Why blacks don't like Ben Carson and don't vote Republican

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.
The reason I know you got those guys all wrong is because you probably think I too are telling blacks they can't make it and are owed something. No one is saying that. If that's how you hear what we are saying no wonder we are so far apart on reconciliation. Your opinion sounds more like a right wing talking point. Not designed to win over blacks because they know that's bullshit. It's to win over whites who might be convinced that is what guys like Wright want.

Pathetic. There is some truth to what you were saying but then at the end you went bat shit crazy talk.

Really, well some blacks agree with me. Being mired in white guilty can blur things, I understand.
Jesse Jackson – for blacks or himself?

Over coffee and Key-lime pie, I posed the following to a colleague: “Name 10 things Jesse Jackson has done to tangibly help the black people he claims to represent.” Two hours later, the question remained unanswered. It remained unanswered because Jackson has done nothing of consequence for anyone but himself and members of his family.

To who another dumb ass white racist like yourself?
Black Rachel on the bachelorette just picked almost all white guys. Lol.

Actually there's a lot more black guys left than I thought. I can't wait to see if she picks a white or black. Im betting white. Lol.

I hope you know that us liberal whites admit everything you say is true until you start getting defensive. You have to admit if you take any one person living in any hood in America. Seriously are you saying those people are living right? Then those documentaries where inner city kids are talking about the violence they've seen. You said it yourself they have PTSD. And you say they shouldn't get out? People are risking their lives to come to this country. Your people are already here. The black community is what you make of it. And if it sucks but you stay, that's on you

I am not getting defensive. I am telling you that you don't know shit and have nothing to offer me in terms of advice or assistance. I don't give a damn what so called white liberals like you think. I said blacks are walking around with PTSD because of traumatic experiences they have had with white racism dumb fuck. So what in the hell benefit is it for them to move to the white community?

Last, there are plenty in these communities that are living right. So you stay in whiteyland and work to end the fentanyl and meth addictions.
Really, well some blacks agree with me. Being mired in white guilty can blur things, I understand.
Jesse Jackson – for blacks or himself?

Over coffee and Key-lime pie, I posed the following to a colleague: “Name 10 things Jesse Jackson has done to tangibly help the black people he claims to represent.” Two hours later, the question remained unanswered. It remained unanswered because Jackson has done nothing of consequence for anyone but himself and members of his family.

To who another dumb ass white racist like yourself?
Black Rachel on the bachelorette just picked almost all white guys. Lol.

Actually there's a lot more black guys left than I thought. I can't wait to see if she picks a white or black. Im betting white. Lol.

I hope you know that us liberal whites admit everything you say is true until you start getting defensive. You have to admit if you take any one person living in any hood in America. Seriously are you saying those people are living right? Then those documentaries where inner city kids are talking about the violence they've seen. You said it yourself they have PTSD. And you say they shouldn't get out? People are risking their lives to come to this country. Your people are already here. The black community is what you make of it. And if it sucks but you stay, that's on you

I am not getting defensive. I am telling you that you don't know shit and have nothing to offer me in terms of advice or assistance. I don't give a damn what so called white liberals like you think. I said blacks are walking around with PTSD because of traumatic experiences they have had with white racism dumb fuck. So what in the hell benefit is it for them to move to the white community?

Last, there are plenty in these communities that are living right. So you stay in whiteyland and work to end the fentanyl and meth addictions.
Black kids don't have PTSD from things whites did to them silly. They get it from shit they see in their neighborhoods.

Name the big black cities where crime rates, poverty and fatherlessness are not worse than the national average.

Blacks are not traumatized in metro Detroit. That's a lie. You're exaggerating

I don't know anyone hooked on meth. The one meth dealer I knew was a black who grew up with 2 parents and in a nice neighborhood. And his brother just od'd on heroine. At least he graduated from msu but what goods that doing him now?
To who another dumb ass white racist like yourself?
Black Rachel on the bachelorette just picked almost all white guys. Lol.

Actually there's a lot more black guys left than I thought. I can't wait to see if she picks a white or black. Im betting white. Lol.

I hope you know that us liberal whites admit everything you say is true until you start getting defensive. You have to admit if you take any one person living in any hood in America. Seriously are you saying those people are living right? Then those documentaries where inner city kids are talking about the violence they've seen. You said it yourself they have PTSD. And you say they shouldn't get out? People are risking their lives to come to this country. Your people are already here. The black community is what you make of it. And if it sucks but you stay, that's on you

I am not getting defensive. I am telling you that you don't know shit and have nothing to offer me in terms of advice or assistance. I don't give a damn what so called white liberals like you think. I said blacks are walking around with PTSD because of traumatic experiences they have had with white racism dumb fuck. So what in the hell benefit is it for them to move to the white community?

Last, there are plenty in these communities that are living right. So you stay in whiteyland and work to end the fentanyl and meth addictions.
Black kids don't have PTSD from things whites did to them silly. They get it from shit they see in their neighborhoods.

Name the big black cities where crime rates, poverty and fatherlessness are not worse than the national average.

Blacks are not traumatized in metro Detroit. That's a lie. You're exaggerating

I don't know anyone hooked on meth. The one meth dealer I knew was a black who grew up with 2 parents and in a nice neighborhood. And his brother just od'd on heroine. At least he graduated from msu but what goods that doing him now?

You seem to forget you are talking to a black man. Just understand that nothing you say is why black communities are as they are. Again in 1959 poverty in the black community was over 55 percent. At that time all these issues that you idiots talk about like fatherlessness were not problems. The fact that a man doesn't not live with the kids all day doesn’t mean these kids do not see their fathers, nor does it mean a man is not involved. You say you don't know anyone addicted to meth like that means there is no meth problem in white communities. Yeah the only meth head you knew was black so that means there is np opioid epidemic in the white community in this country.

