What is Trump's actual economic plan? Anyone know?

I can't say what the world would be like today had Trump been our prez the last 4 or 8 years but Obama's failures are no reason to elect a financially successful political unknown with interesting hair and Reality TV creds.
You act like Trump came out of nowhere.....but the fact is Obama literally came out of nowhere

Politically that is exactly where Trump is from - nowhere - and do we really need to repeat the mistake of electing another of those?

Worse than re-electing the sort of GOP leadership that promised they'd change things when we gave 'em the Congress....

...yet, threw out the treaty provision in the Constitution when they signed on to allowing Obama to require a supermajority to stop the Iran treaty?


How could it be worse?
That is the price of fame and glory. Our democracy requires us to weed through the bias (and lies) and discern the truth.
The Donald has no political track record and none of service to anyone or anything but his private empire. Are you really ready to elect what's behind door #3 to the most important office on the planet?

Well, that worked really well with Obama, hmmmm?
Obama never worked a day in his life.....whereas Trump is a workaholic.
If you want to get things done.....you don't hire a lazy fuck.

Yeah, I get that but if the past 8 years has taught us nothing else it is that we must look past the shiny cover. To establish his creds Trump - more than any other candidate - will have to be very specific and upfront about more than just his disdain for others.

If only.

Doesn't seem to have proven successful as 65,915,796 pulled the wrong lever in 2012.
Do you really think that had the 65,915,796 voted for Donald Trump the United States and the world would be worse off today?
"I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University." - William F. Buckley, Jr.

I can't say what the world would be like today had Trump been our prez the last 4 or 8 years but Obama's failures are no reason to elect a financially successful political unknown with interesting hair and Reality TV creds.

I bet if it were Hillary vs Trump you'd vote Trump.
Trump has tapped into the anger and rage of the uneducated fearful old white people who are waiting for the 1950's to return, no real solutions just rage

And Obama tapped into the cluelessness of the woefully ill-educated low information bunch. What's your point?
you're such an idiot dude. why dont you take a break and look up what Canada's unemployment rate is RIGHT NOW?
it's HIGHER than what your Messiah is saying unemployment is here in America

grow up loser
I can't say what the world would be like today had Trump been our prez the last 4 or 8 years but Obama's failures are no reason to elect a financially successful political unknown with interesting hair and Reality TV creds.
I bet if it were Hillary vs Trump you'd vote Trump.

Which brings us back to my original premise ... that to establish his creds, Trump - more than any other candidate - will have to be very specific and upfront about more than just his disdain for others. I won't vote for whatever is behind door #3 and I can't stand Hillary.
I can't say what the world would be like today had Trump been our prez the last 4 or 8 years but Obama's failures are no reason to elect a financially successful political unknown with interesting hair and Reality TV creds.
You act like Trump came out of nowhere.....but the fact is Obama literally came out of nowhere

Politically that is exactly where Trump is from - nowhere - and do we really need to repeat the mistake of electing another of those?

Trump is a fiscal conservative but a liberal at heart.

He would actually make both sides happy.....and that is why the dickheads in power are after him so much. He would rain on their parade..sort of the way Sarah Palin would have.....only he has more experience.
Come on Kaz, we realize you hate Trump, but anyone with a search engine can find what his "STARTING POINT ECONOMICALLY" is!

Here, then, are just five of Donald Trump’s solutions for turning the nation around.

  1. Foreign Interventions Must Require Cost-Sharing Plans to Reduce U.S. Costs and Guarantee Veterans and Their Families Are Protected
“Money is itself a weapon,” writes Trump.

Before America spends trillions of dollars fighting other nations’ battles, Trump says the U.S. should implement cost-sharing agreements similar to the one advocated in a September 2010 Government Accountability Office (GAO) study to reduce the cost burden on U.S. taxpayers and provide funds for the families of fallen or wounded soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.

“It’s hardly a radical idea,” writes Trump. “In September 2010, our own GAO and others studied the issue in depth and concluded that a cost-sharing plan is feasible and wise. The report, titled “U.S. Cost-Sharing: Iraq Has a Cumulative Budget Surplus, Offering the Potential for Further Cost-Sharing” noted that the Iraqi government is running a $52.1 billion surplus. As Trump notes, director of the Defense Department’s Office of Net assessment Andrew Marshall, pointed out that oil revenues could also be used to offset the sticker price for U.S. intervention.

“Why are we footing the bill and getting nothing in return?” writes Trump. “I’ll give you the answer. It’s because our so-called ‘leaders’ in Washington know absolutely nothing about negotiations and dealmaking.”

