CDZ What stopped innovation and innovative thinking in every aspect of our society ?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
When on the job, do you ever think upon how to make things better, work better, more simple, more efficient, more precise, more quality, longer lasting, and empowering ??? If not, why not ? If you are one of those people that are one of the types of characters in which seeks to create, innovate & improve things, then what has stopped your ideas, your drive, your creativity, and your input ?? It is amazing as to how much there is out there, and in which can be improved upon, yet nothing is done. ???? Do we want to truly make America better or great again ???? Then we best entertain those who are around us better, and support them more as innovators, and to simplify the issues more. We must stop greed from also destroying our innovators, along with this PC (political correctness) from tying the hands of our system as well.
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There are regulations that prevent everything you just said, it is now against the law, sorry.

The only person who can make America great again is each individual person. It most certainly isn't in electing the loosest cannon available , crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. There are no shortcuts. I believe innovation can be found in education, education, education. That is the surest road to success, not in sticking up hurdles against those already facing hurdles, merely to satisfy a base need for a sense of superiority over them. Empower one another. The next Steve Jobs could be a kid needing a free school lunch, or some food stamps. America was greater when it was more egalitarian. Be egalitarian again
How much of this is a constant hammering in our school system that "winners" are somehow antisocial and wrong. They've pushed collectivism so long, we no longer produce a plethora of original thinkers and dreamers.

It's not politically correct.
How much of this is a constant hammering in our school system that "winners" are somehow antisocial and wrong. They've pushed collectivism so long, we no longer produce a plethora of original thinkers and dreamers.

It's not politically correct.
Can you tell me how you were held back in school by a systemic hatred of winners?
The only person who can make America great again is each individual person. It most certainly isn't in electing the loosest cannon available , crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. There are no shortcuts. I believe innovation can be found in education, education, education. That is the surest road to success, not in sticking up hurdles against those already facing hurdles, merely to satisfy a base need for a sense of superiority over them. Empower one another. The next Steve Jobs could be a kid needing a free school lunch, or some food stamps. America was greater when it was more egalitarian. Be egalitarian again
. Placing all of it on Trump eh ? This didn't happen in the last 100 days sorry to say or sorry to burst your bubble so to speak.. Mr. Beale is right on target.
When on the job, do you ever think upon how to make things better, work better, more simple, more efficient, more precise, more quality, longer lasting, and empowering ??? If not, why not ? If you are one of those people that are one of the types of characters in which seeks to create, innovate & improve things, then what has stopped your ideas, your drive, your creativity, and your input ?? It is amazing as to how much there is out there, and in which can be improved upon, yet nothing is done. ???? Do we want to truly make America better or great again ???? Then we best entertain those who are around us better, and support them more as innovators, and to simplify the issues more. We must stop greed from also destroying our innovators, along with this PC (political correctness) from tying the hands of our system as well.