I said that blacks are walking around with PTSD because of white racism. That’s because they are. You got over 40 million blacks here in the US and if 4,000 are killed you ae talking about a 1 in 10,000 chance of someone black being traumatized by a killing. You actually have more of a chance to win some of these lotteries than see a murder in the black community. Blacks face more instances of white racism than the so called violence you claim occurs in the black community son.

Thus beginneth todays lesson.

Last year there were 762 murders in Chicago. Yes that’s a high number, but let me continue. 75 percent of the deaths were black. That equals 572 blacks who got killed. There are 886,000 blacks in Chicago. Out of all he black in Chicago this is about a 1 in 5000 possibility. 71 percent of the killings were black on black. 406 of these deaths were caused by another back person which equals a little more than 1 in 5,000 chance of a black person getting killed by another black person. Blacks are more likely to die from high blood pressure than this. And this is how much whites like you exaggerate.

Blacks face more instances of white racism than killings. Black kids are traumatized by white racism they experience and not what you say. The incidences of murder in black communities are low relative to our population. In reality, the rate of murder in this nation are low. But that doesn’t mean we don’t work to stop killing, however it does mean we stop portraying particular groups in manners that make life unsafe for them just because you want to promote the false notion of white supremacy.

Thus endeth the lesson.

Now drop the lie son. You are no white liberal. Most white liberals I know are educated on issues such as what we discuss and don’t talk the stupid shit you do. So understand this son, you can’t tell me shit about being black and what blacks face. I have faced it, you have not. And your opinion is not facing it.
Black Rachel on the bachelorette just picked almost all white guys. Lol.

Actually there's a lot more black guys left than I thought. I can't wait to see if she picks a white or black. Im betting white. Lol.

I hope you know that us liberal whites admit everything you say is true until you start getting defensive. You have to admit if you take any one person living in any hood in America. Seriously are you saying those people are living right? Then those documentaries where inner city kids are talking about the violence they've seen. You said it yourself they have PTSD. And you say they shouldn't get out? People are risking their lives to come to this country. Your people are already here. The black community is what you make of it. And if it sucks but you stay, that's on you

I am not getting defensive. I am telling you that you don't know shit and have nothing to offer me in terms of advice or assistance. I don't give a damn what so called white liberals like you think. I said blacks are walking around with PTSD because of traumatic experiences they have had with white racism dumb fuck. So what in the hell benefit is it for them to move to the white community?

Last, there are plenty in these communities that are living right. So you stay in whiteyland and work to end the fentanyl and meth addictions.
Black kids don't have PTSD from things whites did to them silly. They get it from shit they see in their neighborhoods.

Name the big black cities where crime rates, poverty and fatherlessness are not worse than the national average.

Blacks are not traumatized in metro Detroit. That's a lie. You're exaggerating

I don't know anyone hooked on meth. The one meth dealer I knew was a black who grew up with 2 parents and in a nice neighborhood. And his brother just od'd on heroine. At least he graduated from msu but what goods that doing him now?

You seem to forget you are talking to a black man. Just understand that nothing you say is why black communities are as they are. Again in 1959 poverty in the black community was over 55 percent. At that time all these issues that you idiots talk about like fatherlessness were not problems. The fact that a man doesn't not live with the kids all day doesn’t mean these kids do not see their fathers, nor does it mean a man is not involved. You say you don't know anyone addicted to meth like that means there is no meth problem in white communities. Yeah the only meth head you knew was black so that means there is np opioid epidemic in the white community in this country.

I said that blacks are walking around with PTSD because of white racism. That’s because they are. You got over 40 million blacks here in the US and if 4,000 are killed you ae talking about a 1 in 10,000 chance of someone black being traumatized by a killing. You actually have more of a chance to win some of these lotteries than see a murder in the black community. Blacks face more instances of white racism than the so called violence you claim occurs in the black community son.

Thus beginneth todays lesson.

Last year there were 762 murders in Chicago. Yes that’s a high number, but let me continue. 75 percent of the deaths were black. That equals 572 blacks who got killed. There are 886,000 blacks in Chicago. Out of all he black in Chicago this is about a 1 in 5000 possibility. 71 percent of the killings were black on black. 406 of these deaths were caused by another back person which equals a little more than 1 in 5,000 chance of a black person getting killed by another black person. Blacks are more likely to die from high blood pressure than this. And this is how much whites like you exaggerate.

Blacks face more instances of white racism than killings. Black kids are traumatized by white racism they experience and not what you say. The incidences of murder in black communities are low relative to our population. In reality, the rate of murder in this nation are low. But that doesn’t mean we don’t work to stop killing, however it does mean we stop portraying particular groups in manners that make life unsafe for them just because you want to promote the false notion of white supremacy.

Thus endeth the lesson.

Now drop the lie son. You are no white liberal. Most white liberals I know are educated on issues such as what we discuss and don’t talk the stupid shit you do. So understand this son, you can’t tell me shit about being black and what blacks face. I have faced it, you have not. And your opinion is not facing it.

New Orleans Charter School Creates 'Trauma Informed' Discipline Model

I'm sorry but I have to call bullshit. Black kids in poor black communities aren't being traumatized by us whites. Just ask Sherlae

Many students at Crocker College Prep, an elementary charter school in New Orleans, suffer from trauma. The school has changed it's discipline model from "no excuses" to "trauma informed" because the old way of doing things wasn't working in a place where children suffer from PTSD at three times the rate of children nationally.

SHERLAE: My depression about my mom got to the point where one time I said I wanted to hurt myself. She said she didn’t want me around. Like, she was saying that she didn’t want me in the world anymore, stuff like that.