  1. Pass NOPEC Legislation to Break OPEC’s Grip on Energy Prices
In Time to Get Tough, Trump advocated passage of the “No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act (NOPEC—S.394) which would amend the Sherman Antitrust Act to allow the U.S. government to sue OPEC for violating antitrust laws.

Trump notes the bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee four times with bipartisan backing, “and in May 2008, the NOPEC bill passed the House” before “President George W. Bush got spooked and threatened to veto the bill” over fears of “retaliatory action” with wars raging in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Passing NOPEC, wrote Trump, would have allowed the U.S. to bust up the OPEC cartel.

“Imagine how much money the average American would save if we busted the OPEC cartel. Imagine how much stronger economic shape we would be in if we made the Iraqi government agree to a cost-sharing plan that paid us back the $1.5 trillion we’ve dropped on liberating Iraq.”

Trump added, “Just those two acts of leadership alone would represent a huge leap forward for our country.”

  1. Crack Down on China’s Currency Manipulation by Calculating Taxes on Imports Based on How Much a Manufacturing Country’s Currency is Undervalued
Trump says he believes passionately in free trade, but only when the rules are fair and currency is properly valued. He cites a study by the Peterson Institute for International Economics that finds that even a 20 percent revaulation of Chinese currency would create 300,000 to 700,000 American jobs.

“Getting China to stop playing its currency charades can begin whenever we elect a president ready to take decisive action,” writes Trump. “[Obama] could start by signing into law a bill the U.S. House of Representatives approved on a 348 to 79 vote in September 2010. It would allow our government to calculate taxes on imports based on how much the manufacturing country’s currency is undervalued.”

Trump notes Obama’s then-Treasury Sec. Timothy Geithner warned such a move might spark a “trade war.”

“It’s the utter weakness and failure to fight for American interests from Geithner and Obama that have left us underwriting China’s economic rise and our own economic collapse,” writes Trump. “It’s a plain fact: free trade requires having fair rules that apply to everyone.”

  1. Spur Job and Wealth Creation through a 5-Point Tax Plan
“People are smart,” writes Trump. “They know you can’t be ‘for’ jobs and against those who create them.”

That, says Trump, is why America’s president should advocate for and win a five-point tax plan to spark economic growth and allow Americans to keep more of what they earn.

First, Trump says the U.S. must repeal the death tax. He cites a CBO study that found the death tax is a proven jobs killer that “will strip $1.6 trillion of small business capital out of the hands of job creators” and will result in a loss of 1.5 million new jobs.

Second, Trump says smart tax policy includes lowering the tax rate on capital gains and dividends. “Capitalism requires capital,” writes Trump. “When government robs capital from investors, it takes away the money that creates jobs.”

Third, Trump would reduce the corporate tax rate to zero. “How can we expect companies to hire American workers and locate their businesses in America when our government taxes them at exorbitant rates for doing so?” writes Trump. “I want to encourage American companies to stay here and hire American workers, and I want foreign companies to relocate their businesses to the United States and create jobs here.”

Fourth, Trump says he would impose a 20 percent tax on those who outsource jobs overseas. Trump says “for those companies who made the mistake of sending their businesses overseas but have seen the light and are ready to come home and bring jobs with them, they pay zero tax.”

Finally, Trump says its time to implement a fairer and simpler income tax:

  • Up to $30,000, you pay 1 percent
  • From $30,000 to $100,000, you pay 5 percent
  • From $100,000 to $1 million, you pay 10 percent
  • On $1 million or above, your rate is 15 percent
  1. Finish the Border Fence, Boot Out Criminal Illegals, and Reform America’s Legal Immigration System
Trump cites a 2011 GAO study that found America’s prisons house 351,000 criminal aliens who committed crimes after illegally entering America. “The GAO says that the annual price tag to incarcerate these thugs is $1.1 billion. And get this: criminal aliens have an average of seven arrests.” He says criminal illegal aliens must go.

In addition to specific reforms for America’s legal immigration system, Trump says the Commander-in-Chief must enforce existing immigration laws and finish the border fence.

Citing several studies, Trump says “properly built walls work. We just need the political will to finish the job.”

Trump’s Time to Get Tough lays out several more detailed conservative policy reforms, including cracking down on entitlement fraud, ending Obamacare, and reforming America’s ever-growing welfare state. As he puts it, America needs “a safety net, not a hammock.”

