What if Global Warming is a Scam?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Granny worried...
Mar 29,`14 -- If you have already read "12 Pieces of Practical Advice from Housecats," now you can move on to "8 Reasons to Worry about Global Warming."
A United Nations panel of scientists is joining the list craze with what they call eight "key risks" that are part of broader "reasons for concern" about climate change. It's part of a massive report on how global warming is affecting humans and the planet and how the future will be worse unless something is done about it. The report is being finalized at a meeting this weekend by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

They assembled the list to "make it understandable and to illustrate the issues that have the greatest potential to cause real harm," the report's chief author, Chris Field of the Carnegie Institution of Science in California, said in an interview. But a draft of the list - called by the acronym RFCs - includes science-heavy language, caveats and uses lowercase Roman numerals, for example using iv instead of 4.

A boiled-down version of what the scientists say the warmed-up future holds for Earth if climate change continues:

1. Coastal flooding will kill people and cause destruction.

2. Some people will go hungry because of warming, drought and severe downpours.

3. Big cites will be damaged by inland flooding.

4. Water shortages will make the poor even poorer in rural areas.

5. Crazy weather, like storms, can make life miserable, damaging some of the things we take for granted, like electricity, running water and emergency services.

6. Some fish and other marine animals could be in trouble, which will probably hurt fishing communities.

7. Some land animals won't do much better and that's not good for people who depend on them.

8. Heat waves, especially in cities, will kill the elderly and very young.

So far, the scientists haven't come up with the next step, common on Facebook pages: The interactive quiz to determine which global warming problem you most resemble.

News from The Associated Press
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:....Watch this.....

A history of the disastrous global warming hoax


By Alan Caruba


"It is the greatest deception in history and the extent of the damage has yet to be exposed and measured," says Dr. Tim Ball in his new book, "The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science."

Dr. Ball has been a climatologist for more than forty years and was one of the earliest critics of the global warming hoax that was initiated by the United Nations environmental program that was established in 1972 and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) established in 1988.

Several UN conferences set in motion the hoax that is based on the assertion that carbon dioxide (CO2) was causing a dramatic surge in heating the Earth. IPCC reports have continued to spread this lie through their summaries for policy makers that influenced policies that have caused nations worldwide to spend billions to reduce and restrict CO2 emissions. Manmade climate change – called anthropogenic global warming – continues to be the message though mankind plays no role whatever.

There is no scientific support for the UN theory.

CO2, despite being a minor element of the Earth's atmosphere, is essential for all life on Earth because it is the food that nourishes all vegetation. The Earth has passed through many periods of high levels of CO2 and many cycles of warming and cooling that are part of the life of the planet.

"Science works by creating theories based on assumptions," Dr. Ball notes, "then other scientists – performing their skeptical role – test them. The structure and mandate of the IPCC was in direct contradiction of this scientific method. They set out to prove the theory rather than disprove it."

"The atmosphere," Dr. Ball notes, "is three-dimensional and dynamic, so building a computer model that even approximates reality requires far more data than exists and much greater understanding of an extremely turbulent and complex system." No computer model put forth by the IPCC in support of global warming has been accurate, nor ever could be.

Most of the reports were created by a small group of men working within the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia and all were members of the IPCC. The result was "a totally false picture supposedly based on science."

The revelations of emails between the members of the CRU were made available in 2009 by an unknown source. Dr. Ball quotes Phil Jones, the Director of the CRU at the time of the leaks, and Tom Wigley, a former director addressing other CRU members admiting that "Many of the uncertainties surrounding the cause of climate change will never be resolved because the necessary data are lacking."

The IPCC depended upon the public's lack of knowledge regarding the science involved and the global warming hoax was greatly aided because the "mainstream media bought into and promoted the unproven theory. Scientists who challenged were denied funding and marginalized. National environmental policies were introduced based on the misleading information" of the IPCC summaries of their reports.