A few years ago, Marie says, Sherlae and her mom were evicted, and her mom began cycling in and out of jail. Sherlae's grades plummeted. We did try to speak with her mom for this story, but she declined. Some kids get disruptive when they're upset, start fights, storm out of class. But Sherlae completely shuts down.

And, I love it how you idiots defend single parenting. Or you pretend it's not directly associated with poverty and crime.

The Consequences of Fatherlessness | National Center for Fathering

Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Physical and Emotional Health
Educational Achievement
Sexual Activity and Teen Pregnancy

All the problems that the black community are facing. Coincidence?

72 Percent Of Black Kids Raised By Single Parent, 25% Overall In U.S.

No, you are not being a father when you see your kids every other week. Better than nothing but we see what the results of this are.

Actually there's a lot more black guys left than I thought. I can't wait to see if she picks a white or black. Im betting white. Lol.

I hope you know that us liberal whites admit everything you say is true until you start getting defensive. You have to admit if you take any one person living in any hood in America. Seriously are you saying those people are living right? Then those documentaries where inner city kids are talking about the violence they've seen. You said it yourself they have PTSD. And you say they shouldn't get out? People are risking their lives to come to this country. Your people are already here. The black community is what you make of it. And if it sucks but you stay, that's on you

I am not getting defensive. I am telling you that you don't know shit and have nothing to offer me in terms of advice or assistance. I don't give a damn what so called white liberals like you think. I said blacks are walking around with PTSD because of traumatic experiences they have had with white racism dumb fuck. So what in the hell benefit is it for them to move to the white community?

Last, there are plenty in these communities that are living right. So you stay in whiteyland and work to end the fentanyl and meth addictions.
Black kids don't have PTSD from things whites did to them silly. They get it from shit they see in their neighborhoods.

Name the big black cities where crime rates, poverty and fatherlessness are not worse than the national average.

Blacks are not traumatized in metro Detroit. That's a lie. You're exaggerating

I don't know anyone hooked on meth. The one meth dealer I knew was a black who grew up with 2 parents and in a nice neighborhood. And his brother just od'd on heroine. At least he graduated from msu but what goods that doing him now?

You seem to forget you are talking to a black man. Just understand that nothing you say is why black communities are as they are. Again in 1959 poverty in the black community was over 55 percent. At that time all these issues that you idiots talk about like fatherlessness were not problems. The fact that a man doesn't not live with the kids all day doesn’t mean these kids do not see their fathers, nor does it mean a man is not involved. You say you don't know anyone addicted to meth like that means there is no meth problem in white communities. Yeah the only meth head you knew was black so that means there is np opioid epidemic in the white community in this country.

I said that blacks are walking around with PTSD because of white racism. That’s because they are. You got over 40 million blacks here in the US and if 4,000 are killed you ae talking about a 1 in 10,000 chance of someone black being traumatized by a killing. You actually have more of a chance to win some of these lotteries than see a murder in the black community. Blacks face more instances of white racism than the so called violence you claim occurs in the black community son.

Thus beginneth todays lesson.

Last year there were 762 murders in Chicago. Yes that’s a high number, but let me continue. 75 percent of the deaths were black. That equals 572 blacks who got killed. There are 886,000 blacks in Chicago. Out of all he black in Chicago this is about a 1 in 5000 possibility. 71 percent of the killings were black on black. 406 of these deaths were caused by another back person which equals a little more than 1 in 5,000 chance of a black person getting killed by another black person. Blacks are more likely to die from high blood pressure than this. And this is how much whites like you exaggerate.

Blacks face more instances of white racism than killings. Black kids are traumatized by white racism they experience and not what you say. The incidences of murder in black communities are low relative to our population. In reality, the rate of murder in this nation are low. But that doesn’t mean we don’t work to stop killing, however it does mean we stop portraying particular groups in manners that make life unsafe for them just because you want to promote the false notion of white supremacy.

Thus endeth the lesson.

Now drop the lie son. You are no white liberal. Most white liberals I know are educated on issues such as what we discuss and don’t talk the stupid shit you do. So understand this son, you can’t tell me shit about being black and what blacks face. I have faced it, you have not. And your opinion is not facing it.

New Orleans Charter School Creates 'Trauma Informed' Discipline Model

I'm sorry but I have to call bullshit. Black kids in poor black communities aren't being traumatized by us whites. Just ask Sherlae

Many students at Crocker College Prep, an elementary charter school in New Orleans, suffer from trauma. The school has changed it's discipline model from "no excuses" to "trauma informed" because the old way of doing things wasn't working in a place where children suffer from PTSD at three times the rate of children nationally.

SHERLAE: My depression about my mom got to the point where one time I said I wanted to hurt myself. She said she didn’t want me around. Like, she was saying that she didn’t want me in the world anymore, stuff like that.

A few years ago, Marie says, Sherlae and her mom were evicted, and her mom began cycling in and out of jail. Sherlae's grades plummeted. We did try to speak with her mom for this story, but she declined. Some kids get disruptive when they're upset, start fights, storm out of class. But Sherlae completely shuts down.

And, I love it how you idiots defend single parenting. Or you pretend it's not directly associated with poverty and crime.

The Consequences of Fatherlessness | National Center for Fathering

Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Physical and Emotional Health
Educational Achievement
Sexual Activity and Teen Pregnancy

All the problems that the black community are facing. Coincidence?

72 Percent Of Black Kids Raised By Single Parent, 25% Overall In U.S.

No, you are not being a father when you see your kids every other week. Better than nothing but we see what the results of this are.

No one gives a fuck what You call something.