Put simply, GOP establishment figures eager to dismiss Trump’s candidacy do so at their peril. Like it or not, Donald Trump has serious policy plans to offer—and the star power and savvy to make them heard.

Now anyone want to talk about them, let's go!
Why do the wealthiest in the US who are "wealthier than Canada" need even more money to allegedly create more jobs. Canada has a lot of jobs as a country; how many jobs total does Canada have that the wealthiest in the US could not create since they are "richer than Canada".

Let's see, you, personally, have virtually NOTHING, and the HUMAN SPIRIT, along with what was once known as the American Dream created people with DRIVE, DETERMININATION, and, shall I call it the Entrepreneurial Spirit to actually BETTER themselves, through hard work, showing others that their WORK, and ETHIC is better than the next guy, and the push to achieve....others, like you LOVE FREE SHIT! I believes that wraps you and yours up in a nice little ball!
still nothing relevant? your propaganda and rhetoric is simply that. why so lazy to have a clue and a Cause and a valid argument to show for it. is it easier to say and not do, Person on the Right.

Why do the wealthiest in the US who are "wealthier than Canada" need even more money to allegedly create more jobs. Canada has a lot of jobs as a country; how many jobs total does Canada have that the wealthiest in the US could not create since they are "richer than Canada".

Is Only the Right too clueless and too Causeless to believe we should already have a jobs boom with all of the wealth flowing up?

once again you choose to make a fool of yourself. you are comparing apples to oranges; a country of 35 million to a country of 330 million.

you are nothing but an idiot

just a silly fool who loves to rant about the "lazy" wealthy, but seems to have all day to embarrass himself being a useful dupe for failed left-wing ideology
Practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy are simply that. Job 34:30 applies. Any more fallacies, original and habitual, sinners?

Why do you believe the wealthiest in the US who are "worth more than Canada" need even more money to allegedly create jobs; and, not Only that, why do we not have a job boom already.

However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 34.6% to 37.1%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 87.7%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36.1% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11.1% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the 1% and the 99%.[19][20][21] During the economic expansion between 2002 and 2007, the income of the top 1% grew 10 times faster than the income of the bottom 90%. In this period 66% of total income gains went to the 1%, who in 2007 had a larger share of total income than at any time since 1928.--Source: Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Come on Kaz, we realize you hate Trump, but anyone with a search engine can find what his "STARTING POINT ECONOMICALLY" is!

Here, then, are just five of Donald Trump’s solutions for turning the nation around.

  1. Foreign Interventions Must Require Cost-Sharing Plans to Reduce U.S. Costs and Guarantee Veterans and Their Families Are Protected
“Money is itself a weapon,” writes Trump.

Before America spends trillions of dollars fighting other nations’ battles, Trump says the U.S. should implement cost-sharing agreements similar to the one advocated in a September 2010 Government Accountability Office (GAO) study to reduce the cost burden on U.S. taxpayers and provide funds for the families of fallen or wounded soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.

“It’s hardly a radical idea,” writes Trump. “In September 2010, our own GAO and others studied the issue in depth and concluded that a cost-sharing plan is feasible and wise. The report, titled “U.S. Cost-Sharing: Iraq Has a Cumulative Budget Surplus, Offering the Potential for Further Cost-Sharing” noted that the Iraqi government is running a $52.1 billion surplus. As Trump notes, director of the Defense Department’s Office of Net assessment Andrew Marshall, pointed out that oil revenues could also be used to offset the sticker price for U.S. intervention.

“Why are we footing the bill and getting nothing in return?” writes Trump. “I’ll give you the answer. It’s because our so-called ‘leaders’ in Washington know absolutely nothing about negotiations and dealmaking.”

  1. Pass NOPEC Legislation to Break OPEC’s Grip on Energy Prices
In Time to Get Tough, Trump advocated passage of the “No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act (NOPEC—S.394) which would amend the Sherman Antitrust Act to allow the U.S. government to sue OPEC for violating antitrust laws.

Trump notes the bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee four times with bipartisan backing, “and in May 2008, the NOPEC bill passed the House” before “President George W. Bush got spooked and threatened to veto the bill” over fears of “retaliatory action” with wars raging in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Passing NOPEC, wrote Trump, would have allowed the U.S. to bust up the OPEC cartel.

“Imagine how much money the average American would save if we busted the OPEC cartel. Imagine how much stronger economic shape we would be in if we made the Iraqi government agree to a cost-sharing plan that paid us back the $1.5 trillion we’ve dropped on liberating Iraq.”

