War Drums: U.S. Sends Ships, Planes To Persian Gulf As Tension Mounts...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
The United States has quietly moved significant military reinforcements into the Persian Gulf to deter the Iranian military from any possible attempt to shut the Strait of Hormuz and to increase the number of fighter jets capable of striking deep into Iran if the standoff over its nuclear program escalates.

The deployments are part of a long-planned effort to bolster the American military presence in the gulf region, in part to reassure Israel that in dealing with Iran, as one senior administration official put it last week, “When the president says there are other options on the table beyond negotiations, he means it.”

But at a moment that the United States and its allies are beginning to enforce a much broader embargo on Iran’s oil exports, meant to force the country to take seriously the negotiations over sharply limiting its nuclear program, the buildup carries significant risks, including that Iran’s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps could decide to lash out against the increased presence.

The most visible elements of this buildup are Navy ships designed to vastly enhance the ability to patrol the Strait of Hormuz — and to reopen the narrow waterway should Iran attempt to mine it to prevent Saudi Arabia and other oil exporters from sending their tankers through the vital passage...

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Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.
“When the president says there are other options on the table beyond negotiations, he means it.”

Wow! Now just gonna sit back and wait for all the lefties posting about our terrible war mongering president.
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

There is a difference between flexing your muscles and an unprovoked invasion resulting in 5000 American deaths
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

'Party Before Country.' That sums it up for the Obamabot Dems on this Board. They'll defend anything their Dear Leader/Democrats do. They're only 'Anti-War' when the other side has the power. Right now, Obamabot Dems are the biggest Chickenhawk assholes in the country. But same ole same ole i guess. Nothing ever changes.
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

There is a difference between flexing your muscles and an unprovoked invasion resulting in 5000 American deaths

How is Obama paying for this? More blood for oil? What did Iran do to us?
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Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

'Party Before Country.' That sums it up for the Obamabot Dems on this Board. They'll defend anything their Dear Leader/Democrats do. They're only 'Anti-War' when the other side has the power. Right now, Obamabot Dems are the biggest Chickenhawk assholes in the country. But same ole same ole i guess. Nothing ever changes.

"'Party Before Country", would describe both sides of the aisle and to deny it is pure BS.
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

There is a difference between flexing your muscles and an unprovoked invasion resulting in 5000 American deaths

How is Obama paying for this? More blood for oil? What did Iran do to us?

Basic mission of the US Navy.....keep the shipping lanes open

It is paid for by US Tax dollars....just like we always pay for defense
Iran has done nothing to us and we have done nothing to them. Just repositioned some ships



We use taxes to pay for wars. Only a moron would cut taxes to pay for a war

Wait.......the Republicans did it
Big Government Globalists are Big Government Globalists. It doesn't matter whether they call themselves Democrats or Republicans. They're the same entity in the end. And right now, Big Government Globalists rule both Political Parties. Chickenhawk Warmongering is an old Bipartisan pastime for sure. It is what it is.
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

There is a difference between flexing your muscles and an unprovoked invasion resulting in 5000 American deaths

Oh please, How many times have I heard lefties like you attack a Republican president for doing nothing more than sending a Fleet somewhere to flex our muscles.

You have no credibility at all dude, Anyone who has watched your posts for any length of time knows you are a complete Hypocrite on this issue.
My disdain for the Libs who love Obama for what they hate Republicans for aside.

I actually am glad to hear were doing this. I fear though it's to little to late. Not going to do much good to have our Fleet sitting there when Iran tests there first Live Nuke.

I have been saying for Months now, the time for Sanctions and shows of Force in the Gulf are over. Either we take decisive Action against their Nuke program now, or by the time were Swearing in Obama or Romney in Jan they will be dealing with a Nuclear Iran.

The Window is closing.
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

There is a difference between flexing your muscles and an unprovoked invasion resulting in 5000 American deaths

Oh please, How many times have I heard lefties like you attack a Republican president for doing nothing more than sending a Fleet somewhere to flex our muscles.

You have no credibility at all dude, Anyone who has watched your posts for any length of time knows you are a complete Hypocrite on this issue.

Show me posts where Bush was attacked just for repositioning his fleet. Show me a major left wing commentator who ever attacked Bush for repositioning his fleet. You can't because it didn't happen

Bush was attacked for lying to start an unprovoked war and abandoning the war on terrorism to attack Iraq
Numerous reports I have read claim that Iran's economy is on the verge of crumbling thanks in a big part by the sanctions that have been in place.
A war with Iran would cause gas/oil prices to explode. let alone the concept of such as war expanding though out the ME.
As we all know, the US economy is very fragile now, do we really want to go to war over at this point? Is this a wag the tail moment?
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The problem with Bush was not that he was attacked from the left for his use of military force but that he was not attacked enough

After 9-11, Bush was given unlimited freedom to do what he thought necessary to fight terrorism. Bush abused the trust the american people placed in him and used it as an excuse to invade Iraq

Left wing politicians and left wing media should have forcefully attacked the shoddy evidence of a threat from Iraq. Instead they fell for the Rightwing.....you are not patriotic if you don't support an Iraq invasion.....anyone who speaks against invading Iraq is soft on terrorism

The left let down the American people.....the right just doesn't know any better
There is a difference between flexing your muscles and an unprovoked invasion resulting in 5000 American deaths

Oh please, How many times have I heard lefties like you attack a Republican president for doing nothing more than sending a Fleet somewhere to flex our muscles.

You have no credibility at all dude, Anyone who has watched your posts for any length of time knows you are a complete Hypocrite on this issue.

Show me posts where Bush was attacked just for repositioning his fleet. Show me a major left wing commentator who ever attacked Bush for repositioning his fleet. You can't because it didn't happen

Bush was attacked for lying to start an unprovoked war and abandoning the war on terrorism to attack Iraq

OMG dude, I am not going to play your Game. It's Par for the Course. When A Republican Moves a Fleet he is interfering with other countries Business and being a warmonger.

When a Democrat does it, he is being Responsible.

You people make me sick.

Been happening since way before Bush 2 fool.
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

'Party Before Country.' That sums it up for the Obamabot Dems on this Board. They'll defend anything their Dear Leader/Democrats do. They're only 'Anti-War' when the other side has the power. Right now, Obamabot Dems are the biggest Chickenhawk assholes in the country. But same ole same ole i guess. Nothing ever changes.

Let me remind you of how wrong you are. The entire country (Democrats and Republicans) was behind the effort to kill or capture those responisble for 9-11. The invasion of Afghanistan was supported by most all Democrats in Congress. So the other side had the power and Democrats supported them.

Nothing ever changes for partisans that's for sure. Lie as much as possible and hope nobody challenges the lies.

Most of the folks I know that are anti-war are are not in either party.

Personally I think it's abominable to use drone strikes on unknown targets, As well as attacking first reponders an initial attack. We are making more terrorist to fight later.
Obama is the perfect president to have in place to get some warmongering done.

Obamabots never question anything he does, Bushbots love the idea of blowing up countries filled with muslims. Hell he's already bombed a half dozen countries, and normally they oil. Why not bomb Iran?

Just make up some bs reason like their ships were too close or they broke one of father UN's rules and voila, you have full support from both party members.

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