I'm not asking Sherlae jack shit when the AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCATION shows us this:

Allen was a young African American man working at a retail store. Although he enjoyed and valued his job, he struggled with the way he was treated by his boss. He was frequently demeaned, given menial tasks, and even required to track African American customers in the store to make sure they weren’t stealing. He began to suffer from symptoms of depression, generalized anxiety, low self-esteem, and feelings of humiliation. After filing a complaint, he was threatened by his boss and then fired. Allen’s symptoms worsened. He had intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and jumpiness – all hallmarks of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Allen later sued his employer for job-related discrimination, and five employees supported his allegations. Allen was found to be suffering from race-based trauma (from Carter & Forsyth, 2009).

Racism and PTSD
One major factor in understanding PTSD in ethnoracial minorities is the impact of racism on emotional and psychological well-being. Racism continues to be a daily part of American culture, and racial barriers have an overwhelming impact on the oppressed. Much research has been conducted on the social, economic, and political effects of racism, but little research recognizes the psychological effects of racism on people of color (Carter, 2007).Chou, Asnaani, and Hofmann (2012) found that perceived racial discrimination was associated with increased mental disorders in African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans, suggesting that racism may in itself be a traumatic experience.

Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5

What you believe is not the cause of the problem.
Actually there's a lot more black guys left than I thought. I can't wait to see if she picks a white or black. Im betting white. Lol.

I hope you know that us liberal whites admit everything you say is true until you start getting defensive. You have to admit if you take any one person living in any hood in America. Seriously are you saying those people are living right? Then those documentaries where inner city kids are talking about the violence they've seen. You said it yourself they have PTSD. And you say they shouldn't get out? People are risking their lives to come to this country. Your people are already here. The black community is what you make of it. And if it sucks but you stay, that's on you

I am not getting defensive. I am telling you that you don't know shit and have nothing to offer me in terms of advice or assistance. I don't give a damn what so called white liberals like you think. I said blacks are walking around with PTSD because of traumatic experiences they have had with white racism dumb fuck. So what in the hell benefit is it for them to move to the white community?

Last, there are plenty in these communities that are living right. So you stay in whiteyland and work to end the fentanyl and meth addictions.
Black kids don't have PTSD from things whites did to them silly. They get it from shit they see in their neighborhoods.

Name the big black cities where crime rates, poverty and fatherlessness are not worse than the national average.

Blacks are not traumatized in metro Detroit. That's a lie. You're exaggerating

I don't know anyone hooked on meth. The one meth dealer I knew was a black who grew up with 2 parents and in a nice neighborhood. And his brother just od'd on heroine. At least he graduated from msu but what goods that doing him now?

You seem to forget you are talking to a black man. Just understand that nothing you say is why black communities are as they are. Again in 1959 poverty in the black community was over 55 percent. At that time all these issues that you idiots talk about like fatherlessness were not problems. The fact that a man doesn't not live with the kids all day doesn’t mean these kids do not see their fathers, nor does it mean a man is not involved. You say you don't know anyone addicted to meth like that means there is no meth problem in white communities. Yeah the only meth head you knew was black so that means there is np opioid epidemic in the white community in this country.

I said that blacks are walking around with PTSD because of white racism. That’s because they are. You got over 40 million blacks here in the US and if 4,000 are killed you ae talking about a 1 in 10,000 chance of someone black being traumatized by a killing. You actually have more of a chance to win some of these lotteries than see a murder in the black community. Blacks face more instances of white racism than the so called violence you claim occurs in the black community son.

Thus beginneth todays lesson.

Last year there were 762 murders in Chicago. Yes that’s a high number, but let me continue. 75 percent of the deaths were black. That equals 572 blacks who got killed. There are 886,000 blacks in Chicago. Out of all he black in Chicago this is about a 1 in 5000 possibility. 71 percent of the killings were black on black. 406 of these deaths were caused by another back person which equals a little more than 1 in 5,000 chance of a black person getting killed by another black person. Blacks are more likely to die from high blood pressure than this. And this is how much whites like you exaggerate.

Blacks face more instances of white racism than killings. Black kids are traumatized by white racism they experience and not what you say. The incidences of murder in black communities are low relative to our population. In reality, the rate of murder in this nation are low. But that doesn’t mean we don’t work to stop killing, however it does mean we stop portraying particular groups in manners that make life unsafe for them just because you want to promote the false notion of white supremacy.

Thus endeth the lesson.

Now drop the lie son. You are no white liberal. Most white liberals I know are educated on issues such as what we discuss and don’t talk the stupid shit you do. So understand this son, you can’t tell me shit about being black and what blacks face. I have faced it, you have not. And your opinion is not facing it.

New Orleans Charter School Creates 'Trauma Informed' Discipline Model

I'm sorry but I have to call bullshit. Black kids in poor black communities aren't being traumatized by us whites. Just ask Sherlae

Many students at Crocker College Prep, an elementary charter school in New Orleans, suffer from trauma. The school has changed it's discipline model from "no excuses" to "trauma informed" because the old way of doing things wasn't working in a place where children suffer from PTSD at three times the rate of children nationally.

SHERLAE: My depression about my mom got to the point where one time I said I wanted to hurt myself. She said she didn’t want me around. Like, she was saying that she didn’t want me in the world anymore, stuff like that.

A few years ago, Marie says, Sherlae and her mom were evicted, and her mom began cycling in and out of jail. Sherlae's grades plummeted. We did try to speak with her mom for this story, but she declined. Some kids get disruptive when they're upset, start fights, storm out of class. But Sherlae completely shuts down.

And, I love it how you idiots defend single parenting. Or you pretend it's not directly associated with poverty and crime.

The Consequences of Fatherlessness | National Center for Fathering

Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Physical and Emotional Health
Educational Achievement
Sexual Activity and Teen Pregnancy

All the problems that the black community are facing. Coincidence?

72 Percent Of Black Kids Raised By Single Parent, 25% Overall In U.S.

No, you are not being a father when you see your kids every other week. Better than nothing but we see what the results of this are.

