US/Taliban Sign historic peace deal

America joins the loser category, along with the Greeks, British, and Russians, for failing to conquer the Afghan people and exiting the country with tail tucked between its legs. .. :cool:
The people living there are the losers. A good percentage want a good life. But the ones who have their idealism fight on and on and on.
Its pretty stupid to expect terrorists to like us.

Obama unilaterally dropped sanctions and sent them a plane load of cash and they still chanted "Death to America".

In exchange for inspections of their nuclear sites...but you guys leave that part out.

Obama didn't act Unilaterally. He worked in Conjunction with the UK, France, Germany, Russia and China to get that deal, which also included us returning Iranian money we were illegally holding.

Was it a perfect deal? Nope. Was it a good deal? Yup.

Now Trump has fucked that deal up, our other partners are going to trade with Iran anyway, and they are free to make nukes.

This by you was a good idea, was it?
Obama and Hillary destabilized the middle east. Whatever the issues of wars with W. Bush we lived with that. Obama creating millions of refugees was insane. Seemed like a perma war move for us to be in over there. When it comes to Iran, was Israel a happy camper about it? Whether you like them or not, they are the ones who will be in the cross hairs first if anything goes wrong.
The people living there are the losers. A good percentage want a good life. But the ones who have their idealism fight on and on and on.
Typical neocon nonsense. ... :cool:

Afghan's are a proud people who love their life and culture.

Mohammad Gulab, the Afghan citizen who helped Marcus Luttrell of "Lone survivor" fame, was offered American citizenship but refused to leave his country..
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I don’t care about their feelings. Just as long as they fear us.

They have little reason to fear us if we whimp out and turn the country over to them.

Is this "Opposites Day"?

Obama watched with his thumb up his ass as ISIS grew their Caliphate from nothing and funded Iranian terrorists while Libtards clapped like grinder monkeys.

Trump destroyed the Caliphate and stopped funding Irans IEDs that were blowing up American soldiers while Democrats plotted their coup attempt.

You're really shameless.

Yawn, buddy. None of this would have been a problem to start with had Bush not invaded Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

ISIS wasn't our problem and we had very little to do with ending it.

We outsourced that to Iran, and now we are whining that Iran is in charge of Iraq and Syria now.

They have every reason to fear us if they attack us again, especially on our own soil.
The people living there are the losers. A good percentage want a good life. But the ones who have their idealism fight on and on and on.
Typical neocon nonsense. ... :cool:

Afghan's are a proud people who love their life and culture.

Mohammad Gulab, the Afghan citizen who helped Marcus Luttrell of "Lone survivor" fame, was offered American citizenship but refused to leave his country..
I am not a war monger. I am tired of it. I am tired of being over there.
Were the Afghans included?
Did you think the Taliban were Swedish?
Totally legit question answered with an asinine question in response. The peace deal is more of a glorified way of saying the US is (somewhat) pulling out. I am very skeptical about peace in Afghanistan, and so are the Afghans. The Taliban will not change and any gains since throwing their communist ideology out of the country will return.

"The news came days after the United States and Taliban revealed that their second round of peace negotiations would likely result in an agreement being signed. The voices and concerns of ordinary Afghan citizens have been excluded from each process, yet both have deep implications for the future of Afghanistan and its people."

"The exclusion of the Afghan people, especially minority groups and women, in both the government and in negotiations between the Taliban and the US, undermines integration efforts. If it continues, the dream of sustainable peace will remain impossible for the people of Afghanistan."

With Peace Deal Looming and Election Results Announced, Where Are the Afghan People?
Hussein tried it. He even gave a date for U.S. Troop withdrawal but he never followed up and it only gave the jihad time to recruit more kids, similar to LBJ calling it quits in Vietnam. President Trump was serious and whether the agreement will hold is now the responsibility of whatever Afghan regime is in power.
Planet changer for the better to get the first world class terrorist nut cases to possibly behave. That instantly lessens the abilities and strengths of the other wack jobs, may encourage them to behave better also. A stable middle east is a big time world changer for the better.
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Planet changer for the better to get the first world class terrorist but cases to possibly behave. That instantly lessens the abilities and strengths of the other wack jobs, may encourage them to behave better also. A stable middle east is a big time world changer for the better.

The Soviet Union was run out of Afghanistan. That changed nothing. Running us out isn't going to change anything either even though its the right thing for us to do.
Obama and Hillary destabilized the middle east. Whatever the issues of wars with W. Bush we lived with that. Obama creating millions of refugees was insane. Seemed like a perma war move for us to be in over there. When it comes to Iran, was Israel a happy camper about it? Whether you like them or not, they are the ones who will be in the cross hairs first if anything goes wrong.

Uh, guy, let's get real.

Bush invaded Iraq with no reason. That destabilized the middle east. What did Obama and Hillary do that compared?

They went along with the Arab Spring? That was happening no matter what they did.

I could care less what happens to the fucking Zionist Entity.

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