Trump added, “Just those two acts of leadership alone would represent a huge leap forward for our country.”

  1. Crack Down on China’s Currency Manipulation by Calculating Taxes on Imports Based on How Much a Manufacturing Country’s Currency is Undervalued
Trump says he believes passionately in free trade, but only when the rules are fair and currency is properly valued. He cites a study by the Peterson Institute for International Economics that finds that even a 20 percent revaulation of Chinese currency would create 300,000 to 700,000 American jobs.

“Getting China to stop playing its currency charades can begin whenever we elect a president ready to take decisive action,” writes Trump. “[Obama] could start by signing into law a bill the U.S. House of Representatives approved on a 348 to 79 vote in September 2010. It would allow our government to calculate taxes on imports based on how much the manufacturing country’s currency is undervalued.”

Trump notes Obama’s then-Treasury Sec. Timothy Geithner warned such a move might spark a “trade war.”

“It’s the utter weakness and failure to fight for American interests from Geithner and Obama that have left us underwriting China’s economic rise and our own economic collapse,” writes Trump. “It’s a plain fact: free trade requires having fair rules that apply to everyone.”

  1. Spur Job and Wealth Creation through a 5-Point Tax Plan
“People are smart,” writes Trump. “They know you can’t be ‘for’ jobs and against those who create them.”

That, says Trump, is why America’s president should advocate for and win a five-point tax plan to spark economic growth and allow Americans to keep more of what they earn.

First, Trump says the U.S. must repeal the death tax. He cites a CBO study that found the death tax is a proven jobs killer that “will strip $1.6 trillion of small business capital out of the hands of job creators” and will result in a loss of 1.5 million new jobs.

Second, Trump says smart tax policy includes lowering the tax rate on capital gains and dividends. “Capitalism requires capital,” writes Trump. “When government robs capital from investors, it takes away the money that creates jobs.”

Third, Trump would reduce the corporate tax rate to zero. “How can we expect companies to hire American workers and locate their businesses in America when our government taxes them at exorbitant rates for doing so?” writes Trump. “I want to encourage American companies to stay here and hire American workers, and I want foreign companies to relocate their businesses to the United States and create jobs here.”

Fourth, Trump says he would impose a 20 percent tax on those who outsource jobs overseas. Trump says “for those companies who made the mistake of sending their businesses overseas but have seen the light and are ready to come home and bring jobs with them, they pay zero tax.”

Finally, Trump says its time to implement a fairer and simpler income tax:

  • Up to $30,000, you pay 1 percent
  • From $30,000 to $100,000, you pay 5 percent
  • From $100,000 to $1 million, you pay 10 percent
  • On $1 million or above, your rate is 15 percent
  1. Finish the Border Fence, Boot Out Criminal Illegals, and Reform America’s Legal Immigration System
Trump cites a 2011 GAO study that found America’s prisons house 351,000 criminal aliens who committed crimes after illegally entering America. “The GAO says that the annual price tag to incarcerate these thugs is $1.1 billion. And get this: criminal aliens have an average of seven arrests.” He says criminal illegal aliens must go.

In addition to specific reforms for America’s legal immigration system, Trump says the Commander-in-Chief must enforce existing immigration laws and finish the border fence.

Citing several studies, Trump says “properly built walls work. We just need the political will to finish the job.”

Trump’s Time to Get Tough lays out several more detailed conservative policy reforms, including cracking down on entitlement fraud, ending Obamacare, and reforming America’s ever-growing welfare state. As he puts it, America needs “a safety net, not a hammock.”

Put simply, GOP establishment figures eager to dismiss Trump’s candidacy do so at their peril. Like it or not, Donald Trump has serious policy plans to offer—and the star power and savvy to make them heard.

Now anyone want to talk about them, let's go!
Why do the wealthiest in the US who are "wealthier than Canada" need even more money to allegedly create more jobs. Canada has a lot of jobs as a country; how many jobs total does Canada have that the wealthiest in the US could not create since they are "richer than Canada".

Let's see, you, personally, have virtually NOTHING, and the HUMAN SPIRIT, along with what was once known as the American Dream created people with DRIVE, DETERMININATION, and, shall I call it the Entrepreneurial Spirit to actually BETTER themselves, through hard work, showing others that their WORK, and ETHIC is better than the next guy, and the push to achieve....others, like you LOVE FREE SHIT! I believes that wraps you and yours up in a nice little ball!
still nothing relevant? your propaganda and rhetoric is simply that. why so lazy to have a clue and a Cause and a valid argument to show for it. is it easier to say and not do, Person on the Right.

