What do you think about blue lives matter?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

These folks have shown that they support racist job quotas..

This person strollingbones has made assumptive and racist remarks see the above …but let’s give them a chance to clear things up same thing with moonbat… I noticed posters like this almost never actually read the entire original post or if they do they don’t care because their responses are usually personal attacks or one or two sentence responses that don’t even respond to the subject matter. This is a big-time problem with so many Democrats in the country today. Let’s give them all a chance in this thread

what do folks think about blue lives matter? . One might disagree with various organizations that support blue lives matter. I get it ….But I can’t imagine how anybody disagrees with the idea because the idea is it’s about the lives of police officers ….whether they’re black, whether they’re white, whether they’re a man whether they’re a woman. Well that is honorable right there there’s no denying that it destroys the racial lines that it destroys the sexist lines.

These types of people who decide to take the career path of law-enforcement and become a police officer in this country. …well I think that’s quite honorable but I don’t know about these two above and I don’t know about a lot of fellow people who claim to be Democrats. They sure talk a big game about fighting racism let’s see what they’re made of.

These folks have shown that they support racist job quotas..

This person strollingbones has made assumptive and racist remarks see the above …but let’s give them a chance to clear things up same thing with moonbat… I noticed posters like this almost never actually read the entire original post or if they do they don’t care because their responses are usually personal attacks or one or two sentence responses that don’t even respond to the subject matter. This is a big-time problem with so many Democrats in the country today. Let’s give them all a chance in this thread

what do folks think about blue lives matter? . One might disagree with various organizations that support blue lives matter. I get it ….But I can’t imagine how anybody disagrees with the idea because the idea is it’s about the lives of police officers ….whether they’re black, whether they’re white, whether they’re a man whether they’re a woman. Well that is honorable right there there’s no denying that it destroys the racial lines that it destroys the sexist lines.

These types of people who decide to take the career path of law-enforcement and become a police officer in this country. …well I think that’s quite honorable but I don’t know about these two above and I don’t know about a lot of fellow people who claim to be Democrats. They sure talk a big game about fighting racism let’s see what they’re made of.
Being a policeman is not the issue

The issue is, who are you protecting?

For example, if you are a police officer at the Capital you can shoot to kill, even if people are unarmed.

There will be no investigation, and your name will be left out of the news so that you and your family don't get death threats as you will be hailed a hero by all in the media.

But if you are in a CVC being looted and you shoot someone unarmed, then your life and career will soon be over as Lebron James is Tweeting "Your next" with your family needing to be put in a witness protection program from all the death threats.
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Being a policeman is not the issue

The issue is, who are you protecting?

For example, if you are a police officer at the Capital you can shoot to kill, even if people are unarmed.

There will be no investigation, and your name will be left out of the news so that you and your family don't get death threats as you will be hailed a hero by all in the media.

But if you are in a CVC being looted and you shoot someone unarmed, then your life and career will soon be over.
Il explain my position. I’m just talking about police in general. I believe that all police in general should be trusted. And I stand by the idea of blue lives matter. If I am just at the mall and I meet somebody and whatever their skin color is whatever however they look like whether they’re a man or woman and they tell me that they’re a police officer …I would thank them. Or I would at least say that’s pretty honorable because right now police officers are hated by the mass media in many regards. They are severely disliked maybe I should say instead of the word hatred…. but they are severely disliked by a lot of rich organizations wealthy organizations in this country that talk a big game about helping poor people but don’t.

Any person anywhere in the country that uses power to Try and crush people or that uses power to use violence against people whether there a police officer, whether there a teacher , a union member , an employee whether they are a politician well that’s wrong ….and they should pay for that.
Ok I agree

Do you support a black man who chooses to be a police officer?
I know of one. He says that he gets called an Uncle Tom about every day..............unless you are a black police officer guarding the Capital building where all the important people are.

But I think I covered that.
I’m against stay at home boyfriends I just think it’s a really bad look for the world. But I greatly admire a woman who chooses to be a police officer. Especially a woman who is raising children I think that’s extraordinarily honorable.

I was raised by two middle-class parents my mom and dad who both worked really hard blue-collar jobs and I went to school when I was a young kid when they were off working I was sent to daycare. And what this does is actually it’s very good for economy it helps support these daycare centers.
I know of one. He says that he gets called an Uncle Tom about every day..............unless you are a black police officer guarding the Capital building where all the important people are.

But I think I covered that.
Well that’s disgraceful that he gets called and uncle Tom. And it’s probably the BLM supporters doing that to him. As for the police at Capitol Hill … I thought I already covered this response by saying people in positions of power who abuse power should be held accountable. But I’ll give another response …well if some capitol police were corrupt or if they did bad things they have to be held accountable. So I agree with you my friend

I actually saw though there was one black police officer there on j 6 who was wearing a make America great again hat. And for doing so he lost his pension after 22 years on the job. So that’s a problem that’s discrimination against that police officer it’s really anti-American and disgraceful.

I was brought up to support the police, support unions , support firefighters. And That’s how generations of Americans have been brought up in this country that’s what makes our country so great and honorable.
You are judging a book by its cover..dangerous at best
Who are you talking to. Hey brother please quote who you’re talking to. Well anytime I see a teacher, anytime I see a fire fighter, a doctor a nurse a police officer I think that person has chose a very honorable career path. I was always brought up to respect these types of people as were so many generations of Americans.

I know we live in a different society today compared to the past …today to many Americans are on drugs(United States government is to blame for this in large part for legalizing marijuana all over the country), they’re eating way too much fast food, they’re watching all the wrong things on TV that is influencing them to think the wrong way. So I know we live in a different country than we used to ….but there’s still so many people in this country who care about the right things like helping out disabled people helping out charitable organizations…. helping out poor people starving in Africa. It’s about doing the right thing my friend so many people that only in America are doing that but many people around the world are doing that.
Of course police lives matter. All lives matter, we are all Gods children.
I agree with you that all lives matter, but I stop short of the god business.

That doesn't mean that white America should be deliberately trying to make light of black people's attempts to make the point that their lives matter too.

You deliberately doing just that, brings up the question of what kind of a god you have pretended to devote yourself to?

You need to free yourself from your turmoil and then look at choosing the right god.

These folks have shown that they support racist job quotas..

This person strollingbones has made assumptive and racist remarks see the above …but let’s give them a chance to clear things up same thing with moonbat… I noticed posters like this almost never actually read the entire original post or if they do they don’t care because their responses are usually personal attacks or one or two sentence responses that don’t even respond to the subject matter. This is a big-time problem with so many Democrats in the country today. Let’s give them all a chance in this thread

what do folks think about blue lives matter? . One might disagree with various organizations that support blue lives matter. I get it ….But I can’t imagine how anybody disagrees with the idea because the idea is it’s about the lives of police officers ….whether they’re black, whether they’re white, whether they’re a man whether they’re a woman. Well that is honorable right there there’s no denying that it destroys the racial lines that it destroys the sexist lines.

These types of people who decide to take the career path of law-enforcement and become a police officer in this country. …well I think that’s quite honorable but I don’t know about these two above and I don’t know about a lot of fellow people who claim to be Democrats. They sure talk a big game about fighting racism let’s see what they’re made of.
I think....





Officers Paul Watts and Simon Russell are heroes

Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be known as the Children of God.

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