Did you say greed? Well that yes. I am a student and in one of my summer jobs I realized that the software would need re architecting to make that spaghetti code manageable. I was shut down in one minute when my boss said that the project schedule has no time for that. There was no telling him that to get something right and profitable, you must first do things that are not obviously directly to the point and definitely not profitable. He had no time to even listen. Western capitalist profits are made like the dog chasing its tail. On the other hand, the Chinese to have time and money to do many things that are not profitable and not directly obvious. The same can be said about basic sciences in the west, they are dead too, for the same reason. A business will never accept this, and a government controlled by business will never accept this.
The only person who can make America great again is each individual person. It most certainly isn't in electing the loosest cannon available , crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. There are no shortcuts. I believe innovation can be found in education, education, education. That is the surest road to success, not in sticking up hurdles against those already facing hurdles, merely to satisfy a base need for a sense of superiority over them. Empower one another. The next Steve Jobs could be a kid needing a free school lunch, or some food stamps. America was greater when it was more egalitarian. Be egalitarian again
. Placing all of it on Trump eh ? This didn't happen in the last 100 days sorry to say or sorry to burst your bubble so to speak.. Mr. Beale is right on target.
No, I placed it firmly on each individual. I was being a bit mocking of one man making America great again, that's all. America was truly great when it was more egalitarian
In my long lived life, job careers, my upbringing, my desire to achieve, my innovative thinking, my problem solving skills, and creative mindset, it is that I have studied everything that I have been involved in, and I have seen the flaws, the fixes, and figured upon how to improve on almost everything I have used with my hands or have studied with my eyes. I am a natural born engineer of sorts, but I have run into many road blocks in human form that for a multitude of reasons were of no importance to those who don't have the same ambitious, creative, and innovative desires to make things better in life, and to make them more user friendly all the way down to the lowest job markets out there. There are many jobs that still need upgrading, and to become more innovated, foward thinking, and more user friendly. We as a human resource know the ways in which these things can become better, but first the mentality of those who see people as waring classes instead of united citizens with important contributions to make to society on whole must end this war... If we don't then we will be stuck in this rut until the end. Now at some levels we see great things going on, but let's once again open our ears and our eyes, and begin to listen again. If something is good, then get behind it, and make America great again for all.
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The only person who can make America great again is each individual person. It most certainly isn't in electing the loosest cannon available , crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. There are no shortcuts. I believe innovation can be found in education, education, education. That is the surest road to success, not in sticking up hurdles against those already facing hurdles, merely to satisfy a base need for a sense of superiority over them. Empower one another. The next Steve Jobs could be a kid needing a free school lunch, or some food stamps. America was greater when it was more egalitarian. Be egalitarian again

What if the key to be rich is only that you keep people down. When there is no new frontier, then there is no new money, I think, so the whole innovation race is to pocket as much as possible of what is left around. I observe innovation in these fields. For example banks trading secrets for automatic underwriting in government, totally new and innovative concept, never happened before.
The only person who can make America great again is each individual person. It most certainly isn't in electing the loosest cannon available , crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. There are no shortcuts. I believe innovation can be found in education, education, education. That is the surest road to success, not in sticking up hurdles against those already facing hurdles, merely to satisfy a base need for a sense of superiority over them. Empower one another. The next Steve Jobs could be a kid needing a free school lunch, or some food stamps. America was greater when it was more egalitarian. Be egalitarian again
. Placing all of it on Trump eh ? This didn't happen in the last 100 days sorry to say or sorry to burst your bubble so to speak.. Mr. Beale is right on target.
No, I placed it firmly on each individual. I was being a bit mocking of one man making America great again, that's all. America was truly great when it was more egalitarian
. Your right that Trump is but one man, however he is trying to convince us to break the chains that bind, and for us to become an America that works again. Now this is not to suggest to merely work in the physical sense, but rather to use all of our senses to help ourselves, and this nation to be all that it can be. First we must identify, and work to break the mindset of those who still operate with the same mentality that the old plantation owners of the old south had. That mentality still exist to this day, and constantly empowering it is a problem, and a serious road block to progress or foward thinking.
The only person who can make America great again is each individual person. It most certainly isn't in electing the loosest cannon available , crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. There are no shortcuts. I believe innovation can be found in education, education, education. That is the surest road to success, not in sticking up hurdles against those already facing hurdles, merely to satisfy a base need for a sense of superiority over them. Empower one another. The next Steve Jobs could be a kid needing a free school lunch, or some food stamps. America was greater when it was more egalitarian. Be egalitarian again
. Placing all of it on Trump eh ? This didn't happen in the last 100 days sorry to say or sorry to burst your bubble so to speak.. Mr. Beale is right on target.
No, I placed it firmly on each individual. I was being a bit mocking of one man making America great again, that's all. America was truly great when it was more egalitarian
. Your right that Trump is but one man, however he is trying to convince us to break the chains that bind, and for us to become an America that works again. Now this is not to suggest to merely work in the physical sense, but rather to use all of our senses to help ourselves, and this nation to be all that it can be. First we must identify, and work to break the mindset of those who still operate with the same mentality that the old plantation owners of the old south had. That mentality still exist to this day, and constantly empowering it is a problem, and a serious road block to progress or foward thinking.

