War Drums: U.S. Sends Ships, Planes To Persian Gulf As Tension Mounts...

No, Russia and China were hardly on board then- not for war with Iran now, that's OCD ADD Pub dupe idiocy. We might have to bomb the hell out of their nukes someday if they're terminally stupid- and there's still no evidence they've decided to build a bomb. The Russians are watching over their nuke program, and the Ruskies are totally against their bomb.
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You stupid piece of white trash, Saddam started the entire war between us when he invaded Kuwait....maybe you were stoned in the 90s.

The Taliban's support for UBL before and after 9/11 led to them getting their ass pounded.

Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

There is a difference between flexing your muscles and an unprovoked invasion resulting in 5000 American deaths

The invasion of Kuwait took place ten years earlier.

Hussein was contained and had not been a threat to anyone in ten years
You're the typical idiot on the internet talking out your ass about things you don't have a clue about.

Russian scientists are helping Iran get nuclear bombs and they are giving them SAMs to protect their nuke sites from us and Israel.

Russia and China are right there with Iran as the worst 3 countries on this planet, not counting North Korea.

Fucking idiots like you in the 1930s caused WWII because you were defending Hitler and talking about how innocent the Germans were.:cuckoo:

No, Russia and China were hardly on board then- not for war with Iran now, that's OCD ADD Pub dupe idiocy. We might have to bomb the hell out of their nukes someday if they're terminally stupid- and there's still no evidence they've decided to build a bomb. The Russians are watching over their nuke program, and the Ruskies are totally against their bomb.
You just admitted Saddam started the entire war.

Bush Jr just restarted it when Saddam wouldn't stop supporting terrorists attacking Israel and he wouldn't prove his WMD program was gone.

The US military never left flying over Iraq, dumbfuck.

You stupid piece of white trash, Saddam started the entire war between us when he invaded Kuwait....maybe you were stoned in the 90s.

The Taliban's support for UBL before and after 9/11 led to them getting their ass pounded.

There is a difference between flexing your muscles and an unprovoked invasion resulting in 5000 American deaths

The invasion of Kuwait took place ten years earlier.

Hussein was contained and had not been a threat to anyone in ten years
You stupid piece of white trash, Saddam started the entire war between us when he invaded Kuwait....maybe you were stoned in the 90s.

The Taliban's support for UBL before and after 9/11 led to them getting their ass pounded.

There is a difference between flexing your muscles and an unprovoked invasion resulting in 5000 American deaths

The invasion of Kuwait took place ten years earlier.

Hussein was contained and had not been a threat to anyone in ten years

:lol: You and your fellow Dems opposed that War because an 'R' was in there. Remember? Seriously, who do you think you're fooling? Your Chickenhawk Warmongering is actually pretty funny. Do you really believe your own Bullshit?
You stupid piece of white trash, Saddam started the entire war between us when he invaded Kuwait....maybe you were stoned in the 90s.

The Taliban's support for UBL before and after 9/11 led to them getting their ass pounded.

The invasion of Kuwait took place ten years earlier.

Hussein was contained and had not been a threat to anyone in ten years

:lol: You and your fellow Dems opposed that War because an 'R' was in there. Remember? Seriously, who do you think you're fooling? Your Chickenhawk Warmongering is actually pretty funny. Do you really believe your own Bullshit?

That's odd

I supported the liberation of Kuwait. Last I heard, Daddy Bush had an R after his name
Actually, it was isolationist Pubs who let Hitler run wild. Also ruined the League of nations and started THAT depression that gave rise to militarists in Germany and Japan....always a disaster....

Iran hasn't attacked anyone in 2000 years.
Actually, it was isolationist Pubs who let Hitler run wild. Also ruined the League of nations and started THAT depression that gave rise to militarists in Germany and Japan....always a disaster....

Iran hasn't attacked anyone in 2000 years.

So despite the fact that FDR entered office before Hitler gained power and had office until almost the end of the war, only to be replaced by Truman, it's somehow the Republicans who are to blame for Hitler?

Congratulations. You've reached a new low for the board.
BTW Bush was highly criticized by the left and the media for repositioning the fleet near Iraq prior to the start of hostilities because he was "Escalating tensions" when the weapons inspectors might succeed.
BTW Bush was highly criticized by the left and the media for repositioning the fleet near Iraq prior to the start of hostilities because he was "Escalating tensions" when the weapons inspectors might succeed.

