Why blacks don't like Ben Carson and don't vote Republican

Consider me, a lib
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Black community leaders like Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton have made themselves rich and powerful by promoting the idea that blacks can not compete because whitey won't let them. If this guy would examine what he says, he would have to wonder why the black community so overwhelmingly votes left? He says the blacks are voting left because of economic policy, absurd!

Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.

Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

Great observation and well said Sealybobo- The heavy water was carried by MLK and his ilk. They did not ask for special treatment or handouts. No, they had faith, that given equal access and opportunity African Americans could achieve. He acknowledged that some advantage would be necessary to begin the process.

In 1961, President John Kennedy issued executive order 10925, which created the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and mandated that federally funded projects take "affirmative action" to insure that hiring and employment practices were free of racial bias.

The idea was hijacked by lesser men like Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright. Men who made them selves wealthy by telling blacks that they couldn't make it, and they were owed something more. How has that message helped African Americans over the last half century?

The reason I know you got those guys all wrong is because you probably think I too are telling blacks they can't make it and are owed something. No one is saying that. If that's how you hear what we are saying no wonder we are so far apart on reconciliation. Your opinion sounds more like a right wing talking point. Not designed to win over blacks because they know that's bullshit. It's to win over whites who might be convinced that is what guys like Wright want.

Pathetic. There is some truth to what you were saying but then at the end you went bat shit crazy talk.
And you brought this on yourselves by not showing up for Hillary.

Sure thing pal. Because they are EXPECTED to reward a political system that has failed them. It's their duty in fact in your opinion.. Meanwhile, their BIGGEST problem aint who is President. It's who's in charge of the CITY and State. And wracking up those "surburban level" fines and penalties, and not keeping good records of warrants. Isn't hard to make the accommodations that would REDUCE their exposure to the "legal system". You'd make a lot of progress granting waivers to open "Auto Safety Co-Opts" to fix those taillights and turn signal traffic stops. Or by GUARANTEEING an appearance appointment in court to a 3 hour period.
Blacks left the GOP in the 1920's because you failed them and you have yet to win them back.
Consider me, a lib
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Black community leaders like Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton have made themselves rich and powerful by promoting the idea that blacks can not compete because whitey won't let them. If this guy would examine what he says, he would have to wonder why the black community so overwhelmingly votes left? He says the blacks are voting left because of economic policy, absurd!

Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.

Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.

Well good luck. I wish you all well on your own. You don't need me and I certainly don't need you. And I'm done defending your black asses. You won't even stop all that jive talking and try to assimilate. You won't even entertain the idea of raising your kids. Last night the black guy who's on the bachellorette was crying that he missed his daughter. His daughter who by the way he does not live with. If he did, why would he be on the bachelorette? His daughter probably lives with his baby mamma.

I bet he cried when he left his daughter for the first time but being married and raising a child with the woman you knocked up is a lot of work. But it's key to raising good citizens.

Anyways, I don't even have to point to the way you guys talk or the fatherlessness to prove you are bad citizens.

Black ballots counted were alarmingly low.

Black voter turnout: A look at the numbers

If this is the kind of citizens you are, I can't help you, even if I wanted to. But now that I know you people don't even care enough to vote, fuck off. Yea, we're racist because we call you out for your bad behavior.

I already told you I admit and understand all the wrongs you people have faced. But that doesn't mean you guys are perfect. The generational racism has left your communities fubar'ed.

And I don't want to hear about guys like you and Ben Carson who are educated. We are clearly not talking about blacks like you. We are talking about the hoods/ghettos and inner city poor black trash who are complaining that no one will hire them. No shit!

I don't care if you call me a racist. You blacks keep saying this country needs to have the conversation. Well we are having the conversation. We won't invest in your hoods until you get the crime rates down. Doing that means getting the birth rates down. But now you'll cry I'm trying to eugenics your communities because I'm telling poor black single girls that they are the reason their kids grow up poor and get into crime. It's not racism.

Do you get that? If a poor black single girl in 2018 gets pregnant, the loser she raises is not the white mans fault.

And no one is going to help that kids who hates whitey and can't talk. He won't get the job bro.
And you brought this on yourselves by not showing up for Hillary.

Sure thing pal. Because they are EXPECTED to reward a political system that has failed them. It's their duty in fact in your opinion.. Meanwhile, their BIGGEST problem aint who is President. It's who's in charge of the CITY and State. And wracking up those "surburban level" fines and penalties, and not keeping good records of warrants. Isn't hard to make the accommodations that would REDUCE their exposure to the "legal system". You'd make a lot of progress granting waivers to open "Auto Safety Co-Opts" to fix those taillights and turn signal traffic stops. Or by GUARANTEEING an appearance appointment in court to a 3 hour period.

Democrats do not control every city.

And it's not blacks in Flint who were responsible for poisoning the citizens with lead. That came from Rick Snyder the GOP Governor.

And it is true the white suburbs have not invested enough in the city of Detroit. In fact they pulled their money from the city of Detroit.

I would have hoped that the black community in the 1970's would have started doing for themselves. Then a little more in the 1980's, 90's, until Bush crashed the economy and then you guys wouldn't have been victims of his great recession because you would have built a network and economy internally so that you kept buying and trading with each other and hiring each other. Instead you are completely dependent on the white community. Didn't Malcomb say you guys need to start your own business'?

So in the 2000's when Bush sent all the manufacturing jobs overseas, a lot of blacks who worked for Ford and GM and their suppliers lost their jobs. And a lot of blacks have taken my advice and have moved out of Detroit. What I notice is a lot of those people don't have social skills. They can talk to their friends and family but communicating with a white stranger makes them very uncomfortable.

