We Are All Cherokees Now


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Blood Quantum be damned. We don't need no stinking blood quantum!

In what can only be described as one of the most spectacular backfires in political history... Lizzie Warren's latest forray into world of genetic lineage in an attempt to establish some forlorn Native American connection has not produced the expected result of promoting her political career.

Aside from the fact that her usage of a close acquaintance to do the genetic research gives the appearance of a biased scientific result we are asked to believe that the rather unfocused estimate of 6 to 10 generations of descendancy is foggy enough to deflect all questions about whether or not such genetic concentrations even constitute a real identity.

Having once before raised the ire of the American Indian Nation when she was running for the Senate it would seem she should have learned her lesson the first time. If the entire point of this exercise was to gain some type of foot hold for the 2020 presidential race I think we can say with a fair amount of Surety it failed miserably.

Her most Ardent supporters will point out that all she ever sought to do was establish a connection which they feel she did successfully. Perhaps this is true.

However the overarching question here is why did it ever become an issue in the first place? if we are to trust the results of the tests that she has submitted for public perusal we find nothing remarkable about her blood concentrations that are not shared by literally millions of other Americans that make no such claim to a Native American Heritage.

If indeed her only intention was to establish the connection and nothing more then why even mention it?

No instead it would seem that she was searching for a way to distinguish herself.
When it was pointed out to her that there really is nothing to feel distinguished about the conflagration began and the fued was on. This is a battle she cannot win because regardless of her intentions it has placed her squarely at odds with the very same people she seeks to connect to.

Not only are they upset at what they perceive to be the theft of their heritage they are also apparently aggrieved by what they see as blatant, politically motivated opportunism at the expense of an already beleaguered minority.

But take heart dear brethren! It would seem that there is after all something bold and exciting here for everyone! According to the new politically correct standards for such things it would appear that we are all Cherokees now!

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I just wonder how this raving loon got elected to the US Senate. Can't even Massachusetts do better than that?

True, that is a state that is filled with loons, but there ought to be more intelligent, more rational, more honest loons, even there, than this Pocahontas/SnowWhite Fraud.
I just wonder how this raving loon got elected to the US Senate. Can't even Massachusetts do better than that?

True, that is a state that is filled with loons, but there ought to be more intelligent, more rational, more honest loons, even there, than this Pocahontas/SnowWhite Fraud.

You know away back when before politics corrupted her Liz Warren was a genuine social Warrior. She did a pretty good job pointing out the disparities between the Upper Crust of our society and culture and the beleaguered lower classes. It is unfortunate that Washington DC corrupts everything that it touches because there was a time when I would have told you "listen to this woman .. She knows what she's talking about"! Alas it would seem she has lost her way and surrendered to personal ambition.

I no longer recognize her as the woman I first saw fighting for the little guy and for a better future for all.

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Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event


I think you have it backwards.... DNA evidence was not rejected it was embraced and that's the problem. Cool Photoshop though!

She may have just blown her chance at winning the D nomination, with this dumb stunt.

A friend of mine from New York City says that the word is in the political circles down there that Schumer would like to behead her for not waiting until after the November elections.
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event


The DNA proved that Warren is not American Indian. You must be talking about her cheekbones
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event


The DNA proved that Warren is not American Indian. You must be talking about her cheekbones

The problem with her supporters and the ones trying to defend what really is indefensible is that they can't seem to decide exactly what it was she was trying to do with the DNA testing.

If she was seeking to establish herself as just another one of 380 million American citizens she did that.

The question remains why did she need a DNA test to do that with?

So then ultimately they will have to admit she was seeking some type of Distinction.
The problem is.... it's just not there.

I just wonder how this raving loon got elected to the US Senate. Can't even Massachusetts do better than that?

True, that is a state that is filled with loons, but there ought to be more intelligent, more rational, more honest loons, even there, than this Pocahontas/SnowWhite Fraud.

She is a very intelligent women. That is how.
A friend of mine from New York City says that the word is in the political circles down there that Schumer would like to behead her for not waiting until after the November elections.
I'm a democrat here in the NYC area...while no one is "feed her to the lions" mad they are saying some pretty outrageous things [do you think she was bribed?] ["is she in this for herself"] and the most heard complaint ["why on earth now"?]...most [not all] democrats are pretty upset with her here.
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

Who are liberals to talk of scientific DNA, when they spout nonsense as there being 50 genders instead of two?
Blood Quantum be damned. We don't need no stinking blood quantum!

In what can only be described as one of the most spectacular backfires in political history... Lizzie Warren's latest forray into world of genetic lineage in an attempt to establish some forlorn Native American connection has not produced the expected result of promoting her political career.

Aside from the fact that her usage of a close acquaintance to do the genetic research gives the appearance of a biased scientific result we are asked to believe that the rather unfocused estimate of 6 to 10 generations of descendancy is foggy enough to deflect all questions about whether or not such genetic concentrations even constitute a real identity.

Having once before raised the ire of the American Indian Nation when she was running for the Senate it would seem she should have learned her lesson the first time. If the entire point of this exercise was to gain some type of foot hold for the 2020 presidential race I think we can say with a fair amount of Surety it failed miserably.

Her most Ardent supporters will point out that all she ever sought to do was establish a connection which they feel she did successfully. Perhaps this is true.

However the overarching question here is why did it ever become an issue in the first place? if we are to trust the results of the tests that she has submitted for public perusal we find nothing remarkable about her blood concentrations that are not shared by literally millions of other Americans that make no such claim to a Native American Heritage.

If indeed her only intention was to establish the connection and nothing more then why even mention it?

No instead it would seem that she was searching for a way to distinguish herself.
When it was pointed out to her that there really is nothing to feel distinguished about the conflagration began and the fued was on. This is a battle she cannot win because regardless of her intentions it has placed her squarely at odds with the very same people she seeks to connect to.

Not only are they upset at what they perceive to be the theft of their heritage they are also apparently aggrieved by what they see as blatant, politically motivated opportunism at the expense of an already beleaguered minority.

But take heart dear brethren! It would seem that there is after all something bold and exciting here for everyone! According to the new politically correct standards for such things it would appear that we are all Cherokees now!

FACT: My dna shows I am somewhere from full native American to not at all.
I just wonder how this raving loon got elected to the US Senate. Can't even Massachusetts do better than that?

True, that is a state that is filled with loons, but there ought to be more intelligent, more rational, more honest loons, even there, than this Pocahontas/SnowWhite Fraud.

You know away back when before politics corrupted her Liz Warren was a genuine social Warrior. She did a pretty good job pointing out the disparities between the Upper Crust of our society and culture and the beleaguered lower classes. It is unfortunate that Washington DC corrupts everything that it touches because there was a time when I would have told you "listen to this woman .. She knows what she's talking about"! Alas it would seem she has lost her way and surrendered to personal ambition.

I no longer recognize her as the woman I first saw fighting for the little guy and for a better future for all.

Upper Crust like the Kennedy Family? Where they can even kill people and get away with it?

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