This would require that somehow Trump can allocate many billions of taxpayer dollar to scientists and their antarage to "lose". The free student loan money printing machine has been bypassing the scientific community totally so far.
Have any of you been around people who except no new thought or ideas, and so it's their way or the highway regardless of how good an idea is or how it could actually save thousands of dollars in the long haul ? Depending on how many of these types exist in the controlling aspects of our society, it then determines the stagnation that will occur as a result, and determines how rampant it runs in many areas.... It also can determine the amount of abuse that does occur in these areas of life just as well.

The problem within any of this stuff, is found within the tolerance of these things that hold us back, and how people become lost in the swamps of life within these areas... Then they end up slaving away for their masters in thought that they will never be able to free their minds from the bogg in which they have been placed in all depending on the circumstances of life.

If have ideas, there should be a way that they can be expressed freely, openly, and also submitted freely by a simple meeting of the same types of minds in unity, and then to have open ears willing to listen, to ponder, and to explore the many possibilities once again.

Class warfare, and regs implemented to protect classes of people, and their special interest has killed so much progress in America. That is a shame and disgrace is what it is or has become.

We as a nation can do better, and we should always be in search of that diomond in the rough no matter where or what level it lay upon. Trump spoke of modern airports, and a renewal of the minds in order to graduate many parts of our nation into the 21st century.
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How much of this is a constant hammering in our school system that "winners" are somehow antisocial and wrong. They've pushed collectivism so long, we no longer produce a plethora of original thinkers and dreamers.

It's not politically correct.
Can you tell me how you were held back in school by a systemic hatred of winners?

I was not as I went to school long before this PC bullpoop oozed into the school systems.
How much of this is a constant hammering in our school system that "winners" are somehow antisocial and wrong. They've pushed collectivism so long, we no longer produce a plethora of original thinkers and dreamers.

It's not politically correct.
Can you tell me how you were held back in school by a systemic hatred of winners?

I was not as I went to school long before this PC bullpoop oozed into the school systems.
I was raised to be a free thinker, in the schools I attended. My own children have very encountered a broad range of views themselves. I can't say their schools have brainwashed them in any way. I'm a centre left, my son is a hard right and my daughter is a leftist. Schools have enough to do without being nefarious political operatives, lol
Participation trophies for all.
They did that when I was a kid, and none of us were fooled that we had achieved anything. Kids aren't stupid. I doubt receiving such a thing would warp the initiative of any halfway sentient child
Participation trophies for all.
. Nothing wrong with participation trophies for all, just as long as they don't take away from the value of the winning trophy or the second place trophy. When participation trophies drag the winners down, then we all fall down in the end. Otherwise it's like at work where you are busting your butt, yet others are figuring out every way that they can to stand around gossiping at the water cooler, and in the process getting out of work every way that they can, and then getting the same pay as you are getting ? Bad situation that is. There are so many situations, and so many abuses.
How much of this is a constant hammering in our school system that "winners" are somehow antisocial and wrong. They've pushed collectivism so long, we no longer produce a plethora of original thinkers and dreamers.

It's not politically correct.
Can you tell me how you were held back in school by a systemic hatred of winners?

I was not as I went to school long before this PC bullpoop oozed into the school systems.
I was raised to be a free thinker, in the schools I attended. My own children have very encountered a broad range of views themselves. I can't say their schools have brainwashed them in any way. I'm a centre left, my son is a hard right and my daughter is a leftist. Schools have enough to do without being nefarious political operatives, lol
Yeah like being nafarious political operatives... :D

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