Why blacks don't like Ben Carson and don't vote Republican


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Blacks don't like Carson because he goes against the misguided black ideology that it is the white man that keeps blacks from succeeding. He is proof that that is bullshit.

No I think the guy in the video tape has articulated very well why Carson is not liked You want to tell us the white reason but we blacks do have opinions, we do think and we do have a very solid reason to not like Carson. There are plenty of more successful blacks than Carson ever will be who are not disliked like Carson thank you.

That misguided ideology does not exist. But what does is a more than 240 year record of white racist behavior and it will be a minimum 241 years of it on July 4th.
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Blacks don't like Carson because he's an Uncle Tom who made it in the white world. Blacks would all be Uncle Toms if they could make it in the white world.
Blacks don't like Carson because he goes against the misguided black ideology that it is the white man that keeps blacks from succeeding. He is proof that that is bullshit.

No I think the guy in the video tape has articulated very well why Carson is not liked You want to tell us the white reason but we blacks do have opinions, we do think and we do have a very solid reason to not like Carson. There are plenty of more successful blacks than Carson ever will be who are not disliked like Carson thank you.

That misguided ideology does not exist. But what does is a more than 240 year record of white racist behavior and it will be a minimum 241 years of it on July 4th.

^ If that were the case, no blacks would be able to "make it". Apparently you missed all the whites that voted a black into the highest position in this country.
The "you owe me" ideology does exist. And BLM is a joke on blacks handed to you by a white man. And you lapped it up.
Being white doesn't make me more of a racist than being black makes you racist.

After 240 years, if you think things haven't changed then why on earth would you stay? Do planes simply not fly to black countries where you would be the dominate race? If things are as bad here as you make them out to be, I'd be out of here so fast it would make your head spin, instead of staying here and bitching about my lot in life.

All blacks are racist. There ya go. 2 can play your game...
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Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.
That's why you can't be taken seriously. How many movies did they make about your life? You're nothing but a low level cheap shot racist on the internet. Like any punk kid. Probably a white kid too, making blacks look bad.
Blacks don't like Carson because he goes against the misguided black ideology that it is the white man that keeps blacks from succeeding. He is proof that that is bullshit.

No I think the guy in the video tape has articulated very well why Carson is not liked You want to tell us the white reason but we blacks do have opinions, we do think and we do have a very solid reason to not like Carson. There are plenty of more successful blacks than Carson ever will be who are not disliked like Carson thank you.

That misguided ideology does not exist. But what does is a more than 240 year record of white racist behavior and it will be a minimum 241 years of it on July 4th.

^ If that were the case, no blacks would be able to "make it". Apparently you missed all the whites that voted a black into the highest position in this country.
The "you owe me" ideology does exist. And BLM is a joke on blacks handed to you by a white man. And you lapped it up.
Being white doesn't make me more of a racist than being black makes you racist.

After 240 years, if you think things haven't changed then why on earth would you stay? Do planes simply not fly to black countries where you would be the dominate race? If things are as bad here as you make them out to be, I'd be out of here so fast it would make your head spin, instead of staying here and bitching about my lot in life.

All blacks are racist. There ya go. 2 can play your game.

I did not miss that in 2008 43 percent if whites voted for Obama and in 2012 39 percent did. All those whites who voted a black man into high office did npt exist.

I am black, so don't try telling me what ideology exists among blacks. There is no you owe me ideology. There is a documented 220 years if free unpaid labor forced on blacks by whites.

I am an American. I have the right to protest this situation. I do not have to be satisfied with these "changes" because your white ass says so. I do have the right to protest until the problem no longer exists. I don't have to go anywhere. You apparently are a fascist. Move to Russia.

The OP is about why blacks don't like Ben Carson. Not that we need to like him because yo think he's the good negro example for us to follow. Understand that and post accordingly.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.
That's why you can't be taken seriously. How many movies did they make about your life? You're nothing but a low level cheap shot racist on the internet. Like any punk kid. Probably a white kid too, making blacks look bad.

Nah, I 'm a grown ass black man. Here's what most blacks think about Carson.

Utterly Despicable:Dr Ben Carson Claims African Slaves Were Immigrants With A Dream

I guess this man is a white kid making blacks look bad too.

Have you ever wondered why mostly whites like you like Ben Carson? I mean this is a guy who should be in the black folks hall of fame, but he is despised And it's not because he is successful. His is the mindset that is the problem. But whites like you like that because it allows you to continue what you do.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.
You didn't have to tell us you're black. Your racism precedes you....
Protest all you like. You have the same rights that I have. Never be satisfied if that is your preference, but don't pretend that I am the one causing your dissatisfaction.
Like and dislike whomever you want. Whine for 240 years and it may be time for you to look for a more accommodating country.... just sayin.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Yeah...because nothing spells failure like becoming the youngest man to head John Hopkins Neurosurgery dept.
Good God you're an idiot.

Biography of Dr. Ben Carson
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

You don't have to be black to see how stupid Ben Cason is. You have different reasons to dislike him than I do? That's fine, as long as we can agree that he doesn't need to be anywhere near the reigns of our government.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Yeah...because nothing spells failure like becoming the youngest man to head John Hopkins Neurosurgery dept.
Good God you're an idiot.

Biography of Dr. Ben Carson

amen brother these libtard clones are the dumbest breed yet

to post here

Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Yeah...because nothing spells failure like becoming the youngest man to head John Hopkins Neurosurgery dept.
Good God you're an idiot.

Biography of Dr. Ben Carson

amen brother these libtard clones are the dumbest breed yet

to post here


That ain't no shit!!
It takes a special kind of partisan hackery to come out and call Ben Carson a failure.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Carson is a big winner and loves the life he worked for. He is the epitome of success. Lot's of money, lots of prestige, lots of expertise. Of course blacks would resent him. He makes the rest look ineffectual.
You don't recognize prosperity, let alone strive for it...

You don't have to like Ben Carson, or Johnny Carson, or Kit Carson. That is your prerogative. To blame whites for the way you feel about Ben Carson is where you went wrong. Your lack has nothing to do with color, yours or mine.......
You didn't have to tell us you're black. Your racism precedes you....
Protest all you like. You have the same rights that I have. Never be satisfied if that is your preference, but don't pretend that I am the one causing your dissatisfaction.
Like and dislike whomever you want. Whine for 240 years and it may be time for you to look for a more accommodating country.... just sayin.

You have seen no racism from me.

You really need to deal with reality and not the Teflon theory of history.

Teflon Theory of History

The Teflon Theory of American History
says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.
Oh, and the irony of course is that you don't vote Republican. If it wasn't for the Republicans, you wouldn't be voting at all.......
The Dems voted 100% against the Black vote. You can thank whitey Repubs for standing up for your rights. And Let's not forget all of those white Republicans that died to get you out of the hands of the slave holding Democrats, and took away their white sheets...
And you call Ben stupid??:eusa_doh:
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