All I'm saying is start preparing your kids so they aren't like this when its time they need to go on interviews. You'd be surprised how many liberal whites want to hire a black who can talk and smile. Too many people in the ghettos are not job material. Even if we want to hire them they are unemployable.
Consider me, a lib
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Black community leaders like Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton have made themselves rich and powerful by promoting the idea that blacks can not compete because whitey won't let them. If this guy would examine what he says, he would have to wonder why the black community so overwhelmingly votes left? He says the blacks are voting left because of economic policy, absurd!

Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.

Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

Great observation and well said Sealybobo- The heavy water was carried by MLK and his ilk. They did not ask for special treatment or handouts. No, they had faith, that given equal access and opportunity African Americans could achieve. He acknowledged that some advantage would be necessary to begin the process.

In 1961, President John Kennedy issued executive order 10925, which created the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and mandated that federally funded projects take "affirmative action" to insure that hiring and employment practices were free of racial bias.

The idea was hijacked by lesser men like Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright. Men who made them selves wealthy by telling blacks that they couldn't make it, and they were owed something more. How has that message helped African Americans over the last half century?

Of course a racist idiot like this would agree with what was said by sealybobo.

And really you should not talk about King. During his life King was considered a race baiting race hustler and he got murdered by a white man because he did fight for equal rights that whites like that man thought was blacks thinking they were owed something.

That is true. If King were alive today they'd be talking about him in the same sentence as Jesse Jackson and Sharpton. Good point. Today they try to pretend they marched with King.
And you brought this on yourselves by not showing up for Hillary.

Sure thing pal. Because they are EXPECTED to reward a political system that has failed them. It's their duty in fact in your opinion.. Meanwhile, their BIGGEST problem aint who is President. It's who's in charge of the CITY and State. And wracking up those "surburban level" fines and penalties, and not keeping good records of warrants. Isn't hard to make the accommodations that would REDUCE their exposure to the "legal system". You'd make a lot of progress granting waivers to open "Auto Safety Co-Opts" to fix those taillights and turn signal traffic stops. Or by GUARANTEEING an appearance appointment in court to a 3 hour period.
Blacks left the GOP in the 1920's because you failed them and you have yet to win them back.

I'm not IN the GOP. Neither of the 2 parties actually CARE about the poor service and govt administration that govt doles out.. Libertarians do. And we will be winning them over for MANY reasons. Including the War on Drugs, School Choice and LEAN responsive and innovative govt policies...
Consider me, a lib
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Black community leaders like Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton have made themselves rich and powerful by promoting the idea that blacks can not compete because whitey won't let them. If this guy would examine what he says, he would have to wonder why the black community so overwhelmingly votes left? He says the blacks are voting left because of economic policy, absurd!

Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.

Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.

Well good luck. I wish you all well on your own. You don't need me and I certainly don't need you. And I'm done defending your black asses. You won't even stop all that jive talking and try to assimilate. You won't even entertain the idea of raising your kids. Last night the black guy who's on the bachellorette was crying that he missed his daughter. His daughter who by the way he does not live with. If he did, why would he be on the bachelorette? His daughter probably lives with his baby mamma.

I bet he cried when he left his daughter for the first time but being married and raising a child with the woman you knocked up is a lot of work. But it's key to raising good citizens.

Anyways, I don't even have to point to the way you guys talk or the fatherlessness to prove you are bad citizens.

Black ballots counted were alarmingly low.

Black voter turnout: A look at the numbers

If this is the kind of citizens you are, I can't help you, even if I wanted to. But now that I know you people don't even care enough to vote, fuck off. Yea, we're racist because we call you out for your bad behavior.

I already told you I admit and understand all the wrongs you people have faced. But that doesn't mean you guys are perfect. The generational racism has left your communities fubar'ed.

And I don't want to hear about guys like you and Ben Carson who are educated. We are clearly not talking about blacks like you. We are talking about the hoods/ghettos and inner city poor black trash who are complaining that no one will hire them. No shit!

I don't care if you call me a racist. You blacks keep saying this country needs to have the conversation. Well we are having the conversation. We won't invest in your hoods until you get the crime rates down. Doing that means getting the birth rates down. But now you'll cry I'm trying to eugenics your communities because I'm telling poor black single girls that they are the reason their kids grow up poor and get into crime. It's not racism.

Do you get that? If a poor black single girl in 2018 gets pregnant, the loser she raises is not the white mans fault.

And no one is going to help that kids who hates whitey and can't talk. He won't get the job bro.

We might need to have the conversation, but when the source of the problem starts trying to lecture us about how wee are not perfect, then thee is no more conversation.

Now what you need to do understand what Racism actually is and what it does to people. Until you understand that white racism is a abusive behavior and much of the things you see in some of these poor black communities are behaviors created because of that abuse, There are millions of blacks at every socioeconomic and educational level walking around in this country with PTSD because of traumatic experiences they have had with racism either as an adult but mostly as children. And it's all unresolved because whites like you do not understand what racism actually is.

There are millions of blacks who do not want to be in crowds with whites because if those traumatic experiences. There are blacks who wont leave these communities because of those experiences There are blacks who see someone white and even that brings back old bad memories from racism which then triggers bad behaviors. Things like drug addictions, or low self esteem that makes a young girl think she needs to have a baby in order to feel like she is a valuable human being because she's black and made to feel like she's worthless by white racism.

