What's So Bad About Death?

Basically everything I need. See...I'm like Dr. Albert Einstein and Thomas Jefferson. I don't need some invisible man in the sky to make my life complete and enjoyable. You might make note of these fellows in your spare time:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature.~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obituary)

"And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding" ~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter to John Adams)
You need to read a little more of Einstein's belief about God. I have never said God was the old gray haired man with long beard, wrapped in a bed sheet sitting in the clouds worrying about your well being.

“This firm belief in a superior mind that reveals itself in the world of experience, represents my conception of God.”[15]

“My God created laws… His universe is not ruled by wishful thinking but by immutable laws.”[12]

Regarding Jefferson as a Master Mason: He had knowledge what you and I don't even dream about.

Yeah....one thing Jefferson did was write his own bible. The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, commonly referred to as the Jefferson Bible, was a book constructed by Jefferson in the later years of his life by cutting and pasting with a razor and glue numerous sections from the new Testament as extractions of the doctrine of Jesus. Jefferson's condensed composition is especially notable for its exclusion of all miracles by Jesus and most mentions of the supernatural, including sections of the four gospels which contain the Resurrection and most other miracles, and passages indicating Jesus was divine. In other words he omitted the horse shit!

I think Einstein's view of the world and the universe was self explanatory.....it doesn't require interpretation by some bible thumper.
Yeah....one thing Jefferson did was write his own bible. The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, commonly referred to as the Jefferson Bible, was a book constructed by Jefferson in the later years of his life by cutting and pasting with a razor and glue numerous sections from the new Testament as extractions of the doctrine of Jesus. Jefferson's condensed composition is especially notable for its exclusion of all miracles by Jesus and most mentions of the supernatural, including sections of the four gospels which contain the Resurrection and most other miracles, and passages indicating Jesus was divine. In other words he omitted the horse shit!

I think Einstein's view of the world and the universe was self explanatory.....it doesn't require interpretation by some bible thumper.
Einstein's view on the world most likely has the same roots of Jefferson's view of the world. You see the "end results" but you cannot see the reason behind them. I have the satisfaction knowing that you will never know the basis of those two gentlemen's understanding of God.
You may be knowledgeable but you are not wise. You're one of those of whom Paul was talking about when saying: "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.." 2 Timothy 3:7 (I quoted that for your enjoyment atheist Bible scholar)
You are funny. Calling me a Bible thumper...actually "some Bible thumper" name calling to disqualify the other side on the "debate" I read the Bible but that doesn't make me a theologian nor a Bible thumper. Keep wallowing in your spiritual misery and that is preventing you from enjoying the fruits of your hard work.
Related question: why do the most devout religious people see doctors? Isn't dying as soon as possible something they should want? Can't commit suicide usually, but can avoid life-extending things like drugs and surgery.
Related question: why do the most devout religious people see doctors? Isn't dying as soon as possible something they should want? Can't commit suicide usually, but can avoid life-extending things like drugs and surgery.

No one else will talk to you, but I will.... you, also, were created in God's image.

God gave man gifts. Even the unsaved have gifts, and God can choose to work through men for his purposes.
Yes. Many Christian's do wish to be in heaven with their Father. I know I do.
BUT, our priority is to do God's will, and, if that means staying here to serve him, then, that is what we want to do to be pleasing to him.....

So, we sacrifice. God's will over ours.

Make sense?
Related question: why do the most devout religious people see doctors? Isn't dying as soon as possible something they should want? Can't commit suicide usually, but can avoid life-extending things like drugs and surgery.

No one else will talk to you, but I will.... you, also, were created in God's image.

God gave man gifts. Even the unsaved have gifts, and God can choose to work through men for his purposes.
Yes. Many Christian's do wish to be in heaven with their Father. I know I do.
BUT, our priority is to do God's will, and, if that means staying here to serve him, then, that is what we want to do to be pleasing to him.....

So, we sacrifice. God's will over ours.

Make sense?

Everyone talks to me. Well, at me anyway. :)
It is a sad and ignorant thing to think God is up in the clouds in a white robe and beard, with angels playing harps.
It only shows people are not doing their "homework".
Related question: why do the most devout religious people see doctors? Isn't dying as soon as possible something they should want? Can't commit suicide usually, but can avoid life-extending things like drugs and surgery.

