White House Sends Abortion Supporter To Thumb His Nose At The Pope


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The idiot Joe Biden is in Rome to essentially thumb his nose at the Pope. The Obama Administration is basically telling the Pope to kiss his ass by sending a Catholic that supports abortion to his inaugural mass.

Pope Francis is on record stating that he will not give communion to any Catholic politician that advocates abortion or birth control yet the Administration wants to push it by sending VP as a representative, perhaps to cause a mini-crisis. To test the Pope.

I think it is low-classed to say the least and shows a lack of respect for the church on Obama's part. It would have been more classy simply to make a call to the Pope. Instead they want to rub it in his face.



New Pope Francis I is a conservative in the mold of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. That’s especially true on the issue of abortion, which he called a “death sentence” for the unborn in 2007. “We aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” he said during that speech, “but in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”

In the Aparecida Document, a document that represents a joint statement by Latin American church leaders but presented by Francis in 2007, the leaders stated, “we should commit ourselves to ‘eucharistic coherence,’ that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”​

The Vatican has been gracious by not protesting. You won't hear a negative word from them. That is the classy way to react to people who they know are doing something they know is against their wishes. They may mention something in private but they don't blast it to the press like Obama always does. Maybe Obama should try to learn something from Pope Francis.

I expect criticism for even starting this thread......but if it were not for the constant demonizing of his opposition by Obama I probably wouldn't have cared less. That is the only reason I mention it. I also expect the liberals to ignore this paragraph.


Biden to lead delegation for new pope?s installation ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion | The Gateway Pundit
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You aren't catholic, are you?

At mass there are often several servers at communion. While the Pope might not serve Biden, one of the others can.
I think the Catholic Church's ability to pass judgement on anyone ended the first time they moved a pedophile priest to another parish and didn't warn the parishoners about him.

Okay.....one person is corrupt and you think we should shut the whole religion down?

If that's the case then we need to shut the White House down now. Those criminal illegals they released was enough regardless who was responsible.
I think the Catholic Church's ability to pass judgement on anyone ended the first time they moved a pedophile priest to another parish and didn't warn the parishoners about him.

Okay.....one person is corrupt and you think we should shut the whole religion down?

If that's the case then we need to shut the White House down now. Those criminal illegals they released was enough regardless who was responsible.

It wasn't "one person". There were THOUSANDS of pedophile priests, which the Church spent decades hiding, moving from parish to parish, and paying off settlements with the victim's families that included non-disclosure agreements.

Now, if you can put down your ODS just long enough, you have to look at the Catholic Church as a seriously damaged institution.

I grew up Catholic, and we all knew the priests were a little weird and you didn't want to be in a room alone with one. So the whole church knew what was going on, we just didn't like to talk about it... until now.
I think the Catholic Church's ability to pass judgement on anyone ended the first time they moved a pedophile priest to another parish and didn't warn the parishoners about him.

Okay.....one person is corrupt and you think we should shut the whole religion down?

If that's the case then we need to shut the White House down now. Those criminal illegals they released was enough regardless who was responsible.

It wasn't "one person". There were THOUSANDS of pedophile priests, which the Church spent decades hiding, moving from parish to parish, and paying off settlements with the victim's families that included non-disclosure agreements.

Now, if you can put down your ODS just long enough, you have to look at the Catholic Church as a seriously damaged institution.

I grew up Catholic, and we all knew the priests were a little weird and you didn't want to be in a room alone with one. So the whole church knew what was going on, we just didn't like to talk about it... until now.

Maybe because you're uncomfortable around Gays.

The problem I see is that a stain has been placed on the entire religion by an overzealous American media bent on destroying organized religion in the United States. You have to resist the urge to pass judgment on the entire priesthood.

To be accurate there are more teachers molesting their student than priests, but you'll never hear that in the press. It would screw over too many of their union buddies.

Maybe because you're uncomfortable around Gays.

I have no problems with gays. Pedophiles are a different thing than that.

And yeah, there was always a priest who was being 'reassigned" because of some impropriaty. I think it happened about four times in my old Parish before I finally stopped being Catholic.

The problem I see is that a stain has been placed on the entire religion by an overzealous American media bent on destroying organized religion in the United States. You have to resist the urge to pass judgment on the entire priesthood.