No one gives a fuck what You call something.

I'm not asking Sherlae jack shit when the AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCATION shows us this:

Allen was a young African American man working at a retail store. Although he enjoyed and valued his job, he struggled with the way he was treated by his boss. He was frequently demeaned, given menial tasks, and even required to track African American customers in the store to make sure they weren’t stealing. He began to suffer from symptoms of depression, generalized anxiety, low self-esteem, and feelings of humiliation. After filing a complaint, he was threatened by his boss and then fired. Allen’s symptoms worsened. He had intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and jumpiness – all hallmarks of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Allen later sued his employer for job-related discrimination, and five employees supported his allegations. Allen was found to be suffering from race-based trauma (from Carter & Forsyth, 2009).

Racism and PTSD
One major factor in understanding PTSD in ethnoracial minorities is the impact of racism on emotional and psychological well-being. Racism continues to be a daily part of American culture, and racial barriers have an overwhelming impact on the oppressed. Much research has been conducted on the social, economic, and political effects of racism, but little research recognizes the psychological effects of racism on people of color (Carter, 2007).Chou, Asnaani, and Hofmann (2012) found that perceived racial discrimination was associated with increased mental disorders in African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans, suggesting that racism may in itself be a traumatic experience.

Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5

What you believe is not the cause of the problem.

I'm sorry but I have to call bullshit. So you give a shit what Allen says but not Sherlae? And you are telling me that black people are actually suffering from PTSD because of white racism? I'm sorry but BULLSHIT!

The U.S. Government provides care for military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. But what about the thousands of African-Americans living in violent cities and suffering from the same condition?

Last October, Aireana* and her boyfriend were driving through Oakland when a man on the street opened fire on their car. Her two children, ages 6 and 1, were in the backseat.

In America, violent crime is down significantly since 1993, when the nation’s gun homicide rate hit its peak. But there are still neighborhoods in cities like Oakland, Detroit, New Orleans, and Newark, New Jersey, where shootings are a constant occurrence and where the per capita murder rates are drastically higher than the rest of the country. Some 3,500 American troops were killed during the eight-year war in Iraq. Within the same time period, 3,113 people were killed on the streets of Philadelphia.

Black America's Invisible Crisis

It isn't us giving you PTSD.

And this is victim mentality. I know you don't believe it but it is. Instead of saying, "this is what happened to me and this is how I overcame it", black people say, "this is what happened to us and this is why we suck".
cities like Oakland, Detroit, New Orleans, and Newark, New Jersey, where shootings are a constant occurrence and where the per capita murder rates are drastically higher than the rest of the country.
Assessment of the Impact of Racial Discrimination and Racism: How to Use the Race-Based Traumatic Stress Symptom Scale in Practice

Assessment of the Impact of Racial Discrimination and Racism: How to Use the Race-Based Traumatic Stress Symptom Scale in Practice

Have you read this son? Do you even know this data exists? Maybe Sherlae can explain this to you also.

Victim mentality. Do you want to know how to get over it?

In cognitive therapy, your therapist helps you understand and change how you think about your trauma and its aftermath.

In exposure therapy your goal is to have less fear about your memories. It is based on the idea that people learn to fear thoughts, feelings, and situations that remind them of a past traumatic event.

By talking about your trauma repeatedly with a therapist, you'll learn to get control of your thoughts and feelings about the trauma. You'll learn that you do not have to be afraid of your memories. This may be hard at first. It might seem strange to think about stressful things on purpose. But over time, you'll feel less overwhelmed.

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is another type of therapy for PTSD. Like other kinds of counseling, it can help change how you react to memories of your trauma.

While thinking of or talking about your memories, you'll focus on other stimuli like eye movements, hand taps, and sounds. For example, your therapist will move his or her hand, and you'll follow this movement with your eyes.

Medication, Group Therapy,
Brief psychodynamic psychotherapy

Treatment of PTSD - PTSD: National Center for PTSD

Anyways, the point I want to make is I don't think white racism is giving black people ptsd. i think the violence in their neighborhoods are the cause.
Racism and Ethnoviolence as Trauma
SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

Maybe Sherlae can explain this.
How many more decades until black people stop making excuses? And I keep telling you as long as Sherlae keeps popping out kids she won't raise right, no white is going to give a fuck. Why is she raising kids in a war zone when a better life is so close?

Whites are going to look at that uneducated black kid who can't talk and blame his mama for the situation he's in.

Maybe you guys should have showed up to vote for Hillary because I can tell you with 100% certainty Trump aint gonna listen to your bullshit Jeff Sessions won't listen. Maybe the person Hillary would have appointed might have listened. Maybe the Supreme Court justice she would have appointed would have agreed with you but now??? If you sent these arguments to the right leaning Supreme Court they'd laugh in your face. The court is conservative now and cons believe you are responsible for you. The court will be conservative for the next generation so you better figure out a plan b. Don't wait for whites to change.

I at least admit your people have been traumatized. But do you think Republicans or Conservatives are going to listen to this PTSD bullshit you are putting out there? A kid got PTSD because someone followed him around while he was shopping?

I have to admit I get major anxiety whenever a cop is driving behind me so I can see what you are talking about as far as blacks being traumatized.
Racism and Ethnoviolence as Trauma
SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

Maybe Sherlae can explain this.
How many more decades until black people stop making excuses? And I keep telling you as long as Sherlae keeps popping out kids she won't raise right, no white is going to give a fuck. Why is she raising kids in a war zone when a better life is so close?

Whites are going to look at that uneducated black kid who can't talk and blame his mama for the situation he's in.

