What is wrong with the African-American community


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This is crazy and it is flat-out inexcusable. And don't tell me this has anything to do with slavery, racism, oppression, etc. because you never saw this type of behavior from young men in the African-American community back in the 1940's and 1950's when segregation still existed and racism was much worse. Parents in that generation would have beaten their children senseless had they ever done something like this.

This is a black thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow African-American who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, rioting (such as Ferguson), engaging in black-on-black crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the black community. It is an epidemic and if the black community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.

Thug, 12, sucker-punched mentally challenged man: cops
This is crazy and it is flat-out inexcusable. And don't tell me this has anything to do with slavery, racism, oppression, etc. because you never saw this type of behavior from young men in the African-American community back in the 1940's and 1950's when segregation still existed and racism was much worse. Parents in that generation would have beaten their children senseless had they ever done something like this.

This is a black thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow African-American who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, rioting (such as Ferguson), engaging in black-on-black crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the black community. It is an epidemic and if the black community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.

Thug, 12, sucker-punched mentally challenged man: cops
Are you presuming that thuggish behavior is exclusive to the African-American community? Further, are you suggesting that laws be drafted that apply exclusively to the African-American community?

Perhaps you should rethink your position.
WELFARE CHECKS replaced daddy- daddy slept around to much, didn't stick around- had sex w/ other black "women", left etc etc etc. Jail, crime, gangs, drugs, liberalism, laziness, blame others.
Even more urgent: What is wrong with the white Appalachia community?

worst of all, they vote GOP because living such a miserable life isn't bad enough.
This is crazy and it is flat-out inexcusable. And don't tell me this has anything to do with slavery, racism, oppression, etc. because you never saw this type of behavior from young men in the African-American community back in the 1940's and 1950's when segregation still existed and racism was much worse. Parents in that generation would have beaten their children senseless had they ever done something like this.

This is a black thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow African-American who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, rioting (such as Ferguson), engaging in black-on-black crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the black community. It is an epidemic and if the black community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.

Thug, 12, sucker-punched mentally challenged man: cops

No doubt they will grow up to be politicians, mayors and the like!
This is crazy and it is flat-out inexcusable. And don't tell me this has anything to do with slavery, racism, oppression, etc. because you never saw this type of behavior from young men in the African-American community back in the 1940's and 1950's when segregation still existed and racism was much worse. Parents in that generation would have beaten their children senseless had they ever done something like this.

This is a black thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow African-American who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, rioting (such as Ferguson), engaging in black-on-black crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the black community. It is an epidemic and if the black community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.

Thug, 12, sucker-punched mentally challenged man: cops
Are you presuming that thuggish behavior is exclusive to the African-American community? Further, are you suggesting that laws be drafted that apply exclusively to the African-American community?

Perhaps you should rethink your position.

I haven't heard of a whole lot of white kids playing the knock out game..
Blacks are about the OG Shit. Delusions feeding their inexcusable behavior. Racism is dead and gone, blacks need to try harder. No excuses. We are post racial, aren't we? What is feeding the massive black on black homicides? A few bad white cop shootings? Um, why isn't huge black on black violence a focus of the black community? Racism, and a few bad white cops are just a diversion from the overall issue. Something is broken here.
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Are you presuming that thuggish behavior is exclusive to the African-American community? Further, are you suggesting that laws be drafted that apply exclusively to the African-American community?

Perhaps you should rethink your position.
Perhaps you shouldn't ask questions that incredible stupid. :laugh:
worst of all, they vote GOP because living such a miserable life isn't bad enough.
Only left-wing communities are third-world shit-holes, snowflake. Detroit had to file bankruptcy after 65+ years of a dumbocrat mayor, a Dumbocrat-controlled city council, and the most powerful unions in the world.
Blacks are about the OG Shit. Delusions feeding their inexcusable behavior. Racism is dead and gone, blacks need to try harder. No excuses. We are post racial, aren't we? What is feeding the massive black on black homicides? A few bad white cop shootings? Um, why isn't huge black on black violence a focus of the black community? Racism, and a few bad white cops are just a diversion from the overall issue. Something is broken here.

And if the black community can't fix it (and it appears they can't) - then the law should. Time to bring the hammer down on the head of these thugs and their parents.
Since when did any other culture come off as creeps or thugs as a saving grace? Blacks like to lecture on this but yet they still kill each other in huge numbers. Please. Profiling is a mere a ghost compared to horrors blacks actually commit. Racism is a mere ghost, a exaggeration of the hate crimes blacks have committed.
Low IQ's and high testosterone levels
Nah....not true at all. There are plenty of African-Americans with IQ's off the charts (Dr. Ben Carson and Collin Powell to name just a couple). And their testosterone levels aren't any higher than any other ethnicity.

They have a severe parenting problem in that community. As MaryL astutely pointed out - welfare has replaced the father. The family structure is in total disarray and living off of the government has removed the need and the drive to get their act together and strive for a future.
More education, science and infrastructure is needed in the african American community. ;) Like all others.
That's your idiotic answer to everything. Better roads doesn't prevent this thug from punching a mentally disabled man in the face.
Racism is a mere ghost, a exaggeration of the hate crimes blacks have committed.
And again...the idiotic screams of "racism" as the cause simply doesn't hold up when one considers that segregation actually existed - and racism was far worse - in the 1940's and 1950's, yet you didn't see this type of behavior from African-American youth. They were largely respectable young men back then and they worked hard.
I knew this old Hispanic guy, he served at Pearl harbor. He kind of drew me in, I saw his wife suffering from Alzheimer's .He pissed off some blacks kids, and they beat his dog to death. Really, so a old veteran with a dying wife, they kill his dog. Wow, it resonates with me even now. Poor blacks out of touch hurt people because they don't understand anything outside of them selves, but they get a freebie because they are black? I don't think so.
I knew this old Hispanic guy, he served at Pearl harbor. He kind of drew me in, I saw his wife suffering from Alzheimer's .He pissed off some blacks kids, and they beat his dog to death. Really, so a old veteran with a dying wife, they kill his dog. Wow, it resonates with me even now. Poor blacks out of touch hurt people because they don't understand anything outside of them selves, but they get a freebie because they are black? I don't think so.
It's too bad I wasn't there....I wouldn't have beaten those thugs to death. Literally. Would have enjoyed watching that dog bite them too while I was beating them to death.

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