Why do the wealthiest in the US who are "wealthier than Canada" need even more money to allegedly create more jobs. Canada has a lot of jobs as a country; how many jobs total does Canada have that the wealthiest in the US could not create since they are "richer than Canada".

Is Only the Right too clueless and too Causeless to believe we should already have a jobs boom with all of the wealth flowing up?

once again you choose to make a fool of yourself. you are comparing apples to oranges; a country of 35 million to a country of 330 million.

you are nothing but an idiot

just a silly fool who loves to rant about the "lazy" wealthy, but seems to have all day to embarrass himself being a useful dupe for failed left-wing ideology
Practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy are simply that. Job 34:30 applies. Any more fallacies, original and habitual, sinners?

Why do you believe the wealthiest in the US who are "worth more than Canada" need even more money to allegedly create jobs; and, not Only that, why do we not have a job boom already.

However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 34.6% to 37.1%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 87.7%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36.1% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11.1% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the 1% and the 99%.[19][20][21] During the economic expansion between 2002 and 2007, the income of the top 1% grew 10 times faster than the income of the bottom 90%. In this period 66% of total income gains went to the 1%, who in 2007 had a larger share of total income than at any time since 1928.--Source: Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

things are not fallacies just because you never learned to be man enough to accept them. i little while ago you were crying about all the jobs in canada, asking why we dont have as many jobs here.
when i pointed out to you that canada's unemployment rate RIGHT NOW IS HIGHER than what obama and democrats are saying unemployment is here RIGHT NOW, you had nothing to say
The social left has a plan; for free.

Do we have to give billions in tax breaks for a plan from the Capital Right.

Only when you fucking fools want to STEAL it! What happens when your socialist plan runs out?

When is the right going to realize they are the stockholders of the Capital Right.

You make absolutely no motherfuckingsensewhatsoever.

He's Canadian, you know

Oh, 'nuff said. Probably high 24/7.
How is a hard work ethic even valued under Capitalism when unearned income is Taxed less than Earned Income.

Unearned income is taxed more than earned income because it's a second tax on the same money
The interviews I heard from the so called straight talking Trump were as much hand waiving as any other politician. He's for jobs. No shit, who isn't? He'll create them. How can government create jobs when it only destroys economic value? It can only stop destroying them. He'll run the government like a company. Um...the government doesn't create a product.

No idea what any of that actually means in terms of his policies. A lot of people like that he's pissing off the left and the liberal media. He's also going after establishment hacks like McCain, which works for me as long as he stays away from his military record. But I vote for plans, and so far Trump has offered me zero, just like all the rest of them.

Trump doesn't need to tell anyone his plans so that the media can make up lies about it.

I'm not sure what you mean by he doesn't need to. Clearly he doesn't legally need to. Many of us are sick of all talk Republicans who do like W and when given the actual chance go on a spending orgy instead and won't support any Republican without it.

I'm not seeing what you said as anything but a truism
The interviews I heard from the so called straight talking Trump were as much hand waiving as any other politician. He's for jobs. No shit, who isn't? He'll create them. How can government create jobs when it only destroys economic value? It can only stop destroying them. He'll run the government like a company. Um...the government doesn't create a product...

The gov't does produce services (often poorly and always inefficiently) and therefore can (and should) be operated more like a company but you are correct in your assessment of Trump. He reminds me of people who write those "vanity press" books and then promote them at various Internet forums like USMB.

Companies aren't about producing services, they are about producing value. Services are part of that equation. Without competition or profit, comparing government to running a company is like comparing a lion and a koala because they both have hair and noses
When is the right going to realize they are the stockholders of the Capital Right.

You make absolutely no motherfuckingsensewhatsoever.

He's Canadian, you know

Oh, 'nuff said. Probably high 24/7.
How is a hard work ethic even valued under Capitalism when unearned income is Taxed less than Earned Income.

Unearned income is taxed more than earned income because it's a second tax on the same money
Why do you believe that? Doesn't someone have to "earn" money first.
You make absolutely no motherfuckingsensewhatsoever.

He's Canadian, you know

Oh, 'nuff said. Probably high 24/7.
How is a hard work ethic even valued under Capitalism when unearned income is Taxed less than Earned Income.

Unearned income is taxed more than earned income because it's a second tax on the same money
Why do you believe that? Doesn't someone have to "earn" money first.

That's what I just said, Dudley Do-Right

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