No, I don't. Guy, I grew up Catholic. My mother, sister and neice all worked for the Church. Most of the Church's wounds on this matter were self-inflicted because they knew what their clergy was an instead of throwing them out, they let them say a few Hail Marys , moved them to another church, and settled with the families.

The problem was not just the priests. They are sick and damaged people. The problem was a church that first created a recruiting policy that attracted them, and then made active efforts to hide them when they got into trouble. You really think it's a coincidence the last Pope resigned? (Something that hasn't happened in over 500 years.)

While destroying organized religion would truly be a worthy goal, no one is trying to do that.

To be accurate there are more teachers molesting their student than priests, but you'll never hear that in the press. It would screw over too many of their union buddies.

THis is a fallacious argument. There are only 41,000 Catholic Priests in the US and 2 million teachers. Statistically, the number of pedophile priests is a lot higher than those of pedophile teachers.

Now, I am critical of teacher union locals that go to the wall for a teacher accused of pedophilia when there is strong evidence they did what they were accused of. That's unacceptable. But even in those cases, the teachers are removed from classrooms and kept out of them even if charges are dropped.

But they have nothing on what the Church did.
It is not a fallacious argument when your chances of being raped by a priest are much lower than being raped by a teacher.

Which they aren't... so it's fallacious.

Of course, the education establishment actually take precautions to weed out pedophiles.

The Catholic Church? "Help Wanted. Must have no sexual interest in adult women. Willing to spend lots of time with Children".

Seriously, how do you make THAT your hiring standard and not get pedophiles? The only thing they didn't do is run that ad on the NAMBLA website.
Corruption is an institutional problem which I'm sure the Vatican is trying to deal with. Perhaps the problem is worse in the United States than anywhere else. But......this is important.....no priest that molested a male student was not Gay. Only Gays, i.e. male priests, molest boys.....despite how distasteful that may seem to you. I'm not sure what the statistics are, but it seems that there is less hetero molestation in the church because we never hear of it.
It is not a fallacious argument when your chances of being raped by a priest are much lower than being raped by a teacher.

Which they aren't... so it's fallacious.

Of course, the education establishment actually take precautions to weed out pedophiles.

The Catholic Church? "Help Wanted. Must have no sexual interest in adult women. Willing to spend lots of time with Children".

Seriously, how do you make THAT your hiring standard and not get pedophiles? The only thing they didn't do is run that ad on the NAMBLA website.

I think we've had a thread on this subject.

Something to do with abstaining from sex tends to lead to this.....but then again I don't want to restate the obvious.

If priests were allowed to marry I don't think this would happen as much.

I wonder what excuse teachers have?
Corruption is an institutional problem which I'm sure the Vatican is trying to deal with. Perhaps the problem is worse in the United States than anywhere else. But......this is important.....no priest that molested a male student was not Gay. Only Gays, i.e. male priests, molest boys.....despite how distasteful that may seem to you. I'm not sure what the statistics are, but it seems that there is less hetero molestation in the church because we never hear of it.

But that's not true, either.

Leaving aside the fact that being a pedophile is different than being a homosexual. Obviously, you are far too stupid to understand that distinction.

But a lot of these preists were molesting girls as well as boys.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvQFoM1fj0E]Deliver Us from Evil (2/8) Movie CLIP - The Letter (2006) HD - YouTube[/ame]
It is not a fallacious argument when your chances of being raped by a priest are much lower than being raped by a teacher.

Which they aren't... so it's fallacious.

Of course, the education establishment actually take precautions to weed out pedophiles.

The Catholic Church? "Help Wanted. Must have no sexual interest in adult women. Willing to spend lots of time with Children".

Seriously, how do you make THAT your hiring standard and not get pedophiles? The only thing they didn't do is run that ad on the NAMBLA website.

I think we've had a thread on this subject.

Something to do with abstaining from sex tends to lead to this.....but then again I don't want to restate the obvious.

If priests were allowed to marry I don't think this would happen as much.

I wonder what excuse teachers have?

i don't know, guy, since I've never known a teacher that did that. I think you are just kind of making shit up now to try to distract from a losing argument..

Of course you hate the teachers. They vote for Democrats. They must be evil.

It's not the abstaining from sex that's the problem, it that when you have a policy that turns away most healthy people, and tells sick people that we can fix them by praying to an imaginary sky man every day, you are just asking for trouble.
Which they aren't... so it's fallacious.

Of course, the education establishment actually take precautions to weed out pedophiles.