Maybe you guys should have showed up to vote for Hillary because I can tell you with 100% certainty Trump aint gonna listen to your bullshit Jeff Sessions won't listen. Maybe the person Hillary would have appointed might have listened. Maybe the Supreme Court justice she would have appointed would have agreed with you but now??? If you sent these arguments to the right leaning Supreme Court they'd laugh in your face. The court is conservative now and cons believe you are responsible for you. The court will be conservative for the next generation so you better figure out a plan b. Don't wait for whites to change.

I at least admit your people have been traumatized. But do you think Republicans or Conservatives are going to listen to this PTSD bullshit you are putting out there? A kid got PTSD because someone followed him around while he was shopping?

I have to admit I get major anxiety whenever a cop is driving behind me so I can see what you are talking about as far as blacks being traumatized.

We aren't the ones making excuses. You whites are.

Conservatives and republicans have no other choice given the mountains of evidence supporting this.

It's not about one kid being followed at a department store. We are talking about peer reviewed academic studies.

Understand that.
Racism and Ethnoviolence as Trauma
SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

Maybe Sherlae can explain this.
How many more decades until black people stop making excuses? And I keep telling you as long as Sherlae keeps popping out kids she won't raise right, no white is going to give a fuck. Why is she raising kids in a war zone when a better life is so close?

Whites are going to look at that uneducated black kid who can't talk and blame his mama for the situation he's in.

Maybe you guys should have showed up to vote for Hillary because I can tell you with 100% certainty Trump aint gonna listen to your bullshit Jeff Sessions won't listen. Maybe the person Hillary would have appointed might have listened. Maybe the Supreme Court justice she would have appointed would have agreed with you but now??? If you sent these arguments to the right leaning Supreme Court they'd laugh in your face. The court is conservative now and cons believe you are responsible for you. The court will be conservative for the next generation so you better figure out a plan b. Don't wait for whites to change.

I at least admit your people have been traumatized. But do you think Republicans or Conservatives are going to listen to this PTSD bullshit you are putting out there? A kid got PTSD because someone followed him around while he was shopping?

I have to admit I get major anxiety whenever a cop is driving behind me so I can see what you are talking about as far as blacks being traumatized.

We aren't the ones making excuses. You whites are.

Conservatives and republicans have no other choice given the mountains of evidence supporting this.

It's not about one kid being followed at a department store. We are talking about peer reviewed academic studies.

Understand that.
The reason I know most of what you say is true is because Republicans barely treat us poor and middle class whites much better. And that means I admit they treat us better.

Ben Carson and Trump suck. Both of them. But Hillary and Obama are alright
Racism and Ethnoviolence as Trauma
SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

Maybe Sherlae can explain this.
How many more decades until black people stop making excuses? And I keep telling you as long as Sherlae keeps popping out kids she won't raise right, no white is going to give a fuck. Why is she raising kids in a war zone when a better life is so close?

Whites are going to look at that uneducated black kid who can't talk and blame his mama for the situation he's in.

Maybe you guys should have showed up to vote for Hillary because I can tell you with 100% certainty Trump aint gonna listen to your bullshit Jeff Sessions won't listen. Maybe the person Hillary would have appointed might have listened. Maybe the Supreme Court justice she would have appointed would have agreed with you but now??? If you sent these arguments to the right leaning Supreme Court they'd laugh in your face. The court is conservative now and cons believe you are responsible for you. The court will be conservative for the next generation so you better figure out a plan b. Don't wait for whites to change.

I at least admit your people have been traumatized. But do you think Republicans or Conservatives are going to listen to this PTSD bullshit you are putting out there? A kid got PTSD because someone followed him around while he was shopping?

I have to admit I get major anxiety whenever a cop is driving behind me so I can see what you are talking about as far as blacks being traumatized.

We aren't the ones making excuses. You whites are.

Conservatives and republicans have no other choice given the mountains of evidence supporting this.

It's not about one kid being followed at a department store. We are talking about peer reviewed academic studies.

Understand that.
The reason I know most of what you say is true is because Republicans barely treat us poor and middle class whites much better. And that means I admit they treat us better.

Ben Carson and Trump suck. Both of them. But Hillary and Obama are alright

Yeah, but you make the same assumptions they make about us, think you can tell a black person what it's like to be black then talk about how you want to help and advise like we don't know what the problem and cause is, then get mad because we don't agree with what you tell us is wring with us. To me it's really not how white conservatives do things only, it is about whites, to include you so called liberals. The ONLY reason I am a democrat is because what the republicans offer is worse. Not that you democrats offer anything all that impressive. Democrats at least try to do something even though much of it is weak and lacking. But let me tell you, a white democrat like you, if there are too many of them, blacks will leave the democratic party.
Racism and Ethnoviolence as Trauma
SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

Maybe Sherlae can explain this.
How many more decades until black people stop making excuses? And I keep telling you as long as Sherlae keeps popping out kids she won't raise right, no white is going to give a fuck. Why is she raising kids in a war zone when a better life is so close?

Whites are going to look at that uneducated black kid who can't talk and blame his mama for the situation he's in.

Maybe you guys should have showed up to vote for Hillary because I can tell you with 100% certainty Trump aint gonna listen to your bullshit Jeff Sessions won't listen. Maybe the person Hillary would have appointed might have listened. Maybe the Supreme Court justice she would have appointed would have agreed with you but now??? If you sent these arguments to the right leaning Supreme Court they'd laugh in your face. The court is conservative now and cons believe you are responsible for you. The court will be conservative for the next generation so you better figure out a plan b. Don't wait for whites to change.

I at least admit your people have been traumatized. But do you think Republicans or Conservatives are going to listen to this PTSD bullshit you are putting out there? A kid got PTSD because someone followed him around while he was shopping?

I have to admit I get major anxiety whenever a cop is driving behind me so I can see what you are talking about as far as blacks being traumatized.

We aren't the ones making excuses. You whites are.