"By the time of the 2001 IPCC Third Assessment Report, the politics and hysteria about climate change had risen to a level that demanded clear evidence of a human signal," notes Dr. Ball. "An entire industry had developed around massive funding from government. A large number of academic, political, and bureaucratic careers had evolved and depended on expansion of the evidence. Environmentalists were increasing pressure on the public and thereby politicians."

The growing problem for the CRU and the entire global warming hoax was that no clear evidence existed to blame mankind for changes in the climate and still largely unknown to the public was the fact that the Earth has passed through many natural cycles of warmth and cooling. If humans were responsible, how could the CRU explain a succession of ice ages over millions of years?

The CRU emails revealed their growing concerns regarding a cooling cycle that had begun in the late 1990s and now, some seventeen years later, the Earth is in a widely recognized cooling cycle.

Moreover, the hoax was aimed at vast reductions in the use of coal, oil, and natural gas, as well as nuclear power to produce the electricity on which all modern life depends. There was advocacy of solar and wind power to replace them and nations undertook costly programs to bring about the reduction of the CO2 "fossil fuels" produced and spent billions on the "green" energy. That program is being abandoned.

At the heart of the hoax is a contempt for mankind and a belief that population worldwide should be reduced. The science advisor to President Obama, John Holdren, has advocated forced abortions, sterilization by introducing infertility drugs into the nation's drinking water and food, and other totalitarian measures. "Overpopulation is still central to the use of climate change as a political vehicle," warns Dr. Ball.

Given that the environmental movement has been around since the 1960s, it has taken decades for the public to grasp its intent and the torrents of lies that have been used to advance it. "More people," notes Dr. Ball, "are starting to understand that what they're told about climate change by academia, the mass media, and the government is wrong, especially the propaganda coming from the UN and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."

"Ridiculous claims – like the science is settled or the debate is over – triggered a growing realization that something was wrong." When the global warming advocates began to tell people that cooling is caused by warming, the public has realized how absurd the entire UN climate change argument has been.

Worse, however, has been "the deliberate deceptions, misinformation, manipulation of records and misapplying scientific method and research" to pursue a political objective. Much of this is clearly unlawful, but it is unlikely that any of those who perpetrated the hoax will ever be punished and, in the case of Al Gore and the IPCC, they shared a Nobel Peace Prize!

We are all in debt to Dr. Ball and a score of his fellow scientists who exposed the lies and debunked the hoax; their numbers are growing with thousands of scientists signing petitions and participating in international conferences to expose this massive global deception.
A history of the disastrous global warming hoax
Come on GLOBAL WARMISTS, or isn't it now GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE who promote this shit so that you leftist assholes with college degrees in a USELESS field of study, can keep getting those GRANTS from the liberal governments all over the world, and the liberal politicians can keep filtering BILLIONS of dollars a year to you and the windmill/solar crowd, and get those HUGE POLITICAL DONATIONS back from those pricks???? Hard to refute what actually happens, but, I must admit, all the truly smart people that KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE, are afraid to say something because the leftist lapdog media will call them climate deniers, and other such foolish things, that the vast majority of 2 digit IQ voters will take in as the truth.... 50+ years of subversives running our education system has produced a population of mind numb robots!
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What if?

Well, we all know that continents are drifting and sooner or later there will be UN report that proves it's man made. That would be good enough reason for new taxes and anyone who is against it will be called a denier. Oh, and Al Gore will receive his second Oscar.
What if Manmade Global warming is a scam? It is a scam. The climate has always changed.
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Global Warming isn't a hoax, but not caused by human beings as well. It are natural cycles beyond our control. But even then is it necessary to look for alternative energy resources since fossil fuels will not last long in the way we (mis)use them.
Global Warming isn't a hoax, but not caused by human beings as well. It are natural cycles beyond our control. But even then is it necessary to look for alternative energy resources since fossil fuels will not last long in the way we (mis)use them.
When you have been here long enough, you'll understand. When someone posts "Global Warming" they are talking about how mankind is causing it. They could care less that the climate changes, or that there is no such thing as an 'average' Earth climate that we "MUST" maintain. Its all about taking money from people.
Climate hysteric suggests arresting 'deniers'

