Who are you...

"You should be clinically dead from alcohol poisoning, proceed no further with this test before you crash it into a dummy you dummy."
And why do you do the things you do and act as you do? You may find yourself quite interested by this test. It is smaller than the one I took by paper but, it still will show you something you may not have already known

What makes you tic? Your personality is your own

I have taken the very long briggs meyers test on more than one occasion, I always come out the same

Who are you?

Personality test based on Jung - Myers-Briggs typology

I am an INTJ
I grabbed my first inclination without thinking twice in each question and was, like you, INTJ

It's probably hard to imagine the type "Mastermind" to be a builder and a craftsman, but it fits perfectly the type of builder who involves himself to the max with all the operations, most enjoys an efficient operation, pushes for completion regardless of the personal commitment, confines conversation on the job to the work at hand or to problem solving or how to avoid future mistakes or false starts, willingly gives up quantity for quality, refuses to become compromised by getting strung out with too many overlapping projects, and foregoes profit for the joy which comes from the satisfaction gotten from excellence in performance.

A Mastermind is in this definition no more than someone who has the whole firmly in their mind so that they perceive all the best paths for bringing it to reality. Consider: There are crime masterminds too.
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Introverted - 56%
Intuitive - 88%
Thinking - 38%
Perceiving - 6%

Rational Portrait of the Architect (INTP)

Architects need not be thought of as only interested in drawing blueprints for buildings or roads or bridges. They are the master designers of all kinds of theoretical systems, including school curricula, corporate strategies, and new technologies. For Architects, the world exists primarily to be analyzed, understood, explained - and re-designed. External reality in itself is unimportant, little more than raw material to be organized into structural models. What is important for Architects is that they grasp fundamental principles and natural laws, and that their designs are elegant, that is, efficient and coherent.

Architects are rare - maybe one percent of the population - and show the greatest precision in thought and speech of all the types. They tend to see distinctions and inconsistencies instantaneously, and can detect contradictions no matter when or where they were made. It is difficult for an Architect to listen to nonsense, even in a casual conversation, without pointing out the speaker's error. And in any serious discussion or debate Architects are devastating, their skill in framing arguments giving them an enormous advantage. Architects regard all discussions as a search for understanding, and believe their function is to eliminate inconsistencies, which can make communication with them an uncomfortable experience for many.

Ruthless pragmatists about ideas, and insatiably curious, Architects are driven to find the most efficient means to their ends, and they will learn in any manner and degree they can. They will listen to amateurs if their ideas are useful, and will ignore the experts if theirs are not. Authority derived from office, credential, or celebrity does not impress them. Architects are interested only in what make sense, and thus only statements that are consistent and coherent carry any weight with them.

Architects often seem difficult to know. They are inclined to be shy except with close friends, and their reserve is difficult to penetrate. Able to concentrate better than any other type, they prefer to work quietly at their computers or drafting tables, and often alone. Architects also become obsessed with analysis, and this can seem to shut others out. Once caught up in a thought process, Architects close off and persevere until they comprehend the issue in all its complexity. Architects prize intelligence, and with their grand desire to grasp the structure of the universe, they can seem arrogant and may show impatience with others who have less ability, or who are less driven.

Albert Einstein as the iconic Rational is an Architect.


Strength of the preferences %
44 50 12 56

You are:
moderately expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

slightly expressed thinking personality

moderately expressed judging personality

Me too!

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
44 75 25 22

I must say there's more than a bit of truth in the analysis:

...INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability. Whatever system an INTJ happens to be working on is for them the equivalent of a moral cause to an INFJ; both perfectionism and disregard for authority may come into play, as INTJs can be unsparing of both themselves and the others on the project. Anyone considered to be "slacking," including superiors, will lose their respect -- and will generally be made aware of this; INTJs have also been known to take it upon themselves to implement critical decisions without consulting their supervisors or co-workers. On the other hand, they do tend to be scrupulous and even-handed about recognizing the individual contributions that have gone into a project, and have a gift for seizing opportunities which others might not even notice.


Personal relationships, particularly romantic ones, can be the INTJ's Achilles heel. While they are capable of caring deeply for others (usually a select few), and are willing to spend a great deal of time and effort on a relationship, the knowledge and self-confidence that make them so successful in other areas can suddenly abandon or mislead them in interpersonal situations.

This happens in part because many INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals; for instance, they tend to have little patience and less understanding of such things as small talk and flirtation (which most types consider half the fun of a relationship). To complicate matters, INTJs are usually extremely private people, and can often be naturally impassive as well, which makes them easy to misread and misunderstand. Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense. :) This sometimes results in a peculiar naivete', paralleling that of many Fs -- only instead of expecting inexhaustible affection and empathy from a romantic relationship, the INTJ will expect inexhaustible reasonability and directness....
INTJ "Mastermind"

# moderately expressed introvert
# slightly expressed intuitive personality
# slightly expressed thinking personality
# moderately expressed judging personality
Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
33 62 38 11
Rational Portrait of the Mastermind (INTJ)
All Rationals are good at planning operations, but Masterminds are head and shoulders above all the rest in contingency planning. Complex operations involve many steps or stages, one following another in a necessary progression, and Masterminds are naturally able to grasp how each one leads to the next, and to prepare alternatives for difficulties that are likely to arise any step of the way. Trying to anticipate every contingency, Masterminds never set off on their current project without a Plan A firmly in mind, but they are always prepared to switch to Plan B or C or D if need be.

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:
moderately expressed introvert
distinctively expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed thinking personality
slightly expressed judging personality
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Like I said, I get INTP most often. Here's the "Brutally Honest Personality Quiz" definition of the INTP personality.

Loser- INTP

47% Extraversion, 60% Intuition, 60% Thinking, 40% Judging

Talked to another human being lately? I'm serious. You value knowledge above ALL else. You love new ideas, and become very excited over abstractions and theories. The fact that nobody else cares still hasn't become apparent to you...

Nerd's a great word to describe you, and I seriously couldn't care less about the different definitions of the word and why you're actually more of a geek than a nerd. Don't pretend you weren't thinking that. You want every single miniscule fact and theory to be presented correctly.

Critical? Sarcastic? Cynical? Pessimistic? Just a few words to describe you when you're at your very best...*cough* Sorry, I mean worst. Picking up the dudes or dudettes isn't something you find easy, but don't worry too much about it. You can blame it on your personality type now.

On top of all this, you're shy. Nice one, wench. ...As long as nobody tries to start a conversation with you, just MAYBE you'll now have a chance of picking up a date. But don't get your hopes up.

I am interested though. If a tree fell over in a forest, would it really make a sound?

Brutally Honest Personality Quiz

Here. Find out how much you suck too and in what form. ;)
That was just plain weird. The answer I was given. I just cant see at this point. Thank you I find that test really interesting. I dont know why but that has given me a body high. Meaning my whole existence is thinking about that answer. heh heh cool

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