberals, Fake News MSM, and, for the most part, snowflakes have refused to talk about the recent evidence proving the Biden Family received $3 MILLION from the CCP, over a 3-5 month period via 15 seperate wire transfers.

All the MSM wants to talk about / cover is the desperate distraction, a liberal local DA attempting to prosecute an almost non-existent FEDERAL campaign finance violation case they don't have the jurisdiction to touch, a case even the DOJ / feds refused to persue because there was nothing to prosecute.

The REASON none of them want to even mention this criminal revelation is because it absolutely EXPOSES and BURIES the Biden Family Crime Syndicate, all the way from the top - from 'The Big Guy', Joe Biden, all the way down to a SCHOOL COUNSELOR, Hallie Biden.


Hallie Biden is the widow of Joe Biden's deceased son Beau Biden, a school counselor, and, upon her husband's death, became the chairwoman of the board of directors for the Beau Biden Foundation For the Protection of Children.

(How ironic - a foundation created in the name of Joe Biden's son, Beau Biden, to PROTECT children from, among other things, perverts and pedos like Joe Biden ... who inappropriately showered with his daughter, gropes and sniffs kids, who trafficks illegal kids, and was just exposed recently as having 'lost' TWENTY THOUSAND illegal migrant children...'and no one's even looking for them', according to news reports.)

Being a widow, or a school counselor, or running a chariry foundation doesn't get money wired to you from the CCP, though.

So, snowflakes...Democrat / Biden-apologists...or anyone else with a legitimate, believable answer....WHY DID HALLIE BIDDEN RECEIVE MONEY FROM THE CCP?

If it wasn't because she is a school counselor or is running a family charity perhaps its because she F*ED her dead brother's crackhead brother,who was running the family business of influence peddling, classified info peddling, money laundering, etc...

...maybe it was because she F*ED the crackhead brother if her dead husband, Hunter Biden, who was running the family business of influence peddling, classified info peddling, money laundering, etc... the only person she knew connected to the CCP & an CCP energy company.

"The records show Hallie Biden received $35,000 over two transfers in 2017 from Biden family associate Rob Walker, who got $3 million on March 1, 2017, from State Energy HK Limited, a firm affiliated with CEFC China Energy."

The $3 million from the CCP was wired directly to 4 Biden's bank accounts, one which was Hallie's.

When the House Oversight Committee requested the Biden's financial records D-Raskin attempted to obstruct, attempting to stall and deny the Committee the records:

Democrats described our subpoena as providing nothing more than records for Papa John’s and Starbucks, but they failed to mention the records we’ve received documenting the Biden family’s business schemes,” Comer told The Post, referring to committee ranking member Rep. Jamie Raskin’s disclosure of the subpoenas this week."

Oh yeah...THOSE financial records,the ones that show our compromised President and his family have been paid very well by Xi & the CCP.

Hallie Biden, a school counselor, receiving $35,000 from the CCP is just one of the things the WH, Bidens, Democrats, DOJ / Garland, & MSM can't explain when the onion is peeled back to expose all these criminal 'layers'.

So they just refuse to talk about it ...

...and instead they get a local Soros-Connected Democrat DA to attempt to prosecute a FEDERAL case involving Trump, a federal case the DOJ / Garland would not even touch, as a DISTRACTION from the news / evidenceproving Joe Biden was just exposed as a compromised criminal traitor and head of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate.

The same reason the CCP gave Ivanka Trump an unheard of 13 CCP government patents?
The same reason the CCP gave Ivanka Trump an unheard of 13 CCP government patents?
Ivanka actually sold the patent on her shoes line and her company.

What did Hallie, a school counselor, sell ... except some ass to Hunter?

We know what Hunter sold - influence,possibly classified data...he laundered Russian Oligarch money.

Joe Biden was proven to sold Burisma inflluence right out of his VP office.
So you have no answer for why Xi & the CCP would pay Hallie Biden $35k, part of the $3 million the Bidens got from the CCP?
Xi & the Chinese Communist Party didn't pay Hallie Biden $35k. CCP paid a go-between and I'm certain they didn't care a tinker's dam where the money went.
Xi & the Chinese Communist Party didn't pay Hallie Biden $35k. CCP paid a go-between and I'm certain they didn't care a tinker's dam where the money went.

The CCP Energy Company - and ALL Chinese companies are CCP-owned/run - sent $3 Million to the Bidens through this go-betweren - that has already been proven.

Do you think the CCP gave this guy $3 million dollars, told him to give it to whoever he wanted, & he just HAPPENED to choose Joe Biden and his 3 family members?!

laughing hilariously.jpg
Ivanka actually sold the patent on her shoes line and her company.

What did Hallie, a school counselor, sell ... except some ass to Hunter?

We know what Hunter sold - influence,possibly classified data...he laundered Russian Oligarch money.

Joe Biden was proven to sold Burisma inflluence right out of his VP office.

You ignorant pig. You have no shame. You'll lie and smear anyone.

You have payments from a law firm to Hallie Biden. You don't know where the money came from or why it was paid to her. You make up any slander you want.

Your lies are not only failing, they're proving what scum you truly are. No shame at all.
You ignorant pig. You have no shame. You'll lie and smear anyone.

You have payments from a law firm to Hallie Biden. You don't know where the money came from or why it was paid to her. You make up any slander you want.

Your lies are not only failing, they're proving what scum you truly are. No shame at all.
You are the ignorant pig you idiot. Apparently you can’t read as this has been in the news. The money was from China. Proven and you can do nothing but cry and throw your usual tantrum. Your screeching just means the story must be true. So no, a scum like you has no shame.
You ignorant pig. You have no shame. You'll lie and smear anyone.

You have payments from a law firm to Hallie Biden. You don't know where the money came from or why it was paid to her. You make up any slander you want.

Your lies are not only failing, they're proving what scum you truly are. No shame at all.
Grow up.

There is a paper trail as to where the money came from. Hunter Biden had been humping his brother's widow and her sister. Surely she was due some sort of compensation.

Save you righteous indignation, things are only going to get worse for the Biden Crime Family and, sadly, America.

You ignorant pig. You have no shame. You'll lie and smear anyone.

You have payments from a law firm to Hallie Biden. You don't know where the money came from or why it was paid to her. You make up any slander you want.

Your lies are not only failing, they're proving what scum you truly are. No shame at all.
We do know where the money came from, Dumbass.

It is documented, you raving lunatic.

Biden is owned by the Chicoms.

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