You guys celebrate he greatness of Ben Carson, but Carsons behavior is a coping mechanism he uses as result of his own personal dealings with white racism. He is exhibiting maladaptive behavior and you whites think this is such a great way for us to be. This is how much you don't know and yet you sit behind a computer thinking you can offer advice and help. We know we are not perfect We have ever said we were, Whites are the ones who think that. Look at you . You have not taken one breath in your life as a black person, but you think you are able to give advice to blacks about what we need to do. We say that white racism is a problem. not that we are perfect.

So as long as racism is done by whites all the things you say not to blame whites for, we are going to blame whites for .until they stop the racism. Because white racism causes great damage ad it goes far beyond some ignorant white person like you using the n word. So if you want this conversation , learn to listen. We've heard everything whites have had to say for our entire lives. Now its time for whites to listen. YOU whites are not perfect and you certainly have nothing to tell us that we don't already know. What you can di is give us back some of the money we spend taxes and white businesses that we can use to rebuild our communities until these community s have the exact same look and amenities as white communities.
And you brought this on yourselves by not showing up for Hillary.

Sure thing pal. Because they are EXPECTED to reward a political system that has failed them. It's their duty in fact in your opinion.. Meanwhile, their BIGGEST problem aint who is President. It's who's in charge of the CITY and State. And wracking up those "surburban level" fines and penalties, and not keeping good records of warrants. Isn't hard to make the accommodations that would REDUCE their exposure to the "legal system". You'd make a lot of progress granting waivers to open "Auto Safety Co-Opts" to fix those taillights and turn signal traffic stops. Or by GUARANTEEING an appearance appointment in court to a 3 hour period.
Blacks left the GOP in the 1920's because you failed them and you have yet to win them back.

I'm not IN the GOP. Neither of the 2 parties actually CARE about the poor service and govt administration that govt doles out.. Libertarians do. And we will be winning them over for MANY reasons. Including the War on Drugs, School Choice and LEAN responsive and innovative govt policies...

You are right about the republican party and that the democratic party needs to do a better job. But the libertarian party? No thanks. I'd rather support the Green Party.
And you brought this on yourselves by not showing up for Hillary.

Sure thing pal. Because they are EXPECTED to reward a political system that has failed them. It's their duty in fact in your opinion.. Meanwhile, their BIGGEST problem aint who is President. It's who's in charge of the CITY and State. And wracking up those "surburban level" fines and penalties, and not keeping good records of warrants. Isn't hard to make the accommodations that would REDUCE their exposure to the "legal system". You'd make a lot of progress granting waivers to open "Auto Safety Co-Opts" to fix those taillights and turn signal traffic stops. Or by GUARANTEEING an appearance appointment in court to a 3 hour period.

Democrats do not control every city.
Here is what I am thinking. Your great grandfather. White people are absolutely responsible for the situation he was in. But what about all those black people who live in the hood today? Who is responsible for them? Who told their parents to have them while living in poverty? They should be glad they were born and born in America. Is there another country they'd rather be?

The little girl who gets knocked up next year out of wedlock. Who's fault is that? Are white people responsible for her ignorance? Or the guy she let fuck her and who later isn't going to take care of the kid?

Tell me one black person you know personally who's been kept down by white people. Or who can't get out of the hood. Can you give me any personal examples or are we talking about generic poor black people in ghettos? I would seriously like to know about someone you know personally who is being kept down by whites. Tell me who these whites are. Tell me what this black person has tried and just can't seem to overcome. Maybe this is something we have to tackle one person at a time. Because it seems as a community you guys are in denial and way too fucking defensive to fix your own problems. Victims and excuse makers. You need Republican tough love. I hate Republicans but god damn you need to take their advice.

Tell me about how you've had it so rough as a black man in America. I bet you have grown up the exact same way I have. Maybe security followed you around a store but that's not racism. That's because black people steal. Or maybe you got pulled over for DWB. I was pulled over many times for driving over the speed limit too. Fucking pigs.
And you brought this on yourselves by not showing up for Hillary.

Sure thing pal. Because they are EXPECTED to reward a political system that has failed them. It's their duty in fact in your opinion.. Meanwhile, their BIGGEST problem aint who is President. It's who's in charge of the CITY and State. And wracking up those "surburban level" fines and penalties, and not keeping good records of warrants. Isn't hard to make the accommodations that would REDUCE their exposure to the "legal system". You'd make a lot of progress granting waivers to open "Auto Safety Co-Opts" to fix those taillights and turn signal traffic stops. Or by GUARANTEEING an appearance appointment in court to a 3 hour period.
Blacks left the GOP in the 1920's because you failed them and you have yet to win them back.

I'm not IN the GOP. Neither of the 2 parties actually CARE about the poor service and govt administration that govt doles out.. Libertarians do. And we will be winning them over for MANY reasons. Including the War on Drugs, School Choice and LEAN responsive and innovative govt policies...

You are right about the republican party and that the democratic party needs to do a better job. But the libertarian party? No thanks. I'd rather support the Green Party.

That's fine. When we demonstrate actual problem solving and getting more responsive local govt -- then you'll be conflicted.. :badgrin: Way too much theater and talk going on..
Consider me, a lib
Black community leaders like Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton have made themselves rich and powerful by promoting the idea that blacks can not compete because whitey won't let them. If this guy would examine what he says, he would have to wonder why the black community so overwhelmingly votes left? He says the blacks are voting left because of economic policy, absurd!

Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.
Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.
Well good luck. I wish you all well on your own. You don't need me and I certainly don't need you. And I'm done defending your black asses. You won't even stop all that jive talking and try to assimilate. You won't even entertain the idea of raising your kids. Last night the black guy who's on the bachellorette was crying that he missed his daughter. His daughter who by the way he does not live with. If he did, why would he be on the bachelorette? His daughter probably lives with his baby mamma.

I bet he cried when he left his daughter for the first time but being married and raising a child with the woman you knocked up is a lot of work. But it's key to raising good citizens.

Anyways, I don't even have to point to the way you guys talk or the fatherlessness to prove you are bad citizens.

Black ballots counted were alarmingly low.

Black voter turnout: A look at the numbers

If this is the kind of citizens you are, I can't help you, even if I wanted to. But now that I know you people don't even care enough to vote, fuck off. Yea, we're racist because we call you out for your bad behavior.

I already told you I admit and understand all the wrongs you people have faced. But that doesn't mean you guys are perfect. The generational racism has left your communities fubar'ed.

And I don't want to hear about guys like you and Ben Carson who are educated. We are clearly not talking about blacks like you. We are talking about the hoods/ghettos and inner city poor black trash who are complaining that no one will hire them. No shit!

I don't care if you call me a racist. You blacks keep saying this country needs to have the conversation. Well we are having the conversation. We won't invest in your hoods until you get the crime rates down. Doing that means getting the birth rates down. But now you'll cry I'm trying to eugenics your communities because I'm telling poor black single girls that they are the reason their kids grow up poor and get into crime. It's not racism.

Do you get that? If a poor black single girl in 2018 gets pregnant, the loser she raises is not the white mans fault.

And no one is going to help that kids who hates whitey and can't talk. He won't get the job bro.

We might need to have the conversation, but when the source of the problem starts trying to lecture us about how wee are not perfect, then thee is no more conversation.

Now what you need to do understand what Racism actually is and what it does to people. Until you understand that white racism is a abusive behavior and much of the things you see in some of these poor black communities are behaviors created because of that abuse, There are millions of blacks at every socioeconomic and educational level walking around in this country with PTSD because of traumatic experiences they have had with racism either as an adult but mostly as children. And it's all unresolved because whites like you do not understand what racism actually is.

There are millions of blacks who do not want to be in crowds with whites because if those traumatic experiences. There are blacks who wont leave these communities because of those experiences There are blacks who see someone white and even that brings back old bad memories from racism which then triggers bad behaviors. Things like drug addictions, or low self esteem that makes a young girl think she needs to have a baby in order to feel like she is a valuable human being because she's black and made to feel like she's worthless by white racism.

You guys celebrate he greatness of Ben Carson, but Carsons behavior is a coping mechanism he uses as result of his own personal dealings with white racism. He is exhibiting maladaptive behavior and you whites think this is such a great way for us to be. This is how much you don't know and yet you sit behind a computer thinking you can offer advice and help. We know we are not perfect We have ever said we were, Whites are the ones who think that. Look at you . You have not taken one breath in your life as a black person, but you think you are able to give advice to blacks about what we need to do. We say that white racism is a problem. not that we are perfect.

So as long as racism is done by whites all the things you say not to blame whites for, we are going to blame whites for .until they stop the racism. Because white racism causes great damage ad it goes far beyond some ignorant white person like you using the n word. So if you want this conversation , learn to listen. We've heard everything whites have had to say for our entire lives. Now its time for whites to listen. YOU whites are not perfect and you certainly have nothing to tell us that we don't already know. What you can di is give us back some of the money we spend taxes and white businesses that we can use to rebuild our communities until these community s have the exact same look and amenities as white communities.

Hard to argue with all that so I won't. I'm just telling you that you people are doing things to yourselves. White conservatives aren't going to admit all the things you just said above are true. I at least admit it. So now what are you going to do? Because they aint gonna listen.

Great example. When they shoot a black for arguing back with the cops. A white would have just got arrested or not even arrested. So what advice would I give to the blacks? Don't argue with cops. YOu are giving them a reason to say you are to blame. Remember that guy selling cigarettes in NYC and they killed him? They killed him because he was resisting arrest and they choked him out. He shouldn't have resisted arrest. I don't resist arrest because I don't want to be shot or choked out and I'm whites. Blacks are defiant to police. So police get defensive.

So until they stop shooting black people for minor offenses, stop being defiant. You don't know your rights. The cop has the right to arrest you and you have the right to a jury of your peers. That's another thing that isn't fair for blacks but that's another story.

I know you are 90% right my friend. And I'm being blunt because I want to cut the the real solution. Yes whites need to change. In the meantime, stop the eubonic bullshit. I know you agree because you yourself know how to speak english. The blacks in the hood who can't read or write need to learn how to speak. No ones going to hire them and who can blame them? Not even us liberals can.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Is that why he had a movie made after him?

I wonder if Cuba Gooding Jr. thought Carson was a "failure" when he shot that movie....
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Is that why he had a movie made after him?

I wonder if Cuba Gooding Jr. thought Carson was a "failure" when he shot that movie....

He is an interesting character. He was an ok doctor but a lousy politician but the right eats that shit up. They love black republicans and women republicans. And neither a black or woman has ever been the GOP nominee. GO figure.
Consider me, a lib
Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.
Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.
Well good luck. I wish you all well on your own. You don't need me and I certainly don't need you. And I'm done defending your black asses. You won't even stop all that jive talking and try to assimilate. You won't even entertain the idea of raising your kids. Last night the black guy who's on the bachellorette was crying that he missed his daughter. His daughter who by the way he does not live with. If he did, why would he be on the bachelorette? His daughter probably lives with his baby mamma.