That is interesting

Can you provide a link?
Oil War, anybody on the Left? How about Halliburton? Anybody on the Left... Feel free to make the same nonsensical points you made when Bush was POTUS. Your silence IS deafening.
Oil War, anybody on the Left? How about Halliburton? Anybody on the Left... Feel free to make the same nonsensical points you made when Bush was POTUS. Your silence IS deafening.

Is there any question that keeping the Straits of Hormuz open is about oil? Keeping shipping lanes open is a mission of the Navy
The invasion of Kuwait took place ten years earlier.

Hussein was contained and had not been a threat to anyone in ten years

:lol: You and your fellow Dems opposed that War because an 'R' was in there. Remember? Seriously, who do you think you're fooling? Your Chickenhawk Warmongering is actually pretty funny. Do you really believe your own Bullshit?

That's odd

I supported the liberation of Kuwait. Last I heard, Daddy Bush had an R after his name

Sure ya did. Sure ya did. :eusa_liar:
You stupid piece of white trash, Saddam started the entire war between us when he invaded Kuwait....maybe you were stoned in the 90s.

The Taliban's support for UBL before and after 9/11 led to them getting their ass pounded.

Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

There is a difference between flexing your muscles and an unprovoked invasion resulting in 5000 American deaths

So you consider Kuwait sovereign US territory? Perhap you'd care to expound upon the mutual defense pact we had with Kuwait at the time instead. Opps, we didn't have one. Perhap if President Bush had responded to Saddams questions about the brewing crisis with something like, "If you invade Kuwait we will treat it as an attack on America itself" Instead of directing the embassador to say "We have no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts" there would have been no invasion of Kuwait at all.

But you can have a giant military without a giant military threat. Enter the new Hitler........ and a nice defense budget bump as well.
The problem with Bush was not that he was attacked from the left for his use of military force but that he was not attacked enough

After 9-11, Bush was given unlimited freedom to do what he thought necessary to fight terrorism. Bush abused the trust the american people placed in him and used it as an excuse to invade Iraq

Left wing politicians and left wing media should have forcefully attacked the shoddy evidence of a threat from Iraq. Instead they fell for the Rightwing.....you are not patriotic if you don't support an Iraq invasion.....anyone who speaks against invading Iraq is soft on terrorism

The left let down the American people.....the right just doesn't know any better

Imbecile, there were some clandestine services from 14-15 countries whose reports concurred with the CIA that saddam had WMD.

Second, there are questions about the possible transfer of such weapons outside the country prior to the invasion. Turn off the rachel maddow talking point BS and wake up.
:lol: You and your fellow Dems opposed that War because an 'R' was in there. Remember? Seriously, who do you think you're fooling? Your Chickenhawk Warmongering is actually pretty funny. Do you really believe your own Bullshit?

That's odd

I supported the liberation of Kuwait. Last I heard, Daddy Bush had an R after his name

Sure ya did. Sure ya did. :eusa_liar:

Sure I did, sure I did

I also supported baby Bush in his invasion of Afghanistan. I only jumped ship when he abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
The problem with Bush was not that he was attacked from the left for his use of military force but that he was not attacked enough

After 9-11, Bush was given unlimited freedom to do what he thought necessary to fight terrorism. Bush abused the trust the american people placed in him and used it as an excuse to invade Iraq

Left wing politicians and left wing media should have forcefully attacked the shoddy evidence of a threat from Iraq. Instead they fell for the Rightwing.....you are not patriotic if you don't support an Iraq invasion.....anyone who speaks against invading Iraq is soft on terrorism

The left let down the American people.....the right just doesn't know any better

Imbecile, there were some clandestine services from 14-15 countries whose reports concurred with the CIA that saddam had WMD.

Second, there are questions about the possible transfer of such weapons outside the country prior to the invasion. Turn off the rachel maddow talking point BS and wake up.

Complete bullshit

Notice how none of those countries and the UN did not support the Bush invasion? Hans Blix told him there were no WMDs and he could prove it if he had more time. Bush invaded so that he could not be proven wrong

Biggest blunder in US history

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