Conservatives and republicans have no other choice given the mountains of evidence supporting this.

It's not about one kid being followed at a department store. We are talking about peer reviewed academic studies.

Understand that.
The reason I know most of what you say is true is because Republicans barely treat us poor and middle class whites much better. And that means I admit they treat us better.

Ben Carson and Trump suck. Both of them. But Hillary and Obama are alright

Yeah, but you make the same assumptions they make about us, think you can tell a black person what it's like to be black then talk about how you want to help and advise like we don't know what the problem and cause is, then get mad because we don't agree with what you tell us is wring with us. To me it's really not how white conservatives do things only, it is about whites, to include you so called liberals. The ONLY reason I am a democrat is because what the republicans offer is worse. Not that you democrats offer anything all that impressive. Democrats at least try to do something even though much of it is weak and lacking. But let me tell you, a white democrat like you, if there are too many of them, blacks will leave the democratic party.
Leave! I think you guys becoming Republicans would be good for your communities. Or don't become Republicans but take their advice.

I abandoned blacks, the poor, Muslims, Mexicans, gays, students the minute we lost the election. I should have given up on all you people when you didn't show up in 2010.

And excuse me but how many poor ass black people have health insurance because of us liberals?

I'm able to empathize with you people but then there you go saying the Democrats are no better and do nothing for you. Bullshit. The Democratic party didn't let you down. You let the Democratic party down. Now you get to deal with Republicans. Tell me if they are worse than us white liberals once you've decided. You got to be kidding. Every freedom you have is because of us.

But because I don't agree with all your excuses you're going to punish me by voting Republican? Do it!
What more do blacks want us liberals to go along with? We went along with affirmative action and quotas to make sure companies were hiring minorities. Black people didn't win the right to vote without us. Then Republicans blame us liberals for the mess and we know it was them who brought poverty to black communities which then led to crime and drugs. We get all that! Now what? While we wait for rich white Republicans to move their companies to your local hood. What can you do to better your situation? White Republicans are right. Fatherlessness is your problem. Statistically it's linked to crime and poverty. Fact. You need to stop that. Republicans are going to make cuts to programs that help these people. Let's see if there's no difference
I get the concept on how blacks have been traumatized but then so now what? Is that really the standoff? Blacks say stop traumatizing us and whites say get over it? This is a tough one. I want to solve this. Is this Israel Palestine?
Racism and Ethnoviolence as Trauma
SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

Maybe Sherlae can explain this.
How many more decades until black people stop making excuses? And I keep telling you as long as Sherlae keeps popping out kids she won't raise right, no white is going to give a fuck. Why is she raising kids in a war zone when a better life is so close?

Whites are going to look at that uneducated black kid who can't talk and blame his mama for the situation he's in.

Maybe you guys should have showed up to vote for Hillary because I can tell you with 100% certainty Trump aint gonna listen to your bullshit Jeff Sessions won't listen. Maybe the person Hillary would have appointed might have listened. Maybe the Supreme Court justice she would have appointed would have agreed with you but now??? If you sent these arguments to the right leaning Supreme Court they'd laugh in your face. The court is conservative now and cons believe you are responsible for you. The court will be conservative for the next generation so you better figure out a plan b. Don't wait for whites to change.

I at least admit your people have been traumatized. But do you think Republicans or Conservatives are going to listen to this PTSD bullshit you are putting out there? A kid got PTSD because someone followed him around while he was shopping?

I have to admit I get major anxiety whenever a cop is driving behind me so I can see what you are talking about as far as blacks being traumatized.

We aren't the ones making excuses. You whites are.

Conservatives and republicans have no other choice given the mountains of evidence supporting this.

It's not about one kid being followed at a department store. We are talking about peer reviewed academic studies.

Understand that.
The reason I know most of what you say is true is because Republicans barely treat us poor and middle class whites much better. And that means I admit they treat us better.

Ben Carson and Trump suck. Both of them. But Hillary and Obama are alright

Yeah, but you make the same assumptions they make about us, think you can tell a black person what it's like to be black then talk about how you want to help and advise like we don't know what the problem and cause is, then get mad because we don't agree with what you tell us is wring with us. To me it's really not how white conservatives do things only, it is about whites, to include you so called liberals. The ONLY reason I am a democrat is because what the republicans offer is worse. Not that you democrats offer anything all that impressive. Democrats at least try to do something even though much of it is weak and lacking. But let me tell you, a white democrat like you, if there are too many of them, blacks will leave the democratic party.
Pick any one black person you know who's been traumatized. What should we do for them? Now remember Republicans are in charge.

I think all your ideas are good. We should invest in black communities. If only there were a party who believed the things we do. Oh yeah there is. And I vote every two years.
Here's an article about blacks. Couldn't use link, probably google is being politically correct? anyway, here is:

Black Power: A Done Deal

by Fred Reed

IT IS CURIOUS that blacks, the least educated thirteen percent of the population, the least productive, most criminal, and most dependent on governmental charity, should dominate national politics. Yet they do. Virtually everything revolves around what blacks want, demand, do, or can’t do. Their power seems without limit.

Courses of instruction in the schools, academic rigor, codes of dress, rules regarding unceasing obscenity, all must be set to suit them, as must be examinations for promotion in fire departments, the military, and police forces. Blacks must be admitted to universities for which they are not remotely qualified, where departments of Black Studies must be established to please them. Corporate work forces, federal departments, and elite high-schools must be judged not on whether they perform their functions but on whether they have the right number of blacks.

Do laws requiring identification to vote threaten to end multiple or illegal voting? The laws must go. Do blacks not like Confederate flags? Adieu, flags. Does Huckleberry Finn go down the Mississippi with Jim, or did Conrad write The Jim of the Narcissus? These must be banned or expurgated to please blacks who haven’t read them or, usually, heard of them. Do we want to prevent people coming from regions infested with Ebola from entering the United States? We cannot. It would offend blacks.