I bet he cried when he left his daughter for the first time but being married and raising a child with the woman you knocked up is a lot of work. But it's key to raising good citizens.

Anyways, I don't even have to point to the way you guys talk or the fatherlessness to prove you are bad citizens.

Black ballots counted were alarmingly low.

Black voter turnout: A look at the numbers

If this is the kind of citizens you are, I can't help you, even if I wanted to. But now that I know you people don't even care enough to vote, fuck off. Yea, we're racist because we call you out for your bad behavior.

I already told you I admit and understand all the wrongs you people have faced. But that doesn't mean you guys are perfect. The generational racism has left your communities fubar'ed.

And I don't want to hear about guys like you and Ben Carson who are educated. We are clearly not talking about blacks like you. We are talking about the hoods/ghettos and inner city poor black trash who are complaining that no one will hire them. No shit!

I don't care if you call me a racist. You blacks keep saying this country needs to have the conversation. Well we are having the conversation. We won't invest in your hoods until you get the crime rates down. Doing that means getting the birth rates down. But now you'll cry I'm trying to eugenics your communities because I'm telling poor black single girls that they are the reason their kids grow up poor and get into crime. It's not racism.

Do you get that? If a poor black single girl in 2018 gets pregnant, the loser she raises is not the white mans fault.

And no one is going to help that kids who hates whitey and can't talk. He won't get the job bro.

We might need to have the conversation, but when the source of the problem starts trying to lecture us about how wee are not perfect, then thee is no more conversation.

Now what you need to do understand what Racism actually is and what it does to people. Until you understand that white racism is a abusive behavior and much of the things you see in some of these poor black communities are behaviors created because of that abuse, There are millions of blacks at every socioeconomic and educational level walking around in this country with PTSD because of traumatic experiences they have had with racism either as an adult but mostly as children. And it's all unresolved because whites like you do not understand what racism actually is.

There are millions of blacks who do not want to be in crowds with whites because if those traumatic experiences. There are blacks who wont leave these communities because of those experiences There are blacks who see someone white and even that brings back old bad memories from racism which then triggers bad behaviors. Things like drug addictions, or low self esteem that makes a young girl think she needs to have a baby in order to feel like she is a valuable human being because she's black and made to feel like she's worthless by white racism.

You guys celebrate he greatness of Ben Carson, but Carsons behavior is a coping mechanism he uses as result of his own personal dealings with white racism. He is exhibiting maladaptive behavior and you whites think this is such a great way for us to be. This is how much you don't know and yet you sit behind a computer thinking you can offer advice and help. We know we are not perfect We have ever said we were, Whites are the ones who think that. Look at you . You have not taken one breath in your life as a black person, but you think you are able to give advice to blacks about what we need to do. We say that white racism is a problem. not that we are perfect.

So as long as racism is done by whites all the things you say not to blame whites for, we are going to blame whites for .until they stop the racism. Because white racism causes great damage ad it goes far beyond some ignorant white person like you using the n word. So if you want this conversation , learn to listen. We've heard everything whites have had to say for our entire lives. Now its time for whites to listen. YOU whites are not perfect and you certainly have nothing to tell us that we don't already know. What you can di is give us back some of the money we spend taxes and white businesses that we can use to rebuild our communities until these community s have the exact same look and amenities as white communities.

Hard to argue with all that so I won't. I'm just telling you that you people are doing things to yourselves. White conservatives aren't going to admit all the things you just said above are true. I at least admit it. So now what are you going to do? Because they aint gonna listen.

Great example. When they shoot a black for arguing back with the cops. A white would have just got arrested or not even arrested. So what advice would I give to the blacks? Don't argue with cops. YOu are giving them a reason to say you are to blame. Remember that guy selling cigarettes in NYC and they killed him? They killed him because he was resisting arrest and they choked him out. He shouldn't have resisted arrest. I don't resist arrest because I don't want to be shot or choked out and I'm whites. Blacks are defiant to police. So police get defensive.

So until they stop shooting black people for minor offenses, stop being defiant. You don't know your rights. The cop has the right to arrest you and you have the right to a jury of your peers. That's another thing that isn't fair for blacks but that's another story.

I know you are 90% right my friend. And I'm being blunt because I want to cut the the real solution. Yes whites need to change. In the meantime, stop the eubonic bullshit. I know you agree because you yourself know how to speak english. The blacks in the hood who can't read or write need to learn how to speak. No ones going to hire them and who can blame them? Not even us liberals can.

The deal here is that I know what we are doing to ourselves and the reason why. Until that reason is eliminated, it is foolish to expect people to stop.

You really need to shut the fuck up with your "examples". .

As for your example, You miss the fact that I don't teach people to argue with cops. We recognize that racism exists. We teach blacks how to survive that racism. This is the major problem with whites like you. You assume things and are often wrong, but you refuse to drop the incorrect beliefs..

You entered this conversation thinking you have advice to give me. You entered this discussion taking about how you are trying to help me and then you talked crazy like your lack of "help" is going stop something. In all your talk, you believe that you have the authority to tell us blacks that we need to listen to you whites and that in your view we need to do things in a manner you suggest. No, that's not it. We don't need your advice.

For you it's this simple. Get out of the business of thinking you have advice to give blacks. You are lying to them about the end of racism For you, the only solution you can offer is for you to take your white liberal ass into the white community and educate whites on their racism, how it manifests itself and what it does to people. Your job is to work to end the racism from whence it came. The white community.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Is that why he had a movie made after him?