No one else will talk to you, but I will.... you, also, were created in God's image.

God gave man gifts. Even the unsaved have gifts, and God can choose to work through men for his purposes.
Yes. Many Christian's do wish to be in heaven with their Father. I know I do.
BUT, our priority is to do God's will, and, if that means staying here to serve him, then, that is what we want to do to be pleasing to him.....

So, we sacrifice. God's will over ours.

Make sense?

Everyone talks to me. Well, at me anyway. :)

I've been accused MANY times of that (talking AT people....)
Related question: why do the most devout religious people see doctors? Isn't dying as soon as possible something they should want? Can't commit suicide usually, but can avoid life-extending things like drugs and surgery.

Paul said it in the Bible... for me to die is gain, but to live is Christ.
Related question: why do the most devout religious people see doctors? Isn't dying as soon as possible something they should want? Can't commit suicide usually, but can avoid life-extending things like drugs and surgery.

Paul said it in the Bible... for me to die is gain, but to live is Christ.

Paul was an idiot. Said not to have sex even if married.
Related question: why do the most devout religious people see doctors? Isn't dying as soon as possible something they should want? Can't commit suicide usually, but can avoid life-extending things like drugs and surgery.

Paul said it in the Bible... for me to die is gain, but to live is Christ.

Paul was an idiot. Said not to have sex even if married.

Really? please give me that scripture if you have it handy....
I do remember him saying it's best to NOT be married, so you can devote your full being to God, but, if you are the kind of person that must be married, then so be it (I'm paraphrasing...)
Related question: why do the most devout religious people see doctors? Isn't dying as soon as possible something they should want? Can't commit suicide usually, but can avoid life-extending things like drugs and surgery.

Paul said it in the Bible... for me to die is gain, but to live is Christ.

Paul was an idiot. Said not to have sex even if married.

Really? please give me that scripture if you have it handy....
I do remember him saying it's best to NOT be married, so you can devote your full being to God, but, if you are the kind of person that must be married, then so be it (I'm paraphrasing...)

"1Now for the matters you wrote about: "It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman."

5Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

6I say this as a concession, not as a command.

7I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.

1 Cor 7 NIV

Paul was celibate and wishes everyone was celibate like he is and only says to have sex with your spouse as a concession. This is direct opposition to what God told the Jews to do and get down like bunnies especially on the Sabbath when marital sex is especially holy.
Delta4Embassy he is saying that it's best (if possible) to devote your whole being to God. As person gifted with "Singleness", I understand. But not everyone is gifted with singleness. But, you can serve God BEST if you are. That being said, he even said, if you ARE married, you should not withhold sex, unless it's mutually agreed upon and only for a time....

I have no issue with Paul. And, that is being said in light of the fact that I am a married women with the gift of "Singleness" - I chose to ignore God and obey someone else, and now I am paying the price.

I don't need some invisible friend in the sky to make my life complete and enjoyable! Children need that kind of comfort but I got over that some 70-75 years ago

I don't need some invisible friend in the sky to make my life complete and enjoyable! Children need that kind of comfort but I got over that some 70-75 years ago

Tell me what you are thinking when your body is dying...
Related question: why do the most devout religious people see doctors? Isn't dying as soon as possible something they should want? Can't commit suicide usually, but can avoid life-extending things like drugs and surgery.

I love it!! There ain't a damn one of them ready to meet that old fart coming in floating on a cloud. I'm getting old and many of my friends, some deeply religious have died. Take my word for it....after they get some kind of cancer or Parkinson's or Lou Gehrig's disease they're just as scared as anyone else. I've always wondered if that isn't an expression of doubt when they get down to that final wire.

Many evangelicals are worse than the camel and goat herders who wrote that load of bull shit. It takes all kinds but when I read or hear about this it always cracks me up. Just think of how foolish the ones who wrote that were then think about how much more foolish the ones who actually do it are:

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

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My Dad once told me that it's very peaceful on the other side, you literally have no worries at all. He felt very liberated and was having a grand time there

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