This sort of thing parodies itself, for obvious reasons. The toxicity of Adam Weinstein's rant against people who disagree with him on climate change lies in his total disregard for the First Amendment and his belief that a court in Italy that found some scientists guilty for misleading the public about the severity of an earthquake sets a "precedent" for American justice.
Whew! What a stinker:

Man-made climate change happens. Man-made climate change kills a lot of people. It's going to kill a lot more. We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people's deaths. It's time to punish the climate-change liars.

This is an argument that's just being discussed seriously in some circles. It was laid out earlier this month, with all the appropriate caveats, by Lawrence Torcello, a philosophy professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

There is a clear precedent, Torcello says, in L'Aquila, Italy, where six seismologists were convicted of manslaughter in connection with a 2009 earthquake that killed 309 people. The scientists weren't convicted because they failed to predict an earthquake; no one can make such a prediction with reliable precision. But they were convened to study a series of tremors the week before the quake, and tacitly signed off on a government official's public message that "the situation looks favorable" and residents should chill out with some wine.

Their "inexact, incomplete and contradictory information," the court found, contributed to the residents' fatal lack of preparations for bigger tremors.
Note: After assuring us that it is impossible to predict an earthquake, he points to an Italian court case where a judge convicted some scientists for...not predicting an earthquake. This is his "clear precedent" for arresting people he considers climate change "deniers."

Who exactly would be prosecuted?
Let's make a clear distinction here: I'm not talking about the man on the street who thinks Rush Limbaugh is right, and climate change is a socialist United Nations conspiracy foisted by a Muslim U.S. president on an unwitting public to erode its civil liberties.
You all know that man. That man is an idiot. He is too stupid to do anything other than choke the earth's atmosphere a little more with his Mr. Pibb burps and his F-150's gassy exhaust. Few of us believers in climate change can do much more—or less—than he can.
Nor am I talking about simple skeptics, particularly the scientists who must constantly hypo-test our existing assumptions about the world in order to check their accuracy. That is part and parcel of the important public policy discussion about what we do next.
But there is scientific skepticism... and there is a malicious, profiteering quietist agenda posturing as skepticism. There is uncertainty about whether man-made climate change can be stopped or reversed... and there is the body of purulent pundits, paid sponsors, and corporate grifters who exploit the smallest uncertainty at the edges of a settled science.
I'm talking about Rush and his multi-million-dollar ilk in the disinformation business. I'm talking about Americans for Prosperity and the businesses and billionaires who back its obfuscatory propaganda. I'm talking about public persons and organizations and corporations for whom denying a fundamental scientific fact is profitable, who encourage the acceleration of an anti-environment course of unregulated consumption and production that, frankly, will screw my son and your children and whatever progeny they manage to have.
Those malcontents must be punished and stopped.
Ooooh..."punished AND stopped." Arrested and whipped? Probably not, but with someone who thinks Italian jurisprudence carries any weight in American courts, you never know.
Go ahead and read the whole thing if you wish. It's fairly obvious Mr. Weinstein has little knowledge of what skeptics truly believe. Perhaps he might want to write a follow up article on climate change advocates who live in terror of losing their jobs and government grants if they publish anything that goes against the dominant scientific "consensus." There is no room for skepticism among global warming advocates today, which is why many of us think climate change advocacy more resembles a religious faith than it does science.

This sort of thing parodies itself, for obvious reasons. The toxicity of Adam Weinstein's rant against people who disagree with him on climate change lies in his total disregard for the First Amendment and his belief that a court in Italy that found some scientists guilty for misleading the public about the severity of an earthquake sets a "precedent" for American justice.