I wonder if Cuba Gooding Jr. thought Carson was a "failure" when he shot that movie....

Most of the threads you've started are about race. Are you a racist? And are you a Democrat? Then why are you so fascinated with us?
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Is that why he had a movie made after him?

I wonder if Cuba Gooding Jr. thought Carson was a "failure" when he shot that movie....

Bonnie and Clyde had a movie made after them too. I guess they were great examples for you whites to emulate and use as an example to live by.
Consider me, a lib
Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.
Well good luck. I wish you all well on your own. You don't need me and I certainly don't need you. And I'm done defending your black asses. You won't even stop all that jive talking and try to assimilate. You won't even entertain the idea of raising your kids. Last night the black guy who's on the bachellorette was crying that he missed his daughter. His daughter who by the way he does not live with. If he did, why would he be on the bachelorette? His daughter probably lives with his baby mamma.

I bet he cried when he left his daughter for the first time but being married and raising a child with the woman you knocked up is a lot of work. But it's key to raising good citizens.

Anyways, I don't even have to point to the way you guys talk or the fatherlessness to prove you are bad citizens.

Black ballots counted were alarmingly low.

Black voter turnout: A look at the numbers

If this is the kind of citizens you are, I can't help you, even if I wanted to. But now that I know you people don't even care enough to vote, fuck off. Yea, we're racist because we call you out for your bad behavior.

I already told you I admit and understand all the wrongs you people have faced. But that doesn't mean you guys are perfect. The generational racism has left your communities fubar'ed.

And I don't want to hear about guys like you and Ben Carson who are educated. We are clearly not talking about blacks like you. We are talking about the hoods/ghettos and inner city poor black trash who are complaining that no one will hire them. No shit!

I don't care if you call me a racist. You blacks keep saying this country needs to have the conversation. Well we are having the conversation. We won't invest in your hoods until you get the crime rates down. Doing that means getting the birth rates down. But now you'll cry I'm trying to eugenics your communities because I'm telling poor black single girls that they are the reason their kids grow up poor and get into crime. It's not racism.

Do you get that? If a poor black single girl in 2018 gets pregnant, the loser she raises is not the white mans fault.

And no one is going to help that kids who hates whitey and can't talk. He won't get the job bro.

We might need to have the conversation, but when the source of the problem starts trying to lecture us about how wee are not perfect, then thee is no more conversation.

Now what you need to do understand what Racism actually is and what it does to people. Until you understand that white racism is a abusive behavior and much of the things you see in some of these poor black communities are behaviors created because of that abuse, There are millions of blacks at every socioeconomic and educational level walking around in this country with PTSD because of traumatic experiences they have had with racism either as an adult but mostly as children. And it's all unresolved because whites like you do not understand what racism actually is.

There are millions of blacks who do not want to be in crowds with whites because if those traumatic experiences. There are blacks who wont leave these communities because of those experiences There are blacks who see someone white and even that brings back old bad memories from racism which then triggers bad behaviors. Things like drug addictions, or low self esteem that makes a young girl think she needs to have a baby in order to feel like she is a valuable human being because she's black and made to feel like she's worthless by white racism.

You guys celebrate he greatness of Ben Carson, but Carsons behavior is a coping mechanism he uses as result of his own personal dealings with white racism. He is exhibiting maladaptive behavior and you whites think this is such a great way for us to be. This is how much you don't know and yet you sit behind a computer thinking you can offer advice and help. We know we are not perfect We have ever said we were, Whites are the ones who think that. Look at you . You have not taken one breath in your life as a black person, but you think you are able to give advice to blacks about what we need to do. We say that white racism is a problem. not that we are perfect.

So as long as racism is done by whites all the things you say not to blame whites for, we are going to blame whites for .until they stop the racism. Because white racism causes great damage ad it goes far beyond some ignorant white person like you using the n word. So if you want this conversation , learn to listen. We've heard everything whites have had to say for our entire lives. Now its time for whites to listen. YOU whites are not perfect and you certainly have nothing to tell us that we don't already know. What you can di is give us back some of the money we spend taxes and white businesses that we can use to rebuild our communities until these community s have the exact same look and amenities as white communities.

Hard to argue with all that so I won't. I'm just telling you that you people are doing things to yourselves. White conservatives aren't going to admit all the things you just said above are true. I at least admit it. So now what are you going to do? Because they aint gonna listen.

Great example. When they shoot a black for arguing back with the cops. A white would have just got arrested or not even arrested. So what advice would I give to the blacks? Don't argue with cops. YOu are giving them a reason to say you are to blame. Remember that guy selling cigarettes in NYC and they killed him? They killed him because he was resisting arrest and they choked him out. He shouldn't have resisted arrest. I don't resist arrest because I don't want to be shot or choked out and I'm whites. Blacks are defiant to police. So police get defensive.

So until they stop shooting black people for minor offenses, stop being defiant. You don't know your rights. The cop has the right to arrest you and you have the right to a jury of your peers. That's another thing that isn't fair for blacks but that's another story.

I know you are 90% right my friend. And I'm being blunt because I want to cut the the real solution. Yes whites need to change. In the meantime, stop the eubonic bullshit. I know you agree because you yourself know how to speak english. The blacks in the hood who can't read or write need to learn how to speak. No ones going to hire them and who can blame them? Not even us liberals can.

The deal here is that I know what we are doing to ourselves and the reason why. Until that reason is eliminated, it is foolish to expect people to stop.

You really need to shut the fuck up with your "examples". .