The Catholic Church? "Help Wanted. Must have no sexual interest in adult women. Willing to spend lots of time with Children".

Seriously, how do you make THAT your hiring standard and not get pedophiles? The only thing they didn't do is run that ad on the NAMBLA website.

I think we've had a thread on this subject.

Something to do with abstaining from sex tends to lead to this.....but then again I don't want to restate the obvious.

If priests were allowed to marry I don't think this would happen as much.

I wonder what excuse teachers have?

i don't know, guy, since I've never known a teacher that did that. I think you are just kind of making shit up now to try to distract from a losing argument..

Of course you hate the teachers. They vote for Democrats. They must be evil.

It's not the abstaining from sex that's the problem, it that when you have a policy that turns away most healthy people, and tells sick people that we can fix them by praying to an imaginary sky man every day, you are just asking for trouble.

You're one of "those" Catholics.

The problem is obvious......and you want to blame it on God.

Or that he even exists.

If he doesn't how does that make us give into our weaknesses?
I think the Catholic Church's ability to pass judgement on anyone ended the first time they moved a pedophile priest to another parish and didn't warn the parishoners about him.

Okay.....one person is corrupt and you think we should shut the whole religion down?

If that's the case then we need to shut the White House down now. Those criminal illegals they released was enough regardless who was responsible.

Get this, will you? "One person"??????:confused:
Corruption is an institutional problem which I'm sure the Vatican is trying to deal with. Perhaps the problem is worse in the United States than anywhere else. But......this is important.....no priest that molested a male student was not Gay. Only Gays, i.e. male priests, molest boys.....despite how distasteful that may seem to you. I'm not sure what the statistics are, but it seems that there is less hetero molestation in the church because we never hear of it.

One also has to watch out using the term "pedophile" which is a specifc mental disorder, and applies only to pre-pubescent children. Most of the Priests in these cases are more technically pederasts, with an attraction to pubescent and post pubescent boys.

To me these men have homosexual inclinations, however they arrested thier sexual development, with many of them taking the "honorable" way out by becoming priests, and figuring they could control thier urges. Some did, some did not.

Thier fixation on younger men is more than likely due to thier arrested sexual development during thier teenage years.
Okay.....one person is corrupt and you think we should shut the whole religion down?

If that's the case then we need to shut the White House down now. Those criminal illegals they released was enough regardless who was responsible.

It wasn't "one person". There were THOUSANDS of pedophile priests, which the Church spent decades hiding, moving from parish to parish, and paying off settlements with the victim's families that included non-disclosure agreements.

Now, if you can put down your ODS just long enough, you have to look at the Catholic Church as a seriously damaged institution.

I grew up Catholic, and we all knew the priests were a little weird and you didn't want to be in a room alone with one. So the whole church knew what was going on, we just didn't like to talk about it... until now.

Maybe because you're uncomfortable around Gays.

The problem I see is that a stain has been placed on the entire religion by an overzealous American media bent on destroying organized religion in the United States. You have to resist the urge to pass judgment on the entire priesthood.

To be accurate there are more teachers molesting their student than priests, but you'll never hear that in the press. It would screw over too many of their union buddies.

Now he's blaming it on the American media. OMIGOD!
There are 3 million public school teachers nationwide, most devoted to their work. Yet the number of abusive educators — nearly three for every school day — speaks to a much larger problem in a system that is stacked against victims.

Most of the abuse never gets reported. Those cases reported often end with no action. Cases investigated sometimes can't be proven, and many abusers have several victims.

And no one — not the schools, not the courts, not the state or federal governments — has found a surefire way to keep molesting teachers out of classrooms.

Those are the findings of an AP investigation in which reporters sought disciplinary records in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The result is an unprecedented national look at the scope of sex offenses by educators — the very definition of breach of trust.

The seven-month investigation found 2,570 educators whose teaching credentials were revoked, denied, surrendered or sanctioned from 2001 through 2005 following allegations of sexual misconduct.

Young people were the victims in at least 1,801 of the cases, and more than 80% of those were students. At least half the educators who were punished by their states also were convicted of crimes related to their misconduct.

The findings draw obvious comparisons to sex abuse scandals in other institutions, among them the Roman Catholic Church. A review by America's Catholic bishops found that about 4,400 of 110,000 priests were accused of molesting minors from 1950 through 2002.

Thousands of teachers cited for sex misconduct - USATODAY.com


Made up huh???
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