Whew! What a stinker:

Blog: Climate hysteric suggests arresting 'deniers'
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Wonder how many Americans could have had FREE health care with the money wasted by the Manchurian muslim on this PONZI SCAM, that put millions BACK into the DNC's pocket through DONATIONS by these failed companies??? Waiting for the Moonbats spin on this! This list is only through Julty2012!

Below is a list of energy companies backed by President Barack Obama and funded by the American people that have failed. President Obama has wasted tax payer money on these companies and he wants you to re-elect him so he can give you more of the same.
Being the ideologue that he is, he WONT back down from funding more fake (meaning they have never proven themselves profitable or actually have made a product that works)

.Solar Trust of America: FAIL - Filed Bankruptcy in Oakland, CA, April 3, 2012 – On April 2, 2012

Bright Source: FAIL - Bright Source warned Obama’s Energy Department officials in March 2011 that delays in approving a $1.6 billion U.S. loan guarantee would embarrass the White House and force the solar-energy company to close. Lost Billions of dollars but Getting More Money To Keep Trying. Can you say, “This isnt working?”

Solyndra: FAIL - Obama gave Solyndra $500,000,000 in taxpayer money and Solyndra shut its doors and laid off 1100 workers in August 2011 After Billions in Losses due to failure to make a solar product that works!

LSP Energy: FAIL - LSPEnergy LP filed bankruptcy protection and a sale of its assets in Feb 2012

Energy Conversion Devices: FAIL – On February 14, 2012 Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. and its subsidiaries filed for bankruptcy

Abound Solar: FAIL - Abound Solar received a $400 million loan guarantee from Barack Obama announced in June, 2012 that it would file for bankruptcy

SunPower: FAIL – SunPower stopped producing solar cells last year at near bankruptcy restructured only with help of, get this, oil giant TOTAL who owns 60% stake. Irony! Still

Beacon Power: FAIL – Beacon Power Corp filed for bankruptcy Oct 2011 just a year after Obama approved $43 million loan Government loan guarantee

Ecotality: FAIL - ECOtality, a San Francisco green-tech company that never earned any money on the verge of bankruptcy after receiving roughly $115 million in two loan guarantees from Obama

A123 Solar: FAIL-A123 received $279 million from taxpayers thanks to President Obama’sDepartment of Energy loan guarantees and after Solyndra bankruptcy is getting another $500M from Obama and it has lost $400M

UniSolar: FAIL - Uni-Solar filed for Ch 11 bankruptcy in June 20 this year laid off hundreds got more Obama money still failing but still in business

Azure Dynamics: FAIL - Azure Dynamics files for bankruptcy in June ter millions in Obama “Stimulus”

Evergreen Solar: FAIL - Evergreen Solar received $527 Million in Taxpayer money from Obama filed bankruptcy

Ener1: FAIL received more than $100 million in government funding from the Obama administration filed for bankruptcy January 2012

Update: In May 2012 Obama visited a dusty, desert town 30 miles outside Las Vegas Wednesday to declare he’s doubling down on failed federal efforts to boost the solar industry which has NEVER proven to produce a single working product. Like Socialism, no evidence ot works, but they just keep doubling down on the failed ideals!.

Anyone care to add more to this list, please do!
Great post.

If anyone out there that believes global warming is a hoax had a brain they might wonder where all the funding to make people believe so is coming from. If it's simply a hoax, spreading facts is free.

I dare any "hoax" moron to look up the amount of money spent by Corporations to influential people to state, "It's not a fact"

I'm not taking a side either way. But to see the Koch brothers fund low ranked scientists to say "it's not a fact" vs the 95% of scientists who say it's a fact looks pretty shady. Note, the scientist that was against global warming didn't say it's a hoax, they stated there wasn't enough evidence to prove it. But that's politics.

If you want your party to win you have to agree with the stupid for the greater good, (R)ight?
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