As for your example, You miss the fact that I don't teach people to argue with cops. We recognize that racism exists. We teach blacks how to survive that racism. This is the major problem with whites like you. You assume things and are often wrong, but you refuse to drop the incorrect beliefs..

You entered this conversation thinking you have advice to give me. You entered this discussion taking about how you are trying to help me and then you talked crazy like your lack of "help" is going stop something. In all your talk, you believe that you have the authority to tell us blacks that we need to listen to you whites and that in your view we need to do things in a manner you suggest. No, that's not it. We don't need your advice.

For you it's this simple. Get out of the business of thinking you have advice to give blacks. You are lying to them about the end of racism For you, the only solution you can offer is for you to take your white liberal ass into the white community and educate whites on their racism, how it manifests itself and what it does to people. Your job is to work to end the racism from whence it came. The white community.

I'm not going to educate whites anymore about their racism. You've convinced me to mind my own business and not worry about you guys anymore. As far as I'm concerned Republicans are right. Yall need to get the fuck over it and move on.

Whites shouldn't have to worry about you guys anymore because you are going to take care of yourselves. Maybe in another 40 years Detroit will be a bigger shit hole than it is now. I thought it was getting better since the 70's but it seems stuck on idle and even seems to have taken a step backward.

As far as I'm concerned racism is over.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Is that why he had a movie made after him?

I wonder if Cuba Gooding Jr. thought Carson was a "failure" when he shot that movie....

Bonnie and Clyde had a movie made after them too. I guess they were great examples for you whites to emulate and use as an example to live by.

Bonnie and Clyde are infamous bank robbers because of their success at evading the law, the sheer amount of money they stole, and the odd romance mixed up in all of that. By any accounts, Bonnie and Clyde were definitely successful bank robbers that are STILL idolized by criminals and the media to this day.
I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.
Well good luck. I wish you all well on your own. You don't need me and I certainly don't need you. And I'm done defending your black asses. You won't even stop all that jive talking and try to assimilate. You won't even entertain the idea of raising your kids. Last night the black guy who's on the bachellorette was crying that he missed his daughter. His daughter who by the way he does not live with. If he did, why would he be on the bachelorette? His daughter probably lives with his baby mamma.

I bet he cried when he left his daughter for the first time but being married and raising a child with the woman you knocked up is a lot of work. But it's key to raising good citizens.

Anyways, I don't even have to point to the way you guys talk or the fatherlessness to prove you are bad citizens.

Black ballots counted were alarmingly low.

Black voter turnout: A look at the numbers

If this is the kind of citizens you are, I can't help you, even if I wanted to. But now that I know you people don't even care enough to vote, fuck off. Yea, we're racist because we call you out for your bad behavior.

I already told you I admit and understand all the wrongs you people have faced. But that doesn't mean you guys are perfect. The generational racism has left your communities fubar'ed.

And I don't want to hear about guys like you and Ben Carson who are educated. We are clearly not talking about blacks like you. We are talking about the hoods/ghettos and inner city poor black trash who are complaining that no one will hire them. No shit!

I don't care if you call me a racist. You blacks keep saying this country needs to have the conversation. Well we are having the conversation. We won't invest in your hoods until you get the crime rates down. Doing that means getting the birth rates down. But now you'll cry I'm trying to eugenics your communities because I'm telling poor black single girls that they are the reason their kids grow up poor and get into crime. It's not racism.

Do you get that? If a poor black single girl in 2018 gets pregnant, the loser she raises is not the white mans fault.

And no one is going to help that kids who hates whitey and can't talk. He won't get the job bro.

We might need to have the conversation, but when the source of the problem starts trying to lecture us about how wee are not perfect, then thee is no more conversation.

Now what you need to do understand what Racism actually is and what it does to people. Until you understand that white racism is a abusive behavior and much of the things you see in some of these poor black communities are behaviors created because of that abuse, There are millions of blacks at every socioeconomic and educational level walking around in this country with PTSD because of traumatic experiences they have had with racism either as an adult but mostly as children. And it's all unresolved because whites like you do not understand what racism actually is.

There are millions of blacks who do not want to be in crowds with whites because if those traumatic experiences. There are blacks who wont leave these communities because of those experiences There are blacks who see someone white and even that brings back old bad memories from racism which then triggers bad behaviors. Things like drug addictions, or low self esteem that makes a young girl think she needs to have a baby in order to feel like she is a valuable human being because she's black and made to feel like she's worthless by white racism.

You guys celebrate he greatness of Ben Carson, but Carsons behavior is a coping mechanism he uses as result of his own personal dealings with white racism. He is exhibiting maladaptive behavior and you whites think this is such a great way for us to be. This is how much you don't know and yet you sit behind a computer thinking you can offer advice and help. We know we are not perfect We have ever said we were, Whites are the ones who think that. Look at you . You have not taken one breath in your life as a black person, but you think you are able to give advice to blacks about what we need to do. We say that white racism is a problem. not that we are perfect.

So as long as racism is done by whites all the things you say not to blame whites for, we are going to blame whites for .until they stop the racism. Because white racism causes great damage ad it goes far beyond some ignorant white person like you using the n word. So if you want this conversation , learn to listen. We've heard everything whites have had to say for our entire lives. Now its time for whites to listen. YOU whites are not perfect and you certainly have nothing to tell us that we don't already know. What you can di is give us back some of the money we spend taxes and white businesses that we can use to rebuild our communities until these community s have the exact same look and amenities as white communities.

Hard to argue with all that so I won't. I'm just telling you that you people are doing things to yourselves. White conservatives aren't going to admit all the things you just said above are true. I at least admit it. So now what are you going to do? Because they aint gonna listen.