We must never, ever say or do anything that might upset them – as virtually everything does. It is positively astonishing. One expects the rich and smart to have disproportionate power. But America is dominated from the slums. One might think that a single set of laws should and would apply to all citizens, and that things should be done without regard to race, creed, color, sex, or national origin, and that all should have the same rights and responsibilities. It is, sadly, not so. The dominance of the media by blacks is impressive.

If a white shoots a black to defend himself, it becomes national news for weeks, or months, and riots follow. But when blacks engage in their unending racial attacks on whites, the media demurely look the other way. The attackers are never black. They are “teens.” Reporters who say otherwise are likely to be fired. In effect, the thirteen percent censor the national press.

Much of their mastery has become so deeply ingrained as no longer to be noticed. There is the DC Hesitation. In the bars and restaurants of Washington, a man weary of an incompetent affirmative-action hire in his office will, before commenting to a friend, lean forward, lower his voice, and look furtively over both shoulders to see whether anyone might overhear: The DC Hesitation. People don’t even know that they are doing this.

Defensive behavior by whites has become nearly universal. A sort of Masonic recognition-ritual occurs among white people recently introduced in social gatherings. Is the other person, for want of better terms, a liberal or a realist? Dare one speak? One of them will say something mildly skeptical about, say, Jesse Jackson. The other rolls his eyes in shared disgust. The secret handshake. Or, if the listener is politically correct, the bait is not taken. In either case, blacks dominate political conversation.

So extreme is the power to control speech and even thought, that politicians have to avoid mentioning watermelons, or that neighborhoods of high crime must delicately be called “sketchy” instead of “black,” though all understand who lives there and what is meant. The avoidance of racial reference is not an even-handed if despotic attempt to oppose racism since, as we all know, blacks freely apply any derogatory wording they choose to whites. In short, they rule. Which is amazing.

The dominance extends to children. When in junior high one of my daughters brought home a science handout with common chemical terms badly misspelled in a way which suggested a particular speech pattern. “Is your teacher black?” I said without thinking. “Daaaaaaady!” she said in anguish, having made the connection but knowing that she shouldn’t have. Blacks control what you can say to your own children in your own home. And of course if I had gone to the school and demanded that the teacher be fired, it would have been evidence of my depravity and probable KKK membership.

The word “unbelievable” has lost all force. Things that ought to be unbelievable, and once were, have become routine. Still, there it was: Don’t expect a junior-high teacher to have the level of literacy I had in the fourth grade. Instead, make it dangerous to notice their stupidity. This is not new, and it hasn’t changed.

In 1981, in a piece for Harper’s, I wrote:

“The bald, statistically verifiable truth is that the teachers’ colleges, probably on ideological grounds, have produced an incredible proportion of incompetent black teachers. Evidence of this appears periodically, as, for example, in the results of a competency test given to applicants for teaching positions in Pinellas County, Florida, cited in Time, June 16, 1980. To pass this grueling examination, an applicant had to be able to read at the tenth-grade level and do arithmetic at the eighth-grade level. Though they all held B.A.’s, 25 percent of the whites and 79 percent of the blacks failed. Similar statistics exist for other places.”

Nothing has changed. Blacks now control the presidency and thus, most importantly, the Attorney Generalship. In this the staggering political power of blacks is most evident. Obama was elected because he was black: an equally unqualified and negligible white politician would have had no chance. He is now fiercely pushing the most profound transformation of America ever attempted, by opening the floodgates to immigration from the south. To effect this end he apparently will simply ignore Congress and the Constitution. The people will not be consulted. Laws will be ignored.

It is hard to imagine why he does it except from racism, from a desire to get even with whites by enrolling their country in the Third World. A short-sighted policy, yes, since Hispanics do not like blacks and will soon be more powerful-but that will come a bit later.

Note that self-inflicted problems of blacks consume inordinate amounts of public and governmental attention, even though only blacks can solve them. I might say, “should solve them,” since they never have and we all know they seem to have no desire to do so. Yet we hear about them endlessly.

Are blacks in Chicago killing each other in large numbers? The solution might be to stop doing it, might it not? While I do not wish these young dead, I can do nothing to stop them, and it is not a problem I can solve.

Are black children growing up illiterate? This gives me no pleasure, and I have various reasons both selfish and moral to wish it were not so. But perhaps the solution is for their parents, or parent, to see that they do their homework, or even to teach them. I cannot do this for them, and again it isn’t my problem to resolve.

Why do I have to hear, endlessly, about the “achievement gap?” Whether of genetic or cultural origin, it seems as immutable as Avogadro’s number, and I can do nothing about it. I raise my children. They need to raise theirs. They rule. It is astonishing.

* * *

Fred Reed (born 1945 in Crumpler, WV) is a writer and a former a technology columnist for The Washington Times. A former Marine and a Vietnam War veteran, he is a police writer and occasional war correspondent. He currently writes weekly columns for the website Fred on Everything.
What more do blacks want us liberals to go along with? We went along with affirmative action and quotas to make sure companies were hiring minorities. Black people didn't win the right to vote without us. Then Republicans blame us liberals for the mess and we know it was them who brought poverty to black communities which then led to crime and drugs. We get all that! Now what? While we wait for rich white Republicans to move their companies to your local hood. What can you do to better your situation? White Republicans are right. Fatherlessness is your problem. Statistically it's linked to crime and poverty. Fact. You need to stop that. Republicans are going to make cuts to programs that help these people. Let's see if there's no difference

How exactly did republicans bring poverty to black communities? Mind you. I'm not a republican but you say it like they shipped poverty in by special delivery or something.

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