Great example. When they shoot a black for arguing back with the cops. A white would have just got arrested or not even arrested. So what advice would I give to the blacks? Don't argue with cops. YOu are giving them a reason to say you are to blame. Remember that guy selling cigarettes in NYC and they killed him? They killed him because he was resisting arrest and they choked him out. He shouldn't have resisted arrest. I don't resist arrest because I don't want to be shot or choked out and I'm whites. Blacks are defiant to police. So police get defensive.

So until they stop shooting black people for minor offenses, stop being defiant. You don't know your rights. The cop has the right to arrest you and you have the right to a jury of your peers. That's another thing that isn't fair for blacks but that's another story.

I know you are 90% right my friend. And I'm being blunt because I want to cut the the real solution. Yes whites need to change. In the meantime, stop the eubonic bullshit. I know you agree because you yourself know how to speak english. The blacks in the hood who can't read or write need to learn how to speak. No ones going to hire them and who can blame them? Not even us liberals can.

The deal here is that I know what we are doing to ourselves and the reason why. Until that reason is eliminated, it is foolish to expect people to stop.

You really need to shut the fuck up with your "examples". .

As for your example, You miss the fact that I don't teach people to argue with cops. We recognize that racism exists. We teach blacks how to survive that racism. This is the major problem with whites like you. You assume things and are often wrong, but you refuse to drop the incorrect beliefs..

You entered this conversation thinking you have advice to give me. You entered this discussion taking about how you are trying to help me and then you talked crazy like your lack of "help" is going stop something. In all your talk, you believe that you have the authority to tell us blacks that we need to listen to you whites and that in your view we need to do things in a manner you suggest. No, that's not it. We don't need your advice.

For you it's this simple. Get out of the business of thinking you have advice to give blacks. You are lying to them about the end of racism For you, the only solution you can offer is for you to take your white liberal ass into the white community and educate whites on their racism, how it manifests itself and what it does to people. Your job is to work to end the racism from whence it came. The white community.

I'm not going to educate whites anymore about their racism. You've convinced me to mind my own business and not worry about you guys anymore. As far as I'm concerned Republicans are right. Yall need to get the fuck over it and move on.

Whites shouldn't have to worry about you guys anymore because you are going to take care of yourselves. Maybe in another 40 years Detroit will be a bigger shit hole than it is now. I thought it was getting better since the 70's but it seems stuck on idle and even seems to have taken a step backward.

As far as I'm concerned racism is over.

Oh well, another white boy who has a temper tantrum because he could not take the.black mans refusal to kiss his ass and genuflect as he thought he knew more about being black and the black community than that black man.

What you don't do doesn't mean shit. I am working with 7-8 prominent whites in this town right now to eliminate a police problem with harassing blacks. Those whites who think they can tell us blacks how we should do things and don't like it because we tell them to fuck off ain't stopping the party from happening.

You won't either. So if you are not going to teach whites to stop being racist, you have nothing to say to blacks at all. Then understand that we do have money and that we have spent a lot of our money making whites rich. Hence they do owe us the respect to put some of the money we spend back into our communities to help; us rebuild them for as long as it takes for those communities to have the exact same amenities as whites.

And that's the bottom line. Not what you say or think

As far as you are concerned the republicans are right you say. Oh well, you aren't the first dumb ass white person to actually think you know more than blacks about being black and didn't. You keep talking about Detroit. You've been shown one example of why things are as they are there. So shut the fuck up.

So you go ahead and live in.

Consider me, a lib
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Black community leaders like Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton have made themselves rich and powerful by promoting the idea that blacks can not compete because whitey won't let them. If this guy would examine what he says, he would have to wonder why the black community so overwhelmingly votes left? He says the blacks are voting left because of economic policy, absurd!

Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.

Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.

Consider me, a lib
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Black community leaders like Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton have made themselves rich and powerful by promoting the idea that blacks can not compete because whitey won't let them. If this guy would examine what he says, he would have to wonder why the black community so overwhelmingly votes left? He says the blacks are voting left because of economic policy, absurd!

Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.

Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

Great observation and well said Sealybobo- The heavy water was carried by MLK and his ilk. They did not ask for special treatment or handouts. No, they had faith, that given equal access and opportunity African Americans could achieve. He acknowledged that some advantage would be necessary to begin the process.

In 1961, President John Kennedy issued executive order 10925, which created the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and mandated that federally funded projects take "affirmative action" to insure that hiring and employment practices were free of racial bias.

The idea was hijacked by lesser men like Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright. Men who made them selves wealthy by telling blacks that they couldn't make it, and they were owed something more. How has that message helped African Americans over the last half century?

The reason I know you got those guys all wrong is because you probably think I too are telling blacks they can't make it and are owed something. No one is saying that. If that's how you hear what we are saying no wonder we are so far apart on reconciliation. Your opinion sounds more like a right wing talking point. Not designed to win over blacks because they know that's bullshit. It's to win over whites who might be convinced that is what guys like Wright want.

Pathetic. There is some truth to what you were saying but then at the end you went bat shit crazy talk.

Really, well some blacks agree with me. Being mired in white guilty can blur things, I understand.
Jesse Jackson – for blacks or himself?

Over coffee and Key-lime pie, I posed the following to a colleague: “Name 10 things Jesse Jackson has done to tangibly help the black people he claims to represent.” Two hours later, the question remained unanswered. It remained unanswered because Jackson has done nothing of consequence for anyone but himself and members of his family.

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